See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/337400219 Contribution to Pentatomoidea (Heteroptera) Fauna of Iğdır and Istanbul with Three New Records for Turkish Fauna Article · November 2019 CITATIONS READS 0 210 2 authors: Barış Çerçi Celalettin Gözüaçık Hacettepe University Igdir Üniversitesi 20 PUBLICATIONS 58 CITATIONS 121 PUBLICATIONS 159 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Faunistic Studies on the Hemiptera of Turkey View project Heteroptera Fauna Turkey View project All content following this page was uploaded by Celalettin Gözüaçık on 22 April 2020. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. 33 Contribution to Pentatomoidea (Heteroptera) Fauna of Iğdır and Istanbul with Three New Records for Turkish Fauna Research Article Barış Çerçi1* Celalettin Gözüaçık2 1) Faculty of Medicine, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey 2) Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Plant Protection, Iğdır University, Iğdır, Turkey *Corresponding author: e-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT: In this study, 34 species of Pentatomidae and 3 species of Scutelleridae are recorded from Iğdır and 1 species of Scutelleridae is recorded from Istanbul. Among these species, Tarisa elevata Reuter, 1901, Brachynema signatum Jakovlev, 1879 and Phimodera amblygonia Fieber, 1863 are recorded from Turkey for the first time. KEYWORDS: Pentatomidae, Scutelleridae, Iğdır, Istanbul, new records, Turkey. To cite this article: Çerçi, B., Gözüaçık, G., 2019, Contribution to Pentatomoidea (Heteroptera) Fauna of Iğdır and Istanbul with Three New Records for Turkish Fauna, J.Het.Turk.,1(1-2):33-40. To link to this article: https://www.j-ht.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/V11-2-A7.pdf Received: Nov 8, 2019; Revised: Nov, 19, 2019; Accepted: Nov 20, 2019; Published online: Nov 30, 2019 J.Het.Turk., J.Het.Turk., INTRODUCTION 1999; Önder et al., 2006; Rider, 2006; Fent & Aktaç, 2007; Memon & Ahmad, The superfamily Pentatomoidea (Hetero- 2008; Fent et al., 2010a; 2010b; Fent et ptera) consists of 16 families worldwide al., 2013; Dursun & Fent, 2013; Yazıcı et (Henry, 2017), of which only Acantho- al., 2014; Çerçi & Koçak, 2017). 1(1 somatidae, Cydnidae, Dinidoridae, Penta- - tomidae, Plataspidae, Scutelleridae and Scutelleridae Leach, 1815 is a less di- 2687 (eISSN 2019 Nov 2), Thyreocoridae are present in Turkey verse family with about 450 species (Önder et al., 2006). known worldwide and 180 species in Pal- aearctic region. They are strictly plant- Pentatomidae Leach, 1815 is a diverse feeding and some of them are economi- family with over 4700 species known cally important pests, especially some worldwide and 953 of which are present species of Eurygaster (Göllner-Scheiding, in Palaearctic region (Rider, 2006; Au- 2006). This family is represented by 40 kema et al., 2013). Most species of Penta- species in Turkish fauna (Lodos, 1963; tomidae are phyto-phagous and several Önder et al., 2006; Göllner-Scheiding, are considered serious economic pest 2006; Carapezza, 2009; Yıldırım et al., - (e.g. Nezara viridula, Aelia spp., Halyo- 3249) 2014). morpha halys) (Rider, 2006). The Pentatomoidea fauna of Iğdır is poor- Up to now, 166 species of Pentatomidae ly investigated. The first investigations are recorded from Turkey (Belousova, An Open Access article distributed under the Creative Commons 4.0(CC BY NC SA) International License. 