LOK SABHA DEBATES LOK SABHA [English] THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND FOR- Tuesday, MaJr:h 3, 1992Rha1guna ESTS (SHRI KAMAL NATH): <a) The Gov- 13, 1913 (Salea) ernment of India have. takan a number 01 Initiatives and measures and provided guidelnes to the StatalU.T. Governments to stop ilagal , ....mg of trees and for pr0- The Loll SaMa met at tection of forests. A detailed statement in Eleven of the CIocIc this regard is laid on the Table of the House. [MR. SPEAKER in the ChIlli) (b) The Central Govemment under ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS the Certrally Sponsored Scheme have 80 far provided an amount of Rs.9.03 croreS 11.01 hr. to StateJU.T. GeMs. during the period 1986- 87 to Feb.. 1992 and an amount of As. [Translation) 3.25 croras have been earmarked for the year 1992-93. Illegal felling of Trwa (c) and (d). The State Govt. of Bihar *81. SHRI LALIT ORAON: Win the have informed thai it is not a fa:t that thou- Minister of ENVIRONMENT AND f0R- sands of trees are being felled from forests ESTS be pleased to state: by Plywood industries. There is also no raport of feIing of trees on forast lands by (a) the measures taken to step illegal Plywood Industries in other States. felling of trees and for pratec:tion 01 fontsIs; STATEIENT (b) the 8IIistanc:e provided to the State Government for this propose; . (8) The Government of India have taken a number of iniliativas and provided (c) whether thousands of traes ... guldelnes to the StalaIU.T. Governments being faDed by the plywood industries in for praI8ction of forests and for checking Bihar and other Statea; and IIegaI felng of 1reas. Brief del. of aome of the important measures .... (d) if 80,·the action iJIaposed to be taken in this ragard under the Fcnat (I) The National Forasl.PoIq, 1. Conservation kA and RuIea lor ,.,.. ~tIy aims at "preserva- lion of degrIIded forest 1andI? tion. conservation, maintenance 3 Oral Ans_1S . MARCH 3, 1992 Oral AnsiVets· 4 and sustainable utilisation of the (ii). To consider banning fel- forest resource including enhance- lings of green trees in the ment of natur.al environment. The hills above 1,000 metres, derivation of direct economic as least for some years. benefit. must be subordinatad to this principal aim (iii) To identify critical areas in the hills and mountains (ii) The enactment of the Forest which require protection (Conservation) Act, 1980 and its from felling of forests and amendment in 1988 has been a need immediate vigorous major landmal1< in conservation afforestation. of forests. The StateJUT Govem- ments have to take ·prior permis- (iv) To set apart 4% of the sion of the Central Government geographical area as pro- for diversion of any forest land for tected area like wildlife non-forest use. sanctuaries, national pal1<s, biosphere reserves Oii) The Central Government have etc. been assisting the State Govern- ments in their effort to ~ect (v) To take measures for forests and stop illegal felling by protection of forests from providing financial assistance fires. under the Centrally Sponsored Scheme "Development of Infra- [Translation] structure for Protection of Forests against Biotic Interference- SHRI LALIT ORAON: Mr. Speaker, Sir, there is a ban on felling of fruit trees (iv) The Govemment of India have as well as other trees under the Forest encouraged development of sub- Conservalion Act. I would like to know stitutes for timber by non-woody whether the Government is aware of the products, such as PVC, Steel, fact thal the whole plywood industry is Aluminium, Reinforced Cement dependent for its needs on the felling of Concrete and madium density trees. fibre board out of agricultural wastes. SHRI KAMAL NATH: Sir, the plywood industry is meeting its requirement either (v) Guidelines have been issued to through import or through non-forest wood. StateJUT Govts from time to time No such report either from Bihar or from for protection of forests. Some of any other State has been received that the these guidelines are as foHows: forest wood is being felled to meet the requirement of plywood industry. (i) To avoid felling of nalu- SHRI LAliT ORAON: Mr. Speaker, rat forests and where Sir, I have asked how is the plywood such feDing are inevi- industry meeting its requirement of raw table for restoration of wood in view of ban on felling of trees crop or other silvicultural under Forest Conservation Act, whether considerations, it should these are in ·non-forest land or forest land. be restrieted to an area not exceeding 10 ha. in SHRI KAMAl NATH: Sir, this ques- the hills and 25 ha. in tion was about forest land. Now he is the