UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE Lists of Members of Governing Bodies, Faculties, and Boards, and Members of the Academic Staff (As at і sth March, 1946) For Circulation Within the University ? ІІ1Е гtźьEr,sítц пf tPlbпиritE 1946 VISITOR. ins EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR OF VICTORIA. ClAN CELLOR. HON. MR. JUSTICE CHARLES JOHN LOWE, M.A., LL.B. Elected 3rd March, 1941, DEPUTY-CHANCELLOR. HON. SIR WALTER МA.SSУ-GRЕЕNЕ, K.C.M.G. Elected 5th магс14, 1945. VICE-CHANCELLOR. JOHN DUDLEY G1BBS MEDLEY, M.А. (Oxon and Melb.). Appointed 1st July, 1918. COUNCIL. Appointed by the Governor-in-Council (present term expires 17th December, 1947)— HON. JOHN HERMAN LIENHOP, M.L.C. Appointed 17th December, 1943. ., LL.B., M.L.A. Originally appointed 17th December, 1939. HON. FRANCIS FIELD, M.А HON. TREVOR DONALD OLDHAM, LL.B., M.L.A. Originally appointed 17th December, 1939. JOSEPH EDWIN DON. Originally appointed 19th December. 1938. HERBERT JOHN ORE. Originally appointed 17th December, 1939; previously appointed 21st November, 193 3. ROY GEORGE PARSONS. Originally appointed 17th December, 1939. HERBERT TAYLOR, F.C.A. Appointed 16th June, 1945. MARSHALL THOMAS WILTON EADY. Originally appointed 19th May, 1942. Elected by Convocation— Term expiring 17th December, 1947- ES RALPH DARLING, M.A. (Oxon and elb.). Originally elected 31st October, 1933. JAМ М COLIN MACDONALD G11.RAY, M.C., M.A. (Oxon and Мelb.), B.A. (N.Z.). Originally elected 17th December, 1939. WILFRED RUSSELL GRIMWADE, C.B.E., B.Sc. Originally elected 13th August, 1935. HON. MR. JUSTICE CHARLES JOHN LOWE, М.А., LL.B. Originally elected 10th February, 1927. BERNARD TRAUGOTT ZWAR, C.M.G., M.D., M.S., F.R.A.C.S. Odginalty elected 7th March, 193$. Term tanking 17th Deember, 1949— HON. MR. JUSTICE WILFRED КЕLSНАМ FULLAGAR, K.C., B.A., LL.M. Elected 10th December. 1945. LIEDT.-GEN. HON. SIR EDMUND FRANCIS HERRING, K.B.E., D.S.O., M.C., E.D., MA.; B.C.L. (Oxon), K.C. Originally elected 26th April, 1945. Rт. HON. SIR JOHN GREIG LATHAM, G.C.M.G., M.A., LL.M. Originally elected 15có April, 1922. LESLIE SCOTT LATIAM, M.A., M.D.. B.S. Originally elected 14th February, 1944. JOHN GURNER BURNELL, B.E. (Syd.). Elected 20th February, 1946; previously elected 4th December, 1944. FJected by the Professors (present term expires 17th December, 1947)— PROFESSOR GEORGE WHITECROSS PATON, B.A., B.C.L. (Oxon), M.A. Originally elected 11th March, 1943. PROFESSOR SAMUEL МасМАНON WADHAM, M.A. (Camb. and Melb.), Agt. Dip. (Camb.). Member since 17th December, 1935. PROFESSOR ALEXANDER BOYCE GIBSON, B.A. (Melb.), M.A. (lain). Elected 17th December, 1943. Elected by the Teaching Staff, other than the Professors (present term expires 17th December, 1947)— ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR MAURICE нЕNRУ BELZ, !.Sc. (Camb.), B.Sc. (Syd.), M.& Originally elected 17th December. 193$. 2 Elected by the Undergraduates (presena term expires 17th December, 1947)— 1940. GEORGE SНАW, B.A., LL.B., M.B., В.S. Origиally elected Ist July, (One vacant.) Metaben гx-об kio- JOHN DUDLEY GIBBS MEDLEY, M.A. (Oxon and leib.), Vice-Chancellor; Ist July, 19911. JOHN ARNOLD SEITZ, M.A. (Oxon), B.C.E., Director of Education; 20th November. 