Notes Introduction 1. Felice Guadagni and Renato Vidal, eds., Omaggio alla memoria imperitura di Carlo Tresca (New York: Il Martello, 1943), 43 (cited hereafter as Omaggio). 2. Ibid., 46. 3. David Montgomery, Workers’ Control in America: Studies in the History of Work, Technology, and Labor Struggles (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1979), 105. 4. Arturo Giovannitti’s foreword to Who Killed Carlo Tresca? (New York: Tresca Memorial Committee, 1945), 3. 5. Normad wrote an unpublished biography of Tresca bearing that title. Copies in the author’s collection and the Tresca Memorial Committee papers at the New York Public Library. 6. Guadagni and Vidal, Omaggio, 46. 1 Revolutionary Apprenticeship 1. See Italia Gualtieri, ed., Carlo Tresca: Vita e morte di un anarchico italiano in America (Chieti: Casa Editrice Tinari, 1994). 2. For details regarding Tresca’s parents, see The Autobiography of Carlo Tresca, edited by Nunzio Pernicone (New York: The John D. Calandra Italian American Institute, 2003), 1–7; Guadagni and Vidal, Omaggio, 6–7. Also, the author’s interview with Tresca’s daughter, Beatrice Tresca Rapport, Arlington, MA, November 12–14, 1973. After the ini- tial interview, Mrs. Rapport provided the author with additional information in several lengthy letters and more than a dozen long-distance telephone calls. For the sake of brevity, only the interview will be cited hereafter. 3. Tresca, Autobiography, 11–15; Interview with Beatrice Tresca Rapport; Cenno Biografico, in the Archivio Centrale dello Stato, Ministero dell’Interno, Direzione Generale di Pubblica Sicurezza, Casellario Politico Centrale: Tresca, Ettore. See also the commemorative issue of Il Martello (February 17, 1942) honoring Ettore after his death on January 15, 1942. (In the past, CPC dossiers were cited with busta numbers; however, as more dossiers are frequently added, the busta numbers change. Therefore, they will be omitted in the notes.) 4. Cenno Biografico, ACS, Min. Int., CPC: Tresca, Carlo. 5. Tresca, Autobiography, 21. 6. Ibid. 7. Giovanni Giolitti, Discorsi parlamentari, 2 vols. (Rome: Camera dei Deputati, 1953–1956), 2:633. 298 NOTES 8. See Rinaldo Rigola, Storia del movimento operaio italiano (Milan: Editoriale Domus, 1947), 158–159, 214–223, 282–283; Daniel Horowitz, The Italian Labor Movement (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1963), 48–78; Maurice Neufeld, Italy: School For Awakening Countries (Ithaca: New York State School of Industrial and Labor Relations, 1961), 227–232; Nunzio Pernicone, “The Italian Labor Movement,” in Edward R. Tannenbaum and Emiliana Noether, eds., Modern Italy: A Topical History Since 1861 (New York: New York University Press, 1974), 201–203. 9. Alfredo Angiolini and Eugenio Ciacchi, Socialismo e socialisti in Italia (Florence: Casa Editrice Nerbini, 1919), 367, 381; Roberto Michels, Il Proletariato e la borghesia nel movimento socialista italiano (Turin: Fratelli Bocca Editore, 1908), 137–138, 174–175. 10. Decreto di scioglimento del circolo socialista di Sulmona, May 13, 1898, with attached list of members dated June 4, 1898, and Decreto di scioglimento della sezione della lega di resistenza tra i ferrovieri, May 24, 1898, in Archivio di Stato dell’Aquila, Sezione di Sulmona, Tribunale di Sulmona, b. 255, fs. 214. 