W m / , r WEDNESDAY, MARCH 80, 186# OW PAG* TWBNTT-TOTJR jianri^pstpr ^Ewottins UforaUi Bloodmobile Visits and Church of Assumption The BUr o f the Eaat. Royal A iB50 graduate of Mancheater liaval drolo, Xlnc^ D an gb^ David Wadaworth McKinnay, 183 Pearl Bt., baa anllatad In tbe Black Perceptory, N<j. 18, will High School, he la prepairing for a The Weather will bava a pottuok auppar naact meet at 8 p.m. tonight at Orange career in accounting. Average Dally Net Press Run About Town Monday, April 4, at 6:80 pjn., In Navy arid la now talcing recruit Forecast of U. S. WsBthee •••• Hiai. _ For tbe Week Eaded Woodruff ball at Oentar Oongra- training at the Naval Training Harrison Orlawold, 15C Foreat W e Just Love Station at Oreat Lakea, m . After March 3A I960 Hartford ohi^»ter, Satot Joaepb cattonal Oiurch. Mra. Robert John Habererh Jr., 230 McKee St., wUl be inducted Sunday into asarbsg, cod ec tealght. Lwr- Evana, Hartford, will dlacuaa In­ nine waekrf recruit training and Tau Beta Pi, the honorary aoclety CoUcca Aliannaa Aaan, will apon- 14 daya* leave, McKinney will be St.,‘ haa been inducted aa a member near 4d. Fsir-and UMM-twapm- aor a rummaga aala Salurtoy dian worit by the Klng’a Dau^- o t Epailon, Alpha ZeU, honorary for englneera at the Unlveralty of 13,090 tera, and Mra. Olga Uibdaberg of ■— to NaVy Service achool OonnecUcut He is a junior, one of Those W on­ tore change FHdny. BIgli tar-sea. fram 10 ajn. to 4 p m »t buainesa fraternity at Hlllyer Col­ Hartford will abow a film on for further training or amlgned to 11 students to bo Inducted. Member of tbs Audit Lady of Soriowa Behool, 80 Oraca fleet duty. lege of the Unlveralty of Hartford Boreaa of Clrcnlattoa M anchester^A City of Village Charm St, Hartford. Chautauqua. derful Buys At MANCHESTER, CONN„ THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 1960 l«jkMalfled AdverUatag on Page 18) VOL. LXXIX; NO. 154 (TWENTY PAGES) THIS SFItlKO Hale's Self- Sew A Dress State News] Space Balloon Wltb Fabrica From Serve and Slated Tonight baxje*8 f a b r i c d e f t . DOUBLE S&H THURSDAY Main Floor, Raar . >. Reds Get Washington, March 81 (P)— In A ll Depts. 9 to 9 With AH Cash Sales! R o u n d u p DAXNTF FIORAE • Meat Dept> Scientists hope to launch an­ PATTERN FUK3HED other 100-foot balloon t t o m imx>N Q BiflM hmS •• Weston, March 81 ifP)— Sup­ WaUops bland, Va., tonight ORGANDY Tests Ban porters of Frederick Pope Jr. and inflate it several hundred TA 45" Wide miles up. for the Pourtlr District Re­ ’The National AeronauUcs 99e ripL^oommit them’to a moral obliga- Beautiful paotel colors Geneva, March 31 public^ congressional nomi- and Space Administration said tion which eanhot^be enforced. nation^oday filed petitions en­ the rocket Will be fired at m vdilte, pink, blue, Western delegations were in-, Zorin made his proposal only a reas yellow and green. DOUBLE ii-xSTAMPS tering two more candidates 6:53 p.m. if the weather per-. formed today the Soviet Union few bours before tbe United Stakes for congressional delegates in mits. Also Pin Dot Flocked w in insist on Communist Chi­ and Britain planned to challenge In previous teats these huge the Soviet Union promptly to con­ a Weston GOP primary elec­ KyloB Oigtmdy, 79c YA na adhering to any world dis­ plastic baUoons have been Five colors. armament agreement. clude on enforceable test ban visible briefly over a large TortiOTrow 9«°9 With All Cash Sales treaty. tion-The move today gives Weston Soviet Deputy Foreign Min­ part of eastern United States. SMABTEST FABRIC FOB Zorin maintained ttaia approach the only three-way primary race ’They catch the rays of the sun Gape Town ister Valeriu Zorin made this would open the way to solution of for congressional delegates to the BPRINO and 8UBIMEB Fourth Congressional district con- at tbe top of their flight. point at the 10-nation disar­ the nucleqi: problem at a whole ' NASA is testing the bal­ U" DWP-DRY mament conference, in whieli and re p re s ^ "an liriportant act ventlto. Petitions bearing 95 signatures j loons as part of a possible Fear§ New BEDFORD CORD the Red Peiping government of confidence." communications network. YA 43" to 45” Wide Doneless Round Roasts Western spokesmen were not im­ were fUed wltb tbe regia^ of | M cCall'S is not repreaepted. pressed. lltey described the Soviet voters by backers of Pope. Eventually it hopes to put one 99c in orbit around the Earth. TOP or b o t t o m ROUND move aa an attempt to commit the . ’Tw'o delegates from Weston had Bloodshed Wrinkle resistant, aoU abd 5295 Geneva, March 31 (IP)— ^The been entorset by a Republican sp ^ rMiatant. wash and CRUCUB. Both