1936 Member since 17th December, 1933. GEORGE ВАRTLETT WOODGATE. Я.A., Dip.Ed., Chairman of the Advisory Committee appointed under the Agricultural Colleges Act, 1944. 16th November. 1945. PROFESSOR PETER MacCALLUM, M.C., M.A. (Ni.). M.Sc. (N.Z. & Melb. ), M.B., iLB., D.P.H., M.R.C.P. (Edin.), F.R.S.E. Chairman of the Professorial Board; lit January, 1944. Member since 6th February, 193$ ; previously elected 25th September, 1931. Members co-opted— HERBERT ROBINSON BROOKES, B.C.E.; December 22nd, 1943. Originally co-opted 4th September, 1933. M.A. (Oxon and Melb. VERY REV. JEREMIAH MATTHI АS MURPHY, S.J., ), Rector of Newman College; 17th December, 1945. Previously co-opted 23rd December, 1935. GRETA }IORT, M.A. (Copenhagen & Melb.), Ph.D. (Cammb.), Principal of University Women s College; 17th December, 1943. HON. SIR WALTER MASSY-GREENE, K.C.M.G.; 21 еt December, 1939. Originally co-opted 13th November, 1939. SECRETARY—THE REGISTRAR. STANDING COMMITTEE OF CONVOCATION. WARDEN—ARTHUR DEAN, LL.M. RETIRING 1949— REтIRING 1947- Representatives of Graduates in Arts, Music and Represeп tatives of Grad:mica in Arts, Music and Education— Education— HENRY HERBERT BOWDEN. M.A. LESLIE ROBERT BROOKES, B.A., Dip.Ed. ARTHUR EDWARD GWILLIM, M.A. JOHN LESLIE IRWIN (;R0'Fll'iS. M.A. Ρ ALFRED HART. M.A., M.S ., Litt.D. ALEXANDER Мг IЮNELL. B.A., li.Sе., ß.E9. с CHARLES THOMPSON SCARFF. M.A., B. d. MARY l!UTYON, M.A. Е ELIZABETH KILGOUR KIRKHOPE, MA. lA кiLD JOHN sTEWART. M.A. ALBERTA OLIVE WATSON, MA., Dip.Ed. SAMUEL AUSTIN FRANK FOND, O.B.E., FU., M.A., LL.B., Dip.Com. Representative of Graduates in Comnterce-- Representative of Graduates in Commerce- ., B.A. ARTHUR GORDON WHITLAM, B.Com JOFIN COBELL HABERSBERGER, B.Com. Representative of Graduates in Sciencе- Representatives of Graduates in Science— FERDINAND HERBERT FLIEGNER, B.A., GEORGE SEGBERT CORNWALL SEM- . B.Sc. MENS, М.Bc., Dip.Ed.• RALPH CUTHBERT TRAILL, M.Sc., Ph.D. Representative of Graduates itt Agriculture and ALAN 10I.l,1CK RAMSAY, C.B. E... D.S.O., Veterinary Science-- E.D., В.Sc. HOWARD CARLYLE FORSTER, Ph.D., Representative of Graduates in Agriculture and M.Agr.Sc. Veterinary Science— . IOIIN BRAKE, .Ag .Sc. Representatives of Graduates in Law— В г PERCY ERNEST J0SKE, M.A., LL.M. Representatives of Graduates in Law- CLIFFORD INCH MENHENNITT, LL.M. ЕLIAS GODFRE.Y СOPPF.L, I.L.D. JoliN PATЕ RSON ADAM, M.A., LL.B., Representatives of Graduates in Medicine— Dip.Ed. KONRAD HILLER, M.D.. B.S. CLIVE HAMILTON FITTS, M.D., B.S. Representatives of Graduates in Medicine— COLIN FERGUSON MACDONALD, MB., ROBERT FOWLER, M.D., B.S. В.S. JA 1E5 PERRINS MAJOR, C.E.E., M.D., - JOAN NEWMAN MORRIS, C.M.G., M.B., Ч В.S. В.S. ALLEN WILLIAM DAVID ROBERTSON, CHARLES GORDON SHAW, M.D., B.S. M.D., В.S. WILBERFORCE STEPHEN NEWTON, M.D., LIIFORD HENRY COINER SEARBY, B.S. С B.Sc., M.B., M.S. Representatives of Graduates in Engineering Representative of Graduates in Engineering and Architecture- and Architecture— WILFRTD DINSEY GHAFMAN, ICE. HENRY BARTON 8OAW0CK, B.lwix.E. LOUIS FRANCIS LIDER, M.C.E. KELVIN POWELL LEWIS, B.Mech.E. Graduates in Dental Representative of Graduates in Dental Rергеwаtabvе of Science— Seiгnce- KENNETH THOMAS ADAMSON. D.D.Sc. FREDERICK ANDREW AIRD, D.D.Sc. SECRETARY—THE REGISTRAR. 