Special Articles 1 By Walid Mahmoud ABDELNASSER Author Walid Mahmoud Abdelnasser Relations between Japan and Egypt are deeply rooted in history as compared to the wealth of information they had about ancient Egypt. archeological findings in different locations in Japan prove that there has The major importance of projects undertaken through Egyptian-Japanese been cultural and human communication between the two nations that partnership stems from its positive impact on the life of Egyptian citizens, dates back almost 1,000 years. These findings include pyramid-like including contribution to rescuing the sunken monuments of Nubia in the shapes in Chiba Prefecture and lotus seeds beside mummies that were 1960s and clearing the water passage of the Suez Canal for international preserved using the Pharaonic method in Iwate Prefecture as well as a navigation in the 1970s; establishing the National Cultural Center (Cairo boat that resembles the sun boats of ancient Egypt in Tochigi Prefecture. Opera House) in the 1980s; and constructing the new Aboulreesh Pediatric In modern history and over the last century and half, interactions Hospital in the 1990s and Mubarak Peace Bridge across the Suez Canal between the two peoples have continued and developed since the first linking Africa and Asia in 2001 in addition to several water, sewage, electric- visit of Japanese citizens to Egypt in 1862 and 1864 through the trips of ity, new and renewable energy, and other major infrastructure projects. samurai missions on their way to Europe at the end of the Edo period The year 2010 witnessed great achievements, prominent among them (1603-1867). They were fascinated by the outcome of the Egyptian mod- being the signing of an agreement for establishing a wind power farm, ernization experience under Mohamed Ali (1805-1848) and his succes- the largest in the Middle East, in the Gulf of Suez area in spring; the inau- sors, particularly in the fields of irrigation, transportation, administration guration of the Egypt-Japan University of Science and Technology (E- and education. These Japanese samurai left us significant memoires that JUST) on June 3; the signing of the Agreement between the recommended some of the achievements they witnessed in Egypt to be Governments of Egypt and Japan on Cooperation in Science and implemented in Japan. A few years later, Japanese scholars were Technology; and the implementation of an agreement concluded between assigned to study the legal and judicial systems of Egypt in order to con- the two countries on August 26, 2009, to increase direct Egypt Air flights sider how to derive lessons from them for Japan. to both Narita and Kansai international airports by 140%. These achievements crowned earlier achievements and activities that Diplomatic Ties Since 1920s took place over the years 2008 and 2009 through cooperation among Egyptian and Japanese partners. The year 2008 was the “Egypt-Japan After Japan recognized Egypt’s formal independence in 1922, the two Science and Technology Year” whereas 2009 was declared “Egypt countries exchanged consular representation in Alexandria and Kobe in Tourism Promotion Year in Japan”; and 2010 was “Egypt Media the second half of the 1920s. Following the July 1952 revolution in Egypt, Promotion Year in Japan.” both countries opened embassies in Cairo and Tokyo. These relations In the course of this article, I will shed some light on some aspects of have evolved to a full-fledged partnership that has not been limited to the the Egyptian-Japanese partnership, with special focus on cultural, eco- political domain, and have extended to many fields such as trade and nomic and tourism dimensions. investment, infrastructure, tourism, culture, science, technology and sports, among others. Cultural Relations Since my arrival in Japan in September 2007 to assume the post of ambassador of Egypt to Japan, my objective has been to elevate the part- As mentioned earlier, cultural nature overwhelmed the aspects of nership to a strategic and enhanced one and to promote Egypt in Japan in cooperation between Egypt and Japan ever since the first direct all domains. Three aspects of this mission have been to work to increase encounter between the two countries in modern history almost 150 years Japanese investment flows ago. The Egyptian interest in Japan was clearly demonstrated at the Photo: Embassy of Egypt in Japan to Egypt by introducing beginning of the 20th century when Egyptian political leader Mostafa investment opportunities Kamel introduced a cultural portrait of Japan in his book “The Land of the in Egypt to the Japanese Rising Sun” published in 1904. A year later, a famous poet, known as the business community; poet of the Nile, Hafez Ibrahim, wrote a beautiful poem about Japan on increase the travel of the occasion of the Japanese victory over Russia. A few years later, in Japanese tourists to Egypt; 1923, the “Prince of Arab Poets,” Ahmed Shawky, wrote a sympathetic and present the image of poem with the victims of the disaster of the Great Kanto