Three hundrcd ycars ago, Russia emerged as a major pos,er alier a clash o[ armics in thc Ukraine. Pcter thc Grcat's victon, Derek Wilson argucs, had repercussions that last to this dari L€fr 'lhe Apoth€osis ofTs.r Peter I ol Ru$ia.the 6rert rh. Yi..or & Poluva. painted by an THE BATTLE THAT CHANGED THE WORLD his \c,n nitrl\ I re Jl)0rtr.nnri1cr I)rl;c. on r(.cn,g rhcnrrs tn Ingl,rn.t. u ,ci\ ilisc(l cJ!lerr hrtx,f o\d thc l)csr ..,n ,)ll l,,rrrl( l;ullhr,,, hilh rr. r, l tk dr{,il)cJ rh( Iighring nr,,chinc in tur)p. \Jr bur,, ,iin nr"r lhc Lk,.iinirn ol' t(n\n J. in ,,r1n\ .l \urrrfr bc,,re. h\ ,, rnoL. l[sh in rh( p.rD Hor ruril r]rer refu l'olti\i. I. rht hrsro,\ (tors ol $,,d:Lrc ir .rr6\rl. i hc!. miliri.,.,,n J,fn ,ir ih,, lhe ll.LLrlc ol l,o[.,\.r \.,s ,,rc ,il rli. not r.ul, a' rne ol thc out'r.Ddurs cr.rm hr. t.r tell(n\s rn Lll tr,'ild. hdor l,\ hijo! ruurn! I)oinr. oi trrodcnr hisror\ plcs ol l,raror. grcar gcno,,l\Lip or Lrit \rou.dr.1\ \liIr\ ol h]i (onrcnrlnn.tics rrd rr.rrr srill lnins \irh irs (on!- lllln Lrclics lh. \,(nns o$rd their $rc.* \h.rr(l hi\ nlpri5. anrl dtsru .'nLl .tuen(es l'.rc, rhe C.c.n \ \icrorl o\cr .6 mu!ir ft,1lnru!( $ to h(roism. D.,nrcl rsun,(d th.n $l! rpl,.iicnr r.i!nrph ,n .rn ('lr.!lct \li or luD. 27r1. l70e sisiallc.l Ihe end of Sscdcns lo.u re rd of domi trt gcnius h.l h. roo hril come to thc seuing ab.ut a tar reaching trogramnrc ndtio. ol lhc Biltlc .nd. ,nore signili rhrone $hjlc srill in his te.ns (.sed I71. olreirm that translormed his country by .antl\. the emergen.e ol ltussia as d Gustar us .\dolphus had forced Europcan opcning it up to \.stc.n i.tluences. He m:,lor Etriof.rn ton.r rnonlrchs to a..epl rhis ruler ola rcmote unde.srdid $el1 the imporraDce ol inre! Thc h\o protagon(ts $$c rcmrrk ble northern ldnd as ,n equal and bad estab- natjonll trade and the potcnlial s.calth to men, \ert rlike iD their energ\l deternri llshcd the basis ol an empjr. hi.h b! be gaincd lrom the erport ol flar, hemp. Dllidr .nd ruthlcsucss Charle! \ll 1697 embraccd Sweden. Finland. Lap pit.h, lurs, hides abd timbcr The prcb i.herited the curn ol S\eden in 1697 i,Dd. Ilreli,, lngi,. tsto.ja. L ro.ra, as lem s.s th.t Russir Nas !irtual\ land- rl lhe rge.l ]5. lle h,rried the irnpetu- $ell rs \\lesrern l'omerunia and rh. port locked. Apart lrom Archangel on the osirr ol!outh nith the clcar\ision and of \l'ismar in the (cstcrn Baltic ind the \\rhitc S.n, cbscd bv ice tbr mosr ol rhe Nthless dercrnrinrtbn ol . morc sci' bishorrics ol Bremen dnd \/crden. tacing )err, rhe rounrry had no access to tle s)n.d !