HAVE F D NEWS VOLUME 33—NUMBER 18 HAVERFORD (AND ARDMORE), PA., TUESDAY, MARCH 3, 1942 Z 627 $2.00 A YEAR Linc Reinhardt's Students May Attend Brown Announces Smoker on Friday John Studebaker' to Sp Orchestra to Play The Alumni Association has Re■rised Schedule extended an invitation to mem- bers of the Senior Class to At Commencement June 6 At Varsity Dance attend the Alumni Smoker in For Summer Term the Dining Room on Friday, Joseph Bushnell, III, stated Educator to Discuss Next Year's Captains Sunday. Students Requested Role of-Small College Will be Announced Mr. Bushnell also said that To Report Conflicts any other students who were In Present Conflict During Intermission interested in hearing Commis- And Suggest Changes 116fier T. S. Wooward speak John W. Studebaker, United Line Reinhardt and his Col- on the Merchant Marine could A revised schedule for sum- States Commissioner of Edu- legian Orchestra will play at obtain guest passes from him mer courses was released Sat- cation, will deliver the Com- • the Varsity Mid-winter Sports in the Aulmni Office. urday by Dean H. Tatnall mencement address this year, Dance Friday evening, March Commissioner Woodward President Felix Morley an- will explain the Maritime Brown. Three new courses 13, Sumner Ferris, Co-chair- Commission's ship - building have been added, two have nounced today. At the same man of the dance committee, program and will outline the been dropped, and the hours time it was made definite that'■ announced today. Linc Rein- opportunities for service and of several others have been there will be no change in the hardt played at the Fall Sports advancement which the Com- date of Commencment, orig- mission offers to young men. changed. Dance, and his popularity A new course in Physies, Com- inally scheduled for June 6. warranted a return engage- munications, will be offered this While the title of Mr. Studebak- ment, Ferris said. summer in addition to the courses er's address has not yet been se- Decorations will be in the Col- Charity Campaign in Geography and Humanistic lected, he is expected to discuss lege colors, scarlet and black. In- Studies announced last week, it lte role of the small endowed col- dividuel pictures of members of was stated. Mr. Thomas Benham lege in the preservation of Amer- the winter varsity teams will be To End March 16 will be in charge of this commun- ican civilization, and to emphasize displayed. There will also be ac- ications coarse, which will be called the desire of the present Adminis- tion shots of different games and $425 of $1000 Goal Physics 14s. tration that the complete indepen- meets decorating the walls. Hours Changed dence of those colleges shall not be Admission Prices Has Been Collected encroached upon by the Federal Engineering 5a and Economics Government during, or as a result The theme of the decorations will With less than half of the 13e, which were announced as of, the war emergency. "It is par- be "simplicity," Morris Evans, Co- amount originally pledged to the possible courses in the Tentative ticularly appropriate that the im- chairman, stated. Attractive pro- Schedule, will not be offered this grams will serve ea tickets, and Charity Chest collected to date, an Courtesy Philadelphia Inquirer portant address which Commis- intensive campaign will be con- summer. Changes of time have sioner Studebaker has in mind JOHN STUDEBAKER, who. the charge of admission will be ducted during the coming weeks also been made concerning Biology W. should be delivered at Haverford $1.50 for non-letter men,.$1.00 for in order that the Drive may 2, Geography 22, German 1, 'Phys- u;ill deliver the Commence- College," Mr. Morley said. stags, and $.75 for lettermen. be ics 1 and 2, and Philosophy 7a. completed auecessfully by March ment Address June 6. Attended Colombia Eight dances will make up the 16. Physical Education classes will be program, beginning at 9:30 and given at 4 and 5 every afternoon. Mr. Studebaker is a native of In an effort to convince the stu- ending at the intermission at 11:80. The tentative schedule released Iowa and a graduate of Leander After intermission there will be dent body that charitable organi- Clark College in that State. He zations have a definite place in several weeks ago has been revised Service Project "free-lance" dances until 1. An- by members of the Faculty and took his Master's degree at Col- other innovation will be given to the war situation, Professor How- umbia and has been awarded the ard Comfort will speak in Col- approved by the Administration. the dance, for refreshments will be The schedule is printed elsewhere Studies Nutrition LL. D. by Drake University and served In the smoking room. lection Friday, March 13. Mr. Muhlenburg