GLIMPSES OF THE GOD-MAN MEHER BABA Volume V (January 1 – March 6, 1954) By Bal Natu An Avatar Meher Baba Trust eBook June 2011 Copyright © 1987 by Avatar Meher Baba Perpetual Public Charitable Trust, Ahmednagar, India Source: This eBook reproduces the original edition of Glimpses of the God-Man, Meher Baba, Volume V, published by Sheriar Press (North Myrtle Beach, South Carolina) in 1987. eBooks at the Avatar Meher Baba Trust Web Site The Avatar Meher Baba Trust’s eBooks aspire to be textually exact though non-facsimile reproductions of published books, journals and articles. With the consent of the copyright holders, these online editions are being made available through the Avatar Meher Baba Trust’s web site, for the research needs of Meher Baba’s lovers and the general public around the world. Again, the eBooks reproduce the text, though not the exact visual likeness, of the original publications. They have been created through a process of scanning the original pages, running these scans through optical character recognition (OCR) software, reflowing the new text, and proofreading it. Except in rare cases where we specify otherwise, the texts that you will find here correspond, page for page, with those of the original publications: in other words, page citations reliably correspond to those of the source books. But in other respects—such as lineation and font—the page designs differ. Our purpose is to provide digital texts that are more readily downloadable and searchable than photo facsimile images of the originals would have been. Moreover, they are often much more readable, especially in the case of older books, whose discoloration and deteriorated condition often makes them partly illegible. Since all this work of scanning and reflowing and proofreading has been accomplished by a team of volunteers, it is always possible that errors have crept into these online editions. If you find any of these, please let us know, by emailing us at [email protected]. The aim of the Trust’s online library is to reproduce the original texts faithfully. In certain cases, however—and this applies especially to some of the older books that were never republished in updated versions—we have corrected certain small errors of a typographic order. When this has been done, all of these corrections are listed in the “Register of Editorial Alterations” that appears at the end of the digital book. If you want the original text in its exact original form, warts and all, you can reconstruct this with the aid of the “register.” The Trust’s Online Library remains very much a work in progress. With your help and input, it will increase in scope and improve in elegance and accuracy as the years go by. In the meantime, we hope it will serve the needs of those seeking to deepen and broaden their own familiarity with Avatar Meher Baba’s life and message and to disseminate this good news throughout the world. GLIMPSES of the GOD-MAN MEHER BABA i Avatar Meher Baba in a railway compartment at Vijayawada on the last day of His Andhra Darshan Tour March 4, 1954 ii GLIMPSES of the GOD-MAN MEHER BABA VOLUME V (JANUARY 1 - MARCH 6, 1954) BAL NATU Sheriar Press iii ©Copyright 1987, Avatar Meher Baba Perpetual Public Charitable Trust, Ahmednagar, M. S., India. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be rep roduced, translated, or t ransmitted in any form without permission in writing from the Avatar Meher Baba Perpetual Public Charitable Trust, King's Road, Ahmednagar, M. S. 414001, India, excepting brief quotes embodied in critical articles and reviews. Cover drawing of Meher Baba in Cannes, 1937, by Ran o Gayley. ©Copyright 1987, Avatar Meher Baba Perpetual Public Charitable Trust. Printed in the Un ited States o f America by Sheriar Press, Inc., 3005 Highway 17 ByPass North, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina 29577. Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data: Natu, Bal, 1919- Glimpses of the God-Man, Meher Baba. Vol. 2 published in Bom bay, India by Meher House Publications. Vol. 3 published in Myrtle Beach, S.C. by Sheriar Press. Includes bibliographical references. 1. Meher Baba, 1894-1969. 