reRIENCE PEOPLE AND SPOTS [AND SUCCESS ence both failure IN THE LATE NEWS Ugcstion of M;ss THE KUTZTOWN PATRIOT economics exten- Bcrks county. VOL. LXX KUTZTOWN, PA., THURSDAY, JUNE 22, 1944 NO. 6 bed early to cope pr adjustments in who have not IN NEW GUINEA and failure in Dog And Pet Show Dr. William Bond Kutztown Grangers even- individual YOU MUST ANSWER FUR YOURSELF Local Playground Hear County Agent avcrprotccted by We believe in Freedom, the American Way oi Liie. Lutheran Minister everyone else to We have faith in our Boys. They will bring us Victory. I way, is the opin- Attraction Friday By "we." the writer means the men and women on the For 53 Years Dies Charles S. Adams tftc Little, child fist of thc Penn- home front who are conscious of their responsibility in Shc says that Soap Bubble Contest Tues.; this war effort, who are trying to do all they can to help Served Bowers-Longswamp 169 Hear Discussion On "Farm |his so the child Comb Show, Band, Wed.; the boys and who are out fighting, even though many Parish Since 1904; Oldest Crops;" Flag Dedication In to his parents War Bond Contest so-called government regulations seem foolish and any. Parents can- Reporter Of Patriot At July 6th Meeting so children will ALLIES ENTER ROME—The end of screwy. We don't all by any means agree with all the Coming events at Shady Spot Play­ Longswamp Church was taxed to Attendance at Kutztown Grange to­ learn to stand the long road to Rome is pictured here ground, according to announcement by policies of the administration but we are still Americans as Allied fighters ride the top of a tank, < capacity this afternoon at two o'clock taled 69 as compared with nine at a Naomi Holl and Oscar Stein, include and we are not using these reasons as an excuse for not at the funeral of the Rcv. Dr. William parallel meeting last year. to learn to ac- completing the occupation of the Eter­ nal City, along Italy's route 6. a dog and pet show tomorrow at 2 p. F. Bond, 82, Lutheran minister for Charles Adams, county agent, dis­ and deal with doing our part. m.; a soap bubble contest, next Tues­ 53 years, and beloved pastor of the cussed "Farm Crops." Fathers' Night Ing little failures It makes this type of American get rather hot under day; and a comb show and comb band, Bowcrs-Longswamp Lutheran parish was also celebrated, the men relating bet and cope with next Wednesday. the collar when he hears all the excuses "why I can't since 1904. exciting boyhood experiences, and the |icy come. Bond Drive help in this War Bond Drive or serve on this War Effort Hc dicd peacefully Sunday evening boys responding to Roll Call by "The blame arc great Richard Geisinger was the first to Committee," and some even stoop so low as to say "I will at his home in Shamrock, following a Kind of Father a Boy Admires." Among kn forget how- report a war bond sale. The Playground nine weeks' illness. the experiences related was that of lid's experiences frequenter who sells the most war not buy any bonds as long as Roosevelt is president." or Dr. Emil Fischer, Philadelphia, Agent Adams, who was dragged by a iidge wisely. For bonds in thc county, based on thc "The more bonds I buy the longer the war will last," or president of thc Mifjjsterium of Penn bull; and the boys told how their fath- so often blame issue pricc, will be given an airplane sylvania and Adjacent States, preached \ en taught them to be honest, trust- "Roosevelt is purposely prolonging the war so he is sure Pvt. L. E. Reidenauer kre is failure.One I ride; and Mrs. Lee Erdman, Rcad- the sermon; the Rcv. Mark E. Trexler, worthy and hard-working, and how to plaining the ehild of his reelection." I ing, has offered bond prizes to thc Pvt. Lloyd E. Reidenauer notified Calvary Lutheran, Laureldale. president! be 8°°d farmers. "Come home at a walk for falling j County Playground children who sell The reports of sales in this district for the Fifth War his wife of his safe arrival in Ncw of the Rcading Conference, conducted i decent time of night, so that you can lake many mis- ' the most bonds between Junc 26th and Loan are not very encouraging and the workers in some Guinea, where he will celebrate his thc liturgy, and the Rcv. W. H. Kline,! wo** next morning," was one of the cst way to live, maxims quoted. July 8th. of the townships have not as yet started work. It is ex­ 36th birthday on June 23rd. He was Topton, a personal