£0 THE TOMANCE HERALD APRIL 11, 1963 Automotive ! Automotive _ [ Automotive I Automotive ' Automotive Automotive ^ AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES ~~~ AUTOM03ILES ' 'AUTOMOBILES MJTOMOBILES MITOMOBILES For Sale 190 For Safe 190 For Sal* 190 For Sale 190 j For SaU 190 For Solo 190 For Sale 190 For Sale 190; For Sale 190 COTT ROBINSON'S Our new car prices have been ANNIVERSARY reduced for immediate delivery. OUR SPECIAL PRICE TO YOU! MONTH SEE SCOTT ROBINSON THIS IS THE BIG SAVINGS EVENT RIGHT AWAY OF THE YEAR ON NEW CARS . CONVERTIBLES * HARDTOPS * WAGONS PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW FOR EARLY VACATION DELIVERY! Scott Robinson Is Dealing and Delivering The Deals and Cars You'll Love '60 PONTIAC Ventura Hdtp. Ope., Air Cond. '2295 LOOK '61 TEMPEST Station Wagon '1695 '61 PONTIAC Ventura Hardtop Coupe '2595 AT THE LO, LO '60 FALCON Wagon M295 '55 MERCEDES-BENZ '695 PRICES '61 THUHOERBIRD Hardtop '3195 ALL USED CARS '60 PONTIAC Bonneville Convertible '2295 MUST GO '60 JAGUAR '2495 '60 CHEVROLET Nomad Stat. Wagon»«°" « '2295 NOW! '54 CADILLAC Coupe '895 '60 CHEVROLET Impala Hardtop Coupe '1995 No Reasonable '61 MERCURY Hardtop Coupe '2195 Offer Refused '2395 '56 VOLKSWAGEN '895 LO, LO DOWN '62 TEMPEST Le Mans PAYMENTS '59 PONTIAC Hardicn Coupe '1695 TOO! '57 DODGE Hardtop Couoe '795 BEFORE YOU '2195 '60 CHEVROLET El Camino '2095 BUY ANY '61 CHEVROLET Impala Hardtop Coupe USED CAR '60 BIJICK Hardtop Coupe '1995 SEE US! '61 VOLKSWAGEN '1595 EVERY USED CAR CARRIES OUR FREE 12 MONTHS OR 12.000 MILE WARRANTY 20340 Hawthorne Blvd. NEW CARS FR 1-3521 -- USED CARS FR 1-3525 Open Sundays YOUI TORRANCE NEW PONTIAC DEALER _ CLEAN CAR ALORTALE RAMBLER! it\ CORNER s or Riches'7 Contest 57 DeSolo $49S SCORES ANOTHER FIRST! l.c»lind«-. 4-door aaoan. d,o. naatar, p v« a r tiita uantmiaiion. Wn'tewall tir«i '55 Ponlioe .......... $49S 30-DAY OLDSMOBILE SPECIAL ti.jiMno.ar aUtion wagon. Autc-natic tranenti»iion, rewio TWO Special Economy-Run Winning '56 Plymouth . ..... $495 Ramblers at GREAT SAYINGS !! AT U.iv.dert. Radio, haattr, Va. juiunulic UananiUaion. Both Very Low Mileage With 57 ftolck .............. $*»5 24 Month New Cor Warranty RONALD E. MORAN, INC. '56 Old.moblU .... $695 fcjoer M Oaautltul r*d and whue. Naar new tlfet. "TRUE EXECUTIVE CARS" 59 Chtvrolet ........ $995 COME IN Special order your new Oldsmobile Air, Radio and healer imatie uan«mi»aion. I ulul rad. '63 RAMBLER "440" CLUB SEDAN direct from assembly plant. '61 Ford $1295 Automatic Tranamiaaion Ivory-gold color, automatic transmlstlon, power steering, individual teati, etc. Radio, heater. Rial n.ce. MANY, MANY NICE SAVE $40075 Equipped with hydramallc, radio, hearer, bucket Malt, all mofrocMn In­ CARS. RtADY TO CO I CUTLASS terior. Ttrmi le Suit Anyont '63 RAMBLER "440" STATION WAGON COUPE Ivory-gold color, automatic tranimistlon, radio, heater^ndividual seah, white wall tires, etc. ONLY $2746 SAVE '43960 Walnut Equipped with hydramallc, radio, heater, white wall liret, carpet mat*, DYNAMIC padded dathboard, oil filter. MOTORS The "Over All" Champions at Unbelievable Prices! HOLIDAY COUPE 2084 TORRANCE BLVD. ONLY $3030 at Cravens "SELECT" USED CARS Downtown Torrance CLOSED 8UNUAT8 '62 Rambler Classic "400". $2195 '(2 Rambler American Custom $1795 FA 8-6212 W«ton. Automatic tr»niml«lon, pf>w«r <t*«rlng, radio, w«oon lUmJard (hilt radio, h«»Ur. tMMption»n DYNAMIC Equipped with hydramatic, radio, power steering, power brakes, padded htaltr. Low mlltaa*. ' dashboard, oil filter, carpet mats. '61 Rambler American 2-Door $1395 '61 Falcon 2-Door. ..... 51195 STATION WAGON Automatic trannmiiion. heater, Llka new. Standard ihllt, d«lu»« trim, r*dlo, parlcct. (2 Seoter) ONLY '59 FORD '60 Ford "Miner" Galaxie . $1495 '59 Chevrolet Biscayne 4-Door $895 Convartlbla. Full powtr, radio, heatar. on*- ownar. Baau- v _ §^ pow|r g||de rsdio hMUri ,pec lall Goloxit Equipped with hydramatic, power steering, power brakes, floor console thift, while wall tire», tinted glass, electric windows. '59 Plymouth Wagon .... $1095 '58 Pontiac 2-Door Club, Only $595 STARFIRE COUPE V S, automatle tranimltilon, powar ataarlng, radio, haat- Autoniatlc tuniinnilon radio, haatar. ^1079 r, original throughout. ONLY $3736 55 Chevrolet i-Ton Pickup . J595 'Si Volkswagen ....... $695 HAWTHORNE KJIKIFTY PlrUT Equipped with hydramatic, power steering, power brakes, tinted glass, U/M li** w whitt Wfll1 tirt»- ' «"'« windows, electric 7-way seat, wheel discs. CHRYSLER HOLIDAY , . SPORTS SEDAN PLYMOUTH AL ORTALE RAMBLER ONLY $3760 "Reliability - Integrity - Confidence" 120th and Hawthorne Two Huge Locations To Serve You HAWTHORNE OR 8-4956 OPEN 7 DAYS 'TIL 9 P.M. OPEN 7 DAYS 'TIL 9 P.M. RONALD E MORAN Inc. 20611 HAWTHORNE BLVD. 1855 TORRANCE BLVD. > YOUR OlDSMOBILE-CADILLAC DEALER . V, MILE NORTH OF TORHANCE BLVD. 1 BLOCKS OFF WKSTERN AVI t Wl l-'ur (luuncInK In natiun call Mr. Todd, Pa- 900 Pacific Coast Highway REDONDO BEACH A. i-t,i>t«iic-e_Co_pA_8-M10. FR. 1-1244 FA. 8-9222 IMl PLYMOUTH 4"door. Bcxly. nrn. Open 7 Days a Week FR 2-2181, SP 2-2811 DA FOR BEST CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RESULTS CALL FA 8-4000_ i.
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