THE LONDON GAZETTE, 23RD MAY 1986 7077 GWILLIAMS, Eric Victor, of 4 Capel Close, Stanford-le- RANDALL, Dennis Ray, Self-employed Lorry Driver, res- Hope, Essex, trading and lately trading in partnership iding at and lately trading at 14 Hartshill Road, That- with another as Heathside Motors as PANELBEATERS cham, Berkshire, as a ROAD HAULIER under the style at 1-6 Back Lane, Chadwell Heath, Essex. Court—HIGH of Randalls Transport. Court—NEWBURY (by trans- COURT OF JUSTICE. No. of Matter—1523 of 1980. fer from High Court of Justice). No. of Matter— Amount per £—lOOp. First or Final, or otherwise— 15r of 1983. Amount per £—99p. First or Final, or First and Final. When Payable—30th May 1986. Where otherwise—First and Final. When Payable—23rd June Payable—Stoy Hayward, 8 Baker Street, London W1M 1986. Where Payable—37-43 Blagrave Street, P.O. Box IDA. 147 Reading RG1 1RY. BODYMORE, John Robert, Machine Minder, of 9 Culver YOUNG, Geoffrey John, Computer Operator, of 166 Obel- Road, Bradfotd-on-Avon, lately residing at and carrying isk Rise, Kingsthorpe, Northamptonshire, latterly trad- on business from the Beehive Public House, Bradford-on- ing in partnership with another as HAULAGE CON- Avon, both in the county of Wilts as a LICENSEE. TRACTORS under the style of Youngs Haulage (North- Court—BATH. No. of Matter—47 of 1983. Amount ampton) from 166 Obelisk Rise, Kingsthorpe, North- per £—20p. First or Final, or otherwise—First. When ampton aforesaid. Court—NORTHAMPTON. No. of Payable—31st May 1986. Where Payable—At the offices Matter—7 of 1983. Amount per £—lOOp together with of Arthur Young, Froomsgate House, Rupert Street, 14-85p on claims postponed under section 63 (1). First or Bristol BS1 2QH. Final, or otherwise—First and Final. When Payable— 18th June 1986. Where Payable—90 Abington Street, BELLAMY, Denis, residing and carrying on business at 18 Northampton NN1 2BX. Newton Avenue, Poulton-le-Fylde, and formerly resid- ing and carrying on business at 3 Hastings Close, Thorn- JACKSON, Michael William, of 100 Westwood Road, ton Cleveleys, both addresses in Lancashire under the previously residing at 19 Pinewood Close, both ia Salis- style Marden Machinery and Construction Company bury, Wiltshire, MOTOR FITTER. Court-HSALISBURY. as a CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR and SCRAP No. of Matter—35 of 1983. Amount per. £—67-675p. DEALER. Court—BLACKPOOL (by transfer from High First or Final, or otherwise—First and Final.- When Court of Justice). No. of Matter—55 of 1984. Amount Payable—28th July 1986. Where Payable—Official Re- per £—8-9865p. First or Final, or otherwise—First and ceiver's Office, 3rd Floor, Bristol and West House, Post Final. When Payable—20th June 1986. Where Payable Office Road, Bournemouth, Dorset BH1 1LH. —Freeman Rich, 284 Clifton Drive South, St. Annes, Lythann St. Annes, Lanes FY8 1LH. BYERS, George Wilson, of 2 Ewesley Road, High Barnes, Sunderland, and formerly of 39 Durham Road, East Herrington, Sunderland, lately trading as George Byers NASH, Raymond Arnold, SALESMAN, of 44 Highmoor Car Sales, at 28 Tatham Street, Sunderland, all in the Road, Corfe Mullen in the county of Dorset, formerly county of Tyne and Wear. Court—SUNDERLAND. carrying on business in partnership with another then No. of Matter—6 of 1984. Amount per £—l-34p. First as a SOLE TRADER and again in partnership with or Final, or otherwise—Supplemental. When Payable— another under the name or style of " Discanique " at 58 12th June 1986. Where Payable—19 Borough Road, High Street, Poole, Dorset aforesaid as ELECTRICAL Sunderland SRI 1LA. FITTINGS RETAILERS, lately as a COMPANY DIR- ECTOR. Court—BOURNEMOUTH. No. of Matter OXSPRING, Roger Charles, now residing at 53 West Ave- —10 of 1978. Amount per £—l-9197p. First or Final, nue, Wombwell, near Barnsley in the county of South or otherwise—Second and Final. When Payable—6th Yorkshire and previously residing at 19 Morrell Crescent, June 1986. Where Payable—The Official Receiver's Wrenthorpe, Wakefield in the county of West Yorkshire, Office, 3rd Floor, Bristol & West House, Post Office unemployed. Court—WAKEFTELD. No. of Matter— Road, Bournemouth, Dorset. 