LOMITA CITY HALL Henry1Special Sanchez Jr., Mayor COUNCIL CHAMBERS James Gazeley, Mayor Pro Tem 24300 Narbonne Avenue Michael Savidan, Council Member Lomita, CA 90717 Cindy Segawa, Council Member Phone: (310) 325-7110 Mark Waronek, Council Member Fax: (310) 325-4024 Next Resolution No. 2019-04 Next Ordinance No. 801 AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE LOMITA CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, MARCH 19, 2019 6:30 P.M. “Members of the public are advised that all PAGERS, CELLULAR TELEPHONES and any OTHER COMMUNICATION DEVICES are to be turned off upon entering the City Council Chambers.” If you need to have a discussion with someone in the audience, please step out into the lobby. Written materials distributed to the City Council within 72 hours of the City Council meeting are available for public inspection immediately upon distribution in the City Clerk’s office at 24300 Narbonne Avenue. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, you should contact the office of the City Clerk at (310) 325-7110 (voice) or the California Relay Service. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to assure accessibility to this meeting. 1. OPENING CEREMONIES a. Call Meeting to Order b. Flag Salute c. Invocation – Council Member Waronek d. Roll Call 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 3. PRESENTATIONS CERTIFICATE OF RECOGNITION TO SERGEANT DOUGLAS J. SHIVE, LOS ANGELES COUNTY SHERIFF’S DEPARTMENT, UPON HIS RETIREMENT AFTER 30 YEARS OF SERVICE Page 1 of 4 Reg CC Mtg, March 19, 2019, Page # 1 Lomita City Council Meeting Agenda March 19, 2019 PRESENTATIONS (CONTINUED) CERTIFICATE OF RECOGNITION TO CUSTODY ASSISTANT GLEN A. WOOD, LOS ANGELES COUNTY SHERIFF’S DEPARTMENT, UPON HIS RETIREMENT AFTER 30 YEARS OF SERVICE CERTIFICATE OF RECOGNITION TO LIEUTENANT ALBERT M. ORTIZ, LOS ANGELES COUNTY SHERIFF’S DEPARTMENT, UPON HIS RETIREMENT AFTER 33 YEARS OF SERVICE 4. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Persons wishing to speak on Consent Agenda items or subjects other than those scheduled are requested to do so at this time. In order to conduct a timely meeting, a five minute time limit per person has been established. Amendments to Government Code Section 54954.2 prohibit the Council from taking action or engaging in discussion on a specific item unless it appears on a posted agenda. The City Council may discuss and act upon items described under Council Comments; however, items which are not on the agenda will be limited to Council reports, announcements, or requests for clarification, or factual information, or to placement of matters on the agenda for a future meeting. 5. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS AND MEETING ATTENDANCE REPORTS FROM THE CITY COUNCIL 6. CITY MANAGER’S REPORT (information only) 7. CONSENT AGENDA All items under the Consent Agenda are considered by the Council to be routine and will be enacted by one motion in the form listed below. There may be separate discussions of these items prior to the time the Council votes on the motion. Specific items may be removed from the Consent Agenda at the request of any Councilmember or staff. RECOMMENDED ACTION: That the Consent Calendar Items 7 a-j be approved. a. Motion to Waive Full Reading of ordinances and that they be read in title only. b. Approve the Minutes of the Regular Meeting held on February 19, 2019 RECOMMENDED ACTION: That the minutes be approved. Page 2 of 4 Reg CC Mtg, March 19, 2019, Page # 2 Lomita City Council Meeting Agenda March 19, 2019 c. Approval of Warrants/Payroll Register RECOMMENDED ACTION: That the Warrants/Payroll Register be approved and filed. d. Monthly Report for the Administrative Services Department RECOMMENDED ACTION: That the report be received and filed. e. Monthly Report for City Manager’s Department RECOMMENDED ACTION: That the report be received and filed. f. Monthly Report for the Community and Economic Development Department RECOMMENDED ACTION: That the report be received and filed. g. Monthly Report for the Parks & Recreation Department RECOMMENDED ACTION: That the report be received and filed. h. Monthly Report for the Public Works Department RECOMMENDED ACTION: That the report be received and filed. i. January 2019 Treasury & Investment Report RECOMMENDED ACTION: That the report be received and filed. j. Consideration and Possible Authorization to Enter into a Settlement and Release Agreement with Urban Street Ventures, Inc. to cure $39,000 in unpaid administrative citations RECOMMENDED ACTION: Authorize the City Manager to sign the Settlement and Release Agreement between the City of Lomita and Urban Street Ventures, Inc., mandating the company to pay $32,500 in order to resolve unpaid administrative citations Page 3 of 4 Reg CC Mtg, March 19, 2019, Page # 3 Lomita City Council Meeting Agenda March 19, 2019 SCHEDULED ITEMS 8. AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT FOR DESIGN AND ENGINEERING PLANS FOR 24329 NARBONNE AVE., AND TO ACCEPT A GRANT FROM THE KENNETH PICERNE FOUNDATION TOWARDS THE PROJECT Presented by Alicia Velasco, Community and Economic Development Director RECOMMENDED ACTION: It is recommended that the City Council: 1) Enter into a professional services agreement with Studio One-Eleven for $29,780, and to permit City Manager authorization of a 15% contingency, for the preparation of design and engineering plans for the vacant City-owned lot at 24329 Narbonne Ave.; and 2) Authorize the City Manager to execute the agreement with the Kenneth Picerne Foundation accepting the $50,000 grant from the Foundation towards the construction of the project. 