Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 3-6-1946 Bee Gee News March 6, 1946 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "Bee Gee News March 6, 1946" (1946). BG News (Student Newspaper). 764. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/764 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. Falcon Cagers Receive Madison Square Garden Bid For Third Consecutive Year Welcome, ' Congratulations, Veterans Bee Qee Neuti LIBR F ^0,con, Official Student Publication of Bowling Green State University VOL. ZZX BOWLING GREEN, OHIO WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6, 1946 NO. 16 Enrollment Reaches 2,025 As Housing Overflows It's a Man's World Men Fill Rec Hall 575 Veto Bring Williams Talks While Waiting For Enrollment To Huts' Completion All-Time High Before House s With the male enrollment fig- Over 2.025 students have regis- ures still rising, housing facilities tered for the second semester at Military Group for men students arc almost com- Bowling Green, surpassing nil pre- pletely occupied, said Dean Arch vious records in the University's One of the last witnesses to B. Conklin. history. Last semester's record- testify during the public hearings The Recreation Hall is being breaking enrollment was 1877. of the House Military Affairs oam- used temporarily to house 180 men Three years ago it stood at 796. Compared with the second semes- mitte was Nelson Williams, a jun- who will move to the steel huts east of the campus as soon as they ter of last year, there are almost ior at Bowline Green. Nelson are completed. Dean Conklin pre- 1,000 new students now attending was one of forty college students dicted that they would be ready Bowling Green. In less than two who traveled to Washington to for occupancy by March 15. years, the enrollment has increas- ed 150 per cent. speak against peacetime military Eighteen men are living at the 878 Veterans conscription just before Chairman State Highway Garage where there are facilities for 3ti men. Of the 2,025 students, 676 are Andrew J. May closed the hearings One hundred men are now being starting college via the G. I. Bill at noon a week sgo Thursday. housed in the basement of the of Rights, pasted in 1944. which Nelson's testimony opposed Men's Gym. The Laboratory entitles any strvice-mnn who is in peacetime conscription believing it School gymnasium jind the Bow- the service more than 90 days the ling Green Armory were proposed right to attend school at the go- includes "regimentation of educa- sites for barracks but will not be vernment's expense providing he is tion." Such controls as the utilized. honorably discharged. Veterans military officials would exercise The 10 women's residences arc receive their tuition and books are "basically contrary to the completely filled, but arc housing free of charge plus $05 H month principles of academic freedom," no more women than previously, if they are single, and $00 a month added Dean Conklin. if they have dependents. he said, pointing out that this Other veterans, returning to stand is similar to that taken by Since many social events for the early part of the semester were Bowling Green, have the same the Mississippi Valley Historical scheduled for the Hec Hall, an ef- class status and continue whero they left off when they were called Association. fort will be made to schedule them into service. Following his testimony before for the gymnasium in the Women's Building, explained Miss Audrey Tabulation of the enrollment as the committee, Nelson talked with to colleges, classes, and subjects Kenyon Wilder, social chairman. Senator Huffman and several Ohio With the termination of the bas- will not he completed for another representatives. "Ohio will be ketball season, the Men's Gymna- week or more. F. K. Beatty, as- sistant registrar, said today. against conscription by about How to be happy with 180 roommates is shown in this glimpse into the Verbolen Territory of the sium will he available for more three to one," Nelson predicted. social events. Women Adequately Housed Roc Hall where men are patiently, or impatiently, waiting for the completion of the steel hats in which they All woman students now have Nelson is an assistant issue edi- will live. adequate housing cither on or off- tor of the Bee Gee News and essay enmpus. The men's housing units editor of Eyas. He was accom- are gradually being completed. panied to the capital by Mark WSSF Drive Will Sam Durrance The men temporarily staying in Munn and Harry Mcllwain, stu- Key Presents Beauties At the Recreation Hnll will soon be