Alphatian Man-of-War Built By: Alphatian Imperial Navy Used By: Alphatian Imperial Navy Motive Power: Wind (Sails) Length: 220' Sample file Beam: 70' Depth: 55' Hull: Wooden Tonnage: 1,530 Cargo Capacity: 1,400 tons Lift Capacity: 3,000 tons Armor Class: 1 Enchantments on Hull: Levitate, shield (+5 AC), protection from mornai missiles, create air, Hull Points: 595 climate, spell turning, mind barrier, invisibility, detect invisible (so the crew can see when the Air Speed: 160 (80) ship is invisible), teleport (ship and crew once per day). Artillery: Marines are armed with wands of fireballs (20%), lightning (20%), confusion (10%), MF: V2 and death (10%). The remaining marines are fighters who man the siege weapons. 21 Ballistae (AC 4, hp 9, damage ldlO + 6) 20 Light Catapults (AC 4, hp 18, damage Id8 + 8) Defense Notes: Mind barrier continuously protects crew from confusion and similar attacks. Protection from normal missiles is as per the spell, and protects the crew. Spell turning counteracts spells targeted at the ship. Invisibility hides the ship and all aboard until the ship enters combat (five uses per day). Artwork by David O. Miller Azlum Swith's Geodome Airship One Square = 5 Feet Azlum Swith designed his airship in the shape of an icosahedron (a twenty-sided regular polyhedron). He placed two special effects on the stoneforms he cast to construct the frame: the outer surfaces are mirrored and the walls are transparent from the inside. (Tapestries and curtains can be drawn across most walls to shade a room.) The entire ship is powered by a greater dynamo of flying that Azlum enchanted with fly and travel capabilities. As a safeguard, Azlum enchanted the ship's frame with float in air. If the dynamo ever fails, the frame's enchantments should keep the ship from crashing. With survival enchanted onto the frame and the travel capabilities of the dynamo, Azlum's geodome airship can travel in atmosphere, under water, in the Void beyond the Skyshield, and through other dimensions and planes. For now, however, Azlum is busy exploring Mystara. He's covered roughly a third of the planet's surface (including the continent of Brun) and intends to explore and map the rest thoroughly before venturing beyond the Skyshield or into other dimensions. He has gathered an enormous wealth of cartographic data. The map room on the airship's central level is littered with three-dimensional miniature models of regions Azlum has explored, complete with 6" high mountains carefully crafted with stoneform spells and rivers simulated with a modified version of the hallucinatory terrain spell. Map cases hold thousands of hand-drawn maps and charts and sketches. Swith also collects specimens during his explorations. His collection includes unique and unusual minerals, soil samples, marine shells, and preserved plant and animal specimens. He keeps a very few intriguing live specimens of small plants and animals as well. The base cost to enchant the geodome (excluding accoutrements and failed attempts) was 406,000 gp. When he enchanted the geodome, Azlum Swith was a 31st-level mage (with Intelligence 18). Even so, the three 9th-level spells he enchanted on each frame section—survival, meteor swarm, and prismatic wall—significantly dropped his chances of success. In the end, creating and enchanting the geodome cost 1,231,000 gp and took more than three years. The greater dynamo of flying cost 160,000 gp and took six months to enchant. Dynamo of Flying Sample file Passwall secret door 1 Entrance 8 Vault 2 Balcony/Storage Area 9 Kitchen 3 Main Cargo Bay 10 Pantry 4 Specimen Storage 11 Wine Cellar Firep&ce 5 Map Room 12 Dining Room 6 Library 13 Command Room/Bedroom Fireplace 7 Laboratory 14 Water Closet Level 3 ®1993 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Azlum Swith's Geodome Airship Built By: Azlum Swith, Explorer Used By: Azlum Swith Tonnage: 281 Hull Points: 63 Armor Class: 1 Flight Capacity: 563 tons Cargo Capacity: 100 Sample file Motive Power: Greater Dynamo of Flying Air Speed: 360'(120) MF: V3 Length: 80' Beam: 80' Depth: 93' Enchantments on Hull: Float in air; shield ( + 5 AC); survival; anti-magic shell; flesh to stone; Hull: Mirrored Stone meteor swarm; prismatic wall. Three of the geodome's faces are also enchanted with passwall. Artillery: On the appropriate command word, any chosen face can cast a meteor swarm spell (the ship as a whole has 5 uses per day). Azlum Swith can also command one face (or all faces, with a different command word) to cast flesh to stone on the first creature to gaze upon its surface (5 uses per day). Defense Notes: The airship is permanently enchanted with an anti-magic shell that encloses the geodome in an invisible barrier 1" from its surfaces; a command word disengages the shell so that the meteor swarm or flesh to stone capabilities may be used. When activated, the