9 of 1985. Amount per £—23-8p. First or Final, or otherwise—First and Final. When Payable—1st June FISH, Robert Albert George, of Walders Cottage, Church 1986. Where Payable—36-40 North Parade, Bradford Lane, Henfield, formerly of 3 Wood Lane, Small Dole, BD1 3JB. carrying on business in the style of Nep Town Autos, Nep Town Road, Henfield, all in the county of West RICHARDSON, Christopher Brent, FARMER/AGRICUL- Sussex, as a MOTOR MECHANIC. Court—BRIGH- TURAL CONTRACTOR, c/o Sycamore Down Farm, TON. No. of Matter—151 of 1984. Amount per £— Winiterborne, Stickland, Blandford Forum in the county 8p. First or Final, or otherwise—First and Final. When of Dorset. Court—WEYMOUTH. No. of Matter—3 Payable—16th June 1986. Where Payable—at the offices of 1979. Amount per £—0-8418p. First or Final, or of Floyd Harris Bradley-Hole, 7 Old Steine, Brighton otherwise—Supplemental. When Payable—26th June BN1 1GA. 1986. Where Payable—The Official Receiver's Office, 3rd Floor, Bristol and West House, Post Office Road, FOSTER, Edith Eleanor, of Felix House, Lancaster Road, Bournemouth, Dorset. South Norwood in the county of Surrey, widow, and carrying on business as a BUILDER and CONTRAC- TOR at Cargreen Road, South Norwood under the ORDERS ANNULLING, REVOKING OR style of F F Foster and Company. Court—CROYDON. RESCINDING ORDERS No. of Matter—16 of 1930. Amount per £—67-83p. First or Final, or otherwise—Supplemental. When Pay- CLEGG, Jack, DANCING INSTRUCTOR, of 12 Sandrock able—6th June 1986. Where Payable—Official Recei- Drive, Bessacarr, Doncaster in the county of South ver's Office, 6th Floor, Sunley House, Bedford Park, Yorkshire, previously residing at 80 Bawtry Road, Bessa- Croydon CR9 1TX. carr, Doncaster aforesaid and lately carrying on business with another under the style of Jack Clegg School of Dancing at the Portcullis Club, Pitt Street, Barnsley in GREENWOOD, Sylvia Gladys, of 195 Springbank Road, the county of South Yorkshire. Court—BARNSLEY. London S.E.13, formerly of and carrying on business as No. of Matter—21 of 1983. Nature and Date of Order an OFF-LICENCE PROPRIETOR at 34 Kestons Road, Annulled, Rescinded and Dismissed—Order of Adjudica- London S.E.I6 as "Wilmington Off-licence". Court— tion dated 2nd April 1984, annulled; Receiving Order CROYDON. No. of Matter—56 of 1976. Amount per dated 1st August 1983, rescinded; Petition filed 13th £—14-998p. First or Final, or otherwise—Supplemental. June 1983, dismissed. Date of Annulment, Rescission When Payable—9th June 1986. Where Payable—Offi- and Dismissal—13th May 1986. Grounds of Annulment, cial Receiver's Office, 6th Floor, Sunley House, Bedford Rescission and Dismissal—Debts, fees, costs and charges Park, Croydon CR9 1TX. paid in full. ROACH, Norman Edred, of 29 Davidson Road, Croydon, TRACY, T. (Mr.), of 118 Bedford Street, Derby DE3 3PL. Surrey, COMPUTER CO-ORDINATOR. Court—CROY- Court—DERBY. No. of Matter—4 of 1986. Nature and DON. No. of Matter—126 of 1983. Amount per £— Date of Order Rescinded and Dismissed—Receiving 22-9p First or Final, or otherwise—First and Final. Order dated llth March 1986, rescinded; Petition dated When Payable—17th June 1986. Where Payable—E. C. 31st January 1986, dismissed. Date of Rescission and Sherwood & Co., 1\ Kidderminster Road, Croydon, Dismissal—19th March 1986. Grounds of Recission and Surrey. Dismissal—Receiving Order should not have been made. F4.
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