oto Culnutn Qlnurbr VOL 36 COLOMA. MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, APRIL 10, 1931 NO. 38 REPUBLICANS ELECTED EVERY CANDIDATE LIGHT VOTE CAST STODCK WAS ELECTED EOUR NEW MEMBERS SUBMIT NEW PLAN FOR IN COLDMA TOWNSHIP LAST MONDAY IN WATERVEIET CITY BENTON HARBOR MAYOR ELECTED TO SlIPERflSORS INDIGENT AEFLICTED CARE Vote in Colonm Township A. W. Baker. Supervisor, and Other I-con D. Case Re-KWed Mayor—Guy Defeated John J. Sterling for Re- Sam B, Miners. Charles Gage. H, D Special Supervisors Commidee and William Traver. Former Hartford Cau- The three const It uiional amend- Officers Were R»-elerted WUh Ex ment of landing fields lost by a vote o Curtis Treaanrer-K. II. Merrificld elertion With Majority of 508 Votes Roberts and .lohn B, Nixon Defeated Medical Assnciadon Agree on Local ner. Was Wanted for Adarking Hi* 324 to 1!»7: and the amendment r» eeption of Highway (onunUHloner— Assessor—WMIiam Ret/, Conslahle. AKorney John J. Sterling of Benton There will be but four new faces on Hospitalizadon Fa( her-in-law. Frank Johnson, at garding the refunding of state Ixind Harbor, who lias served as mayor of the Berrien county board of supervls was defeated by a vole of 334 to 100. Extra Heavy Vote Cast Watervllet city voters Hocked to tin that city for (he past two years, was ore when that body meets later this The Supervisors' special coinmidee Bangor For Supervisor— polls Monday in numliers (bat e>tab- defeated last Monday by Merwyn (J. month for (he annual April sesion. on care of ludigenl adult atlllcted cases 300 A. W. Baker llahes an all lime record for a local iru Stonck by a majority of 50s votes, in Among those who will lie missed when met with a committee of (he Berrien William Traver. 05. soulhwest Mich- ('has. It. Marvin 250 niclpal election, and with a total of 531 County Medical Associallou at (he igan canner wunled in Van Buren COIiOHA TOWNSIUP OFFICERS the campaign between the two same the roll call Is made are Samuel B. For Township Herk— votes cast, came within one of match- Kentlemen two years ago Sterling was court bouse Tuesday and reached an county three years for the alleged at- 430 Miners, (Fighting Sam) of Royalton: John V. Thompson iiiK the vote cast in the presidential (he winner with alNiiK NOO majority. H. D. Roberts of Galien (ownsblp, who agreement on a plan (o hoMpKalize tempted murder of Ids former father-in- 2'J.' Chester Hocker election of lirjs. Darwin J. Sutherland and Roy Kim- was defeated by Carl Renbarger; ('has. these cases at Mercy hospidtl. Kenton law, Frank Johnson, at Bangor, was 8upenl»or—Allen W. Baker. For Township Treasurer- The non-partisan ballot, carrying (Sage of Hagar township, who was de- Harbor, and Pawadng hospital, Mies, arres(ed Sunday in Chicago by Sheriff 30." ball were elected city commissioners E, (J, Hoodemaker. Towiwhip CM—John V. Hiifiwi Henry C. Kllmark contests for several city ottlces. is cred at large; Krnesi Htelnke defeated Os- feated by John F. Resemer: and John instead of sending these padenls (o the IjTO A. IIOSIK'III 202 riiiveralty hospital at Ann Arbor. Township Treasurer—Henry C. Kll- Red with drawing forth the heavy wald Kaumehder for Hie office of com- B, Nixon of Baroda (ownshpl. who Is I raver, a fugitive since September. For Highway Commissioner— vote. althoiiKh Interest was keen In Hit The suitor visors' coinniideu will sub- I!»2\ was taken while eating his Easter mark. missioner for (he first ward: Jess succeeded by Forres( drown. The new Wakeman Ryno 350 capital punlsbment referendum. mit its report and reconinieiidadoit at dinner Sunday in a Chicago hotel with HiRhway Commissioner—Wakeman By 324 l.eever was re-elected cdinmissioiier board will sdll have a Republican ma- Claude Tacy Leon 1>. Case, mayor of the city for from the second ward. Chester Adams jority. (he membership Itelng 22 Re- the forthcoming meedng of (he Ber- Ids son. William. Jr.. who is said to no. For Overseer of Highways— the past two years, was reelected over from the (bird ward and Leon Hill won publicans and 10 Hemocrals. rien County Board, which will next have come from California to join his Overseer of Hl«hway»—John Peterson. John Peterson 3^1 Dr. J. W. (iunn. 300 to 21* Tuesday. A dine will no doubt be set father. 201 a great victory in the fourth ward, de- All four retiring supervisors were Justice of the Peare—Osrar J. Smith. Richard Fletcher C. Cuy Curtis, running for reelection feallng William J. Hemstreet by a vote leaders on (he county hoard and held for consideration of (be re|M>rt and re- Sheriff Hoodeniaker, following a tip Member Board of Review—Wm. N. For Justice of the Peace— as city treasurer, scored an easy victo- of 530 to 302. Renton Harbor's four imporlaid committee assignments. Rob- coiiimendadoiis of the 11111111111111'. If a given him by Al Billing, a Van Buren Oscar J. Smith 371 ry over his four opponents on the bal- majority of the county board members VanDenreer. 