INSIDE THIS NEW FDI RULES SERVING HONG KONG’S MENTAL HEALTH FOR E.U. SILVER GENERATION AMID COVID 工 商 月 刊 ISSUE 今期內容 歐盟外資新規定 服務香港銀髮世代 疫情下精神健康 November 2020 HKGCC: The Voice of Business in Hong Kong THE BULLETIN SHENZHEN CELEBRATES 40 YEARS 深圳慶祝 建區40載 NOV 2020 HK$30 RMB25 Celebrating Cooperation As Shenzhen marks 40 years with plans for further reforms, more opportunities will emerge for Hong Kong businesses and residents The 40th anniversary of nine other GBA cities working Shenzhen’s Special Economic together, not in competition. Zone has shone a spotlight on Another important reform is the the remarkable development further relaxation of restrictions of our neighbouring city to on work visas and residency for the north. The evolution of Hong Kong people. The Chamber Shenzhen into a dynamic, has been calling for greater ease modern city of more than of people flow across the border, 12 million people has been so we are particularly pleased to extraordinary. see this development. Here in Hong Kong, we The opportunities are not just for should celebrate Shenzhen’s entrepreneurs and executives. success: not only have we Younger people and students helped to facilitate the city’s can also tap into the growing transformation, but we have also opportunities in the GBA, where 慶祝港深合作 benefited from its growth. they can access a broader range Hong Kong’s unique role as of work exposure and career prospects in certain sectors than 深圳建區40載,迎來進一步改革開放, the bridge between China and the rest of the world has been they would in Hong Kong. 為港商港人開創更多機遇 pivotal in the development of The Chamber has for many Shenzhen and other cities. With 深圳經濟特區成立 40 周年;這 城市應加強合作,而不是互相競 years been helping our members our robust legal system, world- 個位於香港以北的毗鄰城市發 爭。 to explore the GBA through class financial sector, deep 展一日千里,已成為各方關注的 our popular missions. These 另一改革重點,是進一步放寬港 talent pool and global outlook, 焦點。今天,深圳已然成為一座 on-the-ground visits give 人在深圳的工作簽證條件和居 we have been able to provide 人口超過 1,200 萬、活力十足的 members the chance to discuss 留限制。總商會一直提倡促進跨 the essential international 現代化都市,發展步伐之快,實 the opportunities directly with 境人流,因此我們對這項舉措尤 networks and the financial and 在令人驚嘆。 businesspeople and government 表歡迎。 professional services needed by 香港亦樂見深圳的驕人成就,因 officials in the region. 機遇並非由企業家和高管人員 Shenzhen tech companies. 為我們有份參與協助深圳轉型, 獨享;年青人和學生亦可抓緊大 Such face-to-face meetings 同時從中受益。 During President Xi Jinping’s are on hold for now, but we 灣區不斷湧現的機遇,在當地一 visit last month, a range of 香港作為連接中國與世界各地 些特定行業發展,開拓比香港更 continue to serve members with further reforms for Shenzhen a wide range of informative 的橋樑,這一獨特角色對推動深 廣闊的工作機會及就業前景。 were announced. For example, 圳和其他城市的發展至關重要。 webinars. And, through our policy 本會多年來不斷舉辦廣受歡迎 the city will have more autonomy 憑藉本港健全的法律制度、世界 submissions, we continue to urge 的考察團,協助會員探索大灣 to make its own regulations in 級的金融業、充裕的專業人才及 the Government to ensure Hong 區。這些實地考察活動讓會員有 fast-moving technology areas 國際視野,我們得以為深圳科技 Kong businesses can access 機會與區內的商家和政府官員 like AI and big data. 企業提供所需的國際網絡、金融 emerging opportunities in the 直接交流,洽商合作。 和專業服務。 Some local voices have GBA and elsewhere. 雖然目前未有親身會面交流的 suggested that Shenzhen could 國家主席習近平上月出訪深圳, As Shenzhen continues its 機會,但我們仍不時舉辦形形色 edge out Hong Kong as its 期間公布了一系列深化改革措 remarkable development path, 色、資訊豐富的網上研討會,繼 economy continues to open 施,例如深圳將享有更大的自主 Hong Kong will continue to be 續服務會員。