vf thEin were pledged wear, pre<4hrunk. Ehght col­ United States and Britain for­ (Oonttnued on Page Tea) \ to state Sen. Abner W. Slbal of , United Natirnis, N.Y., Mair^ o n . mally submitted the Camp Norwalk for the congreMlonal Union Readies David plan for a nuclear test nomination. SI <^P)->Aaiiai and African nRi»^ MILUKEN "ABBEr' FLANNEL ban to the Soviet Union today. Then, yesterday, supporters of tions wara nported today , to Th* plan ctiaUcnged the Soviet France Set former Ctohgressman Albert P. Plan for Strike have'affceed aa » rcaalaUfm UWpn to remove the otastaclee to Moiano of Greenwich. filed peti- FcaUnK far U.N. eondemnallon 98 a partial teat haa treaty by agree­ Uons with the registrar of voters, Hand washable, creaae ^'^iatant. For your- entering two other candidates for At PWA Plants of Santl) AftMiw radal paU* dress or suit these smart checks ing to Oonttol details. For Second Soviet -^ legate Sen»ywi K. congressional delegates. das, and tlte'lotant ahooting and plaids are wonderful. Adding something fit a new Taarapkia Mid tbe western pro-| By ’THE, ASSOCIATED PRESS [of Nagro demaostratora by aiMi Weooo "(Henbrne and CBecktone" pqaala are ‘*80 encouraging at^ twist to primaries, one of the dele- 1 white iKilica there. plaltoSl.S8YA,«S" wide; --------- ---------- k| forward," , buit esrtenaive A t o m i c T e ^ ' Planning for a poesible. strike at. I The Tcaolntlon wotdd eaU ' CiMifiCatiML ’ as a siglier. of the rival Morano Pintt * Whitney Aircraft pBuOUr petition. ’ - - in East Hartford and MancheOter’ [far an cad of South African EVERGLAZE CHAMBRAY He told newomen he ^ sifinnit Paris, March 81 (P)—France to­ Hyde professed to see nothing has gotten underway. ji^ortheid w segregation poll- queotions on the plan ^ . pidwe-. day placed its vast atomic testing unusual in this. This was reported ' today by d i» and would ask UJi. Sec- CHECKS. STRIPES and PLAINS i o o t r quent meetlnga of-, the S-ponyer area in the Sahara desert Off limits He said tome of the Morano sup­ David Fraeer, president o f Ma--' 0 ^ ^ -YA 85” Wide treaty negotlaHkma after the Cariip to aircraft, starting tomorrow porters signed the Pope petitions ohinist Local 1746, who said flyers trciaiy General Dag Hauimar- David proposala, worked out by ritpming, a necessary prelude to a and be reciprocated in kind. were distribu ted at plant gates this lakjold to report back on any i r m r w m i President Ehaenhower arid Brttioh Oorrdate the plain with eiUier the check>^ second atomic test blast. It waa the There were other instances in weefk, telling workers tkiat strike results by' June 30 after con- stripe. Nine color combinations. Prime Mintater Harold Macmil­ second such move in the past 24 which registered RepubUcaris sign­ plans would be presented to mem­ lan, have been carefully studied anltations with the South Af- hours. ed both the Morano and Pope peti­ bers ndien they are formulated. I rican government. in Moscow. _A previous off-limits warning tions according to Mrs. Dorothy Praser,- whose. 1*0“ -I*®*® — the lO-natloo dlsarmaiasnt waa Issued yesterday and lifted Hedlund, GOP registrar of voters. without a contract with United OH eonference also sitting in Geneva, early this morning.! , There will be up GOP primary Aircraft sinde Dec. 4 and since Johannesbuig, March 31J^ Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister The riew alert goSs into effect at contest over a congressional dele­ membera cejeoted a company offer, A row of frame houses bums furiously today at Little Rock, Ark., after being set. afire by the ex­ — Battle lines hardened 'Varerion Zorin profMsed that a 6:45 a.m. tomorrow (11:45 o’clock gation In Greenwich, however. could jidt aay when plans would be plosion and crash of a military jet plane. (AP PhotofM ). _____ . in'South Africa’s racial* eon- BOY! treaty banning nuclear weapons tonight EST). • Six Greenwich delegates who cctp(itokN|l and ready for presenta­ ^ ^ .-iflict. Three thohsand armed teaU be linked to a promise from "rhe French have been ready for were ready, to support Morano for tion to iriembera: "It takes a long worid powers to renounce s g g rte- time to plan for these things and U l^gsYi S flV P n white troops sealed off two some Unie to conduct their second the nomination at the June c o ^ i v i . v ; u ijf«vv:/aau.^ settlements near SHORT or SIRLOIN ^on ai^ use of aUwnic and hydro­ atomic teat However, it waa felt vention formerly announced today oonunittees have to be set up," he gen weapons. He sold these atepe they would not do so whUe Soviet they were withdrawing.
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