L Lactuca runcinata DC. cin, carotine, iodine, fluorine. A. di- etary allowance of g of lettuce is ad- Synonym L. heyneana DC. equate to meet the vitamin K require- Family Compositae; Asteraceae. ment of the body. Aqueous extract of roots gave a gua- Habitat Many parts of India, as iene-type sesquiterpene glycoside, lac- a common weed. toside C, along with known glycosides, Folk Undir-chaa-kaan (Maharash- lactoside A and macro-cliniside A. tra). Action Diuretic, slightly aperient. Used as a diuretic in calculous affec- Lactuca serriola Linn. tions, also for chronic obstruction Synonym L. scariola Linn. of liver and bowels. Family Compositae; Asteraceae. A smaller var., found in western Ut- Habitat The Western Himalayas, tar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Saurashtra and between,and,m.Found the Deccan Penninsula, is equated with wild. L. remotiflora DC. English Wild Lettuce, Prickly Lettuce. Ayurvedic Salaad, Vanya-Kaahuu. Lactuca sativa Linn. Unani Kaahuu Saharai, Kaahuu Synonym L. scariola Linn. var. Barri. sativa C.B. Clarke. Siddha/Tamil Salattu. Family Compositae; Asteraceae. Action Plant—mild sedative, Habitat Native to Southern and diuretic, diaphoretic, expectorant, West Asia. Cultivated throughout antiseptic. Seed—demulcent. The India as a cold weather crop. seeds are used in the form of powder for coughs and as a decoction for English Garden Lettuce. insomnia. Unani Kaahuu Bustaani, Salaad Seeds contain protein, amino acids; Pattaa, Salaad Baaghi. Mg Al and K as major elements besides Siddha/Tamil Salattu. Na, Ca, Si, Ti, Mn, Fe and Cu. Action Plant—used in painful Arachidic, caproic, linoleic, ole- ulcers and burns. ic, palmitic, stearic acids and sitos- terol (from the root); ascorbic acid, The leaves contain calcium, phos- beta-carotene, -deoxylactucin, lac- phorus, iron, thiamine, riboflavin, nia- ticin, jacquilenin, lactupicrin, ubiqui- 358 Lactuca virosa Linn. none (from the plant) have been iso- Lagenaria siceraria lated. (Mol.) Standl. Synonym L. vulgaris Ser. Lactuca virosa Linn. L. leucanth Rusby. Cucurbita siceraria Mol. Family Compositae; Asteraceae. Family Cucurbitaceae. Habitat Native to Europe. Imported into India. Habitat Throughout India. English Bitter Lettuce, Wild English Bitter Bottle-Gourd. Lettuce. Ayurvedic Katu-tumbi, Tumbini, Unani Kaahuu Sahrai (var.), Ikshavaaku. Tiktaalaavu, Pindapha- Kaahuu Barri (var.). laa. Action Mild sedative, hypnotic, Unani Kaddu-e-talkh (bitter var.). (once used as a substitute for Siddha/Tamil Suraikai. opium), anodyne, expectorant. Action Pulp—purgative, emetic. L Key application As sedative. (The British Herbal Pharmacopoeia.) Leaf—used in jaundice. Used in insomnia, nervous excitabil- Cucurbita lagenaria Linn. is equated ity, anxiety, restlessness, hyperactivity with Lauki or Sweet Bottle-Guard, used in children, nymphomania, smoker’s all over India as a vegetable. cough, irritable cough and bronchitis. Cucurbita siceraria Mol. is equat- Aerial parts contain sesquiterpene ed with Titalauki or the Bitter Bottle- glycosides. Gourd. Bitter fruits yield .% of The leaves and dried juice contain a solid foam containing cucurbitacin lacticin, lactucopicrin (sesquiterpene B,D,G and H, mainly cucurbitacin B. lactones); flavonoids (mainly based on These bitter principles are present in quercetin); coumarins (cichoriin and the fruit as aglycones. Leaves contain aesculin); N-methyl-beta-phenethy- cucurbitacinB,androotscucurbitacins lamine; triterpenes include taraxas- B, D and traces of E. The fruit juice con- terol and beta-amyrin. The sesquiter- tains beta-glycosidase (elaterase). pene lactones have a sedative effect. Plants which yield non-bitter fruits The Wild Lettuce also contains hyos- contain no bitter principles or elat- cyamine, while the dried sap is de- erase; their roots are not bitter. void of it. Morphine content has been found in low concentrations, too low to have pharmacological effect. (Natu- Lagerstroemia flos-reginae ral Medicines Comprehensive Database, Retz. .) The oil of seeds is used for arte- Synonym L. speciosa (L.) Pers. riosclerosis. L. reginae Roxb. Laggera alata Sch.- Bip. ex Oliver. 