PA L. ES. T I N E \. \> FH.C: S."Tl fl e (I) PREFACE 1. MAPS USED This Index Gazetteer is compiled from the 16 sheets or the 1/100.000 Palestine series PDR/1512/3776-91, the 1/250.000 South sheet PDR/1509/3951 for the area between the Egyptian Frontier and 35° E (Easting 150) and south or grid north 040, and from five sheets of the 1/100.000 South Levant series PDR/1522 whi~h cover the area between 35 ° E and the Trans-Jordan border south of grid north 040. 2. TRANSLITERATION Names are transliterated according to the "Rules or Transliteration.-Notice regarding Transliteration in English or .Arabic names" issued by the Government of Pale• stine (Palestine Gazette~o. 1133 of 2-0ct-41), but without Using the diacritical signs of this system. As.there are many similar characters in the Arabic· and Hebrew alphabets the following li~t of alternative letters Should.be consulted if a name is not found under the letter it is looked tor:- a-e e.g.:- Tall, Tell, ar-er, al-el c - s - ts - ·z Saghira, ·Tsiyon, Zion d - dh Dhahrat g - j Jabal, Jisr h - kh Hadera, Khudeira k - q Karm, Qevutsa, Qibbuts 3. GRID REFERENCES Definite points such as villages, trig.points etc.· have been given the reference of the kilometre. s~uare in which they are situated. In all other cases .the reference is to the square in which the first letter of the name is printed. Names of rivers and wadis which appear more than once have been treated as follows:- The map reference of the name which is nearest the source and that of the one farthest downstream have both been listed. No reference haa been made to intermediate names. When a river or wadi appears on more than one sheet the sheet numbers are shown in parenthesis in the order or the flow of the riv~r. 4. ALPHABETICAL ARRANGE?tlENT As many names in Palestine are preceeded by a generic term such as Khirba, Tall etc. and as the use of' these terms ia not always consistent all such name e have been listed twice to facilitate the use of the gazetteer. They appear ·once in the form they are printed on the map and a second ti1ae for the main part of the name. To indi- cate double listing these names are preceeded by an asterisk E.g.:- -£f 1Ch. Sharati * Shara ti, Kh, 5. ABBRBVIATIONS Every name has been given an abbreviated des• cription, using the 'following list:- as. antiquity ai te pl. plain bdg. bridg~ pp. police post c , , ca. cave, caves pa. pass ct. cliff ptn. plantation· cn, , ens. cistern, cisterns rdg. ridge cem. cemetery rf. reef ex. archaeological rly. bdg; railway bridge excavations rly. atn. railway station f. ford rn. ruin f'm. , rma, farm, f'arrns ab; ( ) suburb g. gorge em, small ham. hamlet sp. spur h., he. hill, hills (below apg , , spga, spring, springs 500 m relative) atr. stream ho., hos. house, houses t. town hy.tr. holy tree ta. tribal area kh. khirba tl. tall ln. locality name tm. tomb ls. landing stage tp. trig.point m. marsh v. village men. monaatery vl. valley mos. mosque w.' ws. well, wells mt. mountain wd. wadi Note:- Cirque a natural amphitheatre. Topographically a circ1ue consists of a lower central area surrounded by steep cliffs facing the central depression. The origin is geological and results from (jj 1) the erosion of the central or highest portions of anticlines; that Ls to say, regions where the geological· strata have been bent upwards in the form of an arch. There are many such in Southern Palestine. Khirba means.either an abandoned or.a temporary ·site of habitation. This term may be used to describe anything from a few scattered stones to permanently inhabited villages and appears several hundred times.on Pa- lestine maps. An attempt has been made to classify the more important. t_ocali ty name used to describe a sn~ll area which is not related to a particular topographic.al feature. in contrast· to khirba is a ruin of a• particular building, part of which at least remains standing. ----==.Tall is a wholly or partly artificial mound; often'the site of ancient towns or villages. refers to ordinary tombs as .well as to "Weli "s" i.e. tombs of Sheikh's, usually small, square, cupola roofed buildings. ~Wadi is a watercourse, 'in which water flows periodically, during the rains. 