2. Religious biography—India. I. Title. BP610.M432N37 1977 299'.93 [B] 79-913293 ISBN 0-913078-44-1 (Sheriar: pbk.: v. 3) Books by the same author: Glimpses of the God-Man, Meher Baba Vol. I (1943-1948) Vol. II (Jan. 1949-Jan. 1952) Vol. III (Feb. 1952-Feb. 1953) Vol. IV (February-December 1953) Vol. V (January 1-March 6, 1954) Books compiled by the same author: Avatar Meher Baba Bibliography 1927 to February 1978 Our Constant Companion Showers of Grace iv To the Loving and Abiding Presence of the God-Man, Meher Baba v vi ACKNOWLEDGMENTS First things first: my deepest g ratitude to Avata r Meher Baba for the blessed opportunity given m e in sharing His life stories with others. It is m y pleasurable dut y to gratefully acknowledge the permission given by the Chairman, Avatar Meher Baba Trust, to reprint published m aterial, the co pyright of which is totally vested with the Avatar Meher Ba ba Perpetual Public Charitable Trust, Ahmednagar, India. For the same reason, my thanks are also due to the Univer sal Spiritual League in Am erica, Inc.; Avatar's Abode Trust, W oombye, Queensland., Australia; Meher Baba Foundation, Beacon Hill, N.S.W., Australia; Jean Adriel and the Beguine Library, Berkeley, California, U.S.A.; to Rano Gayley for the drawing of Meher Baba used on the cover; and to Sri A. K. Kasthuri for Me her Baba's picture used as a frontispiece. My sincere thanks to the late Francis Brabazon for various quotes taken from his books; to Darwin Shaw for his permission to use the excerpt from his article, "A Birthday Remembrance"; to Josephine Esther Ross for her poem; to K. K. Ram akrishnan for his "Rem iniscences" published in Divya Vani; to Keshav Nigam for his notes ; to Filis Fre derick, the editor of "The Awakener"; to Mrs. Freiny Nalavala, the editor of "Glow International"; and also to Sheriar Press, Inc. for publishing this book: Glimpses of the God-Man, Meher Baba, Vol. V. Kishan Singh was allowed to accompany Baba on His darshan visits in February 1954 to Hamirpur District and Andhra. At Baba's instruction he kept a diary of the events of these tours and this was m y main source for checking dates, incidents and messages. It was a Baba joke th at when I was looking for this diary, I most unexpectedly received a Xeroxed copy of it through Bruce Ecker of Berkeley, California, U.S.A.; my earnest thanks to the late Kishan Singh and also to Bruce. vii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS It is always a great delight to acknowledge debts and record our heartfelt thanks to f riends who have helped in finishing any project. In this case for the account of Meher Baba' s Hamirpur visit, my cordial thanks go to R. S. Si ngh Baghel, Janak Singh, and the Nigams. For reporting of Meher Baba' s visit to Andhra, I am indebted to Y. Manikyala Rao, B. Bhaskara Raju, V. Rama Rao, Chinta Sarva Rao, A. V. Raghavulu, Najoo Kotwal and others. There are som e good frie nds who preferred to remain unnamed, so I silently extend my warm thanks to them all. It is very hard for me to express sufficiently m y deep a nd hearty thanks to Steve Klein who very cheerfully help ed me over a period of three years in preparing this volum e. Steve assisted me in every aspect—com piling and verifying information, correspondence, tape recording stories from Baba lovers, and the full editing process. From the first draft, through the additions and deletions, to th e final version, he unstintingly typed and retyped. For the enorm ous task which he undertook, my Baba-size thanks to Steve. Steve's wife, Daphne Klein, meticulously proofread the final text, and suggested im portant stylistic changes. I feel ind ebted to her for this help rendered in Baba' s love. My special thanks also to M eredith Klein, Laurel Ma grini, and Mark Keller for their loving assistance during various phases of work on this volume. Eruch Jessawala personally read and made im portant suggestions for the m anuscripts of the earlier four volum es of Glimpses. This tim e, because of his vision problem s, he graciously agreed to listen to the text as Steve Klein read it out to him. I am grateful to Eruch for his m ost appropriate and useful suggestions, comments, a nd corrections; and especially for his loving encouragem ent and valuable guidance to m e throughout my writing. Last, but never the least, I f eel greatly indebted to many Baba lovers who, through letters a nd conversation, have expressed their appreciation of the m essages and stories from Baba's life recorded in earlier vo lumes of Glimpses. I was delighted to learn that these books, in providing a focus on viii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Beloved Baba, have become companions to many: some like to read a few m inutes each m orning; some during their lu nch break; a few groups read out several pages at their weekly Baba meetings; and still others like to end their day by browsing through some "glimpses" before retiring. These comm ents cheered my spirit. I must conclude, as I began, by trying to express my wholehearted salutations to the One residing in the hearts of His dear ones with whom I attempt to share His love through these volumes.
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