Freeway Crash Kills South Torrance Man TO CALL US INSIDE TODAY Circulation Office ..............DA S-1S1S Ann tenders ... D-l Restaurants ..... B-5 Advertising .......... .....DA 5-6060 Church Women's News ..... ___.DA 5-6380 News . C-8 Sports ........ C-10 News Department , ..........DA 5^060 Editorials ...... D-2 Women's News .. C-l Profile..,.....D-l Want Ad* ..... D-4 t Port Offic*. Tornnc*. California, Under act of March a. 117* Seriee II, Velum* IV, Number 94 3231 Sepuhreda Blvd., Tomnce, California -Wednesday, June 5, 1968 * * By Carrltr Me Per Month 10e Per Cepy « »AOB Surgeons Remove Slug; RFK Condition Critical seniors Report Explode 36-Hour Crisis AtCal A team of surgeons ended three-hour operation at Good By DOUG HUFF Samaritan Hospital at 6:2$, Pr*aa-H«rald fttaff Writtr m. today and reported that Cal-State College, Domin- ragmente of a .22-caliber guez Hills, may not be large ug had been removed from nough to have its own orches- ic middle brain of New York xa perform at the commence­ Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, shot ment exercises but it wil the hour of victory in Los how the largest percentage Vngeles. increase in graduating sen ors over any other state col The next 12 to 36 hours ege in ll be "extremely' critical," California next week ewsmen were told at the hos- 500 per cent! rital Twenty seniors, includinj this morning after the tiree from Wilmington am elicate surgery. ONE CENTURY . Phoebe Sykes, who celebrated her 100th birthday May 83, Spokesmen for the Demo­ receives a garland Carson will receive bachelor of long-stem roses from Mayor Albert Isen (right) on behalf of f arts degrees from college cratic Senator said the blood the Torranee City Council. The centenarian attended the council meeting in per­ supply to the central brain son to accept the resident Dr. Leo F. Cain in birthday honor* with her son, BB1 Sjrkes (left). Mrs. Sykes, who eranonies to be held in tin nay have been impaired by has lived in (he same house in Torranco for th« past 50 years, told Mayor Isen, "1 he bullet, and could affect knew you ampus Quad next Thursday whoa you were little boy and I liked you very much!" commencing at 8 p.m. control of the victim's eyes. (PrwUorald Photo) Other brain damage was sur­ Twenty-one students will be FOR AIRPORT ... A mural painted by n the line-up but the 21st second-grade students at Jefferson Ele­ prisingly avoided, early re- mentary School will b« placed in the Los Angeles Interaatioaal Airport this sura- jorts indicated. _ Canon student will offic aaac. Students painted the mural following a study trip to the airport. ally receive his degree follow PutNttf finhhiaf touches ea the moral are Miehelle Nance and James Davidsoa, student* SENATOR ing completing of the sum ia lUss Mary Sehmitm'i class. KENNEDY was mer session shot as he entered the kitchen of the Ambassador Hotel just AMONG the graduates are a few moments after he had Diane Loretta Furman completed what was taken as 24915 Broad St., Canon. She Two Friends Hurt a victory speech to a cheering G^ntest With Kuchel will receive her BA in Pay crowd of supporters. f chology and 20th Century A suspect was arrested min­ A major upset in the Tues­ New York Senator Robert Republican nomination in th Thought and Expression. utes after the shooting and James W. Waight, 1642 i later arraigned on charges day bapating was emerging Kennedy appears to be on his 67th Assembly District wit which included this maWing as State School way to a narrow victory in about 10 per cent of the bal Marine Ave., Wilmington. H In Holiday attempted Crash murder. Bail was set at $250,- Superintendent Max Rafferty Us bid to win the California ots tallied. The winner will will receive his BA in Historj and American Studies. 000. His identity was not re­ forged; ahead of incumbent delegation to the Democratic meet incumbent Larry Tow SbnouUs was hit by an auto in satisfactory condition ported at press time today. U.S. Senator Thomas Kuchel Convention. He had just send in November. Robert H. White, 1520 W wing driven by Nancy Carol the medical center. Carson St., Torrance. His. tot man, passenger in an auto Tight security was estab­ in the hot contest for the given what had been taken Incumbent Robert Beverl lay, 31, of Norco. Mrs. Ray Zack and a second lished by Los Angeles GOP nomination as a victory speech when an was winning easily over cha will be in History and Amer returning from the holiday police weekend suffered a fractured knee and ger, Pete Pepe, 23, of 26 around Good Samaritan Hos­ assailant shot him down. enger Stan Boggess for th can Studies. in Mexico, was acial cuts when her auto hit Grand Summit Road, wer Going through the proceed pital and at the Police Admin- lots tallied at 8 a.m. today. Wide interest in the na- GOP