, 8 .~ · le bv si b k ' d" I£tl1l1l1ll1l1l1l1ll1l"""III1I1I11I11I11 I1 " II " II I1I1 I11 I1 " ~l l11 l1 m lll IIIIII III Bantustan IS rue Y slam 0 In Isgulse ... 1• ••• •• ••• 1 Congress reiects the concept of national homes § for Africans ...We claim the whole of South Africa as our home Vol. 5, No, 51 Registered. at the G.P.O. as a Newspaper 6di= _ SOUTHERNEDITION Thursday, October 8, 1959 • 5 ~1I"1II"III11I1I11I11I1I11I11I1 I1I11" nllllll lllllll lll ll ll ll ll ll ll ll lll l lll lll lll lll ll ll ll lll lll lll ll lllll ll ll ll ll lll ll l1 1I 111 11111 11 ~ oWHAT KH USCHOV TOLD THE U.S.A. The verbatim record no other news­ Slap In The Face For E~ic Louw paper in South Africa has printed JOHANNESBURG as their home", Iin South Africa during the last two B~~~~~ aF~:~naft~i~1~~~ whT: ~[r~~e s~b~ftt~J~~~f~:~~~ ye~~~l i n g ~ith so-called Ban.tusta!1s ~r. Eric Louw had mad.e ,bis ~:~~ r:, i ~ s ~~o ~i v~f t~~e A9ri~~~a~i~~: ~o~~r~~~~~l s ~:dt e~~ ~ h~ f ~h~ o~~~I~ ~ .- Pages 4 and 5 big speech to U.N: D., claiming point on trends and developments Continued 011 page 7 that the Bantu territories would 1 -------------------- I(!1:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ eventually form part of a South African Commonwealth toge­ ther with White South Africa, the African National Congress has sent a memorandum to ~;:t~' :he:~ri~i::tu~~~n ~~~~:; as a gigantic fraud. 'T he whole of South Africa is the homeland of all the peoples of South Africa whatever their racial origin." states the memorandum. 'T he Congress rejects the concept of nallonal home~ for Africans in certain arbltmnl y defined arcas. Africans are Indigenous inhabitants of the country with an indisputahle claim to the whole of South Africa PROFESSOR MATTHEWS HAS NOT RESIGN ED From Govan Mbeki PORT ELIZABETH. Announcing his plans for Fort Hare University College last week, the Minister of Bantu Education, Mr. Maree. A supporter of the Mabieskraal chief is alleged by the people to have fired a round of shots in which these youngsters were hurt: (from the said: "Professor Matthews has left) David Mohapi, 17, has a chest wound; Elen Nkotsoe, 12, has a bullet wound in the knee; Maboti Motetsoe, 13, is wounded in the shin. told me he is prepared to put the past behind him and work for the success of the college. He has withdrawn from the Harvest of African National Congress, On TROUBLE FLARESUP AT that basis I have kept him on." On inquiry, New Age is able to state that any suggestion Bantu that Prof. Matthews has re­ signed either from the ANC or Authorities MABIESKRAAL from Fort Hare is unfounded. Many lniured in Tribal Clashes JOHANNESBURG. Over 70 persons, men and wo- His subjects should not attend a Potato Boycotters Acquitted . men, have been arrested on feast unless bidden to do so by THE deposal and exile th~ee various charges. Some have ?t;en him, he felt. and he determined · I Ch years ago of Chie f Jeremiah convicted, others are awaiting that those who went to the cere- nce arge M ab of Mabieskraal in the trial in the Rustenburg jail. Am0!1g many should be made to "vomit On V10 e Rust~~bu rg district. is at the ~~:fl b~bi~~ed on~r eo f ~h~nanwi ~~ the meat t~ITMa~ciNED CAPE TOWN. I The accused were also all acquit- back of the rep eated flare-ups fant only 10 days old. One of the men who attended AFTER . the potato boycott was ted on an alternative ch a rg~ of as- and tro ubles which have taken BANTU AUTHORITIES the ceremony was s u ~mo n e d to tatoesca~ed~n::I~ o~ha~i~~ledrc::p ::d ~h~~~ ~ ~: n~~~i~~;~~ t~o ~:~~e l~: ~ place am ong his people during M~: p~e~ ~Dt a~~~~~ed Ma ~~~:~ ~~~ea~th~~~or:at~~~edCht~r~is ~~o tl:~ from .100 bags a week to only 5. the a ceu ~ e d were In any way c?n- the last few years . Authorities despite the opposition the proceedings. It was then that TIns statement was made by a nected With an assault about which There were fresh clashes last of the larger part of the tribe. trouble broke out between the two ~~O~ynb~::sRe~io:a{~~u~e:::e~~ ev~~~~~ ~~n~~~~s testified that the :e~~~n~e t:rt~ em:rib~th~f :~o~; ~i s t h~pp~W:~ot~ve(t~~co~~I -~~ ~e~0 se~~~:. trouble flared up when ly arisin£ out of the picketing of a accused and others told the pr?pne- still in unwavering support of their while his opposition are known as members of the chief's regiments al sh~1ew~~: :~ ~~ s~: ~a ~~~ i::;:n~~i ~ids S n~t asts~;Ps~ni;: n~~ t ~?