FermilabFermilab NeutrinoNeutrino ExperimentsExperiments PresentPresent andand FutureFuture DOE Annual Program Review Niki Saoulidou September 24 2007 Outline Introduction Neutrino Cross Sections and Flux ¾ MINERνA ¾ SciBooNE ¾ MIPP Neutrino Oscillations ¾ MiniBoone ¾ MINOS ¾ NOνA ¾ Future Long Baseline Experiments : FNAL-BNL Study and ProjectX Capabilities Summary and Outlook September 24 2007 DOE Annual Program Review – Niki Saoulidou 2 Introduction Neutrinos were invented in order to solve a “mystery” (energy non- conservation in beta decays)… Since their birth, they have created even more mysteries themselves ... ¾ Solar neutrino “problem” (νe‘s from the Sun are less than expected ) ¾ Atmospheric neutrino “problem” (νµ‘s from the atmosphere are less than expected) The “problem” of missing neutrinos can be nicely explained if they posses non-degenerate masses, in which case they can oscillate between the different flavors: (Strong evidence from many experiments, SuperK, K2K, SNO,KAMLAND … indicate that this is the case) ¾ 3 active (LEP/SLC) ¾ n sterile (After latest MiniBoone results sterile neutrinos highly disfavoured) September 24 2007 DOE Annual Program Review – Niki Saoulidou 3 Are there more questions to answer?? - Is there CP violation in the neutrino sector ?? (which ??? utrinos 2k) rile ne might explain why we are here !!!) (NoVA + T ere ste Are th oone) - What is the value of the “third” mixing angle ( the MiniB eutrino ( , the n other two indicate nearly maximal mixing, the limit for fter all not at is a value low value…) (Reactor Wh bsolute ce) the third indicates a pre3tty ?? (a ifferen MASS ed d experiments, NOVA, T2K) * squar y) ass ta deca ν e (µ )(τ ) = ν i m s of be ∑U e (µ )(τ )i ematic i =1 (kin s Atmospheric Cross Mixing Solar 0νββ decays e ia / 2 s i 1 a − δ ⎡ c12 s12 0⎤ ⎡e 0 0⎤ ⎡1 0 0 ⎤ ⎡ c13 0 −s13e ⎤ h p ⎢ ia ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ 2 / 2 0 1 0 −s c 0 0 e 0 a U= 0 c 23 −s 23 12 12 ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ n −iδ a ⎢s e c ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ r ⎢0 s c ⎥ 13 0 13 ⎢ 0 0 1⎥ 0 0 1 ⎣ 23 23 ⎦ ⎣ ? ⎦ ⎣D ⎦ ⎣ ⎦ o te O j la N a cil ss OT s os a W FO M µ ‘ m hi RG v he ng h ch E de” t ixi eav T a ly” m ( i is n m isel he N est t a reci th Ov he o “m “pr nd A, on Do is a T2 e? - t i ce S) K) ha ren NO W iffe MIN di - MI - red K - Are neutrinos and anti neutrinos the same ?? ua K2 sq ? ( ) gle (Majorana particles)(neutrino-less double beta decays an September 24 2007 DOE Annual Program Review – Niki Saoulidou 4 AcceleratorAccelerator νν OscillationOscillation MeasurementsMeasurements Require:Require: Intense beam Neutrino Detectors π, π, π, π, Κ protons ν, ν, ν, ν HARP σ σ Φν(E) MIPP NOvA/Near near far σ(E)⋅Φν (E) ⇔ σ(E)⋅Φν (E) MiniBooNE T2K/Near µ SciBooNE ν MINERνA proton MINOS π September 24 2007 DOE Annual Program Review – Niki Saoulidou 5 MINERvA MINERvA is a compact, fully active neutrino detector designed to study neutrino-nucleus interactions with unprecedented detail. Main CC Physics Topics (Statistics in CH) Quasi-elastic 0.8 M events Resonance Production 1.7 M total Transition: Resonance to DIS 2.1 M events DIS, Structure Functions & high-x PDFs 4.3 M DIS events Coherent Pion Production 89 K CC / 44 K NC Strange and Charm Particle Production > 240 K fully reconstructed 0 Generalized Parton Distributions πorderproduction 10 K events Nuclear Effects He: 0.6 M, C: 0.4 M, Fe: 2.0 M and Pb: 2.5 M September 24 2007 DOE Annual Program Review – Niki Saoulidou 6 Example : MINERvA Coherent π0 production π0’s cleanly identified π0 energy resolution: 6%/sqrt(E) π0 angular resolution better Coherent, than smearing from physics resonance events with Coherent Pion Production π0 (ν + A --> ν /µ− + Α + π, 85 K CC / 37 K NC) Precision measurement of σ(Ε) for NC and CC channels Measurement of A-dependence Comparison with theoretical models September 24 2007 DOE Annual Program Review – Niki Saoulidou 7 Example : MINERvA CC Quasi-Elastic Precision measurement of σ(Eν) and dσ/dQ important for neutrino oscillation studies. •Late 2007 – early 2008: Construction of “Tracking Prototype” –20 detector modules –Will use to study tolerance stackup, tracking, etc. •Late 2008 : Test beam detector taking data •2008-2009: Construction of full detector •2010 : Installation/commissioning of detector. September 24 2007 DOE Annual Program Review – Niki Saoulidou 8 SciBooNE Detector SciBar Detector ¾ From KEK, Japan Electron Catcher M ¾ R From KEK, Japan (CHORUS Reused ECAL) S EC D ci