Enumeration Order Equivalency Ali Akbar Safilian (AmirKabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran [email protected] ) Farzad Didehvar (AmirKabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran [email protected] ) Let ̻ ɛ ͈ be an infinite recursively enumerable set. There are some total computable functions ͜: ͈ Ŵ ̻ connected with a Turing machine such that ̻ Ɣ ʜ͜ʚ1ʛ, ͜ʚ2ʛ,… ʝ. Definition 2.1 (Listing) A listing of an infinite r.e. set ̻ ɛ ͈ is a bijective computable function ͚: ͈ Ŵ ̻. As mentioned above we can connect every Turing machine with a listing uniquely. Namely, each listing shows the enumeration order of the elements enumerated by the related Turing machine. In the following, we define a reduction on listings and sets based on enumeration orders. Definition 2.2 (Enumeration Order Reducibility on Listings and sets) 1. For listings ͚, ͛: ͈ Ŵ ͈ we say ͚ is “Enumeration order reducible” to ͛ and write ͚ ƙ * ͛, if and only if, Ǣ͝ Ɨ ͞, (͚ʚ͝ʛ Ƙ ͚ʚ͞ʛ ƴ ͛ʚ͝ʛ Ƙ ͛ʚ͞ʛʛ. 2. For r.e. sets ̻, ̼ ɛ ͈, we say ̻ is “Enumeration order reducible” to ̼ and write ̻ ƙ * ̼, if and only if, for any listing ͛ of ̼ there exist some computable function ̀ (from the listings of ̼ to the listings of ̻) such that ̀ ʚ͛ʛ ƙ * ͛. 3. For two listings ͚, ͛ (r.e. sets ̻, ̼), we say ͚ is “Enumeration order equivalent” to ͛ and write ͚ ȸ * ͛ (̻ ȸ * ̼) ,if and only if, both ͚ ƙ * ͛ and ͛ ƙ * ͚ (̻ ƙ * ̼ and ̼ ƙ * ̻) Let ̻ be an r.e. subset of ͈. ʞ̻ʟ * Ɣ ʜ̼ ɛ ͈| ̻ ȸ * ̼ʝ denotes the Enumeration order equivalence class of ̻. Also we call the equivalence classes of enumeration order equivalent sets “Enumeration order degree” and write ͙͛͘ʚ̻ʛ for an r.e. set ̻. The relation ƙ * is preorder, because it has transitive and reflexive properties but it is not a partial order because ̻ ƙ * ̼ and ̼ ƙ * ̻ does not necessarily imply ̻ Ɣ ̼. Lemma 2.3 Any decidable set is enumeration order reducible to every r.e. set. Proof: It is a clear fact that there exists a listing ͚ for any decidable set ̻ such that enumerates the elements of ̻ in the ascendant usual order. Since such listing is enumeration order reducible to every listing, all decidable sets are enumeration order reducible to every r.e. set. □ Depending on Definition 2.2, it is clear that if ̻ Ɨ * ̼ then ̻ is ̼ Ǝ recursive , so the following proposition is valid. Proposition 2.4 If ̻ Ɨ * ̼, then ̻ Ɨ ̼. □ From the above proposition we can conclude the following propositions: Proposition 2.5 The enumeration order degree of decidable sets is the