Earthquake. contemporary Egypt to the The cultural exchange between Egypt and Japan covers many activi- Japanese people, who ties, such as exchange of students, professors and scholars; visits by National Cultural Center (Cairo Opera House) knew much less about it artists; holding exhibitions and concerts; and cultural grants and fellow- JAPAN SPOTLIGHT • January / February 2011 31 Special Articles 1 Trade facts ships. Whereas 1957 witnessed the signing of the first cultural coopera- tion agreement between the two governments leading to the arrival in 1958 of the first Egyptian student to study in Japan, 1974 marked a sig- nificant stage in the bilateral cultural relationship as a Japanese Language and Arts Department was established in Cairo University. A similar department was established in Ein Shams University in September 2000. Moreover, Japan Foundation support helped in educating and training Egyptian professors in the Japanese language, with some of them later helping establish Japanese-language departments in universities in other Arab countries. For its part, Egypt annually offers Japan 20 academic fel- lowships to study the Arabic language. Cultural consultations between both governments are held every three years to discuss the promotion of cultural cooperation, with the latest session held in Tokyo in April 2010. The inauguration of the National Cultural Center (of which the Cairo Opera House is part) in August 1988 added a new dimension to the cul- tural partnership and was an illustration of the strong commitment for cultural cooperation. Over the past three years, four folkloric dance groups and two music bands from Egypt toured Japan. The year 2009 alone witnessed four exhibitions of Egyptian antiquities touring Japan, in addition to having Egypt as a theme country at the Tokyo International Book Fair and organizing a Panorama of Egyptian Cinema in the context of the Tokyo International Film Festival. We are preparing to have 2011 as Egypt’s Year in Japan, commemo- rating the 150th anniversary of the first modern encounter between the two peoples. Equally important, both governments are cooperating to construct the “Grand Egyptian Museum (GEM),” which will be the largest Source: Japan Customs museum on earth, expected to be opened by mid-2012. On the other hand, Japan is increasingly becoming more attractive to In February 2010, I was honored to participate and co-chair a session at Egyptian graduate students. Currently, approximately 500 Egyptian students the eighth round of Japan-Islamic World Civilizational Dialogue, almost eight are studying in Japan; the majority of them studying science and technology. years after I had the pleasure of participating in the very first session of this dialogue held in Manama, Bahrain, in spring 2002. In June 2010, and on the Bilateral Translation Project occasion of an opening ceremony for E-JUST, the Agreement of Cooperation ¥ in Science and Technology between Egypt and Japan was signed. According The Embassy of Egypt in Japan has been working with several Japanese to the agreement, both countries pledged to develop cooperative activities partners over the past two years to launch an extremely important project for peaceful purposes in the fields of science and technology on the basis of for cultural exchange between Egypt and Japan, namely translation between equality and mutual benefit. A joint committee between both governments is the Arabic and Japanese languages, where Egypt will act as a hub for the to be established to effectively implement the agreement. Arab region. All parties involved are targeted to be engaged in this project; namely authors, translators, publishers and intellectuals with a view to ¥ E-JUST: Symbol of Scientific & Research Cooperation agreeing on an appropriate mechanism for launching such a project on a systematic and sustained basis. This project would represent recognition of After one year of serious talks, the governments of Egypt and Japan the major role that Egypt plays in the deployment of the Japanese language signed in Tokyo in October 2008 the minutes according to which Japan and culture in the Arab world, and a desire to continue to carry out this role. agreed to provide support for the establishment of this science/technolo- gy university. Consequently, the Egyptian government enacted a presi- Economic Relations dential decree for the autonomous operation of E-JUST. On March 26, 2009, the agreement between the two governments establishing E-JUST Egyptian-Japanese economic relations have witnessed a great leap for- was signed. E-JUST is a national Egyptian university that offers ward. For the first time in the history of their relations, the volume of Japanese-style education. Both sides expect E-JUST to become a central bilateral trade exceeded $3.4 billion in 2008. The Egyptian market wit- Japanese higher education and scientific research hub in the Middle East, nessed increasing activities by a number of Japanese companies in the the Arab region and Africa.
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