Savills China Chart Book SAVILLS CHINA Province Chart Book Introduction With a population of 1.3 billion people and a country covering 9.6 million sq km of some of the most topographically, culturally and economically diverse land in the world, China’s economy and property markets are some of the hardest to understand, especially given the fact that the property market changes from day to day. This publication looks at some of the larger trends that are influencing the country at the moment, from urbanisation and the ageing of the population, to government expenditure and the domestic savings rate. We have also taken provincial data for a number of indicators and have represented this visually, in order to highlight the differences and similarities between regions and provinces. Just as most people would not compare Texas with New York, or Nebraska with California, it does not make sense to compare Xinjiang with Shanghai, or Harbin with Guangzhou. I hope you find that this gives you a different and richer understanding of the underlying trends in China at the moment. James Macdonald Head of China Research Key 安徽 Anhui AH 北京 Beijing BJ HLJ 重庆市 Chongqing CQ 福建 Fujian FJ 甘肃 Gansu GS JL 广东 Guangdong GD IM 广西 Guangxi GX LN 贵州 Guizhou GZ XJ 海南 Hainan HaN 河北 Hebei HB SaX BJ 黑龙江 Heilongjiang HLJ TJ 河南 Henan HeN HeB NX 湖北 Hubei HB QH 湖南 Hunan HuN SD 内蒙古 Inner Mongolia IM GS 江苏 Jiangsu JS TB HeN JS SaaX 江西 Jiangxi JX AH SH 吉林 Jilin JL SC HB 辽宁 Liaoning LN CQ ZJ 宁夏 Ningxia NX 青海 Qinghai QH GZ HnN JX 陕西 Shaanxi SaaX FJ 山东 Shandong SD YN 上海 Shanghai SH GX GD 山西 Shanxi SaX 四川 Sichuan SC 天津 Tianjin TJ 西藏 Tibet TB INDEX HaN KEY 新疆 Xinjiang XJ HIGH # UNITS 云南 Yunnan YN YEAR LOW # 浙江 Zhejiang ZJ Contents •Economy •Demographics •Government •Real estate •Provinces ECONOMY Economy – economic miracle GDP growth rates, 1980–2015E HDI indicators, 1980–2010 China India Brazil France US Canada Brazil China India Japan Russia Spain UK Germany Italy Japan Russia UK US Europe East Asia World 100% 20% 90% 15% 80% 10% 5% 70% 0% 60% -5% 50% -10% 40% -15% 30% 80 83 85 86 88 89 91 92 94 95 97 98 00 01 03 04 06 07 81 82 84 87 90 93 96 99 02 05 08 11F 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 10F 12F 15F 13F 14F 09E • China has gone through a remarkable change over the last 30 years, consistently outperforming its emerging peers (Brazil, Russia, India) and major developed nations in terms of economic growth. • This has lead to many dramatic changes in society, culture, industry, built environment and demography, and in particular, to significant gains in well-being in terms of the United Nations’ Human Development Index (HDI), a composite measure of three basic dimensions of human development: health, education and income. • China's HDI rose from 0.368 in 1980 to 0.663 in 2010, which, compared to east Asia and the Pacific region as a whole, which increased from 0.391 to 0.650 during the same period, places China above the regional average. Source: IMF; Savills China Research Source: UN; Savills China Research Economy – GDP 1165. 5 1165. 5 1023. 5 1023. 5 1023. 5 1023. 5 GDP, 2010 1165. 5 1165. 5 1165. 5 1023. 5 1023. 5 1023. 5 1023. 5 541. 881 541. 881 541. 881 541. 881 541. 881 1165. 5 1165. 5 1165. 5 1165. 5 1023. 5 1023. 5 1023. 5 1023. 5 541. 881 541. 881 541. 881 541. 881 541. 881 1165. 5 1165. 5 1165. 5 1165. 5 857. 706 857. 706 857. 706 857. 706 857. 706 GDP 5 yr CAGR growth 541. 881 541. 881 541. 881 541. 881 541. 881 541. 881 541. 881 541. 881 1165. 5 1165. 5 1165. 5 1165. 5 1165. 5 1165. 5 1165. 5 857. 706 857. 706 RMB billion 5,000 25% 541. 881 541. 881 541. 881 541. 881 541. 881 541. 881 541. 881 541. 881 411. 946 411. 946 1165. 5 1165. 5 1165. 5 1165. 5 1165. 5 1165. 5 1165. 5 1165. 5 1165. 5 1165. 5 1827. 829 1827. 829 1827. 829 857. 706 541. 881 541. 881 541. 881 541. 881 541. 881 541. 881 541. 881 541. 881 541. 881 411. 