least one. The enumeration order degree of decidable sets is denoted by ʞǦʟ * . Also, the enumeration order degree ʞͅʟ0 is the maximal one. □ Proposition 2.7 There are infinite chains on this relation. □ The upcoming theorem is the one of the main theorems in this paper which influences the study of the related equivalency. But before of that we need to depict the following lemma. Lemma 2.8 Consider two listings ͚, ͛ of two r.e. sets ̻, ̼ respectively such that ͚ ƙ * ͛. Assume that we show the sets ̻, ̼ with two sequences of natural numbers ʜ͕$ʝ$Ǩ and ʜ͖$ʝ$Ǩ respectively such that for all ͝ Ǩ ͈: ͕$ Ɨ ͕$ͮͥ and ͖$ Ɨ ͖$ͮͥ, then: ͯͥ ͯͥ 1) ͚ ʚ͕ͥʛ ƙ ͛ ʚ͖ͥʛ and ͯͥ ͯͥ ͯͥ ͯͥ 2) For all ͝ Ƙ 1, if for all ͞ Ɨ ͝: ͚ Ƴ͕%Ʒ Ɣ ͛ ʚ͖%ʛ then ͚ ʚ͕$ʛ ƙ ͛ ʚ͖$ʛ. Proof: ͯͥ ͯͥ First we want to prove that ͚ ʚ͕ͥʛ ƙ ͛ ʚ͖ͥʛ. For the sake of a contradiction, ͯͥ ͯͥ ͯͥ ͯͥ assume that ͚ ʚ͕ͥʛ Ƙ ͛ ʚ͖ͥʛ. Since ͚Ƴ͛ ʚ͖ͥʛƷ Ƙ ͚ʚ͚ ʚ͕ͥʛʛ and ͚ ƙ * ͛, ͯͥ ͯͥ ͛Ƴ͛ ʚ͖ͥʛƷ Ƙ ͛ʚ͚ ʚ͕ͥʛʛ. But this is a contradiction, because ͖ͥ is the least element of ̼. ͯͥ ͯͥ Consider a number ͝ Ƙ 1. Assume that for all ͞ Ɨ ͝: ͚ Ƴ͕%Ʒ Ɣ ͛ ʚ͖%ʛ. We want to ͯͥ ͯͥ ͯͥ prove ͚ ʚ͕$ʛ ƙ ͛ ʚ͖$ʛ. For the sake of a contradiction, assume that ͚ ʚ͕$ʛ Ƙ ͯͥ ͯͥ ͯͥ ͛ ʚ͖$ʛ. It is clear that ͚Ƴ͛ ʚ͖$ʛƷ ǩ ʜ͕ͥ, ͕ͦ, … , ͕$ͯͥʝ and g Ƴ͚ ʚ͕$ʛƷ ǩ ͯͥ ͯͥ ͯͥ ʜ͖ͥ, ͖ͦ, … , ͖$ͯͥʝ. Therefore, ͚Ƴ͛ ʚ͖$ʛƷ Ƙ ͚ʚ͚ ʚ͕$ʛ. Since ͚ ƙ * ͛, ͛Ƴ͛ ʚ͖$ʛƷ Ƙ ͯͥ ͛ʚ͚ ʚ͕$ʛʛ. This is a contradiction. □ Theorem 2.9 Consider two enumeration order equivalent sets ̻ and ̼. There exist two listings ͚, ͛ of ̻, ̼ respectively such that ͚ ȸ * ͛ Proof: Consider a listing ͚ of ̻. According to Definition 2.2, we can deduce that there are two sequences ʜ͚$ʝ$Ǩ and ʜ͛$ʝ$Ǩ of listings of ̻, ̼ respectively such that ͚ͥ Ɣ ͚ and … ƙ * ͛ͦ ƙ * ͚ͦ ƙ * ͛ͥ ƙ * ͚ͥ. Therefore, the following statement is valid: … ƙ * ͚ͧ ƙ * ͚ͦ ƙ * ͚ͥ [1] According to Definition 2.2 (Definition of Enumeration Order Reducibility on r.e. sets) the chain [1] is a computable chain. Based on Lemma 2.8 and this fact that [1] is an infinite chain, we can deduce that ͯͥ ͯͥ there exists ͢ Ǩ ͈ such that for all ͝ ƚ ͢: ͚$ ʚ͕ͥʛ Ɣ ͚$ͮͥ ʚ͕ͥʛ. ͯͥ Assume that there exist ͢, ͟ Ǩ ͈ such that for all ͞ ƙ ͟ and ͝ ƚ ͢: ͚$ Ƴ͕%Ʒ Ɣ ͯͥ ͚$ͮͥ ʚ͕%ʛ. Now consider the chain … ƙ * ͚)ͮͦ ƙ * ͚)ͮͥ ƙ * ͚) [2]. Once again based on Lemma 2.8 and this fact that [2] is an infinite chain, we can gather that there ͯͥ ͯͥ exists ͡ Ǩ ͈ such that for all ͝ ƚ ͡ ƍ ͢: ͚$ ʚ͕&ͮͥʛ Ɣ ͚$ͮͥ ʚ͕&ͮͥʛ. [*] Based on [*], there are ͝, ͞ Ǩ ͈ such that ͝ Ɨ ͞ and ͚$ Ɣ ͚% in the chain [1]. As mentioned