204 sujiervlsors wen- all re-elected. Michael erts. a former chairman of (he board, county deputy, made the trip to Chi- Constablen—diaries Andrews. Peter Abram Hachman lot for that office. Me recelvnl '.Kl votes J. Murphy, who has served as constable was a member of (he committees on vote approval of the plan, it will be pii( cago in 11 speedy automobile, Traver For Member Board of Review— Dienhart, Emil Johnson ami Ernest more than his nearest rival. Stanford for many years, was defeated for re- etpializadon and flliance and chairman in etTect immediately by the superlu- MibniKted (.. arrest without resistance. Wm. N. VanDerveer 4<M tendents of the county poor and given H. Erifkson. Keasey. election by K. W. (Sherlock) Clawson. of the state tax commidee. Travers alleged attack on his for- Charles Kreitner 243 a tryout for one year. Merritleld Wins By 2 to 1 Vole. Supervisor Gage was chairman of the mer father-in-law in 1028 is said to For Constables- Heavy Vole in St. .loseph auditing con.nilttee. and a member of ijist year 85 county indigent patient Charles Andrews 41 were sent to the University bospKal have been caused by Johnson's inter- Frank II. Merrlfleid won re-election the salary committee. VOTE WAS HEAVIER THAN Peter Dienhart 383 Mayor T. (S. Yeomans was re-elected and (he (o(al cos( to the county for du cession in Mm If of Ids daughter. While for city assessor by better than a 2 tol a member of the cl(y commission In Supervisor Miners was chairman of Traver was operating the Paver Can- IN PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Emll Johnson (be judiciary commidee and a member care of adult atlllcted was in the neigh- Ernest H. Erickson 373 vote for Ids opiHinent for the office. Ed- St. Joseph, defeating Charles Kingsley borhood of $12,000. ning company at Bangor for Chicago in- ward Austin. His vote was 330 to 101 of (he auditing commidee. Henry Klbler 224 and Charles C. Davis in a hot three- The two local hospitals have oflVred terests. he forced his secretary. Miss for Austin. Supervisor Nixon was on the advis- Arthur Swift 2114 cornered race. There were 2.4SO votes the county a special rate for the can Mae Johnson, to drive to South Bend. Ninety More Votes Cast Last Monday 210 cast in the el(y. The four cl(y super- ory road cmniitlee. Ind.. wilb him to be married, it was al- Albv Rosa Kmerson. Brink and Abbott Elerted Supervisor Gage bad Iteen on (he of these patients and the memliers of 2S4 visors were re-elected wilhoiit any op- leged by Miss Johnson. Lowell S. Ony To City CommiHsion. counly board for 12 years and Roberts (he Berrien Counly Medical Assoda -nian in Election a Vear Apjo posltlon. When Johnson remonstrated wlih 10 years. tlon have offered to furnish thj- medi F. W. Kmerson and Roy Brink won cai and surgical attention without per him Traver attacked the girl's father The township election in foloma •capital punishment" proposition was Benton Re elects .lakway township lust Monday was probably the re-election as city emmissioners by Balnbrldge—John D. Carmody (D)* sonal reinuneradon or fees, but with and made a getaway. It was discov- snowed under by a vote of 210 to 124 large majorities, and Percy Abbott was Baroda-Forest Brown (D). ered in die investigation that followed biggest election ever held in the town- The amendment regarding the refund- James J. .lakway. veteran member of the understanding (hat (he county ship with the exception of the year the third to be elected city (tmimisalon- (he iMiard of supervisors, who has rep Benton—James J. Jakway (D)* i iMtard will appropriate u |iercentage of that Traver had previously served a ing of State iMUids was defeated by a term in a fedarel penitentiary for us- when local option was tlie big issue, er for two years, with a vote of 243 to resen(ed Benton (ownsblp for many Berrien—William F. Dean (R)* any savings effected over the present vote of :534 to 100. The amendment re- Bertrand—Fred Konigshof (D)* ing the mails to defraud. A $500 re- and even exceeded the vote at the pres- 228 for R. I> Ma trail, the next high years, was re-elec(ed at the election handling of these cases, which it is 1111 garding the improvement of binding Buchanan Twp—Mederick W, ward was posted for ids capture, but idential election In 1088.
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