■ I tata ■Mmi : ■ ■ Ck IjZJ Oonslrutln 9, A M K » c f t STAMP ÂKd Policj . r. VOLUME 29, NUMBER 63 MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, SATURDAY, MARCH 5, 1960 4 >■; \-S I Ìa;.' « .4; %* b.r ’V. ¡K Í 6Í 55 1 Capitol In Alabama I M 4* • _ Ä: s K J By WARREN DUFFEE V x (United Press International) H IB WASHINGTON (UPI)-Senate Republican leaders Wednesday scheduled an "urgent" meeting of all 35 GOP senators Thurs­ day to thresh out party strategy in the rourid-the-dock battle 1 |<l over civil rights legislation. | > i & I !> vi GOP Loader Everett M. Dirksen, LONG PROTESTS Join In Lunch Ill., said the luncheon caucus would The amendment, offered by Sen. Í ■ f College___students___marched: The Alabama students marched be devoted to “the entire civil Russell B. Long, D-La., would have through streets of Montgomery, 1 silently uj) the hill to the white rights question.” He said this would sanctioned statements advocating Ala., and Orangeburg, South Ca­ columned Alabama capital where include cloture—the procedure for use of "all legal means" to oppose Counter Protests rolina In passive demonstrations Jefferson Davis became the presi­ A shutting off the southern talkathon “forceful" Integration. I against racial segregations. At least dent of thé confederacy. against any vote on a rights bill. By United Pres International I ' I?' Long later protested that he was 1,000 students from Alabama State The Montgomery demonstrators Police arrested more than 60 ■ ■ Dirksen’s announcement came af­ "in bed asleep" when Senate Demo­ I College, and 600 from two other demonstrator^ in a Nashville, Tenn., organized after some students at, X- . ter tlie greatly outnumbered sou­ cratic Leader Lyndon B. Johnson, I schools were orderly in protests. Alabama State College attempted Si $!i bus station Wednesday In further Tex., offered a motion to table, or to get service in a snack bad in the therners were defeated overwhelm­ outbreaks of the South’s wave of ingly on three pre-sunrise voles. basement of the _ Montgomery PRESIDENT AND PAST PRESIDENTS of the Bluff Mrs. M, L. Draper, past immediate president; protests against lunch Counter But the South still held the Senate (Continued on Page Eight) County Courthouse last week. segregation. City Council Parent Teacher Association lined Mrs. Lucille Brewer, past president who deliver­ floor and showed no signs of weak­ Gov. John Paterson ordered them White sympathizers who joined NineSludenis Al up for the photographer following a "Founder's ed the main address; and past president Mrs. ening m- its battle. Negro students in protests were expelled and warned the school Mary Murphy and Mrs. McAdam Solon. E, C. convicted with them on simple would lose state funds by next Day" program held at the Vance Avenue RUMORS OF COMPROMISE trespassing charges at Winston Sa­ year if the order wasn't obeyed. Branch YWCA. Shown from left to right are: Stimbert, superintendent of city schools, spoke lem, N, C., but sentences were sus­ Ala. Stale Ousted WARNS ABOUT DEATH Mrs. Lucille Price, current president of the at the occasion. At 4 p. m. e. s. t„ the Senate had The demonstrators, led by a Ne­ been meeting contlnuouosly for 52 pended. More white students joined group; Mrs. George Bumpus, past president; Negroes in a restaurant protest at gro student who said "follow me," hours, except for a 15-mlnute re­ Negroes Register Durham, N. C. marched in defiance of Patterson’s cess taken in lieu of a quorom call. In Durham, Duke and the Uni­ In lunch Protests warning that "somebody will get Sheriff Dave Myers of Somer­ killed" if the incidents keep going. Announcement of the GOP meet­ versity of North Carolina white Nine students at Alabama State ing prompted new rumors of a pos­ ville, Tenn., today reported;; that students joined Negro students In College were expelled Wednesday Governor Patterson earlier had Negro Woman Is sible compromise, possibly legisla­ Negroes were' registering In.' this ■ 'a demonstration at a Howard John­ city without Incident In Fayette for taking part In recent protests brought pressure against the first tion limited to a proposal to pro­ son’s restaurant In which Gov. County. Myers further state3h$hat against lunch counter segregation. student protest, calling upon the tect Negro voting rights. Dirksen Luther H. Hodges and Sen. B. Eve­ Negroes and whites were register­ Twenty others were placed on pro­ school heads to find out and re­ RECEIVES ONEREPLY Housing Manager said he knew of no such plan but rett. Jordan, D.-N.C. have financial ing In segregated lines. With' whites bation. port names of the demonstrators. wanted to explore the entire situa­ Interests. in one line and Negroes -¿tar an­ The expulsions were ordered by It was Implied that sanctions would MEETING TO BE HELD MAR. 11 buyers. tion. Other "sitdown" incidents oc­ other. .'.