11. Ibid.; Angiolini and Ciacchi, Socialismo e socialisti in Italia, 559–563; Christopher Seton-Watson, Italy from Liberalism to Fascism (London: Methuan, 1967), 255–256; Il Germe (Sulmona), March 2, 1902. 12. Issue N. 14 of L’Araldo, quoted in Il Germe, December 15, 1901. 13. Il Germe, December 15, 1901. 14. Tresca, Autobiography, 25. 15. Ibid., 39. 16. Ibid., 24–25; Elenco degli affiliati ad circolo socialista di Sulmona, June 4, 1898, in ASA, SS, Tribunale di Sulmona, b. 255, fs. 214. 17. Tresca, Autobiography, 26. 18. See the L’Aquila prefect’s reports of April 21 and August 22, 1888, and March 23, 1889, in ACS, Min. Int., Gabinetto, Rapporti dei Prefetti, b. 2, fs. 3, L’Aquila. 19. Il Germe, January 5, March 2, 13, April 6, 13, and 20, 1902, et seq. 20. Ibid., January 5, April 3, 13, 1902; Tresca, Autobiography, 25–28. 21. Il Germe, January 5, April 6 and 13, 1902. 22. Tresca, Autobiography, 26. 23. Ibid., 27–28; Il Germe, May 11, 1902. In a memory lapse, Tresca mistakenly referred to a Società dei Contadini di Sulmona in his autobiography instead of the Fratellanza Agricola. 24. Il Germe, May 11, 1902. 25. Tresca, Autobiography, 32. 26. So described by the anti-Fascist Max Ascoli in Nazioni Unite (New York), January 21, 1943. 27. Tresca, Autobiography, 43–46; ASA, Sezione Sulmona, Fondo Giudiziario, Pretura di Sulmona, Sentenze: n. 37/1902. Archival documents do not indicate whether Tresca served this sentence. 28. Il Germe, June 8, 1902. 29. ASA, SS, Fondo Giudiziario, Pretura di Sulmona, Sentenze: n. 308/1902; also the Cenno Biografico in ASA, Questura, Cat. A8, b. 5, fs. 10: Tresca, Carlo; Tresca, Autobiography, 46–50. 30. Tresca, Autobiography, 50–51. 31. Ibid., 51. 32. Il Germe, July 26, 1903; Libertario Guerrini, Organizzazioni e lotte dei ferrovieri italiani, vol. I: 1862–1907 (Florence: Nuova Stampa, 1957), 237. 33. Tresca, Autobiography, 42. 34. Ibid., 34. NOTES 299 35. Cenno Biografico, in ASA, Questura, Cat. A8, b. 5, fs. 10: Tresca, Carlo. 36. Il Germe, October 18, November 7, 15, 22, 1903. 37. Tresca, Autobiography, 58. 38. Il Germe, November 15, 1903. 39. Interview with Vincenzo Alvano, Brooklyn, NY,September 20, 1974. Alvano was a close comrade of Tresca’s. 40. See the court documents in ASA, SS, Fondo Giudiziario, Tribunale Penale di Sulmona, b. 312, fs. 16. Also Il Germe, November 7, 22, December 25, 1903, January 10, 1904. The quote is from Tresca’s written complaint of January 8, 1904. 41. Commisario di Pubblica Sicurezza to Giudice Istruttore di L’Aquila, May 5, 1904, ASA, Questura, Cat. A8, b. 5, fs. 10: Tresca, Carlo. 42. Cenno Biografico, ASA, Questura, Cat. A8, b. 5, fs. 10: Tresca, Carlo. The documents do not specify the exact charges or indicate whether the case went to trial. 43. Interview with Beatrice Tresca Rapport. 44. Ibid. 45. Ibid. 46. Ibid. 47. Il Germe, November 22, 1903. 48. Cenno Biografico, ASA, Questura, Cat. A8, b. 5, fs. 10: Tresca, Carlo. 49. For the Tribunal’s decision and Tresca’s appeal, see ASA, SS, Fondo Giudiziario, Tribunale Penale di Sulmona, b. 314, fs. 69. 50. Cenno Biografico, ASA, Questura, Cat. 8A, b. 5, fs. 10: Tresca, Carlo. 51. Ibid. 52. Tresca, Autobiography, 63. 53. Cenno Biografico, ASA, Questura, Cat. 8A, b. 5, fs. 10: Tresca, Carlo; Guadagni and Vidal, Omaggio,8. 54. Tresca, Autobiography, 64, 67–68. 55. Ibid., 67–68; Renzo De Felice, Mussolini il rivoluzionario, 1883–1920 (Turin: Giulio Einaudi Editore, 1965), 35. 