Polio makeup Wolf retires, Lusk new head clinics Sun of Clinton National Bank Lewis W. Wolf,72,ofSt.Johns, 3 county sites retired as president and a direc­ tor of Clinton National Bank and If you had one—but not two- second one in November. Of the Trust Co.." at the bank's annual doses of the Sabln oral polio vac­ 10,053 who took the vaccine in meeting of stockholders. Chosen cine In last fall's series in Clin­ November, 1,512 were first to succeed him as president at ' ton County, be sure to mark this timers. • a subsequent meeting of the board Sunday on your calendar. of directors was W. S. (Pat) Lusk- Those 1,200 and those 1,512 are of DeWitt, who has been execu­ It's the date for make-up the ones the make-up clinics are tive vice president of the bank clinics where folks who had their aimed at, Committee Chairman since 1964. first doses at either the Sept. 19 Schafer said. or Nov. 14 clinics can get their Wolf's retirement marks the all-important second dose. completion of 52 years of service * * in (Michigan banks. For 31 years ONLY THREE sites are plan­ he has been an executive officer ned this time, instead of the eight Ice is ri of the Clinton National Bank and which was the case in September Cold weather the last week one of its predecessors, the State and November. The reason is that has made for excellent ice Bank of St. Johns. Previously he only about 2,700 persons are ex­ skating conditions at the city had been associated with banks at pected. _, - park ice rink, and the rink now St. Louis, Ithaca and Fowler. is open daily, according to Ron * * So, clinics have been set up for Dugas, city recreation direc­ IN A RESOLUTION offered by LEWIS W. WOLF W. S. (Pat) LUSK 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Fowler Ele­ tor. Dorr M. Anderson of St. Johns J mentary School, Clinton Memo­ and (adopted by acclamation, the ier's position is Dennis Flegelof rial Hospital in St. Johns and the The rink's warming shack shareholders lauded Wolf for his the Elsie office. Plan adult DeWitt Memorial Building. will open at 10 a.m. this Fri­ "untiring efforts on behalf of the * * day, since there is no school bank and the community" and ex- . OTHER OFFICERS reelected The second dose of vaccine is because of the semester Milliken Gets Visit from Beardslee in St. Johns pressed their "sincere best wish­ for the coming year include Ink education important in the Sabin series. It break. The shack also opens es for his continued good health White, vice president and trust Is the "clincher" which effec­ at 10 a.m. every Saturday Retired Ovid banker Harold Beardslee chats with Lt. 'Gov. and happiness during his coming officer; Paul A. Schueller, as-/ tively provides immunity to the morning and at 1 p.m. on Sun­ William G. Milliken Monday during Milliken's office hours at the years of well - earned retire­ sistant vice president and as­ classes here three major types of polio; with­ days. ment." sistant trust officer; C. Lester Adult educationfor the comple­ out the second dose the first dose Clinton County Courthouse. Milliken is planningto hold office hours Jenkins, assistant vice presi­ tion of a high school diploma will does little good. Hours Monday through Fri­ in every county of the state this year; he's already stopped at 21 W. S. Lusk, who becomes chief dent; Gayle Desprez, assist­ begin on Jan. 27 from 1 to 9 p.m. * * day, except for this Friday county seats, mostly across the middle of the state. Prior to his executive officer of the bank, is a ,an t vice president; Arden J. Cook, in Room 105 of Rodney B.Wilson . SOME 8,50.0 or more people only, are 4 to 9:30 p.m. Skating veteran of 45 years experience in assistant cashier; and Charles S. High School in St. Johns. who took part in^oth September began on the rink Jan. 9. 10-12 a.m. office hours, the lieutenant governor attended a 9:30 Clinton County banking. He began Huntington> auditor. and November clinics now have his career in 1920 with the for­ coffee hour at Walker's Cafe. During the afternoon he was in Ionia. Lorenz A. Tiedt continues as Purpose ofthisprogram,which the full protection of both doses. mer State Savings Bank of Elsie was.approved by the board of edu­ But about 1,200 who got the Sep­ and was president of that institu­ chairman of the board of direc­ tors. Other directors reelected cation in October, is to enable St. tember feeding missed for some tion at the time" of its consolida­ Johns area adults to complete reason in November. They should tion with the Clinton National in at the annual meeting are: Dorr M. Anderson, William W. Bar­ senior high school requirements turn out this Sunday for their sec­ regational 1961. He has been executive vice in the evening school. president of_Clinton National ber, Roy F. Briggs, Robert A. ond dose, health officials urge. j for March - *!