08-09-2017 10:00 - 11:30 Type: Special Session Palma Title: Medical oncology as a contributor to global policy: How to improve national cancer Auditorium plans Chair(s): G. Curigliano, IT; L. Stevens, US 10:00 - 10:05 Introduction L. Stevens, Rio De Janeiro, BR 10:05 - 10:20 Overview of NCCP, including forming the multi-disciplinary and multi-sectoral partnership A. Ilbawi, Geneva, CH 10:20 - 10:35 Example from Central Asia Leadership Forum D. Kaidarova, Almaty, KZ 10:35 - 10:50 Example from Central Europe J. Jassem, Gdańsk, PL 10:50 - 11:05 Example from Eastern Europe S. Krasny, Minsk, BY 11:05 - 11:30 Interactive Q&A G. Curigliano, Milan, IT Last update: 01-02-2018 09:40:52am esmo.org 12:00 - 13:30 Type: Opening session Madrid Auditorium Title: Opening session and Award lectures Chair(s): F. Ciardiello, IT 12:00 - 12:10 ESMO Presidential Address F. Ciardiello, Naples, IT 12:10 - 12:15 EACR Presidential Address A. Berns, Amsterdam, NL 12:15 - 12:20 Welcome to Madrid M. Martin Jimenez, Madrid, ES 12:20 - 12:25 ESMO 2017 Scientific Address A. Sobrero, Genova, IT 12:25 - 12:30 EACR 2017 Scientific Address R. Marais, Manchester, GB 12:30 - 12:32 Presentation of the ESMO Award by C. Zielinski, Vienna, AT 12:32 - 12:47 ESMO Award lecture - Oncology: The importance of teamwork M. Martin Jimenez, Madrid, ES 12:47 - 12:49 Presentation of the ESMO Translational Research Award by C. Zielinski, Vienna, AT 12:49 - 13:04 ESMO Translational Research Award lecture: Monitoring and targeting colorectal cancer evolution A. Bardelli, Candiolo, (TO)/IT 13:04 - 13:06 Presentation of the ESMO Lifetime Achievement Award by C. Zielinski, Vienna, AT 13:06 - 13:21 ESMO Lifetime Achievement Award lecture J. Baselga, New York, NY/US 13:21 - 13:21 Close and Welcome refreshments in the exhibition 14:00 - 15:30 Type: Proffered Paper session Barcelona Auditorium Title: Gastrointestinal tumours, non-colorectal 1 Chair(s): E. Van Cutsem, BE; Y.-K. Kang, KR Last update: 01-02-2018 09:40:52am esmo.org 14:00 - 14:12 LBA27_PR - Docetaxel, oxaliplatin, and fluorouracil/leucovorin (FLOT) for resectable esophagogastric cancer: Updated results from multicenter, randomized phase 3 FLOT4-AIO trial (German Gastric Group at AIO) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S.-E. Al-Batran , C. Pauligk , N. Homann , H. Schmalenberg , H.-G. Kopp , G.M. Haag , K. Luley , G. 4 8 9 2 10 11 12 Folprecht , S. Probst , P. Thuss-Patience , J. Trojan , M. Koenigsmann , U. Lindig , M. Pohl , S. 13 14 1 13 1 15 1 Kasper , M. Möhler , T. Goetze , M. Schuler , E. Jaeger , R.D. Hofheinz ; Frankfurt Am Main, 2 3 4 5 6 7 DE, Frankfurt, DE, Wolfsburg, DE, Dresden, DE, Tübingen, DE, Heidelberg, DE, Lübeck, 8 9 10 11 12 13 Schleswig-Holstein/DE, Bielefeld, DE, Berlin, DE, Hannover, DE, Jena, DE, Bochum, DE, 14 15 Essen, DE, Mainz, DE, Mannheim, DE 14:12 - 14:24 615O_PR - Hybrid minimally invasive vs. open esophagectomy for patients with esophageal cancer: Long-term outcomes of a multicenter, open-label, randomized phase III controlled trial, the MIRO trial 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 C. Mariette , S. Markar , T.S. Dabakuyo-Yonli , B. Meunier , D. Pezet , D. Collet , X. D'journo , C. 