34 were done by Horváth (1894) and specimens are preserved in the private Kiritshenko (1918) who had recorded collection of the first author. only 6 species from this province. Later, Lodos & Önder (1978) described a new RESULTS Tarisa species, T. ıgdırensis, and record- ed another species, Tarisa subspinosa Among the 38 species of Pentatomoidea subspinosa (Germar, 1839) from Iğdır. recorded from Iğdır and İstanbul in this study, 20 species are new for the fauna Most recently, several authors have put of Iğdır and 1 is new for the fauna of Is- some attention to the Pentatomoidea fau- tanbul. na of Iğdır and recorded additional 30 species (Önder et al., 2006; Külekçi et Consequently, total number of Pentato- al., 2009; Yazıcı et al., 2014; Yıldırım et moidea species recorded from Iğdır and al., 2014; Yazıcı et al., 2015; Dursun & İstanbul rises to 58 and 60, respectively. Fent, 2015). Among them, three species are new for As a result, a total of 32 Pentatomidae, 4 the fauna of Turkey, therefore total num- Scutelleridae and 2 Cynidae species are ber of Pentatomoidea species recorded known from Iğdır. Pentatomoidea fauna from Turkey rises to 269. of Istanbul is also very poorly studied Species marked with single asterisk (*) with 38 Pentatomidae, 8 Scutelleridae, 8 are new records for the province they Cydnidae, 3 Acanthosomatidae, 1 Platas- have been collected from, those marked pidae and 1 Thyreocoridae species with double asterisks (**) are new rec- recorded up to now (Horváth, 1917; ords for the fauna of Turkey. 1918; Fahringer, 1922; Linnavuori, 1965; Lodos & Önder, 1979; Önder et al., 1981; Lodos & Önder, 1982; Önder PENTATOMIDAE Leach, 1815 et al., 2006; Fent & Aktaç, 2007; 2009; Yazıcı et al., 2014). ASOPINAE Amyot & Serville, 1843 Zicrona caerulea (Linnaeus, 1758) MATERIAL AND METHODS Material examined: Iğdır: 3 males 5 fe- The study was conducted in 29 different males, 01.05.2019 (Aralık), C. Gözüaçık locations in Center, Aralık, Karakoyunlu leg., B. Çerçi det. and Tuzluca counties of Iğdır province PODOPINAE Amyot & Serville, 1843 J.Het.Turk., between 2014 and 2019 and a single species was collected in 2016 from Esen- *Derula flavoguttata Mulsant & Rey, 1856 yurt, Istanbul. Material examined: Iğdır: 1 female, 21.06.2014 (Tuzluca). C. Gözüaçık leg., 1(1 The specimens were collected with hand, B. Çerçi det. - sweeping net and light traps between 2687 (eISSN 2019 Nov 2), April and November, killed with Graphosoma (Graphosoma) italicum ethylacetate and etiquette informations italicum (O.F. Müller, 1876) were added. Later on, specimens were pinned with insect pins and deposited for identification. Photographs were taken Material examined: Iğdır: 5 males 7 fe- by Nikon D 3300 DSLR Camera com- males, 05.10.2018 (Melekli). C. Gözüaçık leg., B. Çerçi det. bined with Tokina 100mm F2.8 AT-X PRO Macro Lens and 68mm extension *Graphosoma (Graphosoma) semi- tubes. Stacking of images was done by punctatum (Fabricius, 1775) - Combine ZM stacking program. Genital 3249) Material examined: Iğdır: 5 males 3 fe- examination was done under Celestron males, 08.06.2015 (Tuzluca). C. Micro 360 Dual Purpose Microscope. The Gözüaçık leg., B. Çerçi det. 35 **Tarisa elevata Reuter, 1901 (Fig. 1) Material