.. MOREw á ' .é:s: °en,y rYrfer!^. 'f rom4T nC1R OUTSIDE SELLING WILL UP SPRING VOLUME :Lrtctocr SeFR I; in qoiW .x oC,3l 2QtsdS TIZ `Sti %O$ RC otFeH srr.a',s ';,>u _ - =9:12 www.americanradiohistory.com VA FADERS FROM ` --- 2 Smart Table Models Priced and Styled for Action Strikingly designed metal cabinets with sim- ulated mahogany grain picture frames in both 17 and 20 inch screen sizes. Contrasting mask and matching mountings. CBS -Colum- bia engineered for dependable performance. Powerful! Compact! Lively traffic builders. Order now from your CBS -Columbia dis- tributor. 95* Plus F.E.T. and $21 warranty. * Prices slightly higher South and West. MODEL 20M1 MODEL 17M CBS -M .13%N IN THE MAGIC NAME Tv MERCHANDISING Plus F.E.T. and warranty. EVERY eau 4-Prices slightly higher South and West. SEES EVERY DAYS MIlLIONS me« EVERYWHERE CBSCOLUMBIA INC.-A Subsidiary of COLUMBIA BROADCASTING SYSTEM . FOR VOLO F S www.americanradiohistory.com ncl tiding -VISION" IN THIS ISSUE MARCH, 1932 "RADIO & TELEVISION TODAY"' and "ELECTR=CA_ RETAILING" 71/e , ORESTES H. CALDWELL 7 Editorial Wee -or e Cover -The Door to More Sales Is the Customer's Front Door What's Ahead -In Radio, Appliances, Records and Television 33, 34, 35 M. CLEME S The Inside Info on Outside Selling Today 38, 39 Pub isher Personalized Sales Promotion Pays Off 40, 41 All -Out Ad Promotion Pulls Sales, Builds Good -Will 42, 43 Cash JOHN L. STCLTENEURGH In on Clock -Radios 56 Executive Editen Get Your Share of Growing 12 -Month Portable Market 44, 45 EDWARD A. CAMPBELL. New Radio, Phono, TV Models 54 New Horizon for PA in Managing Edito - '52 68 JOHN G- McGEOY How to Make Your Store Headquarters for Recorders 70 Amistar; faitor Future Events of Interest to Readers 52 CHARLES f. DREYER Art Director BUSINESS DF5ARTMENT M. H. NEWTO, Zecoedd. PloKog. ,dfcceaaonte4 Business Morager HOWARC A. REED What's Ahead in the Phono Record Market 33, 34, 35 General So es Manager To Sell More Pop Records, Get in Tune With the Teen-Agers 46, 47 DIXON SCOTT Recent Events and Announcements in the Record Field 48 District 'Manage@ HAROLD C. WELTNER District Manager a ,4 N. MCA -LISTER Asst. Business Marsger Features of Current Model Electric Ranges 58, 62, 64 A. O'RC JRKE New Electrical Appliances 66 Production Sipervi.or How to Boost Your Volume With Outdoor Selling 38, 39 MARTHA H. SAVIILE Recent News in the Appliance Field 94 Director, Re:cser Service BRANCH OF -ICE * eWLW .5acard 6 S CHICAGO S. M. GASKINS, Western Manager Prescription for Profitable Servicing JOHN D. LUPTON. Distri Manager 75 Servicing Video Detector Circuits in TV Receivers 76, 201 N. Wells St., fandoi,h 6-9225 77 Picking TV Antennas for Best Results in the Fringe 78, 79 Servicing .Low Level, High Gain Audio Input Stages 80, 81 LOS AN3ELES 5 Television CHRIS DUNKLE Technician 92 B. ASSOCIATES New Aids Southern California Representative for Servicers 88, 90 Shop Shortcuts Speed Servicing 84 2506 W. 8th Stree`, Dunkrk 7-6149 Photo Credits: Ewing Galloway, pps. 38, 48, 47; National Broadcasting Company, p. 75; B. V. SPINETTA, D rec-ory Manager Westinghouse Electric Corp., p. 44. WARREN S. BROWN, Circe ation Mgr. Latest Product Specifications, Directories, etc. W. W. SWIGERT. Credit Manager that have appeared in RADIO & TELEVISION RETAILING: RADIO & TELEVISION RETAILING* Specifications: Directories: March, 1952, Vol. 03. No 3, 35 cen Recorders Apr. '50, p. 62 Distributors Jan. '52, p. 117 a copy. Published monthly by Caldwell'. Room Air Conditioners Mar. '51, p. 60 TV & FM Antenna Mfrs. Mar. '51, p. 36 Clements, Inc. Publication Office, Erne. Home Radios Apr. '51, p. 59 Custom Components Mfrs. Apr. '51, p. 34 mett Test Instruments St., Bristol, Court Editorial, Adver Portable and Auto Radios Apr. '51, p. 56 May '51, p. 100 Electric Housewares rising and Executive Offices, 480 Lexing- Washing Machines May '51, p. 84 Feb. '52, p. 46 Phono Record Mfrs. ton Ave., New York 17, N. Y. Applica- Vacuum Cleaners July '51, p. 67 July '51, p. 42 Roster of Representatives tion for re-entry at 3rïsto'. Conn., os Refrigerators Sept. '51, p. 65 Oct. '51, p. 101 second-class motter pending. M. Cle- Dishwashers Oct. '51, p. 62 Reference Charts: ments, President; Orestes -. Caldwell, Television Receivers Nov. '51, p. 42 FM Coverage Areas July '50, par il Treasurer. Subscrip- an rates United I roners Nov. '51, p. 50 Battery Replacement Chart Apr. '51, p.73 States and U. S. F'wessiars $2.00 for Hand Irons Dec. '51, p. 42 Four Field Statistics Jan. '52, p. 58 one year, $3.00 for too yea s, $4.00 for Clothes Dryers Jan. '52, p. 80 UHF Coverage Areas Aug. '51, p. 44 three years. Canada 33.00 for one year, Electric Ranges Mar. '52, p. 58 TV Sets in Use Jan. '52, p. 59 $4.00 for two years, $5.08 for three years, Pan American Countries $4.00 for one year, $7.50 for two years, $10,00 for RpD10.FM .:.L (CDS SERVICE `. ,EELC:. iSEC SpUWo three years. All othe- . oentries $5.00 for e`Tr/uw°" 1t4UANCES one year, $7.50 for two >ea:r, $10.00 for three years. Printed is U.S.A. *Trade -Mark Reg. U. S. Pat, Off. Copyright 1154 by CALDWELL-CLUMENTI, Inc. Publishers also a' -ELI.TECH CALDWELL-CLEMENTS, INC., Publication Office, Bristol, Conn. Editorial and Business Offices, 480 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N. Y. Telephone PLaza 9-7880 www.americanradiohistory.com important to your customers as the air they breathe! 