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 Brigand , T. Perniceni , N. Carrere , F. Bonnetain , G. Piessen ; Lille, CEDEX/FR, London, GB, 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Dijon, FR, Rennes, FR, Clermont Ferrand, FR, Bordeaux, FR, Marseille, FR, Strasbourg, FR, 10 11 12 Paris, FR, Toulouse, FR, Besançon, CEDEX/FR, Lille, FR 14:24 - 14:39 Invited Discussant LBA27_PR and 615O_PR A. Roth, Geneva, CH 14:39 - 14:51 616O - Pertuzumab (P) + trastuzumab (H) + chemotherapy (CT) for HER2-positive metastatic gastric or gastro-oesophageal junction cancer (mGC/GEJC): Final analysis of a Phase III study (JACOB) 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 7 6 J. Tabernero , P. Hoff , L. Shen , A. Ohtsu , M. Shah , K. Cheng , C. Song , H. Wu , J. Eng-Wong , 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 Y.-K. Kang ; Barcelona, ES, Sao Paulo, BR, Beijing, CN, Kashiwa, Chiba/JP, New York, NY/US, 7 8 San Francisco, US, Shanghai, CN, Seoul, Songpa-gu/KR 14:51 - 15:03 617O - A Phase 3 Study of nivolumab (Nivo) in previously treated advanced gastric or gastroesophageal junction (G/GEJ) cancer: Updated results and subset analysis by PD-L1 expression (ATTRACTION-02) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 N. Boku , Y.-K. Kang , T. Satoh , Y. Chao , K. Kato , H.C. Chung , J.-S. Chen , K. Muro , W.K. Kang 6 9 6 10 11 12 1 2 , T. Yoshikawa , S.C. Oh , T. Tamura , K.-W. Lee , L.-T. Chen ; Kawasaki, Kanagawa/JP, 3 4 5 6 7 8 Seoul, Songpa-gu/KR, Suita, Osaka/JP, Taipei, TW, Tokyo, JP, Seoul, KR, Taoyuan, TW, 9 10 11 12 Nagoya, Aichi/JP, Yokohama, JP, Osaka, JP, Seongnam, KR, Tainan, TW 15:03 - 15:15 LBA28_PR - KEYNOTE-059 Update: Efficacy and safety of pembrolizumab alone or in combination with chemotherapy in patients with advanced gastric or gastroesophageal (G/GEJ) cancer 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 6 Z. Wainberg , S. Jalal , K. Muro , H. Yoon , M. Garrido , T. Golan , T. Doi , D. Catenacci , R. Geva , 9 10 11 12 11 13 13 13 G. Ku , J. Bleeker , Y.-J. Bang , H. Hara , H.C. Chung , M. Savage , J. Wang , M. Koshiji , 14 15 1 2 3 4 R. Dalal , C. Fuchs ; Los Angeles, CA/US, Indianapolis, IN/US, Nagoya, Aichi/JP, Rochester, 5 6 7 8 9 10 MN/US, Santiago, CL, Tel Aviv, IL, Kashiwa, Chiba/JP, Chicago, IL/US, New York, NY/US, 11 12 13 14 15 Sioux Falls, SD/US, Seoul, KR, Saitama, JP, Kenilworth, NJ/US, Rahway, US, New Haven, CT/US 15:15 - 15:30 Invited Discussant 616O, 617O and LBA28 E. Van Cutsem, Leuven, BE Last update: 01-02-2018 09:40:52am esmo.org 14:00 - 15:30 Type: Proffered Paper session Sevilla Auditorium Title: Genitourinary tumours, prostate Chair(s): J. de Bono, GB; A. Omlin, CH; S. Gillessen, CH 14:00 - 14:12 LBA31_PR - Adding abiraterone acetate plus prednisolone (AAP) or docetaxel for patients (pts) with high-risk prostate cancer (PCa) starting long-term androgen deprivation therapy (ADT): Directly randomised data from STAMPEDE (NCT00268476) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 M. Sydes , M. Mason , M. Spears , N. Clarke , D. Dearnaley , A. Ritchie , M. Russell , C. Gilson , R. 7 6 8 3 9 10 6 11 Jones , J. de Bono , S. Gillessen , R. Millman , S. Tolan , J. Wagstaff , S. Chowdhury , J. Lester , 12 13 14 15 1 2 3 4 D. Sheehan , J. Gale , M. Parmar , N. James ; London, UK/GB, Cardiff, GB, Wcb Nh, GB, M 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Hd, GB, Sutton, GB, London, GB, Glasgow, GB, St. Gallen, CH, Wirral, GB, Swansea, GB, 12 13 14 15 Wales, GB, Exeter, GB, Portsmouth, GB, London, London/GB, Birmingham, GB 14:12 - 14:24 783O - Benefits of Abiraterone Acetate Plus Prednisone (AA+P) When Added to Androgen Deprivation Therapy (ADT) in LATITUDE on Patient (Pt) Reported Outcomes (PRO) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 K. Chi , A. Protheroe , A. Rodriguez Antolin , G. Facchini , H. Suttmann , N. Matsubara , Z.-Q. Ye , B. 8 9 10 11 12 13 9 14 1 Keam , T. Li , K. McQuarrie , B. Jia , P. De Porre , J. Martin , M. Todd , K. Fizazi ; 2 3 4 5 6 Vancouver, British Columbia/CA, Oxford, GB, Madrid, ES, Napoli, IT, Hamburg, DE, Kashiwa, 7 8 9 10 11 12 Chiba/JP, Wuhan, CN, Seoul, KR, Raritan, NJ/US, Horsham, PA/US, Shanghai, CN, Antwerp, 13 14 BE, Buckinghamshire, GB, Villejuif Cedex, FR 14:24 - 14:36 784O - Docetaxel (D) with androgen suppression (AS) for high-risk localized prostate cancer (HrPC) patients (pts) who relapsed PSA after radical prostatectomy (RP) and/or radiotherapy (RT): A randomized phase III trial 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S. Oudard , I. Latorzeff , A. Caty , L. Miglianico , E. Sevin , A.-C. Hardy Bessard , R. Delva , F. 8 2 9 10 11 12 13 Rolland , C. Chevreau , F. Priou , P. Beuzeboc , G. Gravis , C. Linassier , P. Gomez , E. Voog 14 1 15 16 1 17 1 2 , P. Chinet , X. Muracciole , C. Abraham Jaillon , R. Elaidi , S. Culine ; Paris, FR, Toulouse, 3 4 5 6 7 8 FR, Lille Cedex, FR, St. Grégoire, FR, Caen, FR, Plérin, FR, Angers, FR, Saint-Herblain, 9 10 11 12 CEDEX/FR, La Roche Sur Yon, CEDEX 9/FR, Paris, CEDEX 5/FR, Marseille, CEDEX 9/FR, 13 14 15 16 17 Tours, CEDEX 9/FR, Rouen, FR, Le Mans, FR, Marseille, FR, Le Chesnay, FR, Paris, CEDEX 10/FR 14:36 - 14:51 Invited Discussant LBA31, 783O and 784O C. Sternberg, Roma, IT 14:51 - 15:03 785O - Lutetium-177 PSMA (LuPSMA) theranostics phase II trial: Efficacy, safety and QoL in patients with castrate-resistant prostate cancer treated with LuPSMA 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 M. Hofman , S. Sandhu , P. Eu , J. Price , T. Akhurst , A. Iravani , G. Kong , A. Ravi-Kumar , S. 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 Williams , S.-P. Thang , D. Murphy , M. Scalzo , R. Hicks , J. Violet ; Melbourne, AU, Melbourne, VIC/AU 15:03 - 15:15 LBA32 - PROREPAIR-B: A prospective cohort study of DNA repair defects in metastatic castration resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC) Last update: 01-02-2018 09:40:52am esmo.org 1 2 3 1 4 E.
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