INDEX SPECIAL TOWN MEETING, T{ARCH 2,1998 AI{NUAL TOWN ELECTION, MARCH 30, 1998 AI.INUAL TOWN MEETING, APRIL 6, 1998 ADJOTJRNED ANNUAL TOWN MEETINGS: APRIL 7, 8, 13, 14 & 15, 1998 EMERGENCY SPECIALTOWNMEETING, APRIL 15, 1998 SPECIAL TOIWN ELECTION, MAY 27, 1998 STATEPRIMARY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1998 STATEELECTION, NOVEMBER 3, 1998 Article Paqe Amend Consn¡ction and Renovation Articles, Schools STM I I A¡tnuat Town Election, March 30, 1998 6 Bond Issue, Conservation l¿nd 7 21 IP Boundary Change-Framingham/Sudbury 2I 6l Budget Adjustments, FY98 2 IO IP BudgeÇ FY99 4A 12 Budget Pool Enterpriæ Fund FY99 4C 2t Budget, Solid Waste Disposal Enterprise Fund FY99 4B 20 Bus Revolving Fun{ Schools l3 53 Bylaws, Amendments Capital Planning 26 15 Cluster Development-Common Land (Art IX.IV.D.4) 36 l19 Cluster Development-Dimensiorul Requirements (Art.IX.IV.D.3.c) 37 tzl IP Flexible Development (Art. IÐ 3l 107 Ice Cream Trucls, Allow (Art. V.2) 44 150 Def Incentive Senior Development (Art.IX.IV.F/I. G /.O) 30 96 Intensity Regulations (tutIX.IV.B) 38 122 Lot Area A¡I.IX.(LC.) & 0V.E.5.a) 35 tt7 Public Safety (Art. V.ls & V.l9) 20 60 Public Way Access Permit 28 83 Regulation of Dogs (Art.V.3) 43 137 Research Disrict Permiüed Uses (Art IX. [I.D. i) 32 lll IP Research DistictlResidential Care Facilities ART.IX. (IV.E.3.b), (III.D. l.Ð, (IILD. Lk)) 33 Lt2 IP Rezone Parcel Kl04l0 to Limited Business 39 124 Def Rezone Parcel Kl04l0 to Limited Business-Reconsideration 39 ls3 Def Senior Residential Cnmmunity Bylaw-Delete (A¡t.IÐ 40 13l Def Torvn Meeting Procedures (ArtIL 16) 25 13 Underground Sprinkler System (Art V.3l) 23 66 IP Water Pollution Emergencies (Art. Ð 22 64 \Vater Resource Protection Disricts (Art.IX.ilI.G.5) 34 l14 IP Wetlands Adminishation (Art. )OOD 24 68 Wireless Services (A¡t.IX.V.P.) 29 87 Article Page Capital Planning 26 75 Chapter 90 Highway Funding l9 59 Cha¡acter of Sudbury Staæment-Resolution 6 23 Cluster Development-Common I¿nd (tut IX.IV.D.4) 36 l19 Cluster Development-Dimensional Requirements (Art.IX.IV.D.3.c) 37 t2t Conservation Designate Portion of FormerUnisys and . Melone Lands as Conse¡vation I¿rxls l0 45 I¿ndBond Issue 7 27 IP Council on Aging Revolving Fund l4 s4 Dogs, Regulation of-Accept G.L.c.140, s.l47A 42 136 Dogs, Regulation of (ArtV.3) 43 t37 Eady Childhood Revolving Fund, Schools 12 52 Elections Annual Town Election, Ma¡ch 30, 1998 6 Special Town Election,lvfay 27, 1998 158 State Electiorq November 3, 1998 t62 State Primary, September 15, 1998 159 Eminent Domain-Weisblatt Property 29 Flexible Development (Art. IÐ 3l t07 Framinghãr/Sudbury Boundary Change 2l 6l Gooùrow Library Preservation Rest¡iction l6 56 Goodnow Library Revolving Fund l5 55 HearReports I l0 Highway Funding--€hapter 90 l9 59 Housing Task Forc*Resolution ll 48 Howell Road,I¡t 27-Release Town's Right, Title,Interest 4t 134 Ice Cream Trucks, Allow (Art. V.2) 44 150 Incentive Senior Development (ArIIX.IV.F/LGA/.O) 30 96 Intensity Regulations (&tX.IV.B) 38 t22 Library Preærvation Rest¡iction l6 56 Library, Goodnow-Revolving Fund l5 55 I¡t Areâ tut.Ix. (LC.) & (IV.E.S.a) 35 ll7 IP Permitted Uæs-Research Disuict (Art IX.