House Approves, Forecast After a Fashion, ail Iowan Serving the University of Iowa and the People of Iowa City $17 Billion Bill Established in 1868 10 centa a copy Iowa City, [owa S22e-Tbunday, JWIe !'T, lSI&I Was th, WASHINGTON t.1'! - The House voted a normany . battered $17 billion appropriation for a Day,~ group of socia l. medical and educational single.. agencies Wednesday night after slashing poverty lunds $100 million - and then re­ WOlllen's lin ~ versing the vote and restoring the money. Congressional Reaction The final amount approved for the Office of Economic Opportuity, which administers the poverty program, was $307 million be­ low President Johnson's budget rerom­ mendation due to previous cuts by Ibe House Appropriations Committee. To High Court Bid Mixed After seesaw votes on a number of edu­ cational items, the total allowed the Of· WASHINGTON III - Opposition to two a president appointing a chief justice in lions, dedined comment But the nexl fice of Education fell $414.5 million below his ranlI:in, Democrat, Sen. L. McClell­ Johnson's recommendations. presidential appointmEnts to the Supreme the waning months of term, indicat­ John Key votes came under the eyes of a Court was voiced Wednesday nithl by at ed, how~ver, that he and others may fi· an of Arkansas, said be doell not expect delegation of the Poor People's Campaign least one congre man, who said he had lilmster agamst conftrmotJons. tile nomination of a new chief justice in the House gallery. But the group of considerable support in the Senate and If the Dominal:on are broutht up, he "will uil tb:rouIh" the Senate_ about 45 left quietly before final passage raised the possibility of filibusters aeainsl teClellan said ill view ollhe many con­ which came on a voice vote. confirmation. troversial I \Ie5 d Ided b)' the court The bill was sent to the Senate. The opposition to the two appointments aame by 5 to 4 marglna, II • IIOmllla­ The measure embraces $17.224,800.000 was voiced by Rep. Roberl P Grlf(jn (R­ tlon "should hl' careCully examllled and for the Department of Health. Education Mich.l. who called his objections I mat­ fully conaidered" and Welfare, and Labor, the OEO, and a ter of principle, not of peJ'S(.nalil.ie . Grif­ ft had '-n widely lpeculated t h. I few smaller agencies. Johnson had asked fin called the nominations a poli'ical move Johnlon would pick Fort.aa u IDOD as $18.2 billion and the Appropriations Com· made by a "Iame-duck " president. word came out of WIlM'el!" impt!ndin, mittee had recommended $17.03 billion. Objection came within hour after Pres­ re'irement. Fotlas haJ been a frl nd 01 The dl'amatics came on an amendment ident Johnson nomirulted his longtime Johnson for SO years. and h been om by Rep. William J. Scherle (R'Iowal for a close friend, Justice Abe Forlas, to uc· of his cl~ confidant and advisers. lurther cut in the poverty program funds. ceed retiring Chief Justice Earl Warren. The President cenfirm'XI both W.r­ On a nonrecord vote, the House adopted And to fill the vacancy on the Supreme rln's ... tlrement .nd hi. cholee .. Fort­ the amendment 121l to 126. But opponents Court, the PresIdent picked a fellow Tex· .s .t I Whitl H04I.. news conferencI, forced a roll call later. an and friend. Judee Hom I' Thornberry ..he... ho .Igned the nomln.tlon. of The result gave OEO $100 million more of the 5th U.S Circuit Court of Appeals, ForllS .nd Tho.... berry fer dlspllch to than was appropriated for it during the a ml'mber of Concre for l~ year . He, the Senat., . present fiscal year - a tolal of $1.873 bll­ Iikl' Fortas, is 8 Democrat. John on rpad W~n'l 1 l r datet lion. Fortas, sa, would, If conflrm:d bl the Jun 13, uyln, h w I VUl, the cour The longest arguments involved items fir st Jew 10 be the Chief Justlc. .. tM only for reasons of • e. H 's 77 WaT in the education section, finally approved Uniled Slatts. He and Tho,."wrry, n , ren will conUnu to draw h $40,000 I for a total of $2.65 billion. ut bolh con.ld.red liberal., the deml· year salary in retiTl'm . Rep. Sidney R. Yates (J).IIU led a long IS THAT GUN REGISTERED? - A terrified Dal. Ogden, play.d by Dianne Ev.nson, nanl trend of tht ~Igh COUl'l under W.r· ']be Presldp!ll'. reply. dai.ed Wednes fight to try to restore $135 million in A3, Aberdeen, S. D., lends off the menacing Richard Flemming. played by John Getz, rln In rtclnl ye .... day , uld he would accept Warren', re Appropriation Committee cuts in the fund A4. Moline, Ill., In a scene early In "Th. Bal." The play, written by Mary Robert. Some Republicans had indicated, when .o.BE FORTAS IIrem 01 a of th d It hi. suceessor il for school districts with disadvantaged Rinehart and Avery Hopwood, and directed by Cosmo A. Calalano, associatt profe.