(n)crat Hc |rd rccci\cd d slrict drc No{h Sc!. Ihc Baltic hdd, in etfect, \orld s shipping 1anes. I,eter needed a milirar! lr.ining !nd tr!s (lclcmired to become n S{cdish lake and Charless Ba[i. ourl.r. U',rh thc lid olmilitdrv dnd emuLrc drc lcxrs of his grc.r prcdccessor Da\\' sds lblc. \en' hry.l\r to cotrtrclthe naral crpcLts h;rcd in Holland, England, Gust.\ ll \r.s!.Ino\n in turope ds Gus- .ommcicirl relrtio.s of Poland. the Scotland and Prussia he creatcd and ta\ut.\dolphus (hc rcisncd ltunr l6l I k) no h Ccnnrn states a.d Ru$ia silh tbe equipped a ne$-styte arnr anrl built a 16321. This Prctcsunt hcro oltbe lhirt! Rus\ian n,r\ lrurr scratth. He ras ICJN \llr (la,lu l6+8) h,d 4tablished Peter I hccnhc soic ruler of Russia ur thc of Sseden. He nJs a mili 1696 rt the rge ol2-l ,nd lost no timc in Rolte ofthe main army Route of LowenhauPtl rrcoPs - Occupied by Ru$ia with the - date oI o..upation \i (ale FINLAND 4!r f / a r; (, (t t",'i,J .s&rr t, LITHUANIA A i708-09. a,c <,".b? HUNGARY TURKEY Il$.n 2009 Hrlron\ 'loDN drrcminrd to rlirllen!( str.(lislr Rldt Kins Ch.rles Xllof Sweden prlnred by lhe hr nc(d.d rhc r \uficrnrr\ \ll \.,\ !l)1 Swenish arr $ Michae Durenr Jnd r.r.dll)lc.d,q^ ,r/1,. Dihl.c.l7l4-17. Iht rccc.sron oi r mrrrr to thc strcii\h rhn,nc \crhcd ft' t)rc\cnr 1h. nl('.,1 opIo,r,ni1\ la, nsuins., chJllrn!c 111(r in.l l,i' .,1\ Pctcr pr rccJ nro ,r.rmrs [, oprnrng \r runu'. l-], ,)l ho\(ilitic\ liglir Lh( no(lr\.srern 1iI Sr\,fr\ rn(l Ki.s,,1 ,'1 rodr\:\ liotsi.r on shi.h Sr l)rrr nrrq l',,l.rnd ln \orcnt n,rL sr.rnl' - L.rl l,rcn.r h,,nc ol corr' l)!r l;00 ( hJr r\ rerllon l)crs(c. thr tno c,rIrLrr. lir rIt)(xr.d ir,r \no\' ccrrurer. hr,lnr p,r"scd h.tr1, rnd lorlr st,,m b.l,,rc rhc bctreen thcm Slrcr l61i r [. r.r i' ol \,rrr Lto !nlcr S\.fish d,,rniniof .,n.1 hird rlt \.sl ol l, i\! Sl l)((oDe r r(!rnr nr.,rlcd br l:,tto rr.rll 1,frcrsburu,.,fd. ni,h l,ctrcen OLth.rL.r!.rr,Lrk li\1.r rh.Lf 9.1)01) I r:tLeLrn rr crs l).r. \ s.