946 411. 946 1165. 5 1165. 5 1165. 5 1165. 5 1165. 5 1165. 5 1165. 5 1165. 5 1165. 5 1165. 5 1165. 5 1165. 5 1165. 5 1827. 829 1827. 829 1827. 829 4,500 541. 881 541. 881 541. 881 541. 881 541. 881 541. 881 541. 881 541. 881 541. 881 541. 881 411. 946 411. 946 411. 946 1165. 5 1165. 5 1165. 5 1165. 5 1165. 5 1165. 5 1165. 5 1165. 5 1165. 5 908. 806 908. 806 2019. 709 2019. 709 2019. 709 1827. 829 1827. 829 4,000 20% 541. 881 541. 881 541. 881 541. 881 541. 881 541. 881 541. 881 541. 881 541. 881 541. 881 541. 881 411. 946 411. 946 411. 946 411. 946 411. 946 411. 946 411. 946 1165. 5 1165. 5 1165. 5 1165. 5 1165. 5 908. 806 908. 806 2019. 709 1377. 794 2019. 709 541. 881 541. 881 541. 881 541. 881 541. 881 541. 881 541. 881 541. 881 541. 881 541. 881 541. 881 135. 043 135. 043 135. 043 135. 043 135. 043 411. 946 411. 946 1165. 5 164. 341 1165. 5 1165. 5 1165. 5 908. 806 908. 806 2019. 709 2019. 709 910. 883 3,500 50. 746 50. 746 50. 746 50. 746 50. 746 50. 746 50. 746 50. 746 50. 746 135. 043 135. 043 135. 043 135. 043 135. 043 135. 043 135. 043 135. 043 411. 946 164. 341 164. 341 164. 341 1002. 153 1002. 153 908. 806 908. 806 2019. 709 2019. 709 2019. 709 2019. 709 3941. 62 3941. 62 50. 746 50. 746 50. 746 50. 746 50. 746 50. 746 50. 746 50. 746 50. 746 135. 043 135. 043 135. 043 135. 043 135. 043 135. 043 135. 043 135. 043 411. 946 411. 946 164. 341 411. 946 1002. 153 1002. 153 908. 806 908. 806 2294. 268 2294. 268 3941. 62 3941. 62 3941. 62 3,000 15% 50. 746 50. 746 50. 746 50. 746 50. 746 50. 746 50. 746 50. 746 50. 746 135. 043 135. 043 135. 043 135. 043 135. 043 135. 043 135. 043 135. 043 411. 946 411. 946 411. 946 411. 946 1002. 153 1002. 153 908. 806 2294. 268 2294. 268 2294. 268 3941. 62 3941. 62 3941. 62 2,500 50. 746 50. 746 50. 746 50. 746 50. 746 50. 746 50. 746 50. 746 50. 746 50. 746 135. 043 135. 043 135. 043 135. 043 135. 043 135. 043 135. 043 411. 946 411. 946 411. 946 1002. 153 1002. 153 1002. 153 2294. 268 2294. 268 2294. 268 1226. 336 1226. 336 1226. 336 4090. 334 4090. 334 50. 746 50. 746 50. 746 50. 746 50. 746 50. 746 50. 746 50. 746 50. 746 50. 746 50. 746 50. 746 1689. 859 1689. 859 1689. 859 1689. 859 1689. 859 411. 946 411. 946 1002. 153 1002. 153 1002. 153 2294. 268 2294. 268 2294. 268 1226. 336 1226. 336 1226. 336 4090. 334 4090. 334 2,000 10% 50. 746 50. 746 50. 746 50. 746 50. 746 50. 746 50. 746 50. 746 50. 746 50. 746 50. 746 50. 746 1689. 859 1689. 859 1689. 859 1689. 859 1689. 859 411. 946 411. 946 1002. 153 1002. 153 1002. 153 1580. 609 1580. 609 1580. 609 1226. 336 1226. 336 1226. 336 1226. 336 4090. 334 1687. 242 1,500 50. 746 50. 746 50. 746 50. 746 50. 746 50. 746 50. 746 50. 746 50. 746 50. 746 50. 746 1689. 859 1689. 859 1689. 859 1689. 859 1689. 859 1689. 859 789. 424 789. 424 1580. 609 1580. 609 1580. 609 1580. 609 1580. 609 1226. 336 1226. 336 1226. 336 2722. 675 2722. 675 50. 746 50. 746 50. 746 50. 746 50. 746 50. 746 50. 746 50. 746 50. 746 1689. 859 1689. 859 1689. 859 1689. 859 1689. 859 1689. 859 789. 424 789. 424 1580. 609 1590. 212 1590. 212 1580. 609 1580. 609 943. 501 943. 501 2722. 675 2722. 675 2722. 675 1,000 5% 722. 014 722. 014 1689. 859 1689. 859 459. 397 459. 397 459. 397 459. 397 1590. 212 1590. 212 1590. 212 1590. 212 943. 501 943. 501 943. 501 2722. 675 2722. 675 722. 014 722. 014 722. 014 722. 014 459. 397 459. 397 459. 397 459. 397 1590. 212 1590. 212 1590. 212 1590. 212 943. 501 943. 501 1435. 712 1435. 712 500 722. 014 722. 014 722. 014 722. 014 722. 014 722. 014 950. 239 950. 239 950. 239 950. 239 1590. 212 1590. 212 1590. 212 943. 501 943. 501 1435. 712 1435. 712 0 0% 722. 014 722. 014 722. 014 722. 014 722. 014 722. 014 950. 239 950. 239 950. 239 950. 239 950. 239 4547. 283 4547. 283 4547. 283 4547. 283 4547. 283 722. 014 950. 239 950. 239 950. 239 4547. 283 4547. 283 4547. 283 4547. 283 4547.
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