6. APPENDIX A short.Gazetteer Index of Palestine 1/250.000 Southern sheet appears separately at the end of this volwne. (:l V) 7• SHORT GLOSSARY Note:• A: - Arabic H: - Hebrew Abu A Father 'Arab A Collective singular, i.e. collection, tribe, or camp of Arabs Bab A Gate, entrance Baika(t) A . Byre, shed Bal ad A Country, town, village Banat, Binat A Daughters Bani A Sons of, i.e. tribe of Basea(t) A Marsh Bat H Daughter Ba tin A Knoll Beer H Well Beit, Bayit H & A House Bir, ~l. Biyar A Cistern, well Birks{ t) A Pool,. cistern Burj A Tower Dar A House Deir A Convent Dhahr A Ridge 'Ein H & A Spring 'Emeq H Plain, valley Pauqa A Upper Gan H Garden Ghaba A Wood,· forest Gharbi, Gharbiya A Western Giv'a(t) H Hill Haj A Pilgrim Ha jar A Rock, stone Hamam A Pigeon Hamn am A Bath, hot spring Haraba, pl. · Hurraba A Cistern, reservoir Ibn A Son 'Iraq, pl.'Urqan A Cliff, isolated hill Irgun H Cooperative settlement 'Izba ( 'Azba) A Hamlet, farm J. Jabal, Jebel A Mountain, hill Jami' A Mosque Jisr A Bridge Kabi.r. A Large Kafr A Village Kann A Vineyard or garden Ke far H Village · Khalla( t) A Low ground Khan A Caravansa rai Khasbm A Nose, promontory Khirba(t) A Abandoned or temporary Kh· inhabited site Mgt. Maghara~ pl. Mughur Mughr) A Cave Makhada t) A Ford Maqam A Shrine Maqbara, Maqbarat A Cemetery, burial place (V) Mar Syrian Saint Marj A :Meadow Mauq_i' A Place Mazar A Shrine Mesheq H Farm, settlement Mina(t) A Harbour Mishmar H Watchpost Nabi A lit: Prophet, 1.e. shrine of Nahala(t) H "Patrimony'' Naqb, pl. Nuqub A Pass Nazla(t) A Camp, village N. Nevq H Home, place of Po 'el, pl. Po'alirn, Po'alot H Worker Qa' A Soft land, plain Qabr, pl. Qubui- A Tomb Qal'at A Castle, fort Qarawa A Village Qarn, pl. ~urun A Peak Qasr A Villa, mansion Qevutsa(t) H Communal settlement Qibbuts H Large communal settlement Qibl11 Qibliya A Southern Qirya~ t) H Village Qubur A cf Qabr. Qurun A cf Qarn Rama H Hill Ras A Head, peak, point Rasm A Ridge Rujm, pl. Rujum, Rujmat A Cairn (conical hill) Saghir A Small Sahl, Sehel A Plain 3kt. Sakna(t) A Quarter or hamlet Sede H Field Sha 'ar, fl· · She arim H Gateway Shajara A Tree Shamali, Shamaliya A Northern Sharqi, Sharqiya A Eastern Sht. Shekhuna(t) H Quarter Shuqaf, pl. , Shuqt'an A Potsherds Sitt A Lady Tahta A Lower· Tahuna(t) A Mill Tall, Tell A Mound Tel H Hill, mound Tira A A post Tsur H Rock Tur A Mountain Umm A Mother of 'Urqan A cf 'Iraq 'Uyun A Springs Wadi A Watercourse (cf para. ". 5, notes) INDEX TO MAP SHEETS USED FOR GAZETTEER OF PALESTINE 35° 36° .. " .. t---t-r~-;-~~T+-1~·~~ .. 1:100,000 • PALESTINE P.D.R. 1512 32 ~ 4..'<Q i> I 0-~,,"\,~ / ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ 31 q.: ' 1:250,000 PALESTINE P. D.R. 1509 Scale 1: 2,0Q0.000 35° 36° 1 *'Aba, Kh., kh, 180207 5 * 'Ababisha, Ghabat al, l.n. 135178 6 * Abalis, Tall, tl., tp. 206274 3 'Abasan, v; ·. 087081 11 *'Abbad, Kh., kh. 147.121 9 *'Abbad, .Kb. Ras, kh, 180265 3 *'Abbad, Sh., tm. 200290 1 *'Abbadi, Makhadat al, f. 203188 7 *'Abbas, Kh., kh. 202259 3 *' Abbas, Sh., tm.. 102094 11 *'Abbasiya, Kh. al, kh •. 164275 2 *'Abbasiya cf Yahudiya, Al, v. 1.39159 9 *'Abbush, Ka.fr, v. 158181 6 1Abd, wd. 108110 11 *'Abd al 'Aziz, Sh., tm. 164135 9 *' Abd al Had.i., 'Iraq, kh, 14209.3 12 * 'Abd al Hamid, Kh, Rasm, kh, 139109 12 *'Abd al Jabir, Qabr, tm. 171+218 5 *'Abd, Kb.. al, kh, 150124 9 *' Abd al Mal~k, su., tm. 161179 6 * 'Abd al Mun'im, Sh. , tm. 118093 11 .• Abd an Nabi, tm. 128166 6 *'Abd, Qabr al, tm. 158166 6 .' Abd al Qadir a.l Kilani, tm. 154105 12 *'Abd al Qadir, Sh., tm. 185175 7 * 'Abd al Qadir, Sh.,. tm. 196171 7 * • Abd ar Rahman, Mazar Sh. , tm. 135128 9 *'Abd as Sal.run, sn,; tm. 176136 10 *'Abela, Biyar al, ens. 180125 10 *'Abda, Kh., kh, 151097 12 *'Abda, Kh., rn. 165272 2 *'Abdallah Ibrahim, Kh. , kh, 166119 13 *'Abdallah, Sh. , . tm. 200258 3 *'Abdallah, Sh. , tm. 204254 3 * 1 Abdallah, Sh. , tm. 171207 5 *'Abdallah, Sh. , . tm. 180211 5 *'Abdallah, Sh. , . tm. 122124 8 *'Abdallah, Sh. , tm. 149127 9 *'Abdallah, Sh. , tm. 171142 10 * 1 Abdallah, Sh., tm. 172150 10 *'Abdallah, Sh., .tm. 1.32106 12 *'Abdallah, Sh., tm. 145116 12 *'Abdat, Mughral, cs. 190173 7 **Abdul Qadir, Beit1 ho. 192178 7 * 1 Abdullah, Sh. ·1 tm. 149201 4 * 1 Abdullah, Sh. , tm. 150217 4 *'Abdullah, Sh., tm. 154217 4 * 1 Abdullah, Sh. , tm. 158167 6 *'Abdullah, Sh., tm. 120117 12 *'Abdullah, Sh. , tm. 122118 12 *'Abdun, Tall, tl. 142220 4 *'Abhar, Kh.. al; kh. 160125 9 *'Abid, 'Arab al, ta.
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