我們亦透過政策建 and grow. However, this is 權,可以在人工智能及大數據等 the key link in attracting overseas 議書,促請政府確保香港商界能 clearly not part of the Central 發展迅速的科技領域自訂法規。 investors, and in helping Mainland 夠把握大灣區和其他地區的新 Government’s plans, as President firms go global. Looking to the 有意見認為,深圳經濟持續開放 興機遇。 Xi also reiterated the importance future, economic cooperation 增長,有望取代香港。然而,觀 of One Country, Two Systems 隨著深圳一路蓬勃發展,香港將 between the two cities can only 乎習主席在深圳發表講話時重 in his Shenzhen speech. Plans 繼續發揮重要的橋樑角色,一方 go deeper. 申「一國兩制」的重要性,可見 for the Greater Bay Area have 面協助吸納外資,一方面促進內 這看法顯然與中央政府的規劃 emphasized the centrality of 地企業走出去。展望將來,深港 Peter Wong 不符。粵港澳大灣區發展規劃亦 increased cooperation between 兩地的經濟合作將會更趨深入。 王冬勝 強調深圳、香港及區內其餘九個 Shenzhen, Hong Kong and the [email protected] 2020年11月 工商月刊 | 1 November 2020 WHAT’S HOT IN Visit us online at www.chamber.org.hk/bulletin THIS ISSUE CONTENT Chairman: Peter Wong Deputy Chairman: Leland Sun Vice Chairmen: Oscar Chow, Victor Li CEO: George Leung Editorial Board: Watson Chan, Malcolm Ainsworth, Simon Ngan, Wendy Lo, Edith Hui Editor: Helen Sloan Translated By: Rachel Shum, Mabel Chan, SHENZHEN Monica Cheuk Graphic Design: Andy Wong, Kayi Wong CELEBRATES 40 YEARS Editorial Enquiries: Helen Sloan Tel: 2823 1210 Email: [email protected] 深圳慶祝建區40 載 Advertising: HKGCC Bulletin Tel: 2823 1245 Fax: 2821 9545 Email: [email protected] The Chamber is apolitical. Any advertisement of a political nature does not necessarily imply endorsement by the Chamber Published By: The Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce 22/F United Centre, 95 Queensway, Hong Kong 08 Tel: 2529 9229 Fax: 2527 9843 www.chamber.org.hk Printed By: OMAC Production House Ltd 21/F Kiu Yin Commercial Building, 361-363 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Tel: 2893 0944 Fax: 2832 7903 Email: [email protected] 主席:王冬勝 常務副主席:孫立勳 副主席:周維正 李澤鉅 總裁:梁兆基 編輯委員會: 陳利華 麥爾康 顏偉業 盧慧賢 許凉凉 編輯:宋海倫 翻譯:岑美怡 陳凱茵 卓子欣 設計:黃惠強 黃嘉怡 編輯查詢:宋海倫 電話:2823 1210 電郵:[email protected] 廣告:HKGCC Bulletin NEW FDI RULES SERVING HONG KONG’S MENTAL HEALTH 電話:2823 1245 圖文傳真:2821 9545 FOR E.U. SILVER GENERATION AMID COVID 電郵:[email protected] 歐盟外資新規定 服務香港銀髮世代 疫情下精神健康 本會並非政治組織,任何帶有政治意味的廣告 24 32 68 均不代表本會立場。 出版:香港總商會 香港金鐘道統一中心廿二樓 電話:2529 9229 圖文傳真:2527 9843 網址:www.chamber.org.hk 承印:奧瑪製作室有限公司 香港灣仔駱克道361-363號 翹賢商業大廈21字樓 The Voice of Business 商界之聲 電話:2893 0944 The Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce has been representing and 圖文傳真:2832 7903 safeguarding the interests of business in Hong Kong since 1861. 電郵:[email protected] 從1861年開始,香港總商會一直代表商界及捍衛它們的利益。 Nov 2020 The opinions expressed in articles in The Bulletin are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of HKGCC. 《工商月刊》刊載的文章內容乃個別作者意見, 2 | THE BULLETIN NOVEMBER 2020 並不反映香港總商會立場。 Talking Points 議論縱橫 28 44 01 Celebrating Cooperation 慶祝港深合作 04 Mutual Cooperation to Relaunch the Economy 兩地合作 振興經濟 06 Serving the Hong Kong Community 服務香港社群 On the Horizon China in Focus 談商論政 中國焦點 28 Moves to Modernise HKEX 44 Finance Opportunities in the GBA 港交所與時俱進 大灣區金融機遇 20 46 SME Survival Strategies 中小企疫市營商策略 32 58 Economic Insights 經濟透視 20 Fiscal Measures to the Fore 財政措施成為焦點 Member Profile 會員專訪 32 Supporting the Silver Lifestyle Chamber in Review 引領銀髮生活 活動重溫 24 38 Second Life for Industrial Assets 