Muon Range Detector (MRD) Ba ¾ Being built at FNAL from old fixed-target r parts (FNAL-E605, KTeV, NuTeV). ν beam Comparison of νµ flux spectra at K2K, T2K Measurements ¾ CC-1π cross section ¾ CCQE s,MA measurement ¾ NC π0 measurement SciBooNE ¾ Search for CC coherent π ¾ Search for NC coherent π0 (normalized by area) Flux September 24 2007 DOE Annual Program Review – Niki Saoulidou 9 SciBooNE Example : NC1π0 projected K2K/SciBar projected SciBooNE K. Hiraide G.P Zeller Same detector used to measure NC1π0 in two beams! ¾ Map out σν vs. Eν Combined with MINERνA, great coverage of NC1π0 induced backgrounds for T2K September 24 2007 DOE Annual Program Review – Niki Saoulidou 10 SciBooNE First Data Real SciBooNE data More in Steve’s Talk! Started anti-neutrino running in June 2007 (Half of projected for anti-neutrino mode!) Switch to neutrino mode running from October and run one more year. September 24 2007 DOE Annual Program Review – Niki Saoulidou 11 Neutrino Flux is Important : MIPP Better knowledge of Neutrino Flux is important for all accelerator neutrino oscillation experiments (in order to reduce systematic uncertainties) Better knowledge of Neutrino Flux is also important for MINERvA , SciBooNE and in general all “Near Detectors” (MINOS included) that want to measure neutrino cross sections precisely (in order to also reduce systematic uncertainties for oscillation measurements) zMIPP has taken 1.9M events with 120 GeV protons on the MINOS target. zMIPP has also taken 20, 58, and 120 GeV secondaries on thin carbon targets and will use them to “reconstruct” the MINOS (or any other carbon target) September 24 2007 DOE Annual Program Review – Niki Saoulidou 12 MIPP Results π-/π+, p =0.5 GeV/c NA-49 K+/π+, p =0.5 GeV/c T 400/450 GeV/c Be T 0.8 Barton et al. 0.35 0.7 BMPT parametrization 0.3 0.6 This measurement 0.25 0.5 0.4 0.2 0.3 0.15 400 GeV/c Be Barton et al. 0.2 0.1 BMPT parametrization 0.1 0.05 This measurement 0 0 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 x F x F - K-/K+, p =0.5 GeV/c K /π-, p =0.5 GeV/c T 0.14 T 400 GeV/c Be 0.5 0.12 400 GeV/c Be Barton et al. Barton et al. BMPT parametrization 0.1 0.4 This measurement This measurement 0.08 0.3 0.06 0.2 0.04 0.1 0.02 0 0 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 x F x F MIPP has taken 1.9M events with 120 GeV protons on the MINOS target (First results already available!) More in Holger’s talk! September 24 2007 DOE Annual Program Review – Niki Saoulidou 13 MiniBooNE Long Standing LNSD “anomaly” solved (at least as an interpretation of muon neutrino to electron neutrino oscillations) September 24 2007 DOE Annual Program Review – Niki Saoulidou 14 MiniBooNE : Outlook •Further investigation of the “low energy excess” •Further analysis of neutrino data including exotic models for the LSND effect •Anti-neutrino data taking mode has started More in Steve’s Talk! September 24 2007 DOE Annual Program Review – Niki Saoulidou 15 MINOS Experiment MINOS is a two detector long baseline neutrino oscillation experiment. • Verify νµ→ντ mixing hypothesis and make a precise (<10%) measurement of the oscillation parameters Phys. Rev. Lett. 97 (2006) 19180 • Search for sub-dominant νµ→νe oscillations (not yet seen at this mass-scale) • Search for/rule out exotic phenomena: – Sterile neutrinos – Neutrino decay • Use magnetized MINOS Far detector to study neutrino and anti-neutrino oscillations – Test of CPT violation – Atmospheric neutrino oscillations: First MINOS paper: Phys.Rev. D73 (2006) 072002 and hep-ex/070145 September 24 2007 DOE Annual Program Review – Niki Saoulidou 16 MINOS Oscillation Results for 2.5 x 1020 pots (new!) 2 (χ min + 2.3) 2 (χ min + 4.61) Updating analysis for total of 3x1020 pots for RunI and RunII September 24 2007 DOE Annual Program Review – Niki Saoulidou 17 MINOS Near Detector NC-like Spectrum s ill lls p pi S S ity ty ic ci pl li lti tip u ul M M h ig w H Lo • MC error band includes contributions from beam, cross-section and energy scale uncertainties • Both methods (high and low multiplicity data cleaning) give results consistent with each other and with expectations. September 24 2007 DOE Annual Program Review – Niki Saoulidou 18 MINOS Physics Analyses 2 2 νµCC disappearance : ∆m 32 and sin (2θ23) ¾ An updated analysis will be presented this summer with a factor of two larger exposure Neutral Currents : Set limits on fsterile ¾ Collaboration has blessed the “ND” NC spectrum ¾ Plan 1st “box opening” this fall.
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