üLD.i) 32 llt IP Pool Enterprise Fund FY99 Budget 4C 2l Powder Mill Road Walkway 17 57 PO Public Safety (Art. V.15 & V.19) 20 60 Public Way Access Permit 28 83 Regulation of Dogs G.L.c.140, s.l47A 42 136 Regulation of Dogs -Accept(Art.V.3) 43 t37 Release Town's RighÇ Title, Interest-l¡t 27, Howell Road 4l 134 Resea¡ch Disuict Permiüed Uses (A¡t IX.[I.D.i) 32 lll IP Resea¡ch DistrictrResidential Care Facilities Art I)C (IV.E.3.b), (III.D. l.i), (IILD. l.k) 33 tt2 IP Residential Care Facilities, Resea¡ch Distict ArtIX. (IV.E.3.b), (III.D. l.Ð, (III.D. l.k) 33 rt2 IP Article Page Resolutions OuidaBailey 8 JohnBowdoin 8 NormanE. Burke 9 Karl E. Clough 9 Ronald J. Grifrn I Hest€rM.Iærvis 9 Ba¡baraL. McDermott I MargaretF. McQueen 9 RobertE. Nims 9 Châracter of Sudbury Statement 6 23 Housing Task Force ll 48 Senior Tax Program 27 EO Rezone Paræl Kl04l0 to Limited Business 39 124 Def Rezone Parcel Kl0-010 to Limited Business-Reconsideration 39 153 Def Rollback Taxes from Chapær 61, Special Act 9 42 Schools Amend Construction and Renovation A¡ticles STM I I Bus RevolvingFund l3 53 Early Childhood Revolving Fund t2 52 Senior Residential Community Bylaw-Delete (Art.IX) 40 l3l Senior Tax Program Resolution 27 80 Solid Waste Disposal Enterprise Fund FY99 Budget 4B 20 Speciat Act to Rollback Taxes from Chapter 6l 9 42 Special Act-Wilcox Conservation Restriction Amendment STM I t29 Special Town Election,lvlay 21, 1998 t57 Stabilization Fund l8 58 State Electior¡ November 3, 1998 t6l State of the Town 9 Stâte Primary, September 15, 1998 158 Street Acceptances 22 lvlartin Drive Southwest Ci¡cle Amanda Road Bulkley Road Taxes-Senior Tax Program Resolution 27 80 Taxes-Special Act to Rollback Taxes from Chapter 6l 9 42 Town Counsel Opinions 156 Town Meeting Procedures(Af.Il. 16) 25 73 Underground Sprirùler System (Art. V.3l) 23 66 IP UnpaidBills 3 11 IP Walkway-Powder Mill Road 17 57 PO Water Pollution Emergencies (Art. Ð 22 64 Water Resource Protection Districs (AII.IXJII.G.5) 34 II4 IP lVei$latt Property-Take by Eminent Domain 8 29 lVetlands Administration (Art )OüD 24 68 Wilcox Conservation Rest¡iction Amendment-Special Act STM I t29 Wireless Services (Art.IX.V.P.) 29 87 Def Defeated IP Indefinitely Postponed PO Passed Over PROCEEDINGS SPECIAL TOWN MEETING MARCH 2,1998 (the full text ¡nd discussion on all articles is evailable on tape ¡t the Town Clerk's oflice) The meeting was called to order by the Moderator, Thomas G. Dignan, Jr. at 8:13 pM. at the Lincoln-Sudbury Regional High School Auditorium, as a guon¡m was declared presenl A moment of silence was observed, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. The Moderator examined and found in order the Call of the Meeting the Ofücer's Retum of Service, and the Town Clerk's Return of lvfailing. Selectman Drobinski Moved to dispense with the reading of the Call of the Meeting, îhe OIJìcer's Return of Service, and the individual articles. The motion received a second. The motion was VOTED. Various town officials, committee and board members present were intoduced to the voters. ARTICLE I. AMEND SCHOOL CONSTRUCTION AND RENOVATION ARTICLES To see if the Town will vote to amend the vote take under Article 4 of the February 24,1997 Special Town Meeting by adding lhe words, "and for lhe purpose of const¡ucting a ne\il middle school or remodeling, reconstn¡cting or making extraordinary repairs and additions to the existing middle school, and to appropriate an additional amounE not to exceed the unexpended and uncommitted