A25 U.S. NEWS MONDAY 31 AUGUST 2020 Protester killed in Portland as mayor, Trump trade blame Continued from Front wins in November and Black Lives Matter protests another night of violence. that’s the governor and pointed to Portland as a and many have ended Trump earlier Sunday ap- that’s local law enforce- Why don’t we try that for a cautionary tale for what with vandalism to fede- peared to be encoura- ment, to do their job to change?” would be in store for Ame- ral and city property, in- ging his supporters to move address any violent ac- The testy news conference ricans. cluding police precincts, into Portland in the wake tivity that is occurring in followed a chaotic and vo- Police have released lit- a county jail, the federal of the shooting. After the their streets,” Wolf told CBS’ latile 24 hours in Portland tle information and Chief courthouse and City Hall. In shooting, the president “Face the Nation.” that began when a cara- Chuck Lovell said Sunday July, Trump sent more than shared a video of his sup- Wolf said the federal go- van of about 600 vehicles that investigators are still 100 federal agents from the porters driving into Portland vernment was prepared packed with Trump suppor- gathering evidence, in- U.S. Department of Home- and called those in Satur- to send agents to Portland ters drove through Portland cluding surveillance video land Security to safeguard day’s caravan “GREAT PA- and other cities to protect and was met with counter- from area businesses. Ear- federal property — a move TRIOTS!” federal buildings and assist protesters. Skirmishes broke lier Sunday, the agency that instead reinvigorated Wheeler begged those police.Lovell and Whee- out between the groups released a plea for any in- the protests. Thousands of who wanted to come to ler said they had no plans and, about 15 minutes after formation related to the kil- people clashed with the fe- Portland to “seek retribu- to request National Guard the caravan left the city, a ling, including videos, pho- deral agents each night for tion” to stay away. troops but the city is seeking supporter of the right-wing tos or eyewitness accounts. two weeks, turning a two- “If you’re from out of town assistance from the sheriff’s group Patriot Prayer was fa- Joey Gibson, head of Pa- block area of the city into and you’re reading some- department and Oregon tally shot. triot Prayer, told The Asso- what felt like a war zone thing on social media — if State Police. It wasn’t clear if the shooting ciated Press the man who each night as agents lob- you’re reading any facts Wheeler, who is running for was related to the clashes was shot to death Saturday bed tear gas canisters and on social media — they’re a second term, also rejec- between Trump suppor- night was a supporter of his pepper spray at the crowds probably wrong becau- ted a call for his resignation ters and counterprotesters group and a “good friend,” and some protesters tossed se we don’t have all the made Sunday by a coaliti- in Portland, which has be- although he did not iden- fireworks at the agents and facts yet,” Wheeler said. on of civil rights and protest come a flashpoint in the tify him. Patriot Prayer is shined lasers in their eyes. “They are still assembling groups. He has come un- national Black Lives Mat- based in Washington state Those agents withdrew the facts. This is not the der fire from some in Port- ter protests since George and was founded in 2016. July 31 but smaller nightly time to get hotheaded be- land for criticizing violent Floyd was killed in May and Since early 2017, its suppor- protests have continued in cause you read something demonstrators and saying an increasing centerpiece ters have been periodically pockets of the city. More on Twitter that some guy they were helping Trump in Trump’s law-and-order coming to Portland to hold than 600 people have made up in his mother’s with his reelection cam- re-election campaign the- rallies for Trump, ratcheting been arrested since late basement.” paign. The mayor, who is me. up tensions in the liberal city May. Acting Homeland Security also the police commissio- Trump and other speakers long before the national On Sunday, Portland au- Secretary Chad Wolf bla- ner, has also been faulted at last week’s Republican outrage over Floyd’s death thorities urged people to med local officials for fai- for letting Portland police National Convention evo- sparked more than three stay away from the down- ling “to protect their com- use tear gas on multiple oc- ked a violent, dystopian months of protests here. town as they try to de-esca- munities.” casions and has been nick- future if Democratic presi- Portland has seen nearly late tensions and braced “I’m asking Portland offi- named “Tear Gas Teddy” dential hopeful Joe Biden 100 