dents at Ohio State University. Open March 29 living in these steel units. Mcllwain end Munn represented Will Appear in For meals, students have been The World Student Service the campus YM and YW at Ohio divided among the three women's State and several local and state- All-Campus Assembly Today Fund drive is being sponsored this dormitories. Kohl Hall is now ser- wide committees who are opposing year by SCF and will be held here Vocal Recital ving 400 students, Shatzel Hall, .110; anil Williams Hall, 320. Oth- peacetime conscription. A sophisticated program to present the Key Beauty Con- March 29 and 30, James Stoner, test entrants has been planned by Alice White, editor of the Sam Durrance, Jr., asssistant er students eat either off campus Key, for this morning's assembly at 11:10 in the Auditorium. director, announced last week. professor of music, will be pre- or at the Nest. Sorority women A vote for Key class representatives will be made by the stu- The WSSF is a non-govern- sented by the music department in eat at their own houses. Try-Outs Set For mental international organization The registration deadline was dents during assembly. the third faculty recital of the Monday, March 4. University Play While the Buckeyes play, the following candidates will that gives aid to students and year Thursday at 8:15 p.m. in the be introduced. professors in 18 countries. The Auditorium. Miss Myrtle Jensen Tryouts for the "Taming of the The winning pictures will then be drive is conducted annually in will accompany him at the piano. Most Beautiful Woman: Betty sent to two famous beauty judges, Sings Thursday Shrew," one of Shakespeare's meet 14 countries and was conducted Mr. Durrance, a baritone, has hilarious comedies, will be held in Stephan, Alpha Chi Omega; Mar- one for men and one for women, gery Mooney, Alpha Gamma Del- who will make the final selections. first in the United States in 1937. selected his program to appeal to the Auditorium today from 3 to 1 a variety of tastes and back- Students in China, the Philip- p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m.. Prof. Elde.i ta; Marilyn Brown, Alpha Phi; Pat Representative Stedente grounds. He will include sacred T. Smith announced. Prof. Smith Smith, Alpha Xi Delta; Pat Under- As each person enters the Audi- pines, France, Belgium, Holland, and secular numbers, ranging will direct the play which will be bill, Delta Gamma; Donna Graf- torium this morning, he will re- Switzerland, Sweden, Denmark, from Italian "bel canto", French given April 13, 14. 16, and 16 in ton. Gamma Phi Beta; Phyllis ceive a list of his class members Norway, G-eece, Italy, Yugoslavia, art-songs, and German "lieder" to the Auditorium. All University from which he will make his choice familiar songs of modern compo- students ara eligible to try out. Crandall, Independents; Julia Ann Russia, Poland, Canada, and the for the most representative and sers. United States have received aid There are 25 parts for men and Thompson, Johnston Hall; June outstanding persons. These ballots Mr. Durrance joined the faculty four parts for women. Tryouts Cater, Kappa Delta; Helen Gruber, will be turned in at the end of the through WSSF. in the fall semester of 1945. He will also serve as a tryout for Kappa Zeta Pi; Beth Neikirk, Kohl assembly. The functions of WSSF include: graduated from Harding College, Hall; Marilyn Hecklinger, ShaUel Workshop Players, dramatic group Searcy, Ark., and received his mas- for new students, freshmen, and Hall; Joan Van Tilberg, Theta Phi; Short Cl.ii Schedule Changed service to students and professors Class periods will be shortened in need, irrespective of race, re- ter of arts degree in modern lan- traasfers. Edie Doerr, Tri Lambda; Virginia guages from Duke University. He Tne set is being designed by Moore, Williams Hall; Mary Bee this morning according to the fol- ligion, or country; rehabilitation of lowing schedule: university life rather than relief studied voice at Rollins College Frederick G. Walsh along general Taylor, Women's Building. and at the University of Florida only; co-operation among students Elizabethan lines. The play, a Five Handsome Men 8 o'clock class— 7:50- 8:35 before transferring to the Univer- and faculty in international soli- story of a shrewish woman being • o'clock class— 8:40 9:25 sity of Michigan for graduate stu- tamed by a strong man. was pre- Most Handsome Man: Cletus 10 o'clock class— 9:30-10:15 darity; and promotion of self-help Sweiganl, Alpha Tau Omega; Paul dy in music.
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