prismatic wall defense covers the entire ship's surface and has a duration of 6 turns (5 uses per day). Artwork by David O. Miller Light Heldannic Warbird One Square = 5 Feet BII9ht Belcher Platform Sc°ut Deck Cargo Deck Flight Deck Sample file Blight belcher platform Light catapult platform Ballista platform Mess room Forward lookout The Heldannic Knights have their own ways of creating f|ying vessels and are Main deck not bound by the usual requirement of hulis made with form spells. Their Armory Warbirds are built by hand, with wooden frarnes covered by cloth and leather. Repair bay Construction requires a veritable army Of shipbuilders, carpenters, sailmakers, Sailors' quarters and other specialists, and takes roughly one day for every ton tne flnished hu., 10 Storage and latrines weighs. 11 Forward ballista All the Heldannic skyships in the fleet are powered by a single Immortal 12 Bridge & helm artifact given to the Knights by their Immortal patron, Vanya. (The artifact is 13 Chart room kept in a well-hidden and extensively guided stronghold.) This artifact powers Blight 14 Brig the Warbirds as though they were ench«nted with fly spells. It prOvides Lift for Scout Deck 15 Captain's quarters up to 5,000 tons at any time, thereby llm|ting the number of ships the Knights Belcher 16 1 st officer's quarters can have in the air at any one time. Sev«ra, ,arge skygerns channel the artifact's 17 Galleys power to the individual skyships in the Heldannic fleet. Each Warbird has a Platform 18 Sickbay skygem housed in an altar in the ship's Qhapeit andj and each skygem confers 19 Overseers' quarters unlimited range. If the gem is removed from its place> tne ship immediateiy 20 Chapel & altar loses all flight capabilities. Each skygen, is also subject to moral anti-magic. 21 Lower crew quarters A light Warbird's typical crew consist, of 9 non-fighting sailors (to operate 22 Cargo hold the sails) 24 elite marines, 6 knight ov«rseerSt and a captain. Warbird deck plans designed by Andrew Allen. M993 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Light Heldannic Warbird Sample file Built By: Heldannic Knights Used By: Heldannic Knights Tonnage: 125 tons Hull Points: 90 Armor Class: 8 Beam: 225' (including wings) Lift Capacity: 175 tons Depth: 40' Cargo Capacity: 10 tons Hull: Canvas and leather Motive Power: Immortal Artifact over wooden frame (additional Air Speed Enchantments on Hull: None. provided by single Artillery: The light Heldannic Warbird's most devastating attack comes from her blight belcher. mast with sails) Treat the attack as a disintegrate spell with a 300' range. The blight belcher can be used once per day. In addition, the Warbird carries eight siege weapons: Air Speed: 360'(120) 6 Ballistae (AC4, hp 9, damage Id 10+6) MF: V2 1 Light Catapult (AC 4, hp 18, damage Id8 + 8) 1 Heavy Catapult (AC 0, hp 27, damage ldlO +10) Length: 175' (including tail) Defense Notes: The light Heldannic Warbird has no special defenses. Artwork by David O. Miller Oberack's Dragon Prow Longship One Square = 5 Feet Oberack designed his dragon prow longship's hull in the style preferred by the seagoing raiders of his native Ostland. There are no oarlocks for oars, however, and no mast or sail. Instead, the longship has two parallel steelform sled runners for landing on ice or snow. (The longship can land on water or solid ground as well, but the dragons can then pull it at only half speed.) Only one pilot or crew member is necessary—someone who can command the dragons. Oberack himself raised and trained all four dragons, so they respond to him best. However, Kleng BIBdhand, the second-in-command, can also control the dragons. The dragons can pull the longship at full speed in any horizontal maneuver (or to lose altitude), but can gain altitude at only half speed. Oberack (a 3Oth-level magic-user) and his band of raiders operate out of the Northern Reaches. They prey on skyships and villages, sometimes striking into liorwold or the Heldann Freeholds. The raiders include Kleng BIBdhand (18th-level fighter) and fifteen lOth-level fighters. Sample file Oberack has raised his four white dragons (Grom-heort, White Dragons Hilde-wyrm, Wael-sweord, and Sigor-weard) since birth. They are Armor Class: + 1 utterly loyal to him. Although none of them can cast spells, they are Hit Dice: 12 stHl formidable fighters. (See the D&D® Rules Cyclopedia for Move: 150'(50) information on dragons and their tactics.) Flying: 360' (120) Although the dragons can fight while pulling the longship, it's not Attacks: 2 claws/1 bite or recommended—they tend to get overexcited and forget they're breath weapon harnessed to the longship! Every round one or more dragons makes Damage: ld8+2/2d8+8or an attack, the pilot must make a Piloting Check to maintain control current hit points of the longship.
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