‘Just publish the Bare rooms but a No more studying dangerous virus’ cosy atmosphere for fun! The risk of replication by First experiences with the Proposed: Recruitment cap for terrorists is nil. | p.9 | Open Offi ce. | p.18 | degrees with no job prospects. | p.22 | RESOURCEFor students and employees of Wageningen UR nr. 11 – 26 January 2012 – 6th Volume How students live around the world Five students in one room p.24 2 >> liefdewerk >> BAS + BOARD GAMES Bas Kempen, Soil Geography team at Alterra ‘I am a pretty bad loser’ Forget simple quiz games like Tell- me. But you can always interest Bas Kempen in a more complex board game. He and his group of fellow gameologists gather to play at least once a week. ‘Games that you have to work at. With lots of interaction and the smallest possi- ble element of luck.’ So the best games are strategic ones like Domi- nant Species. Played for fun, natu- rally. ‘But it is about winning too of course.’ RK / Foto: Guy Ackermans RESOURCE — 26 januari 2012 ILLUSTRATIE COVER: HENNY BOOGERT >>CONTENTS nr. 11 – 6th Volume >> 12 >> 16 >> 28 OVERFLOWING GARBAGE BIN LIKE AN ANGEL RODEO IN TEXAS Nobody wants it, but we still waste A high-speed camera reveals the Annika enjoyed life on the ranch, more than a third of our food. workings of the wings of the dove. but not the narrow-mindedness. AND MORE... 2 Labour of love SHAME board games Ever hopeful, I serve my young sons a hot meal every evening, but give or take a 4 News and opinion couple of spoonfuls, Papa’s labour of love usually ends up in the bin. We throw 8 Science out 44 kilos of food a year each, and no doubt the Van Caulil household sends 11 Resource.wur.nl the average up. 12 Food waste 15 Ruud Huirne Throwing out food is called waste. But why do we find that such a shame, actual- 16 In the picture ly? It can’t be because of the CO2 emissions. This society shows precious little fast film conscience about excess production and environmental pollution. As for the 18 The Open Office Dutch ‘hunger winter’ of 1945, I think that really is too long ago to be the reason. 21 Catering 22 IMO I think food has special value because it is living matter. We eat plants and ani- studying for fun mals. That is probably why I am less bothered by chucking out a plastic cup or 24 Student an old newspaper than an apple or a fish fillet. Try telling the kids that. 29 Column 32 Typical Dutch Gaby van Caulil rules >> Win 250 euros with your views. nter the Resource writing competition, page 30. 26 januari 2012 — RESOURCE >> news 9+/67$)):$17 :+,=.,'6:$1772'5$: 7267$<,1 12%(/35,=(:,11(56 :$*(1,1*(185 72:$*(1,1*(1 ð 3ROOSHUFHQWRIVWDʼnDUHIRU FRQWLQXHGFROODERUDWLRQ stitute of Technology, Cambridge, careers. Journalists from magazi- ð <RXQJDFDGHP\DLPVDW MIT, Oxford and Harvard, scien- nes such as the New Scientist of èYLEUDQWDWPRVSKHUHé tists of Novel prize stature come to the NRC/Handelsblad would give Almost 400 staff members and ð ,I+DUYDUGFDQGRLWVRFDQ speak every year, as do top policy- lectures on communication. Nobel about 20 students from the various :DJHQLQJHQ makers and the editors of top jour- Prize winners would stimulate top VHL campuses converged on Zwol- nals. That creates a vibrant at- level research, and enterprising le on 18 January to discuss the ‘In- mosphere in which young scien- professors will encourage know- viting Prospect’ with the directors Wageningen needs to create the tists are inspired to think big and ledge valorisation. and board. This memo expresses sort of academic climate that sti- push out the boundaries of sci- The Young Academy is a select the ideas of the board and ma- mulates top research. To this end, ence.’ group itself. More than forty scien- nagement team of VHL on what seventeen up-and-coming resear- tists applied to join but only se- the applied sciences university chers met at the Hof van Wagenin- ',67,*8,6+('63($.