A TRULY CATHOLIC PAP Kit IN A PAKIHH IB A PERPETUAL MISSION-"—Por» Lxo XIII 'PltKACk THE GKJSFSL TO KVKKY CRKATUKK."— MAHK XVI. U. TEKMSî »2 OO PKH ANKUM, IN AOVAN« JB. YOL 46.—NO. 48. PITTSBURGH, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1889. ECCLESIASTICAL. peeping through the windows. The hT. REV. BISHOP PHELIN. ST. PIIIL'S ( ITIOR1L. walls which once held so much soot ARCHBISHOP LABASTIDE of Mexi- are now remarkable for their beauty. co, has sent to Spain for 100 priests They are finished in a deep buff-tint to aid his native clergy. Its Pristine Beauty More Than relieved in a border representing in- V'ho Is Now Bishop of Pitts- laid mosaic and the imitation of NONS have lately come from > Restored. History of This burgh, Sketch of His Use- Italian block-work. It is a remark- Switzerland to reinforce the Bene- | able thing that if one stands but ful Life, and Labors in dictine communities in the diocese three feet away from this border bo of Little Rock, Ark. BEAUTIFUL STRUCTURE. S sees the corners of cut stone as per- the Diocese. THE Roman Catholic Association fectly formed and placed as if done of New Orleans, La., for the extin-1 so by the hand of the most skillful I guishment of the Diocesan debt, has j Minute Description of Its Late workmen. Few indeed would say the border was not of the finest mo- OUR FOURTH BISHOP. already collected $10,303 80. Ornamentation Now Hap- saic design of stone work. This A EOHBISHOPCOEB to AN pronounces j pily Completed. border reached around the entire false a report that a Roman Catho- j building with the exception of the Rt. Rev. R. Phelan, was born in lie bank, with a capital of $100,000,- County Kilkenny, Ireland. January sanctuary. 000 is to be started in New York j This truly grand Cathedral was I, 1828. Leaving Ireland in the There is, probably, no more at- city. dedicated July 24, 1855. No one month of December, 1849, in com- J tractive piece of work, now in the ABOUT Christmas time, Bishop could have an adequate conception cathedral than the huge pillars which pany with Fathers Tuigg and Pol- j | of its original grandeur and beau- lard, he arrived in this country, ear- Qallagher, of Galveston, will ordain j ff. rr— , , I run up the aisles. They are paint- a young man, who will devote his j ty without the pleasure of a care- ed in terra COrtta, and relieved with ly in 1850, and, having made all ful inspection of its interior. ^ border of maroon and gilt. They the requisite classical studies in Ire- life to work among the colored peo- | a pie of that diocese. The ground form of the building stand as stately monuments, now land, entered the ecclesiastical semi- is the Roman Cross; its head forms nary at Baltimore, where his theo- IT is rumored in Paris that the ! beautified to the hi .st possible ex- the sanctuarium, or chancel; its tent. The capi* ,.<we finished in logical studies were entered upon | Jesuits will be expelled from Brazil, arms the south and north wings of and completed. and that their expulsion will shortly Nova Scotia ? j^-one, while the RT. REV. RICHARD PHELAN, D. D. the transept; the dome covering the outlines are rehired in gilt. He first came to Pittsburgh upon be followed by the sale of their centre, through the windows of an invitation to that effect from Rt. | houses and lands. They own the No. 1—Manager, Mrs. Thomas 11. To the left and on the rear wall, LOCAL AND DIOCESAN. which heaven's precious light, is a picture finished in fresco colon, Rev. Michael O'Connor; was or- best situated and most fertile land. Gallagher; aids, Misses Ella Lynch, an emblem of its graces, beams dained to the priesthood at St. The new church and school of St. |Lizzi e It v land t, Annie Barton; which has already attracted much IN the Australian colonies there down to the Sanctuary. This dome attention. The scene is that of the Paul's Cathedral, May 4. 1854; and are five Catholic Archbishops, twen- James, Wilkensburg, of which Rev. j Julia Meehan, Irene Barton, Car- is supported by four massive Nor- soon afterwards was sent as a pas- "Good Samaritan," It is almottt ty-two Bishops, and upwards ofj A. A. Lambing is rector, will be j rie Lynch, Maggie Casey, Mary man pillars. tor to a small charge in Indiana life-size, and is finished in cream seven thousand priests, besides num- dedicated Sunday, December 22nd. Noble, Katie Lippert, and Mrs. Jno. Four rows of appropriate col- County, Pa. The cholera having The ceremonies will begin at 10] and inlaid work, known in the art bers of religious in conventual life, Gribben, Table No. 2.