Property of the Watertown Historical Society Uowwatertownhistoricalsociety.orgn XTimea The Watertown—Oakville—Middlebury Weekly Timely Coverage Of-News In The Fastest Growing Community In Litch field County VOL. 21 NO. 1038 Subscription Price, $'3.75 Per Year Price 10 Cents NOVEMBER 30. 1967 Main Street Renewal Project Considered The possibility of .an urban re- newal, project to provide Water- town a retall-offlce-ctvic center Merchants To,Give Away along Watertown's Main, Street: was raised by "Town Manager Allen F. Muglla at the Town Hundreds Of $$ In Prizes Council's meeting Monday. Mr. Muglla said 'the area in- volved would take- in the land In Christmas Promotion along the west side of .Main, St., from Woodruff Ave. to West's Gifts totaling more than $500 both 'dates; Ray's Army-Navy, Service. He emphasized that 'there THE TOWV COUNCIL voted Monday to purchase the above will, 'be 'given away by 14 local 619 Main St., Tim ex watch and are no definite plans at the property at 51 Davis SI., Oakville, ram William Stanziano merchants this Christmas, sea- gift certificate; Davidson,*' s Dress moment, but said a, developer is for $22,000- The two-part motion provides that the town son in a huge Holiday Giveway, Shop, 703 Miin St., $15 gift Interested In, the area, .and that sponsored Jointly by the parti- certificate both' dates; J & R merchants along the Main Street, will buy an option mow held on the property by I. Andre have expressed interest in the Foumier for $200, and then to consumale the deal with Mr. cipating merchants and the Wa- Sportswear, 699 Main St., $32 ter town-Oakvilte Chamber of sports jacket and $1,6 pair of proposal, which grew out of meet- Stanziano Building in the foreground will be used as tem- ings 'between the merchants and porary quarters ..for the Oakville, Library. Both buildings Commerce. Pedwin shoes; Watertown Ware- house Outlet, 686 Main St., $1,0 the Council's Urban, Renewal may eventually be torn down and the site used fee a, new Residents will have nothing to gift certificate both dates; Emil's Committee. branch library for the Oakville District. buy to be eligible "for" the gift Jewelers, 709 Main, St., 'British Involved are the Waterbury Na- drawings, which will be held, on S te r 1 ing gift set and Lady's tional, Bank property, Dubowy 'Dec., 6 and, 'Dec. 20. 'Today's broach; Watertown Building Sup- Bros, property and Agnew prop- Honor Football Team A t Town, 'Times carries a, full page ply, 56 Echo Lake Rd., Sunbeam erty, as mentioned by the Town, advertisement on page nine, list- Vista steam and dry iron, and. Manager. „ ing 'the participating merchants Sunbeam Vista elect rice an open- Mr. Muglla, said problems of [Banquet Sunday, Bee. 10 and coupons which are to' be er; Post Office 'Drug Store, '56 revitalizing Main Street have been filled out with name and, address De Forest St., Brownie Fiesta discussed at two or three meet- "The Watertown High football award of letters to varsity per- and deposited at the v a r 1 o u s Camera Outfit and Broxodent ings with interested merchants team will be honored at a ban- formers on, the Indians eleven stores. Winners of the various electric toothbrush; HY La Bonne and property owners, and all quet on Sunday, Dec. 10, at 7 which compiled a 5-4 'record' and, prizes from the first venture' b Sons., 1067 Main St., $10 gift agree that something must be p.m. at the V.F.W. Hall, Thorn, ~ climaxed its. season with a thrill- will be drawn Dec. 6. A second; certificate 'both dates; George done to keep present business aston Rd. The affair is 'being ing 22-20' victory over Tor ring- such ad will appear In the Dec. 'Brothers Super Market, 179 Sun- and, attract new business to the 14 Issue of Town Times, with area. sponsored by several, local bus- ton last Saturday. 1 nyside Ave., Oakville, $10 gift inessmen and parents 'interested The football banquets were in- drawings tor 'this to be held Dec. certificate both dates; James S. In addition to the discussion of in the school's football program. stituted two years ago when Mrs. 20'. Hosking Nursery and Gift Shoppe, the west, side of the street, 'there Master of ceremonies will 'be 'Gordon Palmer, mother of a, 96 Porter St., Electric bread also has been, discussion of a high school principal. Stunner A. former Watertown gridder, took To be eligible for the gilt draw- and roll warmer and Swiss mu- project for the east, side of Main Llbbey. A noted football figure it on her self to sponsor the an- Ings, 'the coupons must 'be clip- sic box; Kay's Hardware, 60'7 St. This would be a major urb.in will 'be on hand as guest speaker nual dinner. The affair now has, ped, from 