3396 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. APRIL 28, New Hampshire, for legislation to protect innocent purchasers against with the Hawaiian Islands in respect to the importation of sugar fraudulent venders of patents and patent rights-to the Committee ~ee of duty; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Rela- on Patents. tions. By Mr. ROSECRANS: The petition of citizens of California, for the . ~Ir. LAPHAl\~. I present a memorial of a very large number of passage of the French spoliation claims bill-to the Committee on CitiZens of the mty of New York, of nearly all trades and pr9fessions Foreign Affairs. remonstrating against the passage of any bill restricting Chines~ By Mr. SCALES: The petition of H. P. Stipe and others, citizens immigration. I move that the memorial lie upon the table. of Thomasville, North Carolina, for an appropriation for educational The motion was agreed to. purposes-to the Commi~e on Education and Labor. Mr. HARRIS. I present joint resolutions adopted a few days since By Mr. SCOVILLE: The petition ofT. G. Smith and others, rela­ by the. Legislature of the Stat~ of Te~essee, asking that certain tive to internal-revenue taxes-to the Committee on Ways and franchises be granted to the Samt LoUIS, Montgomery and Florida Means. Railroad Company. I ask that the resolutions be read at the desk By Mr. ·SHACKELFORD: The petition of 80 citizens of Onslow and referred to the Committee on Public Lancls. ' County, North Carolina, for an appropriation for the improvement The resolutions were read, and referred to the Committ ee ou Pub­ of the navigation of the sounds between Morehead City and New lic Lands, as follows : River-to the Committee on Commerce. Whereas there is a bill now pending before the Congress of the United States By Mr. STEPHENS: The petition of 1\Irs. Cornelia Bernelle, for granting certain franchise to the Saint Louis, Montgomery and Florida Railroad; relief-to the Committee on War Claims. and By Mr. J. T. UPDEGRAFF: The petition of E. V. Brookfield and "Whereas the early construction of said railroad will be of great benefit to Ten· nessee1 as well as a l!l'eat national work: 7 o~ers, citizens of Ohio, in favor of Government aid to education Be tt resolved by the senate and house of representatives of Tennessee, That our in Alaska--to the Committee on Education and Labor. Senators and Representatives in Congress are requested to use all their influence, By Mr. URNER: Papers relating to the claim of Lewis Ernde­ consistent with their conscientious disch..·uge of duty to our common country, to further the passage of said bill. to the Committee on War Claims. GEO. H. :MORGAN, By Mr. VANCE: The petition of J. F. Downs and others, of North Speaker of the Senate. Carolina; of Dr. A. A. Scroggs and others, citizens ofCaldwell County, Adopted Aplil 8, 1882. North Carolina; and of W. M. Tuttle and others, citizens of Lenoir H. B. RAMSEY, Speaker of the House of Representatives. County, North Carolina, for an appropriation for educational pur­ Approved Aprill7, 1882. poses-severally to the Committee on Education and Labor. ALVIN HAWKINS, GoveT"TWf'. Also, the resolutions of the Produce Exchange of Wilmington, North Carolina, in favor of reducing the taxes on bank-checks, cir­ REPORTS OF COl\nUTrEES. culation, and deposits-to the Committee on Ways and Means. 1\Ir. VANWYCK, from the Committee on Pensions, to whom was By Mr. MORGANR. WISE: The petitionofHon.JamesA.Hunter referred the bill ( S. No. 604) granting a pension to Margaret Beymer, and 25 others, citizens of Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, for reported it with an amendment; and submitted a report thereon, the better protection of immigrants-to the Committee on Commerce. which was ordered to be printed. By Mr. YOUNG: The petition of Armstrong & Miller and many l\Ir. McMILLAN, from the Committee on the District of Columbia, other business :firms of Mount Vernon, Ohio i of JohnS. Hawley & to whom was referred the bill (H. R. No. 5127) to amend an act en­ Co. and 31 other business firms of New York City; of J. H. Smith titled "An act to incorporate the Masonic Mutual Relief Association and 42 others, of Ballston Spa, New York; of G. H. Plumb and 38 of the District of Columbia," reported it without amendment. other business firms of New Jersey; and of Charles A. Boynton and 36 Mr. McDILL, from the Committee on the District of Columbia, to others, citizensofBrooklyn, New York City, andHoboken, New Jer­ whom was referred the bill (S. No. 1342) authorizing the trustees of sey, for the passage of the bill now pending to tax the adulterant the Isherwood estate to amend a certain plan