­ reports of Warren's retirem nt leaked out Nomln.ted for Top Job quallIied, TIt court I now in r~ I un children. But the House voted instead 149 sor 01 speech and dramatic arts, will b. pr.sented by Iht Summlr Rlplrtory Thlllri last Friday. that they would oppo e se­ til Or lolll'r to 116 only to provide an additional $9 "You ha~ lonlghl and Saturday Ind July 5. 10. 17 .nd 23,. 5.. story Plge 5. lection of a successor by a "lame duck" said. there WII! hl' "edpnded d b,te" won for your If lhe teerr million for Indian schools. - Pholo by DavI luck presidenl. But praise for the selection of Sln.t. Oemocr.llc l.ldlr Mikt M.ns· ot YOUI' CeUow cItizen •. " Johnson wrotl Then it passed 153 to 128 an amendment Fortas came from Senate Republican field of Monl.nl soid of Fort.s' nomlnl. Warren. " You have served )'our naUor adding $138.8 million to the appropriation Leader Everett M. Dirksen who called tian: "I 1m1,lnt it mHts with Ihl .... to help school districts whose pupil pop­ him and Thornberry abl men. proyal of the ,ourt I"d I hop~ II mHtt ulation is swollen by military or other Dirkscn Sl)id he ha no personpl I' r­ wilh thl Ipproval of the Sen.le"· HI governmental installations - more than 2,500 Casualties Later, vatlon bu declined lo be plnn!d down on described ThomWrry II " A f.lr m.n. had been proposed either by Johnson or whcther Republicans might try to block • good m.n, A dec.nt man/' the Appropriations Committee. confirmation of eIther man. "I jLst don't Sen. Jam s O. Eastland (D·Mlu.l. Marines Abandon Khe Sanh anticipate anything," he said. chairman of the Senat Judlciary CommIt Griffin, the first to speak ou against t which mu t firlt con5ider the nomtna· SAIGON t.1'! - The U.S. Marines are jWlgles toward Saigon. The sources aid Trudeau Victory puUing out of Khe Sanh combat base on the enemy is expected to mount another the northern frontier, where lhey weath­ major ground attack on the capital next ered a 77·day siege last winter wi.h 2,500 month. Seen Endorsing casualties. The U.S. Command, announc­ To counler Ihe Ihreat of an Inlmy Poor Seeking Court Help ing the move early today, clted mountin/( troop buildup. U.S , BS2 bomb.rs un­ enemy pressure as part of the reason. load.d .bout 250 Ion. of bomb. In threl Canadian Unity "There have been two significant predawn raids loday 14 10 16 mills from changes in the military situation in Viet· Saigon whll. allied Iroops swepl .round To Get Food for Hungry TORONTO t.1'! - Prime Minister Pierre thl eily. Elliott Trudeau's solid election victory nam since early this year," Ihe command The B52 raids \\'~rp among the war's WASHINGTON (.f! - The Poor People', that thi' Agricultul'!' Depanment not is being hailed as an endorsement o[ his said. "an increase In friendly strength, closest to the capital "he neare t strike movlOg to correct the Sf uallon. "One Canada" policy and repudiation mobility and lireoower; and an increase Campai~ sou&ht a federal court injunc· a was in Feburary. 10l, miles from Saigon. Young said demonstrntions will con · of those who advocate a special status in the enemy's threat due to both a tion Wednc<day to force the Agriculture After pounding at troop concentrations IlOue thrre "But ," he added. "much of lor Quebec. greater flow of replacements and In a Department to spend $227 million Immedl. His strong showing in French-speaking change in tactics." and supply areas 33 miles north of SaI­ ately to feed hungry D1!Ople . the problem IS in Con,erCli and 0 W Quebec was regarded as especially signi· During the long.winler siege, senior gon on Wednesday. B52 crewmen reo The campaign also called upon four will continue demonstratlnr at the Capitol , ported a very large !'econdary explosion, lOO ,1t fi cant since provi~cial officials were sup­ oHiee .. eilled Ihe base in Soulh ViiI· major pre.;idential candidate to condemn HOMER THORNBERRY indicating a hit on fuel or ammunition porting the rival C()n;:e~\'3tive party. nam's norlhwest corner indis..ensabll, Secre' ary of Agriculture Orville L Free­ The 3f; year.old miniStl'l' criticited the Of U.S.
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