9. CONSIDERATION OF AN AGREEMENT WITH EVERBRIDGE, INC. TO PARTICIPATE IN THE MULTI-JURISDICTIONAL NOTIFICATION SYSTEM SOUTH BAY PILOT PROGRAM Presented by Laura Vander Neut, Management Analyst RECOMMENDED ACTION: That the City Council authorize the City Manager to execute an agreement with Everbridge, Inc. for participation in the Multi-Jurisdictional Notification System South Bay Pilot Program for an amount not to exceed $8,311 in year one, $7,939 in year two, and $7,939 in year three. 10. ADJOURNMENT The City Council adjourns in memory of former City of Lomita Mayor Hal Croyts. The next regular meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 2, 2019, at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of City Hall, located at 24300 Narbonne Avenue, Lomita, CA. I hereby certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing agenda was posted not less than 72 hours prior to the meeting at the following locations: Lomita City Hall lobby and outside bulletin board, Lomita Parks and Recreation, and uploaded to the City of Lomita website http://www.lomita.com/cityhall/city_agendas/. Date Posted: March 15, 2019 ________________________________________________ Kathleen Hill, CMC, City Clerk Page 4 of 4 Reg CC Mtg, March 19, 2019, Page # 4 Item CC 7b MINUTES OF THE LOMITA CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 2019 1. OPENING CEREMONIES a. Call Meeting to Order The regular meeting of the Lomita City Council was called to order at 6:32 p.m. on Tuesday, February 19, 2019, in the Council Chambers at Lomita City Hall, 24300 Narbonne Avenue, Lomita, CA. b. Flag Salute Mayor Sanchez led the salute to the flag. c. Invocation Mayor Sanchez gave the invocation. d. Roll Call Present: Council Members: Segawa, Savidan, Waronek, Mayor Pro Tem Gazeley and Mayor Sanchez Absent: Staff Present: City Manager Smoot; City Attorney Hogin; Assistant City Manager Sugano; Administrative Services Director Kamada; Community and Economic Development Director Velasco; Acting Parks & Recreation Director Sansbury; Public Works Director Dillon, and Deputy City Clerk Hill. 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA MOTION: Council Member Savidan made a motion, seconded by Council Member Waronek to approve the agenda. MOTION CARRIED by the following vote: AYES: Council Members: Segawa, Savidan, Waronek, Mayor Pro Tem Gazeley, and Mayor Sanchez NOES: None ABSENT: None Page 1 of 5 Reg CC Mtg, March 19, 2019, Page # 5 Lomita City Council Regular Meeting Minutes February 19, 2019 3. PRESENTATIONS Mr. Chris Cagle with the South Bay Workforce Investment Board (SBWIB) presented the Board’s 2nd Quarterly Report for program year 2018-2019. A summary of the report was provided as an attachment to the agenda packet. 4. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Joe McGrath, a Lomita resident, spoke against approving item j on the consent calendar, (Ordinance 800 – An Ordinance to amend the start time of council meetings). He stated that he has been attending council meetings for over thirteen years and it would be difficult to arrive on time if the council meeting time is changed to 6:00 p.m. He wanted his comments to be on record that he thinks that changing the time is a bad idea. He hopes that in the future residents are taken into consideration when setting meeting times. 5. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS AND MEETING ATTENDANCE REPORTS FROM THE CITY COUNCIL Council Member Segawa mentioned that 250th Street is finished, it is wonderful, and she drives it frequently. Council Member Savidan also had positive comments regarding 250th Street. He stated that the crews did an outstanding job. Council Member Waronek mentioned that on Monday, February 18, 2019, he and Mayor Pro Tem Gazeley met with the Vice President of iIWU Local 13 Union. He will be attending the annual Lomita Kiwanis Fire and Sheriff’s Explorer Night on Tuesday, February 26, 2019, at 6:30 p.m. to present certificates of recognition to both the Sheriff Explorer and Fire Explorer of the year. He also has plans to attend the SBCCOG General Assembly in the City of Carson on February 28, 2019. Mayor Pro Tem Gazeley elaborated on the meeting with the union representative. He stated that overseas companies are pushing to automate the ports. There are several Lomita residents that work down on the docks.
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