of subdivision of said known as glucose five cents per pound-severally to the Committee estate recorded in the land recorcls of .the District of Columbia, re- on Ways and Means. ported it with an amendment. , Mr. HAWLEY, from the Committee on Railroads, to whom was referred the bill (S. No. 972) creating the Oregon Short Line Rail­ way Company a corporation in the Territories of Utah, Idaho, and Wyoming, and for other purposes, reported it without amendment; SENATE. and submitted a report thereon,·which was ordered to be printed. FRIDAY, Ap'ril 28, 1882. Mr. MORRILL. I present the bill (H. R. No. 2932) for the relief of Thomas Evans, which appears by the record to have been referred Prayer by~he Chaplain, Rev. J. J. BULLOCK, D. D. March 28 to the Committee on Finance, although that committee has The J ourn8.1 of yesterday's proceeding~:! was read and approved. ne-.er received it. It is clear that the bill belongs to the Committee on the District Columbia, and I move that it be referred to that ADI'OUR..~ENT TO MO~"'DAY. committee. On motion of Mr. ANTHONY, it was The motion was agreed to. Ordered, That when the Senate adjourn to-~ay it be to meet on Monday next. 1\Ir. CONGER, from the Committee on Commerce, to whom was referred the bill (S. No. 140'2) for the relief of shipping, reported it PETITIONS AND ME~IORIALS. with an amendment; and submitted a report thereon, which wa.s Mr. ALLISON. I present a petition numerously signed by citi­ ordered to be printecl. zens of Davenport, Iowa, representing commercial interest , mer­ Mr. JONAS, from the Committee on Railroads, to whom was re­ chants, manufacturers, &c., praying for the pa sage of what is known ferred the bill (S. No. 1147) to release the Memphis and Little Rock as the Lowell bankrupt bill. I move that it lie on the table. Railroad Company from such of the conditions of the several acts of The motion was agreed to. Congress approved February 9, 18531 and July 28, 1866, as lmjURtly Mr. ALLISON presented a petition of citizens of Vinton, Iowa; a affect said corporation, reported it without amendment; and sub­ petition of citizens of Grundy Centre, Iowa; a petition of citizens of mitted a report thereon, which was ordered to be printed. Belle Plaine.~, Iowa.; a petition of citizens of Sibley, Iowa; a petition of citizens ot Davis County, Iowa; and a petition of citizens of Leon, REMOVAL OF OBSTRU'CTIOXS AT HELL GA.TE. Iowa, in favor of an appropriation for the establishment and main­ 1\Ir. MILLER, of New York. I am directed by the Committee on tenance of schools in A4loska; which were referred to the Committee Commerce, to whom was referred the bill (H. R. No. 590 ) making an on Education and Labor. immediate appropriation for the removal of obstructions at Hell l\1r. ROLLINS. I present a petition of David Smith and some 350 Gate, New York, to report it favorably, and I ask for ita present con­ others, citizens of GeorO'etown, District of Columbia, praying for sideration. the pa sage of Senate bill. No. 419, concerning the construction of a. By unanimous consent, the Senate, as in Committee of the Whole, free bridge across the Potomac River. As the prayer is very short, proceeded to consider the bill. It appropriates $50,000 for tho re­ I would like to have it read ; it is only a few lines. moval of obstructions in East River, Hell Gate, New York, tho same The PRESIDENT JYI"O tempm·e. The petition will be read without to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of '\V ar, and to the names, the Chair hearing no objection. be immediately available. The netition wa"8 read, and referred to the Committee on the Dis­ The bill was reported to the Senate without amendment, ordered trict of Columlbia, as follows : to a third reading, read the third tnne, and passed. The und~ed, inhAbitants of Georgetown, District of Columbia, being deeply CONGRESSIO~AL ELECTIONS IN WEST VIRGD."'A.. int~rested in the construction of a free bridge across the Potomac River, at a point where the same can be done not only with the greatest economy but where the ~Ir. HOAR. I am directed by the Committee on Privileges and public interest will be best subserved, respectfully petition that Senate bill No. 419, Elections, to whom was referred the bill (H. R. No. 5352) to amend now pending before the Senate Committee of the District of Columbia, be speedily passed; inasmuch as the .Aqueduct piers con tructed at a large cost, are in excel­ the laws with reference to elections in West Virginia, to report it lent condition, and the site of the .Aqueduct is in every respect the most suita8le favorably and without amendment.
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