1rnport ttIt It t'oit, too, because nllK' you can offer S out custtoilers still another line of fast -selling (:rosle\ products. Like ail of her ( esle'\ products, these Room .\ir (conditioners are engineered and desi,;ued itlr cote basic objective in rnind o make retail sales. (:rosley Room _\ir (:elnditi ti ers Eviler- you a prof- itable sellingi line. See Cr-osley ... compare Crusle) ... and you'll sell Croslev! ith the Latest Crosley Selling Features: QUIET COMPRESSOR, iLerinctically scaled. tiers Riant }ears of efficient and depend- able performanca. EASY INSTALLATION provides weather -tight fit in alroust :n N%indow. with no pipes, no special electrical connections. SIMPLIFIED CONTROLS .Bless~ instant adjustment with a flick of the finger. ADJUSTABLE VENT regulates the flow of air exactly the wad the user desires. REPLACEABLE AIR FILTER c+,llecis impurities from the air, even in the dustiest localities. BEAUTIFUL CABINET designed to blend harmoniusih with fine interiors and occupy a minimum of space. Room Shelvadorm Shelvadorm Steel Kitchen Cabinets Air Conditioners Refrigerators Freezers Television Radios Electric Ranges TELEVISION RETAILING ' March, 1952 2 RADIO & www.americanradiohistory.com EThÄOSLEY oom Air Conditioners Crosley offers your customers'!" complete line of three models Distinctively styled,easily installed, efficient and economical in operation, att ractir elv priced, Cr-osleSv Room .\ir Conditioners offer rou the very latest selling and convenience features -everything you need to attract and sell customers-to build repeat sales. MODEL ACD-75. For rooms up to 4r y. lt..` at the r . ft. per minute. 3'<-h.f . rs rermttically sealed coni ressur. Controls for yeti tiht tien . circulation. cooling and exhaust. Two -speed fan swit it four maximum and normal opera- tion. 1 914" high. 27" gide, 27" deep. MODEL ACD-33. - rooms up to 230 sq. ft.,' at t rate of f 411 cu. ft. per minute. 1/2 -horsepower hermetical sealed einnpre sur. Controls for ventilation. cireutatii and eoolirtg. U1/2" high. 23'.'i6" wide. 27" deep. MODEL ACD-50. For r.wms up to 325 sq. ft.,' at the rate of 22f: cu. ft. per annule. '/2 -horsepower her- metically sealed compressor. Controls for ventilation, ircolutinn. cooling and exhaust to draw stale air from room. I33iie" high, 27" wide, 27" deep. CROS E DIVISION Cincinnati 25, Ohl, BETTER PRODUCTS FOR HAPPIER LIVING! Electric Sinks and Water Heaters Food Waste Disposers RADIO & TELEVISION RETAILING ' March, 1952 3 www.americanradiohistory.com TWO-WAY INSURANCE PROTECTION is vitally important to customers and dealers alike. In thé sale or purchase of any appliance on the COMMERCIAL CREDIT PLAN, both parties are protected against loss by Automatic Property Insurance coverage (cancels unpaid balance in event of loss of, or damage to merchandise, as defined in policy) and Automatic Life Insurance coverage (cancels unpaid balance in event of purchaser's death.) More appliance dealers use Commercial Credit financing than any other national plan WRITE, WIRE OR PHONE your nearest COMMER- DEALERS CONTROL FINANCING OF STOCK from FINANCING AS USUAL . REGARDLESS - and prefer CIAL CREDIT office today for complete details. distributor's warehouse to customer's living Not only do time buyers know COMMERCIAL CREDIT financing, but dealers Find out how the COMMERCIAL CREDIT PLAN room with the COMMERCIAL CREDIT PLAN .. everywhere have come to realize COMMERCIAL can fit your operation ... help you make more deal with one reliable source only. COMMERCIAL CREDIT financing is always dependable ... in sales, more profits. Our representative will be CREDIT also provides the necessary financing war or peace, prosperity or depression. And glad to call at your convenience and explain for dealers to maiintain adequate floorstocks they know they can count on COMMERCIAL how COMMERCIAL CREDIT can serve you better. eliminating necessity for tying up needed CREDIT for quick, efficient handling of all the There's no obligation, of course. capital in. inventories and instalment sales many details of credit investigations, collec- No wonder more dealers are using this plan,. tion, adjustment and customer follow-up. :COMMERCIAI: COMMERCIAL CREDIT CORPORATION 'CREDIT PLAN A Subsidiary of Commercial Credit Company, Baltimore ..
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