•:~-... BARUCH PERIODICALS DESK 3rd Floor (NON-CIRCULATING) Vol.,69, Number 15 May 8,1996 TICKER EXCLUSIVE POLLS OPEN AT BARUCH STUDENTS ByDusan StoJkovic The annual Baruch College gen- ing down flyers, and contesting the TheyVebeentrampledon fortoolong, DISSATISFIED era! elections to elect thestudentgov- validity ofthe referendum on health and I believe full-hearted1y that I'm WITH CURRENT emmentrepresentatives for the next and child care, that we got anoutside themanwhocantakethestudentsout academic year and vote on student agency to conduct the polling." The ofthis slum." GRID, SURVEY referendums have began on Monday, ballots, will be counted byBoyce and Kinzelberg said ''1 am committed April 6. Aside from eleetingthemem- thefiveotherstudentmembersofthe to making each student a US citizen SAYS bersfor 1996-97 DaySession Student Elections Committee, she said andgettingevery single studentajob Government, students are voting on Those voting, cited looming bud- upon graduation," he said He be- By Tamim Islam the Health/Child Care referendum. get cuts and the tuition hikes that lieves, an increase in the number of What comes as no surprise to Only two candidates, David could result from them as their main naturalized citizens, (i.e.,eligible vot- many, Baruch College students Kinzelberg of the UNITY Party and reasonfortumingout. "Itis horrible," ers) would strengthen the College denounced the current scheduling PeterLundy,anindependent,arenui- . said Zhou Ying, a graduate student community's political clout. grid and mounted their choice to ningfor presidencyoftheDSSG. The from China majoring in Computer As for employment, the accoun- return to the scheduling grid that onlyothercontestedelectionis thatfor lnfonnationSystems. ''Lastyear,they tancymajorstates,''thejobplacement was in effect during the Fall 95 DSSq. treasurer, whereYojna Verma alreadyraisedthefeeforinternational department atBaruch is weak. Right semester, finds the "preliminary ofUNTIYis beingchallengedbyinde- students by $1000," she said, adding now,manyBaruchstudentsarework- analysis"ofa recentsurveyadmin­ pendent Floriana Roccaro. that she was principallyvoting out of ingunderpaidjobs for which they are istered by the Grid Task Force of One election official,employed by opposition to further hikes. overqualified, even after they gradu- the Day Session Student Govern- the city-operated Board of Elections, "Itcomesdown totwothings: quali- ate." ment (DSSG). described the turnout as ''fair.'' By fica.tionsandcaring,"saysKinzelberg Peter Lundy, the indepen- ''The results came'as no sur- early afternoon, 93 freshmen and on whyhewouldmakeabetterDS3G dent candidate, failed to show prise because these are the same sophomoreshadvoted, whilethetally President than Lundy. ''I have been up on time for an interview and sentimentsstudentsexpressedlast ofjuniors and seniors who cast their active with student government declined to comment over the semester at the forum held to in­ ballots was 75. throughoutthepastyear,"thecurrent telephone. form tneBaruchcommunityofthis This is the first time theBoardof DSSG Public Relations Committee The elections will run change,"saidKumarieBhoop,Ex- Elections have' been involved in a 'chainnansaid'"ForeveryraDy,lhave through 6 p.m. on Friday, in the eetitlve Vice President of DSSG Baruch election. Robin Boyce, a stu-· been there;lhavegone t;oAlbanyto lobby of the23rd Streetbuild~,and the chair of the task force. dent.-r'wittr1he.'O&ice!.'Student lobb.Y ~St·budget· cutstih"=iiwner-'" mg-;;f'(;Y day "sttrderitfr"md·'trilf'i4~·.~"'_.·dJe·board 8tudents"agzeed :tJ:=b':~~::C::::::m~eveoaamc'!t:ff61::~h~;;~:::r~~it:~dti: versy this semester, withpeople tear- care about the students at Barnell. ate and evening students. ' STUDENT LEADERS DENOUNCE HEAITH,Ii- CARE .UM Tensions escalates between Administrator and Student Gov'tLeaders By Tamim Islam The Club Council, a body con- rently is a state mandated college Governments (eSG) which stated sisting of the leaders of various expense, meaning that the college "potential tuition hike $250 / po­ Baruch College student organiza- has to provide the service and as tential studentactivityfee increase tions resolved unanimously to con- statedin The Ticker ofApril 24, the $ ~5 / total potential increase $265" demn thehealthcare/childcare ref- -:service currently receives $88,000 as "misleading." She said "it exag­ erendurn in their meeting held on- in federal subsidies which faces a gerates the dollar figures." An­ April 30 in room 1542 of the 360 25% reduction next year. drew Heller, president of the Day Park Avenue South building. "We are paying 100% more in Session Student Government Although many of the 13 stu- tuition only,"saidan international (DSSG) said "the flyer is not mis­ dent leaders present at the