359 Family Lythraceae. English Common Crape Myrtle. Habitat Tropical Himalaya, and Siddha/Tamil Pavalak-kurinji, Assam, Western and Eastern Ghats, Sinappu. up to , m. Folk Saavani, Faraash. English Pride of India, Queen’s Action Seed—narcotic. Bark— Flowers, Queen Crape Myrtle. stimulant, febrifuge. Leaves Siddha/Tamil Kadalai, Pumaruttu. and flowers—purgative. Root— Folk Jaarul. Kramuk and Arjun are astringent. Used as a gargle. confusing synonyms. Action Seed—narcotic. Root— astringent, stimulant, febrifuge. Lagerstroemia parviflora Roxb. Fruit—used for aphthae of the mouth. Leaves—purgative, diuretic, Family Lythraceae. deobstruent. Bark—an infusion is Habitat Almost throughout India, given in diarrhoea and abdominal up to an altitude of m, in the pain. Himalayas. L A decoction of the leaves, also of Ayurvedic Siddhaka, Siddha, dried fruits, is used like tea for diabetes Syandana (provisional synonym). mellitus in Philippines. Mature leaves Folk Dhauraa, Bakli. Chungi and fruits, in fresh condition, exhibit (Hyderabad). Lendia (trade). hypoglycaemicactivityexperimentally. The potency decreases on storing the Action Astringent, fungitoxic. material. The bark and leaves contain tannin The leaf extract, when adminis- – and % respectively. The plant tered as powder and as tannin-free contains a pentacyclic triterpene, lag- extract, showed hypoglycaemic activi- florin. Aqueous extract of fresh and ty in mice. Amino acids constitute the ethanolic extract of dried and pow- insulin-like principle. The plant con- dered leaves exhibit fungitoxic activ- tains triterpenoids, colocolic acid and ity against several fungal pathogens of maslinic acid. Colocolic acid is known rice. to possess hypoglycaemic activity. Leaves contain lageracetal and sitos- terol. Ellagitannins have been isolated from fruits and leaves. Laggera alata Sch.- Bip. ex Oliver. Family Asteraceae, Compositae. Habitat Throughout India, Lagerstroemia indica Linn. ascending up to , m in the Family Lythraceae. hills. (Native to tropical Africa and Habitat Native to China; grown as Madagascar.) an ornamental. English False Tobacco. 360 Lallemantia royleana Roxb. Folk Amadok (Garhwal). Seeds contain linoleic, oleic, palmi- tic and stearic acids; beta-sitosterol. Action Disinfectant. Gum contains L-arabinose, D-galac- The plant is one of the major in- tose, L-rhamnose, pentosans, protein, gredients of an ointment used in the uronic anhydride. Amino acids are al- treatment of skin tumours in Chinese so found in the plant. medicine. In Ivory Coast, Burkina Fa- so, Gabon and Tanganyika, different parts of the plant are used for the treat- Lamium album Linn. ment of intercostal pain, rheumatic pain and fever. The leaf and root de- Family Labiatae; Lamiaceae. coctions are used to treat pneumonia. Habitat West Himalayas from The plant from Nigeria was found Kashmir to Kumaon. rich in phenolic ethers (%), fol- English White Dead Nettle, lowed by monoterpenes (%) and Archangel. sesquiterpenes (%). The major com- ponent of the oil was dimethyl thy- Action Haemostatic (particularly L moquinone (%). It showed activi- on the uterus), astringent, diuretic, ty against Gram-positive microorgan- anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, isms. Dried powder of the plant con- expectorant. Used for menorrhagia, tained artemisetin (artemetin). leucorrhoea, cystitis, prostatitis, bleeding piles, diarrhoea, irritable bowel and respiratory catarrh. Lallemantia royleana Roxb. Key application Internally, for catarrh of the upper respiratory Family Labiatae. passages; externally, for mild, superficial inflammation of the skin. Habitat Plain and hills of Kumaon and Punjab, extending westwards to (German Commission E.)Flowers have been recommended for teas Afghanistan. Imported into India and other galenical preparations from Persia. for internal applications, rinses, Unani Baalango, Tukhm-e- baths and moist compresses. As Baalango. astringent. (The British Herbal Folk Tuut-malangaa. Pharmacopoeia.) Action Seed—cooling, diuretic, The herb contains iridoid monoter- sedative; given internally as penes; triterpene saponins; caffeic acid a soothing agent during urinary derivatives; flavonoids based on kaem- troubles, also for cough. A poultice pferol; tannins (mainly catechins). The of seeds is applied to abscesses, plant also gave a carbocyclic iridoid, boils and inflammations. (Seeds are caryoptoside; besides lambalbide, al- not to be used as a substitute for bosides A and B (iridoid monoter- Plantago sp.) penes). Lansium domesticum Correa. 361 Laminum amplexicaule Linn. Ayurvedic Jingini, Jhingan, Gudamanjari. Family Labiatae; Lamiaceae. Siddha/Tamil Kalasan, Anaikkarai, Habitat The temperate Himalayas Odiyan. from Kashmir to Kumaon, Sikkim Action Bark—stimulant and and Assam. astringent; used in gout; decoction Folk Titpaati (Garhwal), Jipachi for aphthae of the mouth and for (Tibbet). toothache. Leaves— boiled and applied to sprains, bruises, local Action Plant—stimulant, laxative, swellings, elephantiasis. Gum— diaphoretic, cephalic, antirheum- given in asthma; as a cordial to atic. women during lactation. The roots contain cluytyl ferulate; Lamprachaenium heartwood gave lanosterol; bark, dl- microcephalum Benth. epi-catechin and (+)-leucocyanidin; flowers and leaves, ellagic acid, querce- Family Compositae; Asteraceae. tin and quercetin--arabinoside. Flow- L ers also contain iso-quercetin
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