funds raised under A¡ticle 3l of the 1996 fumual Town Meeting, by trarsfer of these unexpended and uncommitted funds to raise this appropriation", affer the words "existing schools"; or act on anything relative thereto. Submittedby the Sudbury School Committee. SCHOOL COMMITTEE REPORT: In February 1997, Town Meeting appropriated funds to build a nelv elementary school, and to expand, renovate and repair existing schools (Article 4). This new a¡ticle allows funds from these appropriations to be used to build a new middle school as an altemative to expandingand renovating the existing facility. No additional funding is requested. ïhis article also allows unspent funds appropriated by Town Meeting in April 1996 for exüaordinary school repairs (Article 3l) to be used similarly for new construction. The amount of the April 1996 appropriation not spend immediately on urgent repairs was held for use in the schmls expansion and renovation project, and was used in the calculation of new funds needed in the Febnrary 1997 appropriation. During the last four months, the architectural firm selected for the middle school project has extensively studied design options and costs. The firm has developed an updated cost estin¡ate for new construction that is lower than ttnt used in the initial options analysis performed in late 1996. The firm recommends building a new middle school behind the existing building, rather than expanding and renovating the old facility. Ma¡ch 2. 1998 This article allows the School Committee to pursue the option of a new middle school within the funding limit of existing appropriations. This approach has the potential to reduce the risk of unanticipated costs, shorten the time to achieve full capacity, avoid the ditñculty and expense of phased construction, minimize disnrption of educational activities, and reduce the size of the building needed for the required educational qpace. SHO\ryN BELOW IS THE FEBRUARY '97 VOTE, AS AIVÍENDED, IN ITS ENTIRETY (NEW WORDING IN BOLD, TTALICIZED LETTERING) To appropriate the sum of $43,604,000 to be expended under the direction of the Permanent Building Commiüee, for the purpose of constructing a new elementary school, and for remodeling, r€constructing or making exfaordinary repairs and additions to existing schools, andfor the purpoæ of conúruding a new míddle æhool or rattodeling, ræonúrudíng or making &raordínary repaírs and addilìons to the exístíng mÍddle school, and to approprialc an addilíonal antounÇ not to exceed the une.ryended and uncon mítedlunds ¡aked under Artícle 3I otthe 1996 Annual Tønn Meding, by tansler of these unexpended and uncommÍfredfunds lo ¡aíse thís appropridbn, and for purchasing additional equipment and ñ¡rniture, and for landscaping and for all expensed connected therewith, including costs ofdemolition, expenses incuned for professional, engineering and architectu¡al services, expenses for the preparation ofplans, specihcations and bidding documents, expenses related to zupervision of work, and expenses for bond and note issuance to autlorize the Permanent Building committee to execute a contfact or contracts therefor; and to raise this appropriation the Treasurer, with the approval of the Selectmen, is authorized to borrow $43, 604,000 under General Laws Ch.
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