meet- student, who voted to condemn the leading. These are all POTEN­ ing are in favor of the college pro- referendum, "it is just too much to TIAL increases. The tuition could viding health care and child care askfor more." Although shethinks go up pending the budget in Al­ services to the students, they op- that "it is a good idea to have these bany and the student activity fees pose the $15 per semester and as services" but she would prefer the could go up if this referendum much as $37 per year increase in collegetolookatsourcesotherthan passes." student activity fees. "I agree that students forthemoney. "They[the She said of a poster also pro­ the students need health care and college] should have their own duced by CSG which states "Stu­ child care services," said Renata funds [to provide these services], dent governments protect student Colon, president of the Baruch orlookatotheralternativesources, rights / Why is an administrator chapteroftheGolden KeyNational like a foundation or charitable do­ from the office ofstudent life anti­ Contents Honor Society, "but the students nors [for the funds]," she said, student-government? / Anti stu­ should not have to pay for these ''Where do they [the adrninistra­ dent government = Anti student Iservicesl," tion] expectthestudentstogetthis interests = Anti students," as "a Editorial: ••.•••..•••• ~ .•6 "The college [administration] extra money from?" personal attack." "If all adminis­ Letters/ Op-eds: ••.•• 7 could care less about providing trators are 'evil', you could use the these services," said Debbie Bick- TensioaEscalates analogy that all governments are Business: ••..•.•...••....11 Duggan, assistant director, Office M~while, tension between corrupt, [thus] are all the student Features: .•..•.•...••...•15 . governmentscorrupttoo?" shesaid. of Student Life, who is champion- the leaders ofthe student govern­ ~~: ~5 ing the health/child care referen- mentsandBick-Duggan continues HellercalledBick-Duggan''the dum, "what alternative is there ex- to mount as each side accuses the epitome of what is unethical at ~~1tts: •••••••••••••••••••• ~1 cept for not providing these ser~ other ofmisrepresentation. Baruch." He said"she is usingthe vices [if the students do not pass ' Bick-Duggan called a flyer pro­ DayCareCenterto fund campaign Next IBBue: 5/22/96 the referenql:i~?~:','D~y.eare' ~~~I duced by the Council of Student ;." ..Co.n,~~~~~e 4 . ~ . ", ,., ......" . ,-:Ad DeGdline:·'1/16196- .: , 2 3 -f ci" ';7(;' Grid Results ...,(I) ~ Continued from front page Q) z z (I) DSSG formed a task force to or­ ~ UJ ganize and carry out this survey. Day Full Time Students: • "We felt that it was important to I would like to ... ~ • » co know how this grid was affecting . -< 0) 80% (X) 0) the student body," said Bhoop. ...... Besides Bhoop, Buresh Dianand, -4 . co 700/0 MAt<E SURE YOUR VOICE IS HEARD. co > Vice-President of Academic Af­ • More than 330/0 of eligible Americans are not ~ « fairs, Shiji Chacko, chair Aca­ - ~ 60.% · registered. demic Affairs Committee and ~(J) .. ~ council members Antony Chow, c~ 50% • In 1992, President Clinton received 430/0 of the· ~~<2: Pearl Chen, Jacob-Strauss were z§ ·votes cast, but he was elected by only 230/0 of all ~ ~ members of the task force. ~~ 40% U(I) .the Americans who could have voted. \. Bhoop mentioned few com­ =~'- 30% . the~~ ments from students. "Some "-cO • Only 55.2% of those eligible-andonly 40% of students said that they would 20% · nation's 18 to 20 year aids-voted in the last - ., be transferring because it was presidential election. difficult to manipulate this grid 100k to work for them," she said. OOk • Return to the old grid AMERICA'S FUTURE IS AT STA"KE• "One student said that he tI'l c ~ .... ~ a- o • Keep the new Grid would be dropping out of school S 0 ·S . Everysingle vote can make a difference. ..c e ~ tI'l 0 o Create another grid because he needs to work even U ..c rn .... 0- LOCAL ELECTIONS'ARE 'CRITICAL, TOO. t:.. 0 DNo difference more than ever to cover the tu­ rn ition increase." Bhoop said, · Your vote will be felt close to home. ''With this grid he is forced to CLASS STANDING Many elections have been decided by avery close come to school more days than vote. before and it is too much for • In 1960, John F. Kennedy won the presidency by him." She added, "he has to ·an average of only one vote per district. give up the job or school and since he needs the job to survive • In··1993, Rudolph Giuliani won the NYC mayoral his education must suffer." race by a margin of 2%. _ "What is most upsetting Day Full Time Students: Real issues are decided by your vote, important about this situation is that he is The new scheduling grid issues that directly affect you, your family, your not the
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