Caymanian 83°/ 79° Mostly sunny and windy Friday, January 10, 2020 Issue No 476 www.caymaniantimes.ky Complimentary INSIDE THIS ISSUE Saving Cayman’s Blue Iguanas COMMUNITY NOTICES — A2 The �ight to save one of the worlds rarest and most revered lizards is rag- ing in Grand Cayman and there have been many organizations and individu- als whom have played a crucial role in saving this creature. Alberto Esteban, who works with the Islands’ National Trust, has been work- ing to understand their behavior and is at the forefront of the efforts to save the Tree Fire causes outage in the Lime animals, spends most of his time with Tree Bay area the creatures. Originally Hailing from Costa Rica, Mr. Esteban came to the Cayman Islands in LOCAL NEWS — A3 1970 and initially worked at the Galle- on Beach, as well as the Holiday Inn as a bartender before going back to South America, where he joined and environ- mental group - working to save sea tur- tles. Upon returning to the British Territo- ry some years later, he began working as a volunteer with the Blue Iguana Recov- ery Programme and was eventually of- fered an of�icial job by Mr. Fred Burton; one of the programme’s progenitors. DoE Requests Photos of Upcoming “I used to go to the reserve at that King Tides time. The wardens there were very ex- periences and I learned a lot, eventually becoming the head warden. There were BUSINESS — A6 lots of iguanas in the 80’s and 90’s and quite a few hatchlings. I fed them every- day and learned from the animals,” he noted. Mr. Esteban added that he does not miss working... Continued in the barsstory and on much page pre- A4 Alberto Esteban poses with Peter one of Cayman’s most popular Blue Iguanas HISTORIC CLAYTON Dead NIXON HOME Hawksbill Pool Patrol Wins Design Award RELOCATED Turtle found SPOTLIGHT ON TOURISM — A7 The Ministry of Culture’s relocation thought to have been constructed by of a centuries old traditional, Cayma- his grandfather. nian style cottage from George Town Quaintly known in the community to the National Trust’s Mission House as the Clayton Nixon House, the home property in Bodden Town took place was located on Goring Avenue, across on Sunday 05th January, 2020, after the street from the Citrus Grove Build- months of planning. ing in... George Continued Town, story where on it pagestood A5for Built in the 1800s, The dwelling is named after a former owner and According to the CI Department of En- Growing Restaurant Revenues vironment, the Cayman Islands ended 2019 with some sad news: Local divers found a dead hawksbill INTERNATIONAL — B2 turtle off the coast near Lighthouse Point on Dec. 30. The turtle was found at about 80 foot depth with its left front �lipper wrapped in �ishing line. Lost or discarded �ishing line poses a major threat to sea turtles, especially ju- veniles, as it can entangle them and cut into their skin. The line is virtually im- possible to see underwater. Hawksbills are critically endangered and lay very few nests in Cayman. The Department of Environment (DoE) urges residents and visitors to use their �ishing line recycling bins (pic- Filipinos are on alert to leave the tured), in place at boat launching ramps Middle East in a hurry and some local dive shops, rather than discarding their lines into the sea or on the beach. EDITORIAL | COMMUNITY NOTICES PAGE A2 Friday, January 10, 2020 | Issue No 476 C�������� T���� EDITORIAL COMMUNITY NOTICES Tourism: Major Pillar Tree Fire causes outage of the Local Economy in the Lime Tree Bay area The two main industrial drivers of ments that will bene�it all residents of On Saturday, January 4th, 1,313 the Cayman Economy are Banking / this island paradise. customers from The Ritz-Carlton on Financial Services and Tourism. They “It has always been my dream to pub- the West Bay Road/Esterly Tibbetts may also be considered as the pillars lish regular Tourism related segments Highway to the Hydesville Substation of our �inancial well-being as they pro- in our newspaper,” says Ralph Lew- on Willie Farrington Drive in West Bay, vide support for the economic engine is, Owner. “On a weekly basis, we will experienced interruptions to their that feeds our existence. highlight the many Tourist Attractions electricity service in varying durations As we launch our 5 - Day per week and will also expound on the �inancial between 5:58 p.m. and 1:38 a.m. newspaper, Caymanian Times will importance of this viable industry. This interruption to service was highlight one of these two industrial There are lots of information that we caused by a tree �ire next to a util- giants, Tourism. wish to share to educate and empower ity pole in the Lime Tree Bay area. Keeping Tourism in the forefront our readers. Knowledge is power and The Cayman Islands