¿s; the State Board of Education on a be taken against officials unless The Memphis Ilmpovcment As­ (2) Obtaining jobs at. places of curred at Columbia, S, C., and in One Republican Senator, who motion by Gov. John Paterson, the names of the students were re­ sociation reported during a meet­ business which enjoys u large Ne­ In St. Louis Tampa, Sarasota and St. Peters­ asked not to be Identified, said he Negro leaders retorted th$,$-Ne­ chairman of the 11-man board. vealed to the pro-segregation gov­ ing last Friday that “only one out gro patronage. burg, Fla., and a Negro student was ST. LOUIS - (ANP) - The St understood the meeting would deal groes were being ordered opt of It was the sharpest action to be ernment. of 27 local automobile delers re­ the Courthouse by deputies if-they fined $100 and costs and sentenced plied to a questionali^, sent by Atty. Hooks went on to point out Louis Housing Authority has its with the possible timing of a clo­ taken against student demonstra­ The Montgomery students walked were not registered, and-Whites to 30 days In jail for misconduct mall, concerning “policies toward that during the next meeting, which first Negro woman manager. ture move. It takes a two-thirds tors since the current South-wide two abreast to the capitol, congre­ were permitted to s(ay. Myersr$ald and destruction of property at. Negro patrons, restroom facilities, is scheduled for 8:15 p. m. Fri­ Miss Lorensleur Williams, a five- majority of those present and vot­ wave of protests against segrega­ gated at tire top of the flight of both white and Negro citizeiiswere Montgomery, Ala. hiring policies of Negroes, etc.” day, March 11 at Mt. Nebo Baptist year employee of the Authority, re­ ing to cut off Senate debate. ted eating facilities began over a steps and there sang the National ordered to leave after they.,had The one reply was received from ceived the appointment, and will The Senate, which lias been REFUSE TO LEAVE month ago. Anthem and recited the Lord’s Church, 555 Vance Ave., a specific registered., -..Sr Automobile 8ale company. serve as a manager in the Pruitt- meeting since noon Monday, Prayer. Then they returned to the program will be outlined. Other Negroes complained that-they The new mass arrests In Nash­ Paterson, -in recommending the President of the association Atty.. Igoe_Homes. The_ranklng manager crushed by a 64-3 vole a southern campus. They were watched by po­ Items'oh tho”prbgfamThclude (IT were being put In the back of the ville occurred at a Greyhound bus ouster of the nine students, referred Ben L. Hooks said "we will con­ in this facility is Oliver A. Thorn­ amendment to the admlnistratlon"s lice, state troopers and several reports from various committees, line to slow down Negro registra­ station' where the Negro demon­ to them as "ringleaders” and said tinue to concentrate upon the alms ton. pending civil rights bill. The vote state officials. tion. strators planned. ah "around:the "they have no right to jeopardize of our organization which he listed Including the Automobile Dealers came at 4:30 a. m. clock" .protest .and refused to leave the city, of Montgomery. Any fur­ Alabama Attorney General Mac­ as: " ■ ■ Apology committee (2) plans for a Miss Williams is a graduate of Donald. Gallion warned that the Khpn police said a telephoned bomb ther denionstratlans would lead to (1) Obtaining respect for Negro special project. Lincoln University, Jefferson City. violence and bloodshed." demonstration was "highly danger­ She is a farmer school teacher, hav- threat- had ben mode and officers ous and inflammatory - extremely jPK-fcWKht Jn. Webster Groves, for ■ Wanted the bulldlmr cleared to con­ He also oderede H. CodnciU Tren- “4 unwise with facial Usions being two And one-half years, The re­ duit a search. “ ' • * ’ ' • holm,'''president -of i he Negro ‘in­ M what they are," • ■ Police and , flremen-rushed to the stitution, to place the expulsion no­ Servicé side^ ,of 3800 Cook Avenue began station and Asst. Fire ^hlfef Russell tices on the students’1 permanent ' In Orangeburg, 8. C„ students her career with the housing autho­ Campbell said “«re, ordered’them records “to protect other schools to from two nearby Negro colleges rity after spending five years with out. tor their own protection,” Of- which they may apply. These fel­ walked the streets of the town j Department the Federal Government as an ad­ flblals earlier ordered-everyone not lows are not going to quit, and I bearing placards that proclaimed: ministrative clerk. having a bus ticket to leave and a don’t think it’s unreasonable'to "segregation is dead," " we want ■ t lhlssioner Claude Amour and Chief Negro bought 61 tickets to subur­ make them behave.” liberty” and "down with segrega­ Five persons were presented with Her first appointment was that MacDonald last week.
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