migf ALDERMAN PORTER J. TVBFF. IX UNION THERE 18 STRENGTH. Order for Hearing and Notice of Ap­ / SUMMONS/ Phelps, George Palmes Co.; Pontlae TttEiiiiOR^WORLD. Perhaps no man in Duluth has more The thing to do is to stand together; plication for Appointment- of . FfUPUSHSJD EVERY SATURDAY. friends in the labor movement than National-Bank; A. R. Porter, as Por- i help one another; help the ward, help Duluth Administrator. STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY ter, Sang & Company; F. W. Paine/ has Porter J. Neff, alderman from the the city, help the nation, and yourself. STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY of St. Louis—ss. District Court, ,11th assignee^pf American Mechanical- Im­ Establshed in 1896 by Sabrl« O. Aldn fourth ward, and a candidate for re­ The prosperity of the many is the pros­ of St. Louis—ss. In Probate Court, Judicial District. provement Company; A. M. Prudden; election. Ever since Mr. Neff has been, perity of all. Pull do\v[n your neighbor Special Term, January 15, 1901. Penn Land & Loan Company; Fred.- Union Directory. H. Russell; Mary Roussain, Eustace a member of the council he has worked and you'll hurt yourself. Put a wire In- the matter of the estate of Gilbert Blanche B. Brigham, Bus^ms Office, 206 Chamber of Com- This list , will be added <o each week Daoust, deceased. Plaintiff, Roussain, Zoe Roussain, Cecelia unceasingly in the interest of the peo­ across the path of progress and you'll until we secure the official list of the On receiving and filing the petition of vs. ROussain Durfee, Mary A. Rich, J. merce, Duluth. ple. The free ferry operating across break your own back. Jump the rich officers of each union. We trust that Laura D. Daoust of the county of St. Lida Ashmore, L. A. Ashmore, Cuyler H. Ready, H. Rosenbaum, J. w. Rey­ JEenith Telephone 68. the canal is largely a result of his un­ man and you'll be poor indeed. Op­ the secretaries will attend to this mat­ i^ouis, representing, among other things Adams and Jennie B. Adams, his nolds, T. J. Ryan, Clara A. Randall, ter at once. that Gilbert Daoust, late of the county wife; S. D. Allen and Gertrude S. Al- O. J. Roen, John F. Segog, Martha tiring efforts. Organized labor feels press the poor and you'll suffer from of St. Louis in the State of Minnesota, len. his wife; John T. Aylen, Mary E. Segog, his wife; James Sullivan, i;-; . BUB3CRIPTIONJ deeply interested in the re-election of poverty. Be helpful, big hearted and FEDERATED TRADES AND LABOR on the sixth day of November, A. D. Aylen, Richard Ames, John Aubrey, James A. Smith, Amos Shephard. One'^ear, to Advance fLOO Mr. Neff on account of his known atti­ broadgauged. There is nothing hurts Assembly—Meets 2nd and 4th Friday 1900, at the county of St. Louis, died Anna Aylen, Christian Anderson, Clara E. Shephard, his wife; j. w i" Mix Months, In advance W tude on labor legislation. business so quickly as a tight-laced, of each month at Kalamazoo Build­ intestate, and being an inhabitant of Charles B. Atwater, American Ex­ Shelby, Lulu S. Schick. St. Paul and this county at the time' of his death change Bank of Duluth, E. P. Alex­ Duluth Railroad Company, Albert M. Thrift Months, In advance.... .K He it was who introduced the eightr claw-fish, hawk-eyed, cat-footed, hog- ing. Pres. G. M. Davis; vice-pres. fc Henry Dworschak; fin. sec.. A.. A. leaving goods, chattels, and estate ander, Agnes S. Alexander, his Selden, Elizabeth Sythgo, Alfred- Single copies, I cent*. hour ordinance and secured its passage. hearted, penny-squeezing, man, a cross Fider; treas., Wm. Tunell; trustees, within this county, and that the said wife; Bela B. Brigham, Mary E. Spensler, Z. D, Scott, Angelia Scott, Advertising rate* made known en appu- between a blue pot and a vinegar jug, F petitioner is a daughter of said de­ Brigham, his wife; Frank C. Brooks, his wife; Byron G. Segog and Marie He introduced the ordinance for a free V' - Hegg, Wm. Heywood. and B. Segog, his wife; W. W. Scott and •atum. labor bureau, and is working hard for who never spends a dollar until he sees John Paulson; rec. and cor. sec., G. ceased, and praying that administra­ James Bardon and Emma Bardon, his T. Winberg, care Duluth Herald. tion of said estate be to Ozeline Daoust wife; Benjamin F. Bishop, Lenora Angeline Scott, his wife; Stewart H. its enactment. Whenever labor has a dollar ninety-eight cents in sight for granted; Bishop, _hi? wife; Lena Budden, Seeley, Sarah J. Seeley, his wife; it. No really successful man, corpora­ It is ordered, that said petition be Sarah F. Stewart, Isabel Stewart, anything