3 FORMER OFFICE-BEARERS OF GOVERNING BODIES OF THE UNIVERSITY. CHANCELLок$. SIR REDMOND BARRY. From 17th May, 1853, to 23rd November, 1880. SIR WILLIAM FOSTER SТАWELL. From 2nd Ala), 1681, to 8th lay, 1892. THE RIGHT REV. DR. MOORHOUSE. From 7th July, 1884, to In February. 1886. THE HON. DR. HE•ARN. From 3rd May to 4th Oсtobeг, 1886. SIR ANTHONY COLLING BROWNLESS. From 4th April, 1887 to 3rd December, 1897, THE HON. SIR JOIIN MADDEN. From 20th December, 1897. to 10th March, 1918. SIR JOHN HENRY MACFARLAND. From 8th April, 1918, to 22nd July, 1935. SIR JAMES WILLIAM IIARRETT. From 30th Auguit. 1935 to 6th March, 1939. THE RT. HON. SIR JOHN GREIG LATIIAM. From 6th March, 1939, to 3rd March, 1941. VICE-CHANCELLOиs. THE RT. HON. H. C. E. CRILDERS. From 17th May. 1853. to 12th larch, 1857. THE 110N. WILLIAM CLARK NAINES. From 13th May. 1857. to 31st May, 1858. SIR ANTHONY COILING BROWNLESS. From 31m lay, 1858 to 4th April, 1887. PROFESSOR IRVING. From 2nd May, 1887, to 27th May, 1889. THE HON. SIR JOHN MADDEN. From 3«d June, 1889, to 20th December, 1897. THE ZION. SIR HENRY JOHN WRIXON. From 20th December, 1897, to 7th March, 1910. DR. J. H. MAсFARLAND. From 7th March, 1910, to 8th April, 1918. SIR JOIIN GRICE. From 6th May, 1918, to 18th June, 1923. $IR JOHN MONASН. From ind July, 1923, to 8th October, 1931. SIR JAMES WILLIAM BARRETP. From 7th December, 1931, to 17th December, 1934. DEPVTY-CRANCFLLOA6. SIR JAMES WILLIAM ВАRRETT. From 17th December, 1934 to 30th August, 1935. THE RT. HON. SIR JOHN GREIG LATIAM. From 30th August, 1935, to 6th March, 1939' SIR WILLIAM LENNON RАWS. From 6th March, 1939, to 3rd March, 1941. MR. WILFRED RUSSELL GRIMWADE. From 3rd March, 1941, to Ist March, 1943. DR. BERNARD TRAUGOTT ZWAR. From 1st March. 1943, to 5th March, 1945. SALARIED VICE-CHANCELLOR. DR. RAYMOND EDWARD PRIESTLEY. From 1st January, 1935, to 30th June, 1938, WARDCN$ or THE SENATE. THE REV. DR. BROMBY. From 16th July, 1867, to 8th August, 1868. THE HON. DR. HEARN. From 8th August, 1868, to 24th August, 1875. SIR JOHN MADDEN. From 24th August, 1875, to Hoe September, 1882. MR. ANDREW HARPER. From 14th September, 1882, to 13th May, 1886. MR. CHARLES ALFRED TOPP. From 13t6 May, 1886. to 12th September, 1890. DR. THOMAS PATRICK McINERNEY. From 12th Seрtетber, 1890, to 17th December, 1923. WARDEN or Coavосnпoх. MR. MORRIS MONDLE PHILLIPS. From 24th March, 1924, to 13th November, 1934. DR. LESLIE SCOTT LATIAM. From I Ith January, 1935, to 14th February, 1944. PROFESSORIAL BOARD. CHAtRИAN—PROFESSOR MAcCALLUM. V IcЕ-CиАrRМ wx—PROFESSOR PATOLA. THE CHANCELLOR PROFESSOR cIISHILM THE DEPUTY-CHANCELLOR PROFESSOR TURNER THE VICE-CHANCELLOR PROFESSOR WRIGHT PROFESSOR AGAR PROFESSOR SUNDERLAND PROFESSOR SCLТТ PROFESSOR TRIKOJUS PROFESSOR GREENIV00D PROFESSOR WOOD PROFESSOR HEINZ.E PROFESSOR HILLS PROFESSOR WADHAM PROFESSOR MARTIN PROFESSOR HARTUNG PROFESSOR RUBBO PROFESSOR CHERRY PROFESSOR BURNET PROFESSOR ALLAN PROFESSOR GOLDMAN PROFESSOR BROWNE PROFESSOR MAXWELL PROFESSOR AMIE.S ACTING-PROFESSOR PREST PROFESSOR GIBSON ACTING-PROFESSOR SEXTON PROFESSOR CRAWFORD SECRETARY—THK REGISTRAR.
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