consecutive nights of for what promised to be cials, so that’s the mayor, by some protesters.q Key air monitors offline after Laura hits Louisiana gas hub By ELLEN KNICKMEYER tion on the state of the air as 15 feet (4.5 meters). Associated Press Writer is typical. With dozens of An electrical outage that Hazardous emissions petroleum, petrochemical deprived hundreds of from a chlorine plant fire, and other industrial sites, thousands of people of abruptly shuttered oil and Louisiana is home to com- power and is expected to gas refineries and still-to- munities with some of the last weeks has knocked of- be assessed plant dam- nation’s highest cancer fline the state’s stationary age are seeping into the risks, according to Environ- air monitors in the storm- air after Hurricane Laura, mental Protection Agency battered communities. regulators say, but some rankings. Oil and gas facilities that key state and federal In the Lake Charles area, the U.S. Department of En- monitors to alert the pub- with refineries, a major ergy says account for 13% lic of air dangers remain natural gas project and of U.S. refinery capacity offline in Louisiana. other industrial sites, resi- shut down as a precaution While the chlorine fire dents “generally don’t get along an industrialized was being monitored as any information except roughly 60-mile stretch A chemical fire burns at a facility during the aftermath of a potential health threat, what the industry puts from Port Arthur, Texas, to Hurricane Laura Thursday, Aug. 27, 2020, near Lake Charles, Louisiana environmental out,” said Carla Chrisco, a Lake Charles before the La. Associated Press. spokesman Greg Langley Lake Charles lawyer who hurricane. says he knows of no other evacuated the city before The abrupt shutdowns, swimming pool chemi- were not high enough to major industrial health risks Laura. and eventual restarts, for cals in Westlake, part of warrant evacuation, of- from the storm in the state. The area was among the hurricanes typically mean the larger Lake Charles ficials said, although resi- He said restoring power hardest hit Thursday. Laura the emission of up to mil- area, since Thursday has dents of the industrial area and water was a bigger struck parts of the Texas- lions of pounds of ad- on a few occasions sent around the plant were un- priority. Louisiana coast with up to ditional cancer-causing enough chlorine into der orders to shelter inside But some Louisiana resi- 150-mph (240 kph) winds soot, heavy metals and the air to be detected their homes for days after dents and environmental and a storm surge that other hazards from refinery by emergency workers’ Laura’s landfall. advocates say the lack of Louisiana Gov. John Bel smokestacks. hand-held monitors, Lang- solid government informa- Edwards said rose as high A fire at a plant making ley said. Chlorine levels Continued on Page 26 A26 MONDAY 31 AUGUST 2020 U.S. NEWS Key air monitors offline after Laura hits Louisiana gas hub Continued from Page 25 to be some spills,” Langley Texas made a formal re- tractors had left the area of vigilance over industrial said Saturday. “We’re still quest for air-monitoring the chlorine plant fire, said threats to the public, even With debris clogging roads, in the process of assessing help through the Federal Langley, the Louisiana envi- in the best of times. industry still is assessing that. I don’t know of any- Emergency Management ronmental spokesman. An Louisiana’s response since damage along the Texas- thing personally that’s ma- Agency, Hewitt said. As a environmental consulting Laura “sounds like it’s Louisiana coast. No word jor.” result, EPA has sent a bus- firm would continue to do about what it usually is. Not of any major industrial Texas has requested the mounted mobile lab to the all air monitoring, he said. robust is putting it kindly,” threat other than the chlo- EPA’s help overall looking Houston-area to start moni- State officials also would said Anne Rolfes in New Or- rine plant fire had emerged for any so-far undiscovered toring and assessing air for be flying over the dam- leans, founder of the Loui- by three days after Laura. hazardous air releases after any hazardous emission aged area to look for obvi- siana Bucket Brigade, an After Hurricane Harvey hit the hurricane, but Louisi- levels, he said. ous leaks, sheens, wayward environmental group. Houston in 2017, confirma- ana, with the exception of “Information will be pro- metal drums and any other People are worried about tion of more than a hun- the chlorine plant fire, has vided to the public as it signs of industrial threats, the possibility of toxic re- dred toxic spills into the air, not, EPA spokesman James becomes available which Langley said.
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