ANNALES ZOOLOGICI (Warszawa), 2000, 50(1): 67-91 A REDESCRIPTION OF TROMBIDIUMHOLOSEBICEUM (LINNAEUS, 1758) (ACARI: ACTINOTRICHIDA: TROMBIDIOIDEA) WITH CHARACTERISTICS OF ALL ACTIVE INSTARS AND NOTES ON TAXONOMY AND BIOLOGY Joanna M ąkol 1 and A ndreas W ohltmann 2 1Department of Zoology, Agricultural University of Wroclaw, Cybulskiego 20, 50-205 Wroclaw, Poland, e-mail: [email protected] -Freie Universitdt Berlin, Institut fiir Biologie/ Zoologie, Kónigin-Luise-Strasse 1-3, D-14195 Berlin, Germany, e-mail: [email protected] Abstract. — A detailed redescription of Trombidium holosericeum (L.), based on female is given. Characteristics of larvae, deutonymphs and adults as well as the data on their biology are provided. The selected neotype is a female, from which larvae have been obtained by experimen­ tal rearing. Teresothrombium is regarded as a new synonym of Trombidium. T. latum Koch, 1837 is a synonym of T. holosericeum, w hereas T. latum s. Oudemans (1910, 1937), Andre (1926), Thor and Willmann (1947) - a synonym of T. rimosum Koch, 1837. T. holosericeum displays an almost edaphic life style except during mating and the parasitic phase of larvae. The life cycle is uni- to semivoltine, females may be iteroparous. Data on host range of larvae and physiological properties of eggs and protonymphs are given. Key w ords. — Acarology, taxonomy, biology, life-history, neotype, Trombidiidae, Trombidium, T. holosericeum. Introduction cerning all instars will also serve as a reference in the process of differentiation of other species belonging to that Trombidium holosericeum is a member of a Holarctic genus. genus including at present 34 nominal species. The sys­ tematic division of the genus has undergone several changes for many years and still, up to the present, has M a t e r ia l a n d m e t h o d s remained unclear. T. holosericeum was described by The material for present studies was collected at vari­ Linnaeus as Acarus holosericeus L. on the basis of the ous localities in Europe (see the list of localities). The mor- specimen representing an active postlarval stage and, phometric data of all the specimens mentioned in the list since then, has been regarded as the most common mem­ served for taxonomic description. Other data concerning ber of the genus, recorded from many places in the distribution are not included in the list. The localities in Palaearctic. Poland were assigned to physico-geographical mesore- Erection of the genus Trombidium by Fabricius (1775) gions according to Kondracki (1994). was not accompanied by designation of its type species. The following collecting methods were used: hand pick­ The latter was done by Latreille (1810), who selected T. ing, pitfall traps, litter sifting and extraction in Berlese fun­ holosericeum as a type (type by subsequent designation, nels. Larvae were additionally captured using an electric Opinion 104, 1928). sucking trap and a sweep net (mesh 1 0 0 pm). For many years T. holosericeum has remained known The specimens used for morphological measurements only from active postlarval stages. The attempts to correlate are of the following origin: 1 . larvae attached to the hosts, them with larvae, made by many authors, have not resulted collected in the field, 2 . larvae reared from eggs deposited in description of all stages of that species. Further history of by adults collected in the field, 3. deutonymphs reared from Trombidium and T. holosericeum as well as some nomen­ larvae, 4. deutonymphs collected in the field, 5. adults col­ clature problems were discussed by Vercammen-Grandjean lected in the field. (1973), Newell (1979), Southcott (1986) and Mąkol (1996). For rearing and parasitism experiments containers The present paper contains data on taxonomy and biol­ filled with charcoaled Plaster-of-Paris (glass vials: 40x30 ogy of T. holosericeum. We hope that a comprehensive mm and polystyrene boxes: 25x25x20 mm for the material description of active life stages and biological data con­ from Poland and Germany, respectively) were used. http://rcin.org.pl 6 8 J. M a k o l a n d A . W o h l t m a n n Saturated air humidity was achieved by addition of water /V - formula describing the number of rows of setae and to the substratum as required. Individuals were kept iso­ number of setae in a particular row on ventrum of lated at 20°C (± 1°C) with a 12h/12h light/dark cycle. opisthosoma in larvae [RJ Exceptions to the above are mentioned in the text. Larvae AA - distance between the bases of AM setae [RJ were tested for phototactic and geotactic responses using AL - non-sensillary seta of the 2nd pair (or the length of) on glass tubes (10 cm long, 2.5 cm in diameter), illuminated scutum in larvae [RJ with a light source from alternating positions (phototaxy) AM - non-sensillary seta of the 1st pair (or the length of) on or kept dark (geotaxy). Parasitism experiments (applies to scutum in larvae [RJ AP - distance between the bases of AL and PL setae [RJ samples from Germany only) were carried out in plastic ASB - distance between the anterior margin of scutum and boxes ( 1 0 0 x 1 0 0 x 1 0 0 mm) with the bottom covered with the level of bases of S setae [RJ 1 cm charcoaled Plaster-of-Paris. Stones and pieces of AW - distance between the bases of AL setae [RJ plants (previously checked for the presence of eggs) were B - barbed seta on palps [RJ added to lift up and vary the surface; 1 0 0 - 2 0 0 larvae were bFe - basifemur (or the length of) [S*] exposed to 2-3 individuals of a potential host species. bs - subcapitular seta, hypostomala [R, SJ Fresh body mass of specimens was determined using a Ch - length of internal edge of cheliceral claw [*] microbalance (Sartorius 4504MP8, ± 0.2 pg); freshly CML - length of crista metopica [GJ emerged larvae were measured in groups of 1 0 individuals, CMW - width of crista metopica [GJ all other specimens were measured individually. The cs - adoral seta [RJ experimental design to examine desiccation resistance is Cx - coxa (or the length of) [R*J described in Wohltmann (1998). All individuals were DN - deutonymph checked daily during the course of the experiments. DS - dorsal setae (or the length of) [SJ Specimens originating from Poland and Finland were E - length of eye stalk in active postlarval forms [*] macerated in Nesbitt’s fluid after preservation in ethyl Fe - femur (or the length of) [SJ alcohol and then fixed on microscope slides in Faure’s Ge - genu (or the length of) [SJ fluid. Specimens collected in Germany were cleared in lac­ GOP - genital opening [*J tic acid and mounted in polivinyl-lactophenol. Drawings HS - length of scutellum [RJ and measurements were made in Jenaval and Biolar IP - index pedibus; the total length of legs (including (material from Poland and Finland) and Axiophot, Zeiss coxae) [R*J L - body length, without gnathosoma (material from Germany), respectively. Several specimens 1 - length were used for scanning electron microscope studies. lAv - length by width P hotographs of selected stru ctu res (1. Figs 18, 19; 2. Figs LSS - width of scutellum [RJ 20-28; 3. Figs 30a, 31) were taken in SEM (1. JEOL JSM LV - larva 5200; 2. SEM LEO 435 VP; 3. Philips SEM 515) after drying MA - distance between the bases of AM and AL setae [RJ in critical point (1. Polaron, Watford, England; 2. Balzers N - nude (not specialized) seta on palps [RJ CPD 010; 3. BAL-TEC CPD 030) and coating w ith gold (1. n - normal (not specialized) seta, nude or barbed, on legs [RJ SEM Coating Unit PS 3, BIO-RAD; 2. Edwards Scancoat PaTa - palptarsus (or the length of) [SJ Six, Pirani 501; 3. Balzers SCD 040). Terminology applying pDS - posterodorsal setae (or the length of) on opisthosoma to morphological structures was adopted after Robaux (pDS I, pDS II - posterodorsal setae of first and second (1974) [R], Southcott (1961, 1986) [S] and Gabryś (1992) type, respectively) [S*J [G]. In several cases new abbreviations or some modifica­ PL - non-sensillary seta of the 3rd pair (or the length of) on tions of some existing terms were introduced [*]. scutum in larvae [RJ The following abbreviations denote characters: PSB - distance between the level of bases of S setae and the £ - eupathidium [R] posterior margin of scutum [RJ e - famulus [R] PW - distance between the bases of PL setae [R] a - solenidion on genu [R] S - sensilla (or the length of) on crista metopica in active co - solenidion on tarsus [RJ postlarval forms and on scutum in larvae [RJ (p - solenidion on tibia [R] SB - distance between the bases of sensillary setae of crista k - vestigiala [RJ metopica in active postlarval forms and of scutum in fell - formula describing the division and chaetotaxy of che- larvae [RJ licera in larvae [R] SL - non-sensillary seta (or the length of) on scutellum [RJ fcx - formula describing the chaetotaxy of coxa in larvae [R] SS - distance between the bases of SL setae [RJ / D - formula describing the number of rows of setae and Ta - tarsus (or the length of) [SJ number of setae in a particular row on dorsum of tFe - telofemur (or the length of) [S*J opisthosoma in larvae (without setae on scutellum) [R] Ti - tibia (or the length of) [SJ /Pp - formula describing the division and chaetotaxy of pedi- TiCl - palptibial claw (or the length of) [*] palp in larvae [RJ Tr - trochanter (or the length of) [SJ fst - formula describing the chaetotaxy of sternal region, W - body width between coxae (epimera) [RJ w - width http://rcin.org.pl A REDESCRIPTION OF TROMBIDIUM HOLOSERICEUM (LINNAEUS, 1758) 6 9 L and W, contrary to other characters, are not of crucial Równina Wrzesińska [Września Plain] importance, as they show a significant variability range, 6 .
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