examined: Iğdır: 1 male 4 fe- males, 25.05–02.07.2014 (Aralık). C. Material examined: Iğdır: 1 male 1 fe- Gözüaçık leg., B. Çerçi det. male, 02.07.2014 (Kent Ormanı). C. Gözüaçık leg., B. Çerçi det. *Ventocoris (Astirocoris) bulbifer Comments: The genus Tarisa Amyot & Seidenstücker, 1964 Serville, 1843 consists of 17 species and Material examined: Iğdır: 1 male, 1 subspecies distributing in Africa, south 23.05.2015 (Tuzluca). C. Gözüaçık leg., of Europe, Anatolia, Middle East and B. Çerçi det. Middle Asia (Rider, 2006). It is represent- ed by following 3 species in Turkey: T. PENTATOMINAE Leach, 1815 subspinosa subspinosa (Germar, 1839), T. virescens Herrich-Schaeffer, 1851 and *Acrosternum heegeri Fieber, 1861 T. ıgdırensis Lodos & Önder, 1978, while Material examined: Iğdır: 1 female, the latter is endemic to Turkey (Önder et 22.06.2018 (Aralık), 1 male, 31.05.2014 al., 2006). Şerban (2010) recorded Tarisa (Melekli). C. Gözüaçık leg., B. Çerçi det. flavescens Amyot & Serville, 1843 from Turkey. But it should be noted that the specimen, illustrated in the black and Aelia acuminata Linnaeus, 1758 white photograph given by Şerban Material examined: Iğdır: 1 male, (2010), lacks the characteristic tubercu- 24.05.2014 (Kılıçlar), 1 male, 25.05.2014 les of T. flavescens on the pronotum and (Aralık), 1 female, 22.06.2019 (Aralık), 1 scutellum and that specimen infact very female, 08.05. 2014 (Center), 1 male 1 probably refers to T. virescens which is female, 11.07.2014 (Karakoyunlu), 1 fe- common in Anatolia. All of these species male, 29.06.2015 (Hakmehmet), 1 fe- are known from Iğdır (Lodos & Önder, male, 23.05.2015 (Üçkaya). C. Gözüaçık 1978; Yazıcı et al., 2014). leg., B. Çerçi det. Tarisa elevata Reuter, 1901 is known from most Middle Asian countries, south *Aelia melanota Fieber, 1868 of Russia and Iran (Rider, 2006). T. ele- Material examined: Iğdır: 1 male 1 fe- J.Het.Turk., vata (Fig. 1A) differs from T. virescens by male, 18.05.2015 (Aralık), 1 male, the very small and almost indistinct cal- 22.05.2015 (Kasımcan), 1 female, lous elevations of the basal angles of the 23.05.2015 (Üçkaya), 1 female, scutellum. It also differs from T. ıgdıren- 12.06.2015 (Kağızman), 1 female, sis (Fig. 1B) and T. subspinosa subspi- 23.07.2018 (Suveren), 1 female, 1(1 - nosa, which also lack such callous eleva- 15.07.2018 (Suveren), 3 females, 2687 (eISSN 2019 Nov 2), tions, by the middle tubercule of the scu- 03.10.2018 (Suveren). C. Gözüaçık leg., tellum exceeding the level of pronotum in B. Çerçi det. height (Fig. 1C). T. elevata can also be distinguished from T. virescens by the Aelia rostrata Boheman, 1852 hooks of the aedeagus being short and broad (Fig. 1E) which are long and thin Material examined: Iğdır: 1 male, in the latter (Fig. 1F) (Kerzhner, 1964). 25.05.2015 (Hakmehmet), 1 male 1 fe- male, 05.06.2016 (Üçkaya). C. Gözüaçık *Tholagmus flavolineatus (Fabricius, leg., B. Çerçi det. 1798) - Aelia virgata (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1841) 3249) Material examined: Iğdır: 1 female, 08.06.2015 (Tuzluca). C. Gözüaçık leg., Material examined: Iğdır: 1 male, B. Çerçi det. 23.05.2015 (Karabulak), 1 male, 03.10.2018 (Suveren), 3 males 1 female, *Ventocoris (Astirocoris) oblongus 09.07.2019 (Donaltı). C. Gözüaçık leg., B.
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