工業資產再生 58 Helping Hong Kong People in Need 40 Energy Supply in a Changing World 滿足瞬息萬變的能源需求 扶助有需要社群 60 A Home for Family Offices 家族辦公室之都 64 New Chapter for Indonesia Ties 印尼商貿聯繫新里程 68 Mental Health Amid Covid 38 疫情下精神健康 Special Report 專題報導 24 Changes to FDI Rules in E.U. 40 64 歐盟外資規則變動 2020年11月 工商月刊 | 3 LEGCO VIEWPOINT 立法會視窗 Mutual Cooperation to Relaunch the Economy Cross-border support to enable Hong Kong businesses and professionals to explore GBA opportunities would help us recover from the pandemic Chief Executive Carrie Lam technology from around the has postponed this year’s world. Policy Address, to enable her Hong Kong should also to include policies that the complement the national 14th Central Government has drawn up to support the development Five-Year Plan and take part of Hong Kong. in the domestic circular market to give full play to our unique th As this year marks the 40 advantages, and in the hope anniversary of the establishment of opening up a new wave of of the Shenzhen Special innovation and entrepreneurship. Economic Zone, President Xi Jinping has called for further To this end, I urge the SAR deepening the development of Government to set up a fund to the Guangdong-Hong Kong- enhance support for local SMEs Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA). and professionals to develop I urge the SAR Government to and start a business in the GBA, th “walk the talk” by implementing to dovetail with the 14 Five- concrete measures, to get in line Year Plan. with the national development Measures to attract young 兩地合作 振興經濟 plans. This will help to drive Hong professionals from various Kong’s economic recovery, and fields in Hong Kong should also 兩地提供跨境支援,協助香港企業和專才探索大灣區 ride out the current storm as well be formulated in the GBA as 的機遇,有助我們從疫情恢復過來 as improve people’s livelihoods. soon as possible to enrich the As Hong Kong continues to suffer talent pool. There should be a 行政長官林鄭月娥宣布,本年 香港亦應配合國家「十四五」 from the impact of the pandemic, talent programme in place for 度《施政報告》將押後公布, 規劃和參與「國內大循環市 the SAR Government should professional services jobs in 目的是能夠包括中央支持香港 場」,充分發揮獨有的優勢, provide appropriate assistance short supply in the GBA. Mutual 發展的政策。 有望開拓新一輪的創新及創業 to various sectors in order to recognition of professional 適逢深圳經濟特區建立 40 周 潮。 support enterprises, safeguard qualifications should be 年,國家主席習近平要求深入 為此,我促請特區政府設立基 jobs and help the unemployed. explored with Guangdong to 推進粵港澳大灣區建設。我促 金,加強資助本地中小企和專 There is also a pressing need to help Hong Kong youth tap GBA 請特區政府坐言起行,盡快推 業人才到大灣區發展和創業, formulate plans for economic opportunities. 出具體措施配合國家發展部 以配合國家「十四五」規劃。 recovery by adopting different As the saying goes, “a minute 署,從而帶動香港重振經濟, 當局也應盡快爭取大灣區制訂 counter-cyclical measures to on stage takes ten years of hard 擺脫困境,改善民生。 引進香港各類青年專才的措施, boost the economy. work off stage.” The launch of 鑒於香港持續受到疫情的影 充實人才庫;為大灣區欠缺的 As an international financial any cross-border policy is a 響,特區政府一方面要為各界 專業服務職位設立專才計劃; centre, Hong Kong has a result of ongoing consultation 提供適切援助,撐企業,保就 並與廣東研商推展兩地專業資 legal system on par with and collaboration among 業,並支援失業人士;另一方 格互認,協助香港青年把握大 international standards and government departments and 面,更需要為「後疫情時代」 灣區的機遇。 an extensive global business relevant industries in both 復蘇經濟積極部署,採取各項 locations.
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