Fire Service was highlights its importance and provides as a media source, we will do our part immediately called to the scene to the opportunity for readers to com- to disseminate important informa- extinguish the blaze. Once the �ire ment, review and suggest improve- tion.” was extinguished, CUC’s line crews worked diligently throughout Satur- day evening and into the early Sunday morning hours to safely restore power to customers and repair the damaged (Photo: Compliments Robert Baraud FB) equipment. Approximately 1,213 customers were restored between 7:00 p.m. and 9:45 p.m. with the �inal 100 customers lines. In cases where trees are within restored by 1:38 a.m. on Sunday, Janu- 10 feet of power lines, customers are ary 5th. advised to contact CUC’s Customer The cause of the �ire was due to the Service Team at 949-5200, via e-mail tree contacting the power lines. at [email protected] or visit the Compa- CUC reminds customers to refrain ny’s website at www.cuc-cayman.com from planting large trees in close prox- to arrange for trees to be trimmed as imity to power lines and that it is the they represent a signi�icant safety haz- customers’ responsibility to maintain ard. trees on their property to ensure they CUC apologizes for the inconven- are at least 10 feet away from power ience this outage caused. UWC Cayman Islands opens 2020 applications UWC Cayman Islands, the local na- tional committee of the global educa- COMMUNITY NOTICE tional movement, is seeking applicants for its 2020 selection process, which begins with a written application due Monday, February 10, 2020. Since 1962, the mission of the Unit- Garden Club hosts ed World Colleges has been to bring young people together from diverse Family Fun Day at backgrounds and use education as a Some current and recent UWC Cayman force to unite people, nations and cul- scholars (L-R) Ayanna Davis-Eden tures for peace and a sustainable fu- (UWC Thailand), Fenna Madison (UWC ISAK Japan) Aleigha General (Li Po Botanic Park ture. Chun UWC), Mark Plowright (UWC This unique educational opportu- Adriatic), Haley Willkom (UWC Adriatic nity to complete secondary studies ’17), Julian Menko (UWC-USA ’18), Chanelle Scott (Li Po Chun UWC ’18) overseas is available to high-achieving and Tyleisha Galbraith (Pearson College The Garden Club of Grand Cayman Caymanian students who will be 16 or UWC ’15) at our 2019 UWC Cayman invites the public to its annual Family 17 years old on September 1, 2020 and Islands summer social 2020Fun Day held at the Queen Elizabeth II have a passion for the UWC mission Botanic Park on Sunday 26th January and values. Over 155 national com- from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. mittees and selection contacts operate This fundraising event is organ- around the world, selecting hundreds the UWC ideals of peace and justice ized annually by the Garden Club and of young people each year to attend and often go on to top universities in aims to encourage residents to visit one of 18 prestigious colleges across the United States, United Kingdom and and experience the Park’s offerings �ive continents. Canada, pursuing a variety of educa- while raising funds for and increasing 5 Caymanians are currently enrolled tional and career paths. awareness of the Children’s Garden across �ive different UWC colleges in Galbraith added: "UWC is a (currently under development). the USA, Italy, Japan, China, and Thai- life-changing opportunity that encour- The Fun Day hosts activities for the land. Of these colleges, Japan and ages students to expand their goals for whole family including craft making, Thailand are newer to the movement the future. Many applications are sub- games, live music and a magic show. and these are the �irst Caymanians mitted each year and we are always Raf�le tickets, food, drinks, treats and to attend each. In previous years, our moved by how motivated, creative and select plants will also be on sale. scholars have attended various others passionate these young Caymanians Admission is only $5.00 for adults in countries such as Canada, Wales, are." In relation to non-Caymanian while the fee for children 12 and under Swaziland (now eSwatini) and India. applicants, contact details for all na- is only $1.00. botanic-park.ky, TAB Marketing Coor- Commenting on this year's recruit- tional committees can be found online For information on the event, or to dinator, Mona Meade on marketing@ ment process, UWC Cayman Islands at www.uwc.org and students are en- plan your media visit contact Park tab.ky or Garden Club member Jill Student Coordinator, Tyleisha Gal- couraged to reach out to UWC Cayman Manager, John Lawrus on manager@ Wood on [email protected].
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