(56 venteen survived the selection pro- aims to achieve by 2016 and how gen yesterday evening to establish Wageningen needs an atmosphere cess. The criteria were motivation, this can be realized in the context the ‘Young Academy’. The idea was like that. The Young Academy publication score, and success rate of Wageningen UR. They also the brainchild of the Wageningen wants to help this along by inviting in obtaining grants. The Wagenin- sketch a number of scenarios that highfliers David Lentink and Dolf distinguished speakers to Wagen- gen whiz kids feel supported from would be possible if VHL steps out Weijers. They want to create the ingen. People like the editors of above. A panel of established Wa- of the relationship with ‘Wagenin- sort of research climate you find at journals such as Nature, Science geningen scientists - known as a gen’. the best universities. Weijers: ‘At and PNAS would be invited to talk ‘collegium’ - will offer them sup- universities such as California In- about their publications and port and coaching. *Y& &21',7,216 The discussion was followed by a poll among the staff to see how much support there was for the %86,1(66$6868$/)257($&+(52)7+(<($5 ‘Inviting Prospect’. Sixty percent of the staff voted for it and 38 percent against. They were also invited to write their conditions on their vo- ð )ULWV&ODDVVHQEHVWWHDFKHURI as the winner because of his ca- ting cards. These comments are pacity to pass on his enthusiasm now being collated and will be pre- ð è$WHDFKHUZLWKSDVVLRQé to students even in the maths- sented to the executive board early heavy courses he teaches and in a in February. The board wants to very tough degree programme. wait and see what comes out of His mailbox is bursting with con- ‘He is a teacher with a passion this exercise before making any de- gratulation and he gets the feeling both for his work and for his stu- cisions about the collaboration that people are looking at him dif- dents’, says the jury report. between VHL and Wageningen UR. ferently. Apart from that though, If the board does see a future in it’s business as usual for the newly %/$&.%2$5' keeping the collaboration with elected Teacher of the Year Frits Along with the other nominees, VHL going, the directors and MT Claassen. ‘The next day I was in Claassen receives 2,500 euros in will work out the conditions in de- class as usual at eight thirty.’ The prize money. He already knows tail. The results of this process will lecturer in Logistics, Decision and what he will spend it on. ‘As a tea- be presented to VHL staff and the Information Sciences won the tea- cher I frequently come up against executive board before the sum- cher of the year 2012 election on the inadequate amount of black- mer break. Another poll will be ta- 17 January. board space in a modern lecture ken then, before making the final Claassen was surprised to win. theatre. So I want to use the mo- decision. /YG1 ‘I am on the long list every year but ney to move the fantastic black- this was the first time I landed in boards in the Biotechnion to the the last five. I really didn’t expect new Orion building or the Forum. to win as well. Of course I am al- I can’t imagine the executive ways trying to improve my classes. council could turn down such a Never rest on your laurels: that is textbook example of sustainable kind of the way I was brought up.’ thinking.’ /YG1 The jury picked Frits Claassen out RESOURCE — 26 January 2012 news << 5 678'(176(1'6è3$5&(/%20%é72+($'2)),&( delivered to reception at 11.00 by frustration about this apparently ð 6WXGHQWIUXVWUDWHGE\ someone who aroused suspicions. drove him to send a threatening VORZSURJUHVV The alarm was sounded straight- letter to a university employee last ð 6WDʼnPHPEHUUHFHLYHG away to initiate the evacuation of week. WKUHDWHQLQJOHWWHUEHIRUH about 400 employees, including Two hours after the suspect the executive board. The person package was delivered, the bomb who brought the package was disposal squad (EOD) announced A suspect package led to an evacu- quickly apprehended. Rumour has that the contents were harmless. ation of the whole of Atlas on 25 Ja- it that it was a 35-year-old student The all-clear was then given to re- nuary. The package, the size of half who has not graduated yet and bla- turn to Atlas. /YG1 a shoebox and wrapped in foil, was mes the university for this. His LQEULHI NjNj816$)( NjNj678'(17*5$176 %UHDNLQVDW'LMNJUDDIŋDWV 1RJUDQWIRUORQJHU0DVWHUéVSUR Students at the Dijkgraaf residence have JUDPPHV been the victims of a series of break-ins. Even students who embarked on a In the last week alone, three ground- two- or three-year Master’s program- fl oor windows have been smashed. One me this academic year are to lose 6&+$0,1(ljlj resident came back after a night away to their basic grants from September. fi nd a large stone on her pillow. Worse Secretary of State for Education Zijl- *HHVH still, on Friday 20 January, a German stu- stra is scrapping these grants for all It is winter and the cold air is driving large fl ocks of geese dent was mugged and robbed of his bag Master’s students. Only students from northern Europe to the Netherlands. To me, a fan- and keys.
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