East ys West Equals Homesickness •The Buck Shadow.’.' The book gtvoe.oompisto Colleges Take New Approach to Nostalgic, Frosh Infonnatlen jks to the exact where­ about o f houses o f in fame. It cites prioas and even dlseusaes n tw tock— (N B A )-O n count- value received. %tm AnwricMi campuaM this tall, ertson act, w ill almost doubla the The book has oyoused many Thai , Note: Dr. JOrdipt U^unable |o cltiaens. One sent'll letter to the w b m brand-new frcahmen are answer individual qdestims. from ante with another 9«4ff,000. D tarriM Oaa Besolt Is Oe*th California has been working on Bangkmc Poet, an Aiaerlcan pub­ B*29 Survivors Arrive in Bemmda trvtnc to adjtwt tbemaelvea to readers. However, each day he will I f It OoeoB’t Bhoelva AttestloB this for some time,- and a lre a ^ lished dally protestoig that the oiAafe life, thera'a a univeraal answer one of the most frequent­ has MO automatic "quatl quaffe- book is selling like lie t cakes. The to coldt by hs soothing L^ders Attempt Truman Gives Pledge ly asked questions in h|s column. malady. It'a homeatckneaa. tsriaa” working. They are con­ buyers? Tourists. By Edwin P. Jordan. M. D. The Doctor Aasw«rn throat Seomd, it helps buO iPreehinan noatalfla la no Joke crete cisterns that catch rain dur­ The government permits hpuses Written for NEA Service By Edwin P. Jordan,'M. D. stiee to colds caused by lade to college authoriUea. The prob­ Chronic diarrhea is one of the ing the wet season and dole It out Of prosUtutlon to exist when B- min A. Get Father John’s lem la greateat among atudcnta Qototlon: What causes a con­ through the dry months whcn.mtl- oensed, but frowns on the practiee. most common ailments from tinued siege of canker sores in the today and get'results. To Snap Deadlock who never have been away from liona of baby quail would otherwise which human beings suffer. It mouth? — « homa before—and among bojw pro^cea discomfort and is ex­ die of thirst. Nation to Cooperate from tarma and viUagea confront­ Answ«rt There are aervCnd pos­ tremely annoying and trouble ed for the flrat time with life Ina sible causes for recurring canker Itome Oeta More Water some. big city college. sores. Some are believed to be due On Schools Issue It is not. strictly speaking, a For -the frtahman, the ahock la to low-grade infection. soiUe to al­ Rome — (PJ — Modem .Romans disease, since many different dis­ ptobably tougheat when Weat lergy and some possibly to vitam­ have piped the waters of the orders can cause this sympton. in deficiency. For these reasons, it Peschlera river to their city- ‘Ibe meeta Baat—when a boy from The most.fcoromon cause, however, No Definite Agreement -For Abundant Foods Kanaaa or California runa up is impossible to prescribe for them new water supply Is sorely needed. Lewis Blocks is tha t-which is of nervous origin. without investigation In each Case. During tha past summer Uie’water Reached After Hoiu> egaiiiat what kaaiatant Dean MdhTy people seem to show the ef-. Dgnald B. MlUer calla **the cold, shortage was acute. Many homes Views Creation of Abun­ fects of nervousness or emotional lU ce Thx Boosts Quail Welfare had■ ‘ to‘ depend“ ■ on ■ the■ I publicpubfl fotm- Long Conference; As* Firemen Strip Burning impersonal approach of the East- strain by developing diarrhea. The New Member german Spirit em en.” ■■ f tains for their supply and ictureset: Clothing From Woman dance of Food for intestinal nerves control the wave- Sacramento—(Ab — The Califor­ of the sembly to Adjourn Un* like motions by which intestinal fountains appeared often in news­ Miller haa been working on the nia quail, after a century of be­ r tilf Next Tuesday to PltUburgh, Nov. 22.—(/P)— All Countries as ^Ma­ contents are carried on down the papers. The new aqueduct is. dp Getting Seat| Of. Nationalism .homesickness problem as part of ing hunted by palefaces and hav­ Passersby stood goggle-eyed digestive tract. ing his cover, food supply and wat­ kilometers long with a capacity of Give Necessary Time jor Cooperative En­ his duties on the atafC of Oolum- When a suscepUble person be­ outside a downtown depart­ Wa University’s School of Engi­ ering places taken by same, is 34,060 tons every' 34 hours. iiiiiKiivjTra comes excited sr emotionally up­ ment store today os a squad of deavor Toward Our neering. tik e many other colleges, Stands Between Former I Growing Again set. the nerve control of the In­ State Capitol, Hartford, firemen dashed out the door Columbia attacks the malady be­ A letter home Is tackled by Co lumbla freshman Mario ,Much testines is disturbed, the wave- Nov. 22.