nomination in the 46t tilled Monday when he was >ack's car. She was reported treated for minor hurts. (See KENNEDY, Page A-2) Rafferty held a substantial ional aspects of the ballot­ Assembly District. J. C. Ro ings, although not getting thrown from the oar after it lead incumbent Kuchel ing, complicated by the ex­ erts appeared to be winnin degree at this time, will b bit a divider fence on the who w«a seeking re-election citement of the shooting at the Democratic nominatio Marshall F. Johnson of 430' Garden Grove Freeway, ac to fn office he has held for the Kennedy rally, eclipsed in the 48th over Warre E. 231st St. Canon, majorin cording to the California Third Graders in Idaho, 16 ,y*ars. ballot contests with local In­ Shertch. in History and America Highway Patrol. Rafferty challenged Kuchcl's terest. Studies also. The victim, Wayne Simou- retord as a Republican, In the 17th Congressional ASSEMBLYMAN Vincen tts, of 2916 Winiock Drive, charging that he was too lib­ District, fragmentary returns Thomas was winning handi OTHER candidates for B> was struck by a second car Torrance Become eral to wear the GOP banner. reported early today indi in his bid for the Democrati degrees are as follows: and was dead-on-arrival at Pen Pals Kuchel, minority whip in the cated that Democrat Glenn nomination, and will be o Gerald Ray Adams, Par Orange County Medical Cen­ When third-grade teacher, t Weippe Elementary School, tape of Torrance third-grad U.S. Sejiate, appeared on his Anderrn was winning over a posed by Republican Pau mount. History and 20th Ce ter following tiie 12:30 a.m Mrs. Charyl Kemper, a petite Weipppe, Idaho. ers reading creative way to his first political de- large field of uno accident. stories candidates, but Lookinland, who ran tury Thought and Expressio brunette, stepped into her Weippe, she explained tort. a three-way race was develop­ posed, at the general ballot Amalia Blanco Scoggins, Lo Officers said Simouiis was lassroom at Wright Elemen­ was they had written in class this In the Democrat race for ing among R. D. Howard, Joe ing in November. j Angeles, History and Ame: riding in the car being driv­ tary School last September small farming and lumber- year is currently on its way U. S. Senator, former State Blatchford, and Torrance Supervisors Burton WJ can Studies; Lillian N Bool en by Robert James Zack, 23 he confessed to her pupils ng community of 500 per to the little schoolhouse in Controller Alan Cranston Councilman Ron A. Sciar Chace and Kenneth Hahn San Pedro, Psychology a n of 24243 Neece Ave., when hat this was the first time Weippe, Idaho. was «n easy winner over rotta for the GOP spot. were re-elected, and Munici­ American Studies. it went out of control and he was filling the shoes of And what will happen when Beverly Hills Assemblyman pal Judge George Perkovich Ruthe M. Bragg, Garden smashed through the fence > teacher. FROM THE MOMENT that the semester is over? Accord­ Anthony Bellenson. REALTOR Fred Fredericks appean to be an easy winner History and America into the opposite traffic tones they heard about the "other ing In introducing herself, she to Mrs. Kemper, some of was running nearly 2 to at the poHs on the basis of Studies; Cheryl Ann Choba near Euclid Ave. mentioned that she came bird-grade class," the Wright the youngsters will continue IN OTHER state contests, ahead of Tom Tomlin for the incomplete returns. (See CAL-STATE, Page A As he lay on the roadway rom a long line of Idaho third-graders wanted to know writing to their Idaho pen- eachers and that her mother, more about them. One of the pals. As for her, she will re­ Mrs. La Nita Blessinger, was students suggested that the peat the project with next also a third-grade teacher lass might write to her moth­ year's crop of third-graders. New Promotion for Torrance Launched er's students in Idaho. Thus, began a correi. A distinctive, segmented ers. Upon completion of an ies of the Torrance Area think merit national atten­ Two Jailed ence between the California national promotion and pub­ analysis of a carefully plan­ Chamber for additional in­ tion and present our ideas or and Idaho third-graders that Rites Pend * lic relations program for the ned and conducted survey of formation. stories to national consumer has flourished Torrance these On Charges all semester. area has been im­ business leaders, the Bach mailing is designed to publications, newspapers and Letters between individual For Marine plemented by the Torrance chamber will direct its efforts create an exciting, progres- network broadcasters to stim­ students Area Chamber of Commerce, toward establishment of the tive image of the community ulate their interest in specific Of Burglary have described home according to J.
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