'Town, Times and depos- Main St., $10 gift certificate renewal, project, he said, and most and films of Green Bay Packer picked up 'popular support with a, ited at 'the various stores on or 'both dates; Pik-Kwik Stores, certainly would require state and games will 'be shown. A 'high- number of businessmen and,'Other 'before Dec, 6. Main St., $10 gift certificate federal assistance funds, where- light of 'the evening will 'be the parents Joining in as sponsors. both dates; and Qulgley's, 465 as the discussion, concerning the Main St., ski apparel 'both dates. west side of the street was, en- Participating merchants, .and the 1 gilts they will present are as visioned as a project: which could Issue Annual Appeal For .follows: Carvel Ice Cream., Winners will be notified by the be done with, a developer,, perhaps Straits. Tpke,., $10 'gift certificate Chamber of Commerce. with town aid along the lines of rights of way, drainage and traf- fic improvements. Christmas Welfare Fund In line with traffic, Mr. fctug- The annual appeal for 'funds for at Thanksgiving time. Many items 11 lia said the quick survey of the Watertown s Christinas Welfare were left over and they will go town done recently by a traffic Fund to help brighten the Christ- into Christmas baskets. engineer has resulted in, a pro- mas" season for the town's less 'The .Knights of Columbus, under posal for a two-phase traffic en- fortunate citizens was issued this the direction of Henry Boucher gineering survey. The first phase week by "Mrs. Lillian McCleery, and Edwin, Traver, saw that, all would entail updating the present, 'Welfare Supervisor. needy families were .furnished traffic system,, studying traffic She asked that donations "of with, food, bones for Thanksgiv- flows and circulation, improving money be sent to her at the Town ing'. • signals, etc., at, a, cost of $3,400. Hall, Annex so that; suitable gifts The second phase would consist of as well as food, baskets may be Extended Store physical improvements, such as purchased for those in need. 'Hours Listed. For additional lanes for traffic, new 'These will include a, number of roads and widened intersections, elderly persons who norm,ally Christmas Season, and would cost $1,700. would receive no gifts, as well Extended store hours for the The Manager recommended that as for children who 'Otherwise the Council, approve the hiring would receive few, If any, gifts convenience of residents 'during' the Christmas shopping season of the engineer to' begin im- Christmas morning. Mrs. Mc- mediately the first phase of the Cleery emphasized that donations • have 'been announced by a group of Watertown's leading retail study. The recommendation was should 'be in. cash rather than rejected, for the moment, how- goods, as her department is 'bet- stores. "The stores will be open, Friday ever;, and, tarned over to "a com- ter aware of the needs of the in- mittee for study .and report at dividuals to be served. evening, Dec. 1. All participating stores also will be open, on Thurs- SMOLDERING RUINS were all that remained Tuesday the next meeting when 'questions This year the local Ecumeni- day 'and Friday evenings, Dec. ? after an early morning fire destroyed the Dudley Diebald were raised concerning road,im- cal Council,, under the direction and 8, and 'Thursday and, Friday home, the former Brazee farm, on Litchfield Rd. Fire provements now being' 'done or" of Frank M. Reinhold'and H. Ray- evenings, Dec. 1,4 'and 1.5. , contemplated,. It was felt that the mond Sjostedt, will assist in the Chief A very Lamphier estimated damage in excess of 'The week -'before Christmas, S20,000, and said the cause of the blaze remains under in- road reconstruction, program, program, Mrs. McCleery said, by from Monday, Dec. 18 through 1 might help to ease some of 'the. wrapping, packing and, preparing vestigation. The Diebalds Iliad left home at 7 a.m. to at- Friday, Dec. 22, all stores will tend a funeral in 'New York and the blaze was discovered traffic problems and that the con- the gifts for delivery. "A, room at be open evenings.. Host, are plan- nectors to' Route 8 might provide Christ Episcopal Church will, be by a, passing motorist shortly after 8- By the time firemen ning to close 'by 6 p.m. on Satur- arrived the entire home was engulfed in flames. Firemen further 'relief. Councilman Henry used for 'Storage of items. day, Bee. 23, to give their em- Meyer said 'that when the traffic 'The Welfare Director also re- were hampered by a. lack, of water and had to call, for as- survey would 'be' completed, in six ployes a break before the holiday.
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