-<ff)— Rival politi­ Judge Dawson and with the body of a woman, her Common Objective of fore it becomes serious through nlk, whose yearning for home covers a lot more mileage than most clothing ablaze. like motions are increased, and cal leaders sat down together Stable and Peaceful I a aeven-man team of counselors new students. He comes from Buenos Aires what is called diarrhea develops. Place on Board of Western Allied Offi­ She stood placid and undis­ who take over the freshmen the Get to the Source for the first time today to at­ turbed while the firemen W orld’ ; Bank Ignored mlnuto they put their bags down pminzxgm UMW Welfare Fund | cials in Berlin Piling Unless one knows what tha pos­ tempt to break the deadlock stripped her. on the campus. anyone to leave with the children sibilities are and how to identify Up File of Evidence; In colleges with such a pro­ that we can trust." cn' the jisBue of state aid to { Washington, Nov. 33— (ffV-Ths Then the smoke-eaters— Washington, Nov. 22.—(/P) Rulh mUett A "week-end mother” woiUdn’t the source of . the trouble—and hdp towns ' build schools. with red-faced chivalry— gram, there is little time for a these methods include X-rays and LEHIGH VALLEY detonnined figure o f John U LsW' Recent Examples Told — President Truman today new student to yearn for home. have to feel like a servant or Just draped a blanket over the other special examinations— a They announced after an is ropoYtodly stood today betwoan pledged United States cooper­ Without it, saya Edward J. Mal- Middle-Age Women Can Find a baby-sitter. She would be tem­ smouldering clothing dummy. Work as *Week-Ead’ Mothers porarily replacing the mother in good treatment Cannot be given. hour-long conference that nd Former Federal Judge Cbarlea I. By Thomoa A. Reedy ation to help "create an loyi Jr., who directs the service at Far too often people with chronic ANTHRACITE dafinlto dedalon had been relmhed, Columbia, countless freshmen a home, which means she would be Dawson snd a seat on the Board of Berlin, Nov. 32—OP)— Js toe old abundance o f food for all A middle-aged widow, with no diarrhea merely try to buy some­ otoer toaa aa agreement to con­ taking on a Job of real responsi­ TTustaea for - to# United Mine wotdd be "lost bosrs,’' > thing at a drugstore which will tinue toe bl-partlsan tallu. spirit o f German nationalism on countries.” He called this "a Counselors, aU young men who ; ob experience, but years of ex­ bility and trust. "quiet them down.” Although S o d OonaMered SlgnMcoat Workers wclfars fund. the march again? N major cooperative endeavor may be either g i^ u a te students perience in running a house, writes No Harder Than Business Blood Factor many drugs may do this for a Thlx was considered significant Ths UM W leader waa oSld to U j. g. a j , ynuM Uaeela talks wlto foor of toe IB sorvlvoro of a B-39 bomber aa they arrive Western aUled officials Irl. Ber­ or staff members, are selected for And it wouldn't be a harder Job toward our common objective to me, complaining that she can’t for the middle-aged woman than short time, such self-treatment is In Itself because heretofore, toe hava prevented Dawson from for; | on gfretehera at Riunllton, Beiinoda. Those oa atretchera, left to right: Master Sgt. Boy H. Coulter, > their ability to organise social haa btaa "'TOPS" far alaiaat a caatary mally taking his seat as opofators* | lin have been piling up a fllf of of a stable and peaceful get a Job because Of her age and working in an office or store. For a dangerous thing, as it may hide Democrats, oontroUlng .toe Sen­ Beverly. Bllle. Calif.; Corp. Bryoo W. Neof of Saolt Ste. Marie, Mich.; Staff Sgt. WIDlam H. Pratt of evidence that points that way.\ Ufa for the neophytes. They live trustos at a stormy three-hour i Possible Clue world." the home-maker can stop for a for a while some serious deep- ate, and toe Republicans, con­ Broefcton, Maoo., and Staff Sgt- Manuel K. Oropesa of niobe, Aris. The men were rescued from toe la the dormitories, and in the lack o f business training. “ What To protoci ogobitl subtHtofiont and inferior cook— sloa yestorday. Lewis, represent­ "The bugaboo o f Communii In a speech for toe annual rest when she needs it. She can seated condition. trolling toe House, not only had aeo by a Oanadlaa deatroyer after toe piano craoh-landed In Atlantic three daya before. Sergeant may soon have to take a bad course o f the ^ first few weeks are women my age supposed to ing toe miners, Is chnlrmsn of the I meeting of the Food and Agricul­ arrange the work that needs to be Although It la true that many insist on lWt-'’atEAM OF FUaS" not tisen able to reach an agree­ Unooln waa not nbonrd the B-39 when It emsbed.
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