(,, rl grid.r )Lc n\l,. o\.tr\h.lnx{.1 .tros. 1.of, .nr durnlr hls \i\ir ir! ltuss,.,f 11,9; t(, It,!.r o. rh. ll.rllic !,i,sr II. lr,trl ,rrrierJ {pposedl ir..!nil() .,nd h,rd. lhc r.rr miqlrt f"r unr..A,Dlbh. bcrn t{ir'trl pcrrl'- h,rr cndd. rcm slrn br tlre Srtcli'h soruun t,) tr,.,1.. p,r,,ril\ rr l..Lsr..ll i,,rc\ on rl,. l;l1rli(,,r1,,L ol rl,c Lrrl,or, r)\ r)(iirr. P.l.r Ilc chosr t,, rfs.r tl,r'.rs .! .rtr,|, brr lt $ r "uld hr.r .l lllcult L,) belic\! thir rh( supt,,,'((l l,.Lp|\ \ it, ., rtu.e )litr\ to 1,1.,,,,,,, tr,,,,. \.,'.,.\tl,i)q btr(hrrl.',rrld.rl orhrr LlIn .rn e\c!.. ln l{)99 l'].r(r l,,,n.eil a' .nn,rLlcrl ,r, r I elrr ch bt I' to li,rr. ,,d' .., r,x,,. lir *r r licd hitrr\(ll Nrl, \\.d.n \ ,)rh.r rn.. idc.rerru .LJcu(lc,t. hcu. ,l or:cnt.rl rIr t orur,r,rir! rlr! 1r'n]il,,ron,,1 n, cs l)cnmrrh Jrl s.,ronr .,rtl rhr li,l- L'r,r rhon, ll ,rJ i,) lr srlxr\ \.,,1., I !\$.disL,i!!trl\,,!trI roli\- 1(^\ing \c.,r l,r dcrl,,rcd hr trnr to n,,'rrrhe h,. cuo rhr,,tho sr1r he t,nlrru* ilc 6 6 r.rr Ihus begrn r ern it took Peter ,)t,p,) ll( ic\ iIS rh,,r \.Ltn)1.,m r,( IlitlrL \, |.ldrrrrrali,r lli.L shio sr\ ro l$r litde time to Lc r,{l.l f,)lish o1} r r. hrrrr rh.rt tLrc hnl . ,Ll ll,]t, ( ,rl l]l*i,L until l;-l i rnd \ 1,,.h li!..,., r'.n .,f\ rinr(. h( .,rrtnut..,lirmirl.rl,l,,,lrt.,.L llr.r1,.*l \,rld .,, ,c r,) br realise that he r!,n!(l hi\ .,(1(frlo, r,) .L \l r!.,1h i,,.\hr't )1. {,t)p \ ol t!rls lnosn ,r' tfc (;rcrt \urL.tus l, rl,c c.rIr lx. l\r! r,,rr.nrt,L,,r.a rl, .on,r,l( rr had gravely " ,rrr!n.,)l i lr.l.rnd l-{)l \,,/.r /,,n1 r,. !.,(,i1tr. ,'l L, !,,u'lb(,.1 nx)1, l']er.r lir r lc .lclirtrl th,,L hls toL nLrrrri i,, th. It misjudged his hr t,ertrtl]\ '.n11.,, t)Lir ll rc 1{) ,!.rliic rl,rt l). the s,'ron' ,rntl t lrrl \!ir,,l !I r,11.\i.lotr \f(.il thr.i.u h, grl\rl\ nrisj (l{d young oPPonent dct,uc.l \r!rrr'lr. lio r \.i,rurad n, i,n, ! hN (1,ir,rr. l'rrcr h.rl h. rou rg opporent rht l,,,l,sh ,o,e ,r ,Lr,th.r .Nnl thou'.1,.\ol ntL.rcL ,' Charles 1 (',rrles \ll r,r1, rJh I tr\o!r ol hl\,^\ | p!|t)( r f,( 1 !s oi inh,^fli,,l) ( r.r, iif L,,rlcr irr\ ( )ciqtd J' .hrrsnL,Li. rnilrrr,\ lr.{ler Lrtrq l.,rr\ h 1.. \.,. (lnpl.,\ i,," I"r L.rl ,,rnh' tl,. r Ihr rrt "l rrr rir.l r bor r rr.ricltrn. 11. i,^d rh. r.rnr- I s trrit .,n( l.ten,rl.rt0,, i, {lilli (nr lhr tsrt e,rnccnttLll h.
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