plains. asking why the trees are being· failed on · 5 Oral AnSMJl'S PHALGUNA 13, 1913 (SAKA) Oral AnswelS 6 non..forest land. GovelT!fll8nt has no power what is actually happening with regard to regarding Non-foreSt land so it is true that the situation in his own district, block and trees are being felled on this land and the Panchayat. industry is also planting trees to meet· its growing requirements. SHRI K.P. SINGH DEO: What about the ecological task forces? [English) SHRI,KAMAl NATH: The Ecological SHRI K.P. SINGH DEO: Mr. Speaker Taskforce has done very good work. The Sir, the hon. Minister in his reply has given cost of the ecological taskforce is much a large number of steps which have been high~r than other programmes.' We ate taken by the Government with a substan- looking into the aspect as to how this cost tial amount of money. But the general can be reduced. The scheme of ecologi- feeling, Sir, is that nothing is being done. cal taskforce has been proposed for exlen- So, I would like to know from the hon. tion bV one year. Minister whether he has any documentary 'or physical evidence for the steps taken by (DR. SHRlMATI) K. S. SOUNDARAM: him due to various legislations. Is there Respected Speaker Sir, our Tamil Nadu any tangible proof including that of the Government is taking steps to prevent ille- ecological battalion or the task force which gal felling of trees, particularly the sandal- are working in Rajasthan, in the Shivaliks wood trees by not(.'rious smugglers like and Shahjahanpur blocks in pehra Dun? Veerappan and his gang. Our Tamil Nadu Government needs special assistance and SHRI KAMAL NATH: A large number help from the Central Government. I would of afforestation and tree plantation pro- like to know from the hon. Minister the grammes are being implemented every details of assistance given in this regard year, but doubts do persist sometimes that and measures taken by the Centre to this is not physically happening. In the prevent illegal felling of trees in the forests light of this, to dispel such doubts and also of Tamil Nadu. to get it confirmed within the Ministry, I have myself requested all the State Gov· SHRI KAMAL NATH: I had myself ernments to give figurell on plantations visited Tamil Nadu and held discussions done in the last eight months, distric-twise, regarding various gangs involved in illegal bIOck-wise and panchayat-wise. And I felling of sandalwood trees. There is a thought that this information should be , scheme for the development of infrastruc- shared with hon. Members of the House, . ture for protection 01 forests and bio-inter- with MlAs and with the public at large. ference. Under this scheme, we provides This information on plantations done in the assistance to the State of TamB Nadu. I last eight months has been received by do nol have specific figures relating to me from 16 States. Some of the States Tamil Nadu. But in the year 1991-92, we have not sent this information. There are have provided to aU the State Govern- 11 States which have not so far sent the ments an amount of Rs. 1,74,50,000. This information. But they have promised that covers the expenditure for jeeps, mobile they shall be doing so very shortly. vans, static ,wireless sets, guns and rifles. We are seized of the problem of organised When the information as prepared on gangs engaged in sandalwood smuggling. the basis of a format prepared by us to A strategy is being worked, out in this dispel such doubts that plantation is merely' regard. done on the fiies and figures are planted the files have been received by me. I shaH Dr. (SHRIMATI) K.S. SOUNDARAM: place it in the bary of Parliament so that For this purpose, the Government of Tamil every Member will be able to know as to Nadu needs helicopters. 7 Oral AnSMN'S MARCH 3, 1992 Oral Answars 8 .T,.,sIaIIon) this, , would get it irMIstiga1ed. W. ~ directed the Stales to send details and SHRI NITISH KUMAR: Mr. Speaker, figure~ pertaining to the '. 9 months Sir, the reply given by the then Minister about the plantalion done. But Bihar appears to be more theoretical than prac- Government has not yat. sent any figures. tical. The member has raised the question Recently. in a conference of the Forest on the basis of his personal experience. Ministers I had urged them to send the Whenever we go to thai area we also feel figures. As soon as they are received sorry to see the deteriorated cOndition there. from Bihar Government, I would make It is high time to take strict steps for the arrangements to k8ep them in library so prevention of deforestation on the large that hon.
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