to present to the council, they BUILDING TRADES COUNCIL— Charles Budden, her husband; Martin UC s a look to Mr. Neff for its first support. tion or country ever succeeded by Meets 1st and 3rd Fridays of each heard before said court, on Monday, C. Brown, Fannie Brown, his wife; ?i To P lding, widow of Isaac month at Kalamazoo Building. Pres., the 11th day of February, A. D. 1901* Elias Beclcman, Louloa. M. Beckman, C. jSpalding, deceased; James M. CTRAPES If labor wants to take care of its pinching the eagle on a dollar until it Edward Parrott; vice pres., T. Tim­ at ten o'clock a. m.. at the Probate h!S wife; Michael S. Bright, Jr.; Mich­ Spalding, Anna P. Spalding and Ed- friends, now is the time for it to show had corns on its legs. The man who Office, in the Court House in the city son P. Spalding, heirs at law of Isaac t&UTH. Ml lin; treas.. Theo. Wold; fin. sec., C. ael S. Bright, Sr.; Leonard Baldwin, ding itself. It should make little difference tries it goes into partnership with the E. Ellefsen. room 18, Columbus Build­ of Duluth. in said county. George W. Brown, Frank Burke, Jr.; o ' deceased; Lucinda B. Spalding, executrix of last will and to a member of a labor organization sheriff; the company who tries it gets ing; rec. sec., John P. Hollihan. 714 Ordered further, that notice thereof Alice L. Billson, William W. Billson, East Sixth Street. be given to the heirs of said deceased her husband; A. H. Crassweller, as- testament of Isaac C. Spalding, de- Entered at the Postofflca at Duluth, what Mr. Neff's politics are, so long as a receiver in its intestines; and the na­ and to all persons interested, by pub­ signee of W. W. Billson, insolvent; ceased; Wm. W. Spalding and Elec- If Inn., as eecond class matter. they know that he is a friend of labor. tion that tries it meets the inevitable AMALGAMATED MEAT CUTTERS' lishing this order once in each week Ross Mahon, trustee of W. W. Bill- tra W. Spalding, his wife; W. H. Dewey in its Manila Bay. Union, No. 12.—Meets 2nd and 4th for three successive weeks prior to said son, bankrupt; Henry Bridgeman and Squier, A. B. Siewert, Chauntey •Smith, Frederick Schuman, George yfm. E. McEwen, Editor Tuesday of each month at Kalama­ day of hearing, in the Labor World, a N. F. Russell, as Bridgeman & Rus- and A GOOD APPOINTMENT. zoo Block. Pres., M. Tierney; vice weekly newspaper printed and pub­ sell; George Benz, George C. Benz K. Sairan, Ernest G. Schneider Statf* Publisher. r s lished at Duluth, in said county. Bank of Duluth, Charles W skndlr! The Labor World desires to commend FIXING THE PRICE OF LAUOR. g ® -» W. H. Sanson; treas., Fred and Herman L. Benz, co-partners as There is a deep and threatening dan­ Scnoening; fin. sec.. M. Newman; rec. Dated at Duluth, Minnesota, the 15th Geo. Benz & Company;Samuel Budd; son, Gustave Swendson, F. J. Stevens Governor Van Sant for the appoint­ and cor. sec.. Wm. Tunell, 1110 West day of January, A. D. 1901. Bank of Commerce of West Superior; George L. Spangler, A. W. Speyers' ment of John O'Donnell, of Minneapo­ ger in the continued concentration of Third Street. By the Court, Notley S. Bruner; Lockwood Bana- Sarah Speyers, his w ff e lis, for labor commissioner. Every wealth, and as a nation we should re­ (Seal) W. G. BONHAM, ger; Board of County Commissioners Elias M. Thompson, The Securitv ^Printer's Ink, the great author­ trace our steps lest we drift too far CARPENTERS' UNION—.MEETS' ON T ^ „T ,, • Judge of Probate. of St. Louis County, Minnesota; Trust Company, Ella Taylor The member of a labor organization in the Tuesday evenings at Kalamazoo Labor World, Jan. 19-26; Feb. 2. James Billings; Banks and Brothers; American Forcite Manufacturing ity on advertising, says: state should feel proud of the appoint­ from the safe moorings. Capital should Building. Pres. S. M. Kielley; vice Edward H.- Burger; Frank Black- Company. Morris Thomas, Samuel J. A labor paper is a far better ment. Mr. O'Donnell is fresh from the not have the power to fix the price of pres., G. M. Davis; fin. sec., S. T. Order for Hearing on Claims. marr; G. A. Everest, trustee in bank­ Thompson, W. D. Underhill, s T advertising medium than a secu­ labor without paying a decent respect Skrove. 319 East Sixth Street; treas., ruptcy for Frank Blackmar; George Waggener. George N. Wilson, Susaii ranks. He is president of the Trades STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY Dubois Watson, F. D. West, Joseph lar daily, relatively to the number to the wishes of the man who toils. J. W. Bowers; rec.
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