December 2, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7869 You can’t grow the economy if you’re issues of aviation, the Coast Guard, gress has been unable to reach agreement on not growing the infrastructure. It’s a water, rail, and all of our other sub- a final FAA bill. lesson I think that we have maybe jects. Not only is he a walking encyclo- I know we are all disappointed that we have painfully learned over the last few pedia, but he is also one who brings a not been able to reach agreement on a full re- months. strong history to those issues and has authorization package. Such a bill would: He was a spokesperson for doing been truly a professor, a guide and a Ensure stable funding for airport projects much more on behalf of the infrastruc- true leader. They say that leaders, peo- across the country, providing for long-term ture but also in behalf of the men and ple want to follow people who have in- construction jobs; women who are employed in that effort tegrity, who have commitment, who Advance implementation of the Next Gen- and the people who would be employed will go the extra mile. eration Air Traffic Control system; and in the future with modern airports, The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Improve aviation safety standards. modern ports, modern rail systems, time of the gentleman has expired. Both bodies have been negotiating to smart highway systems and an inte- Mr. COSTELLO. I yield the gen- produce a final FAA bill that sets priorities and grated transportation system. I have tleman an additional minute. improves our airspace system. been very proud to serve with you all Mr. CUMMINGS. True leaders. JIM Unfortunately, Congress just cannot seem to of this time, all of our time together in OBERSTAR is one who we know that get the job done. the Congress. Thank you for your even in those moments, as the Greek In the 112th Congress the FAA Reauthor- knowledge and for your service. theologian Swindoll said, when he was ization bill will be a top priority for the Com- Mr. PETRI. Before I wrap up, just unseen, unnoticed, unappreciated and mittee. We will work closely with our col- one last point, and that is that I think unapplauded that he still did the right leagues across the aisle and in the other one thing I’ve learned watching JIM thing. That’s what leadership is all chamber to complete a bill as quickly as pos- OBERSTAR is the way he has expressed about. Generations will be better off sible. appreciation for and treated the people because Chairman OBERSTAR touched So, while I am sorry we were unable to he works with on the staff of the com- our lives. I wish him well. reach agreement on a bill in this Congress, I mittee and in the House. I think the Mr. COSTELLO. Mr. Speaker, I yield support this extension to keep FAA up and fact that he spent many years as a myself the balance of my time. running until we complete the bill next year. I staffer himself, sometimes you get Let me also say to Chairman OBER- urge my colleagues to adopt the legislation. angry about things but he always rec- STAR, I want to thank him for his kind Mr. COSTELLO. I yield back the bal- ognized the contribution and the im- words about this legislation and the ance of my time. portance of the work that was being work that both myself and the gen- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The done by people who devoted their lives tleman from Wisconsin (Mr. PETRI) has question is on the motion offered by often not in the public spotlight but done. But actually every team has to the gentleman from Illinois (Mr. even in more important endeavors as have a captain and a leader and he has COSTELLO) that the House suspend the they actually worked out the details of been the leader. He is the person that rules and pass the bill, H.R. 6473. legislation that were working with us, drove every transportation bill in the The question was taken; and (two- such as David Heymsfeld that he just last several years coming out of the thirds being in the affirmative) the referred to. Transportation Committee on the floor rules were suspended and the bill was For these and many other reasons, of this House. passed. you, sir, shall be missed. I have said many times both here in A motion to reconsider was laid on Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance Washington and back in Illinois that the table. of my time. no one in the Congress of the United f Mr. COSTELLO. Mr. Speaker, I yield States or in my opinion in the entire 2 minutes to the gentleman from Mary- country knows more about transpor- PLACING CONDITIONS ON CHILD land, a member of the committee and tation issues than JIM OBERSTAR. He’s AND ADULT CARE FOOD PROGRAM also a subcommittee chairman, Mr. given all of his adult life to serve his Mr. GEORGE MILLER of California. CUMMINGS. country. His entire time here both as a Mr. Speaker, I move to suspend the Mr. CUMMINGS. Mr. Speaker, I want staff person and as a member and then rules and pass the bill (H.R. 6469) to to thank the gentleman for yielding, as chairman of the Transportation amend section 17 of the Richard B. and I certainly support the legislation, Committee, he has left us with a legacy Russell National School Lunch Act to but I wanted to take a moment to ex- that we can be very proud of. And I am include a condition of receipt of funds press my thankfulness to the gen- very certain that as we end this Con- under the child and adult care food pro- tleman from Minnesota, Chairman gress and move on to the 112th, as we gram. OBERSTAR. You know, so often we look are taking up our business, we will all The Clerk read the title of the bill. at our lives and we question how they turn to him and continue to ask him The text of the bill is as follows: will intersect with other people’s lives. for his advice and to help us guide our H.R. 6469 And we hope that when those intersec- way into the future as to how we can tions come about that we are made a Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- improve the quality of life for the peo- resentatives of the United States of America in better person because of them. And I ple of this country by improving our Congress assembled, can say that when my life eclipsed with transportation system. SECTION 1. CONDITION OF RECEIPT OF FUNDS that of JIM OBERSTAR’s, my life became 1240 UNDER THE CHILD AND ADULT a better life. b CARE FOOD PROGRAM. As the chairman of the Coast Guard I thank him for not only his service, Section 17 of the Richard B. Russell Na- subcommittee, the gentleman from but personally for his guidance to me. tional School Lunch Act (42 U.S.C. 1766) is Minnesota was consistently there guid- He has been a mentor. Everything that amended by adding at the end the following: ing, showing me the ropes and giving I have learned about aviation I learned ‘‘(u) INELIGIBILITY OF INSTITUTIONS.—An in- stitution shall be ineligible for funds under from JIM OBERSTAR. I wish him well me an opportunity to be all that I this section if such institution employs a could be. It’s not every chairman that and look forward to having him take child care staff member who— does that, that says, I’m going to allow my phone calls many times in the fu- ‘‘(1) refuses to consent to a criminal back- you to be all that you can be and then ture as I turn to him for advice. ground check that includes— give you the guidance to get there, and Mr. Speaker, I ask for strong support ‘‘(A) a search of the State criminal reg- then support you throughout. for this legislation. istry or repository in the State where the I’ve learned a lot in all my years, and Mr. MICA. Mr. Speaker, it is unfortunate that child care staff member resides and each it’s been about 15 years on that com- we find ourselves considering the 17th FAA State where such staff member previously mittee, from our chairman. But there resided; Extension bill. ‘‘(B) a search of State-based child abuse is also the thing that a number of As of September 30th, it has been three and neglect registries and databases in the other people have already said. I’ve years since the FAA was last authorized. This State where the child care staff member re- been just amazed with his leadership has been the longest period of time between sides and each State where such staff mem- and his passion with regard to the FAA reauthorizations in decades, but still Con- ber previously resided; VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:06 Dec 03, 2010 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K02DE7.031 H02DEPT1 pwalker on DSKD5P82C1PROD with HOUSE H7870 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE December 2, 2010 ‘‘(C) a search of the National Crime Infor- kill the bill and unfortunately to play have no involvement in writing initia- mation Center; politics with two important issues—our tives to spend an additional $4.5 billion ‘‘(D) a Federal Bureau of Investigation fin- children’s safety and our children’s in hard-earned taxpayer dollars on leg- gerprint check using the Integrated Auto- health.
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