College. Comfort will discuss not only the in this issue. Captains To Be Armounced After earning his way through standard permanent charities, but Conflicts to be Reported Classes in Sanitation Captains of the next year's bas- college as a bricklayer, Mr. Stude- also the new agencies for war If students find conflicts in the ketball, wrestling, and fencing relief. And Hygiene Offered baker became the principal of the courses they hope to take, they are high school in Guthrie Center, teams will be announced during in- Although $1000 has been As preparation for reconstruc- termission. Other members of the requested to report those conflicts tion work during or after the war, Iowa, where he also served as ath- pledged to the Charity Chest Drive, or any other suggested changei of letic coach. As Superintendent of dance committee are John Amus- only $425 was in the hands of the many members of the Haverford sea, J. Dee Crabtree, and George the scheduled hours of the sum, College Service Project are taking Schools in Des Moines, he became Cheat committee on February 20. mer courses to the Dean's office as nationally known for his adminis- M. Kyrie. A tea dance on Satur- T. Canby Jones, Chairman of courses in nutrition and in emerg- day from 4 to 6 has been arranged, soon as possible. ency hygiene and sanitation, How- trative accomplishments and in the Charity Chest, pleaded Sun- A Final Schedule will be an- and will be held in the Common day that "In view of the unsatie. ard Lutz announced Friday. particular for his work in develop- Room. nounced later, when the requests The course in sanitation is be- ing both adult education and the factory results obtained so far, of the student body have been con- Hosts and hostesses for the full student cooperation will be ing held every Monday afternoon training of handicapped children. dance will be Mr. and Mrs. Felix sidered and adjusted, Mr. Brown at 3:30 in Chase Hall. ' Twenty He has been United States Com- necessary if the pledges are to be said. Morley, Mr. H. Tatnall Brown, Mr. fulfilled by March 16. Although hours of lectures will be given on missioner of Education since May, and Mrs. Archibald Macintosh, Mr. the general tendency now is to such subjects as the fundamentals 1939. and Mrs. Roy E. Randall, and Mr. buy defense stamps and worry STAMP CLUB TO MEET of epidemiology, respiratory and Improved Public Education and Mrs. William T. Docherty. about the draft, he continued, A meeting of the newly-formed intestinal diseases from the pre- Mr. Morley said that he first "the needs of charity also increase Stamp Club will be held tonight ventive point of view, water puri- met Mr. Studebaker in Des Moines in wartime." at 7:15 in the Union, Geert Prins, fication, food control and sanita- early in 1933, when he served for Harper Attends Meeting Most of the money collected as temporary chairman, announced tion, waste disposal, and the con- six weeks as a foram leader in the On Foreign Relations far has already been paid out in Sunday. He added that all those trol of rats and other disease car- Des Moines public forums, the suc- the proportions decided on by the who are interested in stamp col- riers. cess of which contributed greatly Held in New York City committee. lecting are invited to attend, The Project has been especially to the later development of this fortunate in procuring the services form of adult education on a na- Heber R. Harper represented as instructor of Colonel Arthur P. Haverford last week at the an- tion-wide basis. He characterized Hitchens, of the Army Medical Mr. Studebaker as a dynamic and nual conference sponsored by the Corps, who is now acting as di- Council on Foreign Relations. The Clarence Streit Tells Students forceful personality who has done- rector of the Public Health and much to improve the level of pub- conference was held in New York Preventive Medical Laboratory at at the Council House, home of the lic education in the United States U. S. Must Unite with Britain Now the University of Pennsylvania without ever attempting to en- Council, and the subject discussed Medical School. Col. Hitchens is was "The United States and the By JOHN T. HOUGH croach upon the domain of private War." instruction. Clarence K. Streit, addressing the College and its guests It is not yet decided whether the Representatives from fifteen in Roberts Hall Tuesday morning, first informally polled the Second of Radio Plays colleges, including Amherst, Dart- Commencement exercises will this mouth, Hamilton, and Swarthmore audience on several questions relevant to his "Onion Now" Announced For Apill 7; year be held in the evening, as was heard two high-ranking officials proposal.
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