friend and pastoral [darned for their Tin Cans inducted July 19, 1943, and had train­ associate, assisted. Prior services were Accordion solos were played by villing and eager Carl Wuchter was the first to bring pected that a fuller report can be made next week. ing at Camp Edwards. Mass., and (Continued on page six—column four) Eleanor DeLong; Mrs. Paul Dunkel­ in more than 500 tin cans and was "D" day has come. Our boys have faced death for us Camp Gordon Johnston, Fla. berger was at the piano; and a song (Continued on page four—column six) n/c how impor- and many of them have paid the supreme price for our Prior to induction he was operator was sung by the boys, the majority of |ildrcn to have a Fair Association whom were ncw members. freedom. of thc Sunoco Service Station, which way, but somc- Visiting Nurse will celebrate its 10th anniversary on Patriotic Program I'C their children That's their duty—to smash the Nazis and the laps, Junc 27th, 1944. To Offer $150.00 A Flag Dedication conducted by fith success. "It and all they represent, once and for all—to make this a Mrs. Reidenauer is the proprietor for the officers will highlight the July 6th what happens Aids 142 In May the duration. meeting, together with a patriotic OSWALD INGOT may be a comic cari­ better world to live in—for you. And they never stop to without enough To "V", Gardeners pageant by Mrs. Esta Dietrich, Mrs. cature to you, but to Adolf Hitler he's a A grand total of 230 articles of uscd Praise is neccs- ask the cost. Mildred Merkel, Mrs. Maude Schaef­ fearsome figure. He could be created i clothing, the largest in months, was rc- fopportunitics in from ingot, pig and shavings by em­ (Acme) You're an American—you have a duty, too! Here's Bible School Ends fer, Mrs. Mac Wartzenluft and Mrs. I ccived by Mrs. Mary Welder Koch. For Displays Of Products At ^w life will treat ployees of Aluminum Co. of America BOARD BEAUTY— (Continued on page four—column six) for plant war show, only because indus­ Latest addition to the I visiting nurse, last month, according to your chance to do your share—to fight by their side on out into the Annual Exhibition In Aug.; trial production miracle provided plenty Mermaids' Society is ! hcr report at thc Junc meeting of the every bitter beachhead in the world. The 5th War Loan Friday, June 30th of aluminum for planes to soften Nazis luscious Yvonne De Car­ I Visiting Nurse Association. Weed Control Methods Melba Heffner Weds lo of Hollywood. is on—the biggest Drive for Dollars in all history. You for invasion. > During the month she madc 142 Friday, June 30th, is the date for The Kutztown Fair Association will | I professional visits; made nine trips to know how you can help: BUY WAR BONDS WITH EVERY the closing of the three-weeks' Daily Vacation Bible School, sponsored by offer a grand total of SI 50.00 in prizes! Pvt. Melvin Arndt j Reading and St. Joseph's hospitals for DOLLAR YOU HAVE! Now is the time to buy extra Bonds Films' the local Churches. for displays of Victory Garden prod-j the benefit of 30 patients; and on ex­ Two 1944 KHS graduates were —-as many as you can. Senices will bc held at 7 p. m. in nets. Patriot Reporter Has Time Of Her Life amining 60 pupils in six class-rooms, married recently at a double ring cere­ St. John's Union Church, where dailv First prize will bc SI5; second, SI4; found 19 with remediable defects. What will your answer be to the boys when they mony by the Rcv, A. L. Brumbach, worship has been conducted. Mrs. Paul thud. S13: 4th. S12; 5th. Sll; 6th, N OF At thc Baby Welfare clinic at Top- return and ask you—What did you do to help win the ! at the homc of thc bridegroom, at "Working" At Nearby Camp Mensch E. Schmoyer has charge of thc pro­ $10; 7th, $9;-8th, $.3; 9th. $7: 10th,j ton, she weighed 126 preschool chil­ Klinesville. They were Melba Heffner, war? Will you be able to truthfully answer—"I bought gram to bc presented by the various $6; 11th and 12th, $5 each; 13th, 14th Battered and bruised is the Patriot More Than 20 'Slaves" dren, and awarded Mary Jane Fields daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene not a bond or a few bonds, but I loaned every cent I departments. Thc public is invited. and 15th, $4 each; 16th. 17th. 18th, Reporter, who spent four vacation days with a certificate for onc year's perfect Heffner, Kutztown R.
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