~~~ l ft h~; ~~~g;~~: e~ h~:t ~:k~~~I~o~~e~f th~~~:~sOI~rt h ~t hM !i~t oi:~~ r s~·t - ili~z e dm~~ a~~U:~t ~~~:r tt:f: ti:: ~~~~~~t~d w i~~ ~ ~~ li ~~~~~ ~t~ ~~~ h~rU I ~ h ~t;.P. th~~~e ~ttlt eb l: ;~~~ s :J D ~~TSL A ~ i ~~f~~PEm?E ~~feel ~dw~~t al~~fgtl ~:[ e~son~h i~ ~ ~;ot~\J:;o~:~m:~ 7:: ~~~:r:~~ upheld a defence contention that stood outside the shop with pla- WERE REPORTED TO HAVE of the BaPhokeng recently and this then. according to reports, suddenly ~bo~ ~~~nm~~~~~d .o f the offence had cards, ~~n (~/II::~ e01~ r~;:e g;t heredol ~::irousl ~ j U RED, FOUR Ma;b/~~a~dn1e r ~in i ;gh ~ts ~~;ri~ ~~ ~i~~i~g sl~~J:r :I~~:rb;i~re;~ungster:t NEW AGE, THURSDAY, OCTO BER 8, 1959 Lutuli Remains Leader EDITORIAL A. Lutuli, a son of, for and to his people, one may expect to be andthe wr Noiten-European. solely for theBut interestthisof is EDUCATION-BY KIND what he has to say in his "Free- dO,~ ~a~ ~a~: e :~re in co mm o ~ PERMISSION OF M A l EE Africanists Unwilling To ;~~~i b1~ UWi\~U;htl~~: ) f:r~~~a t~~~ 'T HE Mi nist er o f Bantu E ducation, Mr. .Maree, has sa id th a t my African brothers who are stil1 as fr om J an ua ry 1 no No n- E u ro pe an will be all owed to enr ol ~ hi ~; \r et~~~e~'~n' i~ 'm~thbro~~~ as a. st~dent a t. a W h ite univ~rs.ity without fir~t obtaining the Answer Questions not by blood, but because we p~ rm I s sI on of himself or the Minister of Education, Mr. Se rf on­ About a week or more ago we of Labour to spea k. He said in cherish the same values, stand for tern, were visited by an unusually big May they had a membership of num ber of Africanist organisers 2,000 and the President had come the same standards." "I ca n ass ure yo u," he added , "tha t we will be very mi serl y (unusual in that they were too to round up his armies. (I must Is not the lifelike philosophy of in grantin g perm ission." many) and mainly their National confess tha t I did not know what Executive, since this group was he meant by that one). ~~~~~r~~;? c~~e~~ea~;~cag~ee r~~ Mr. Maree also announced that he would sa ck any m em ber composed of their president Mr. By the time the Chairlady ment does not want .and does ~ ot of the st aff of a Bantu co llege , W hite or Non-White , who did Sobukwe, Mr. Potlako Leballo, opened the meeting for questions ~t~~~ . democracy for Its tot alitarian anyth ing to sab ot a ge the apartheid policy. Mr. Nyawose, so-called Minister it was 8.20 and the rule in our of Labour, Mr. Molutsi (without area is that visitors should leave In the daily press its was men- S?from the ~eginn !ng of ne xt. yea r, the right of Non.'Yh it~ s portfolio) and Mrs. Elen Molapo at 8.30. I thereu pon made a re­ .e~uc ati oD and others whose names I have quest that the speakers present tioned that Lutuli may happ en to to higher' will be abolished. Henceforth. educati on IS forgotten. should come back another night be the next Prime Minister. This to be a privilege, handed out by M aree only t o "reliabl e Bantu." In his speech Mr. Leballo said to hea r and answer questions, but ill~~io~~ abu~we~~ :re ~~ l e~n d a~~ F or !'lon-~hi te~ .th e pos iti on. will be in tolerab le . Shut out of Africans alone should rule this make no more speeches. country from the Cape to Cairo. To mv surprise they suggested f~i i~~ e ~ti lin~ec~~~i~: ~' a~h~~d ~~ : f~Fer~~ It~s~~~f:~~~ s ~ ~~~6 ~~l ~~r~o~p ~l~i~i~~ ~ t ~~~ He said Messrs. Banda. Nyerere that I should come and see them t: and Tom Mboya also said this, in priva te, since I seemed the only mai ns the leader of his peop le. serve s, or do with o u t higher education altogeth e r.
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