56. Tresca, Autobiography, 68. 57. Ibid. 58. Interview with Vincenzo Alvano. 2 Il Proletario 1. La Guardia Rossa (New York), May 1, 1920. 2. Ibid. 3. Tresca, Autobiography, 67–73; Guadagni and Vidal, Omaggio,8;Il Martello (New York), December 1, 1920; Mario De Ciampis, “Storia del movimento socialista rivoluzionario italiano,” La Parola del Popolo: Cinquantesimo Anniversario (1908–1958), 9 (December 1958–January 1959): 144. 4. For an excellent overview of the Italian American radicalism and labor, see Rudolph J. Vecoli, “Italian American Workers, 1880–1920: Padrone Slaves or Primitive Rebels,” in Silvio M. Tomasi, ed., Perspectives in Italian Immigration and Ethnicity (New York: Center for Migration Studies, 1977), 25–49; idem., “The Italian Immigrants in the United States Labor Movement from 1880 to 1929,” in Bruno Bezza, ed., Gli Italiani fuori d’Italia: Gli emigrati italiani nei movimenti operai dei paesi d’adozione 1880–1940 (Milan: Franco Angeli, 1983), 257–306; Edwin Fenton, Immigrants and Unions, A Case Study: Italians and American Labor, 1870–1920 (New York: Arno Press, 1975), 136–196; 300 NOTES Adriana Dadà, “I radicali italo-americani e la società italiana,” Italia Contemporanea 34, 146–147 (June 1982): 131–140; Bruno Ramirez, “Immigration, Ethnicity, and Political Militance: Patterns of Radicalism in the Italian-American Left, 1880–1930,” in Valeria Gennaro Lerda, ed., From “Melting Pot” To Multiculturalism: The Evolution of Ethnic Relations in the United States and Canada (Rome: Bulzoni Editore, 1990), 115–141; Nunzio Pernicone,“Italian Immigrant Radicalism in New York,”in Philip V.Cannistraro, ed., The Italians of New York (New York: New York Historical Society, 2000), 77–90. 5. Tresca, Autobiography, 75. 6. Leinenweber, “The American Socialist Party and ‘New Immigrants,’ ” Science and Society 32, 1 (winter 1968): 1–25; Vecoli, “The Italian Immigrants,” 262–267; Ramirez, “Immigration, Ethnicity, and Political Militance,”116–117. 7. Arturo Caroti, Per Carlo Tresca (Milan: Libreria Editrice “Avanti!,”1916), 28–29. 8. Il Proletario, December 18, 1904; January 1, February 12, 1905. 9. Ibid., April 9, 1905. 10. Ibid., February 12, 1905. 11. Ibid., April 9, May 7, June 11, September 10, 1905. 12. Information about state federations is scattered throughout Il Proletario. 13. Il Proletario, January 14, February 5, April 9, May 28, 1905. 14. Tresca, Autobiography, 79–80. 15. Il Popolo (Philadelphia), May 27, June 3, 17, 1905; Il Proletario, August 6, 13, September 3, 4, 1905. The original issues of Il Popolo have not survived. See the translations pro- vided by the Italian ambassador to the secretary of state, in National Archives, Record Group 59, General Records of the State Department, Notes from the Italian Legation in the United States to the State Department, 1861–1906, M-202, Roll 18 (cited hereafter as Italian Legation Notes). 16. Il Proletario, June 25, August 6, 1905. 17. Ibid., August 6, 1905. 18. Italian ambassador to U.S. secretary of state, August 2, 1905, in Italian Legation Notes. 19. Il Proletario, April 9, June 11, September 10, 1905. 20. Il Proletario carried notices and letters to the editor regarding all these visits. 21. Interview with Beatrice Tresca Rapport.
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