•) "t'Oi «">-»*'nr *•'**•,.* «•-«•»* *- since 1964.' " '"' •"••-*-,% , Conn/ Vernon Easlick, ^ J. » Mi Egan, W. S. Lusk, Johrf A, Rum­ Upon completion, the"" student Likewise, there are 1,512 per­ * * will receivea'highschooldiploma sons who received just their first baugh, Conrad H, Seim Jr. and reports healthy SUCCEEDING LUSK as execu­ Ink White. from theSt. Johns Public Schools. dose at the Nov. 14 clinic; they, of Dimes tive vice president is John A, The requirements for graduation too, need the second one this Members and friends of the IFOLLOWING THE adoption of stantial increase in support of the, * * are the same as for day school. If there ever is one big week Rumbaugh of St. Johns whose 30- NAMED AS honorary directors Sunday. First Congregational Church of reports, DonaldGilson, chairman missionary activities of the Con­ year banking career began at El­ * * during the annualMarch of Dimes St. Johns met last Monday night of the finance committee of the gregational Churches. are Lee A. DeWitt, CJarence D. As at the two regular clinics, campaign in Clinton County, the sie in 1935. He has been vice Ebert, W., M. Luecht and Lewis ANY PERSON who is now at­ in annual meeting, following a board of trustees, moved the president and cashier at Clinton tending day school or has attend­ there will be no actual charge upcoming week is it. precedent which was establish­ adoption of a general budget for In the course of'the meeting, W. Wolf. for the Orimune oral polio vac­ National since 1962 and also ed day school within the pastyear ed more than 100 years ago. The 1966 intheamountof$32,400.The the Rev Mr Churchill presented served as trust officer of the bank Financial reports issued to is not eligible to enroll in the cine, according to Dr F. W. There are four major events church was founded in 1860 with budget as adopted includes a sub- to Kurt Becker, retiring chair­ stockholders at the annual meet­ Smith, president of the Clinton scheduled for St. Johns, and Ovid from 1963 until October of 1965. adult education program. AUper- •eight charter members; present man of the board of trustees, a He will combine his duties,as ing revealed Clinton National's sons must have completed the County Medical Society, and and Fowler have announced spe­ active membership, as of Dec. check for $5,000, representing deposits at an all-time year-end Francis Schafer of Fowler, cial events there, too. executive vice president with the eighth grade. Transcripts of pre­ 31, as reported by Mrs Delbert a bequest from the late R. G. cashier's post at Clinton Na­ high total of morethan$19.6 mil­ vious school records must be chairman of the Clinton County Conklin, is 594. Episcopalians Clark. The bequest, given in lion. The bank's total resources Polio Vaccine Committee. But the All proceeds from coffee sales tional, sent to the principal for evalua­ memory of Mrs Clark, is to be were over $21.9 million on Dec. tion of credits. Military service committee is asking for a 50- at the L & L Restaurant /today Reports submitted by officers, added to the church's endowment 31, 1965. cent donation per dose to offset (Thursday) will be turned over to Named as manager of Clinton credits will not count toward boards, committees and organi­ elect 3 to vestry fund, with the proceeds from it National's Elsie office andan'as- graduation from high school. ^ the actual cost of the vaccine. the March of Dimes, according to zations reflected healthy growth going to the choir fund. Another March officials. The same thing St. JohnsEpiscopalianselected sistant cashier of the bank is St. Johns' population in 1960 during the past year in all depart­ jthree vestrymen to their nine- presentation, in a lighter vein, Stanley R. Loznak of Elsie. Also included 10.3 per-'cent over the The Fowler Jaycees, the Clin­ is "being done today in Ovid. To enroll in this program, per­ ments of the church. In making member governing board at the was the conferring of a "Congre­ promoted to an assistant cash- age of 65. sons must do two things: ton County Medical Society and * * his report, the Rev Gerald annual parish meeting Sunday gational Medal of Honor" on L. the Clinton County Health Office NEXT TUESDAY evening, the Churchill, minister since Aug.
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