above this chain is computable, so ͝ and ͞ can be obtained computably. Since enumeration order reducibility is transitive, ͚$ ƙ * ͛$ ƙ * ͚$, ͚$ ȸ * ͛$. □ Theorem 2.10 For r.e. sets ̻ and ̼ the following statements are equivalent: 1. ̻ ȸ * ̼, 2. For every listing ͚ of ̻ there is a listing ͛ of ̼ such that ͚ ȸ * ͛. Proof: 1⤇⤇⤇2: Let ̻ ȸ * ̼. According to Theorem 2.9, there exist listings ͜ĺ of ̻ and ͛ĺ of ̼ such that ͜ĺ ȸ * ͛ĺ. Assume that ͜ is a listing of ̻. We want to define a listing ͛ of ̼ ɑ ɑͯͥ such that ͜ ȸ * ͛. Consider ͛ Ɣ ͛ ͣ͜ ͣ͜. It is evident that ͛ is a listing of ̼. We claim that ͜~͛. Assume that for , ͞ Ǩ ͈ , ͜ʚ͝ʛ Ɨ ͜ʚ͞ʛ and ͜ʚ͝ʛ Ɣ ͕ͥ Ǩ ̻ , ͜ʚ͞ʛ Ɣ ɑ ͕ͦ Ǩ ̻. Since listings are surjective functions, there exist ͡, ͟ Ǩ ͈ such that ͜ ʚ͟ʛ Ɣ ɑ ͕ͥ and ͜ ʚ͡ʛ Ɣ ͕ͦ. ɑ ɑ ɑ ɑ ɑ ɑͯͥ ɑ ɑͯͥ ͜ʚ͝ʛ Ɨ ͜ʚ͞ʛ ʂ ͜ ʚ͟ʛ Ɨ ͜ ʚ͡ʛ ʂ ͛ ʚ͟ʛ Ɨ ͛ ʚ͡ʛ ʂ ͛ ͣ͜ ʚ͕ͥʛ Ɨ ͛ ͣ͜ ʚ͕ͦʛ ʂ ͛ɑͣ͜ɑͯͥ͜ʚ͝ʛ Ɨ ͛ɑͣ͜ɑͯͥ͜ʚ͞ʛ ʂ ͛ʚ͝ʛ Ɨ ͛ʚ͞ʛ Therefore,,͜ ȸ * ͛. 2⤇⤇⤇1: it is evident. □ We illustrate the above concepts by the following example. Example 2.11 1) Two sets ̻ Ɣ ʜ2͝: ͝ Ǩ ͈ ʝ and ̼ Ɣ ͈ Ǝ ʜ1ʝ are enumeration order equivalent. Proof: Consider two listings ͜ of ̻ and ͛ of ̼ such that for all ͝ Ǩ ͈ , ͜ʚ͝ʛ Ɣ 2͝ and ͛ʚ͝ʛ Ɣ ͝ ƍ 1. It is clear that for all ͝, ͞ Ǩ ͈, ͜ʚ͝ʛ Ɨ ͜ʚ͞ʛ ʃ ͛ʚ͝ʛ Ɨ ͛ʚ͞ʛ □ 2) Two sets ͈ and ͅ are not enumeration order equivalent. Proof: For the sake of a contradiction, assume that these two sets are enumeration order equivalent. The identity function ͘͝: ͈ Ŵ ͈ is a listing of ͈. There exists a listing ͛ of ͅ such that ͜ ȸ * ͛. Therefore, for all ͝,͞Ǩ͈, ͝Ɨ͞ʃ͛ʚ͝ʛ Ɨ ͛ʚ͞ʛ. But this cannot be valid, because ͟ is not a decidable set. This causes a contradiction.□ In the continuation of this section, we want to explore some relationships between the enumeration order equivalency on sets and both one-one reducibility & Turing- reducibility. Lemma 2.12 If two sets belong to same one-one reducibility equivalence class, then they do not belong necessarily to same degree of enumeration order. Proof: Consider an r.e. non-decidable set ̻. There are two cases. Case 1: 1 Ǩ ̻, Case 2: 1 ǩ ̻. For simplicity, we assume case 2. Two sets ̻ and ̼ Ɣ ̻ ȃ ʜ1ʝ belong to same one- one reducibility equivalence class. Let ̻ Ɣ ʜ͕ͥ, ͕ͦ, … , ͕), … ʝ in which ͕ͥ Ɨ ͕ͦ Ɨ ˆ Ɨ ͕) Ɨ ˆ and ͚: ͈ Ŵ ̼ is a listing of ̼ in which ͚ʚ1ʛ Ɣ 1. For the sake of a contradiction, assume that two sets ̻ and ̼ are enumeration order equivalent. Therefore, there exists a listing ͛ of ̻ such that ͚ ȸ * ͛.
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