—Manager, umns support the clevestory roof and broken out, during that same year, o'clock. A train will leave the j Mrs. John Rylands; aids, Misses as frisallie. The work of painting while the Protestants can only claim and ceiling; while the centre Father Phelan voluntarily offered Union Depot at 8:40 A. M. Aggie Weyman, Maggie McNama- this picture consumed seven weeks. seven Bishops and about seven hun- ones support the roof of the to assist our over-worked priest« at ra, Lizzie Lynch, Mary Costello, It is, beyond doubt, the finest of its dred clergy. A meeting of those interested was j aisles and their ceilings, which—as kind in this city, if not in the State. the Cathedral, this city, and Tendered Minnie Halleran, Maggie Greed, all the ceilings of the edifice were fin- THE Josephite Fathers report that held Sunday evening, to perfect The Stations of the Cross bave noble service in such ministry, until Mary Duffy, Maggie Costello, Maud ished with stucco, in the rich compos- they received into the Church last arrangements for a bazaar to be been finished in gray and bronze, the fury of the epidemic subsided. Lynch, and Mrs. Frank Snyder. ite style of Gothic and Byzantine— year 33 colored converts in Louis- held, shortly in the basement of St. while the garments of the persos*. In the year 1858, he was sent to Table No. 3.—Manager Mrs. Hays; presents an appearance that extorts ville, 64 in Washington, 24 in Paul's Cathedral. The object of ages represented in the Stations are"" take charge of the congregations at aids, Misses Mary Ilanlon, Mamie the admiration of the beholder. Charleston, 39 in Richmond, and 60 this bazaar is to help raise money. • . - tinged in gilt. The raised figures Freeportand Kittanning. Ten years to pay for the late improvements by ! RaWs. Loretta Noble, Katie Galla- later, Rev Tobias Mullen, who had in Baltimore. They are doing a The following are the principal in the stations now show off to a wav of decoration, frescoing, Ac., gher, Emma Gallagher, Sadie Pat- dimensions of the Cathedral struc- better advantage than ever before, long been in charge of St. Peter's, great work for the colored race in teraon L5 ie Katie ee of the Cathedral. I . " Wagley ;' " ture: Extreme length, 220 feet; ex- and are constantly remarked by all Allegheny, was appointed Bishop of j this country, ban. Table No. 4—Manager, Mrs. treme width, 140 feet; width of the visitors who inspect the work. the diocese of EWel Rev. Father WoRK on the new Cathedral of THE regular meeting of ttEL oung j Weyman; aids, Misses Delia Jonn front, 116 feet; presbyterium and The immense Gothic arches are Phelan was looked upon as the most gt Peter<B in Montreal, is progress- Men's Catholic Club in its room in j Mary Greeley, Mary Fitz- Powerg wings of the transept 42 feet square being painted up in such a manner fitting person to caTry out the design , . most satisfactorily- It is built tmmons, Mary Joyce, Annie Mc- the basement of St. Paul's Cathe- — by 75 in height; nave 115 in length that the most fastidious eye can find of erecting a new and grand St Fe- I ftftr tho modeI of 8t Peter's in Givern, Maggie Dougherty, Amelia dral, Saturday evening, was slimly 42 in width and 75 in height; two no fault with the work. In the tor's, on the present location bher- Rome and ¡g colossa] ¡n „¡ie> being attended. It bad been the intention I«ahev and Mary Tener man Avenue, and was accordingly by 220 feet in aisles, each 115 feet long, by 15 feet transept are angels, painted in all g33 fcet jn to discuss and take some active me» wide and 60 high; two other aisles, placed in charge of that important the varigated colors, holding the in- breadth. It has been nineteen years sores relative to the completion of Church Dedication at Soho. each 100 by 14 leet wide and 48 in congregation. It was under the struments of the passion of our Di- in course of construction, and has al- | the gymnasium equipments, and ala The recently completed Church of jght; height of side walls from immediate supervision and direction vine Lord. The cross, the nails ready cost half a million of dollars, jI in reference to the accession of i St. Agnes', Soho, this city, was ded- church floor 32 feet; height, of i of Rev. Father Phelan, that the new the lance which pierced His sacred I members dnring the winter mot icated last Sunday, Rt. Rev. Bisb- clerestry walls from church floor, edifice, soon to be known as the THE golden jubilee of Archbishop ] side, the crown of thorns placed on but it was found impossible in thesviewe op Phelan performing the ceremony, 66 feet.
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