THE~HOUR THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN page l 1.0CATION DATI SEPTEMBER l, 1988 RANCHO DEL CIELO SANTA BARBARA, CALIFORNIA ~ 8:58 a .m. .fit~RSDAY IN OUT PHONE N:TMTY 8 : 58 9 : 01 p The President talked with Deputy Secretary of State, John C. Whitehead . THE WHITE HOUK -,,- ... THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN .. DAn ~ DEL CIELO -~· · "' ' .L :> "" SANTA BARBA.RA , CALIFORNIA TIME 9 : 00 a .m. ~DAY IN OUT PHOHE 1'CffVffY There we re no acti vit ies r eported for t his day. THE WHITE HOUIE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN LOCATION DATI J , l ~HHS RANCHO DEL CIELO ANTA BARBARA, CALIFORNIA 9 : 06 a.m. S~RDAY IN OUT - 9:06 9 : 11 The Pr esident made a Radio Address to the Nation on economic expansion and welfare reform. page i THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN l.OCATIOH DA1'1 SEPTEMBER 4 , 1988 RANCHO DEL CI ELO >ANTA BARBARA, CALIFORNIA 6:57 p . m. Sml'oAY lfl OUT PHONE 6:57 p The President tel ephoned Jerry Lewis , enter tai ner and Master of Ceremonies for the Annual Labor Day Mu scular Dystrophy Association (MDA) telethon . The call was not comple ted. 8:12 8 : 14 p The President tal ked with Mr. Lewis. 9:22 9:24 R The President talked with his Deputy Assistant, James F. Kuhn; 9 : 25 9 : 28 R The President talked with Mr. Lewis . page .L 'IME WltlTE HOUllE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN LOCATION DATI SEPTEMBER 5 , 19 BB tANCHO DEL CIELO ANTA BARBARA, CALIFORNIA 9 : 46 a . rn . M8MJAY IN OUT PHONE M:TMTY 9 : 46 9 : 48 R The President talked with Staff Assistant, Dottie Dellinger . 9 : 51 9 : 53 P The President talked with Phil Regan, Santa Barbara Biltmore Hotel, Santa Barbara, California. Tl-IE SCHEDULE OF PRESIDE NT RONALD REAGAN / Tuesday, September 6, 1988 Approx. The President departs the Ranch for Hastings, 8: 35 am PDT Nebraska for Dedication of the Garold C. J . and Marie Gray Center for the Communication Arts at Hastings College (Hooley) ~~~~~~~~~~- Approx. Arrive Hastings, Nebraska 2:10 pm CDT Approx. 3:10 pm Approx. Arrive ~. Kentucky for 6: 30 pm EDT To American Legion Convention (Range) --~~~~~-- Approx. Depart Louisville for Washington 7:55 pm Approx. Arrive South Lawn 9:25 pm UNP 08/12/88 4:00 pm PRESIDENTIAL MOVEMENTS Rancho del Cielo, California Hastings, Nebraska Louisville, Kentucky LOCATION Washington, D.c. DATE 6 September 1988 TIME MOV EMENTS 0838 Depart Rancho del Cielo via Marine One 0910 Arrive Point Hugu Naval Air Station, California 0921 Depart Point Hugu Naval Air Station via Air Force One CST 134S Arrive Central Nebraska Regional Airport, Grand Island, Nebraska 13S6 Depart Central Nebraska Reg ional Airport, via Marine One 1414 Arrive Hastings College Landing Zone 1416 Depart Hastings College Landing Zone via Motorcade 1419 Arrive Gray Center, Hastings College lSlO Depart Gray Center via Motorcade !SIS Arrive Hastings College Landing Zone 1Sl9 Depart Hastings College Landing Zone via Karine One 1S35 Arrive Cen tral Nebraska Regional Airport 160S Depart Central Nebraska Regional Airport via Air Force One EST 1846 Arrive Standiford Field, Kentucky Air National Guard Ramp, Louisville, Kentucky 18S5 Depart Standiford Field via Motorcade 1912 Arrive Commonwealth Convention Center 195S Depart Commonwealth Convention Center via Motorcade 2011 Arrive Standiford Field 2018 Depart Standiford Field via Air Force One 2120 Arrive Andrews Air Force Base, Maryland 2132 Depart Andrews Air Force Base via Marine One 2141 South Grounds WH CA FORM 15, OCTOBER 15, 1980 :· \ . ·. .·- ····-· ·· .. .. - . ... .. .... .··. 10:00 am (15 min) 10:15 am (15 min) 10:30 am (30 min) Cabinet Room (TAB Al 12:00 m Oval Office (75 min) 1: 15 pm Oval Office (10 min) 1:30 pm Oval Office (30 min) 2:00 pm West Basement (30 min) :z_:tJ~_, 2:30 pm Personal Staf Oval Office f Remainder off the Time Afternoon for Residence UNP 09/06/88 l 4:00 pm ... THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON J.cfJJvs? o /V/ S' ~lf"/&w1a~ JdA~.JJJ/9 ONy J' & ,f'#-WIO'f: ( R,, 1g11 9o LIDA.fl T)') If. .IJ. Or;l~sey Ccn.1J..J -r&.., 1:1.1.. 7J '°' lt~J' L owcAJ.(',£',µ, /O,., S11mdtV S 011,,L 0 /=r,ot_, .,:J:.fo -oZ: 711/0TO OP ;p,;d 7i,.,tJTH/L.fewcL'- - P~R"1C::vAy [)ANt 7{)we"Lt_- ¥=·;~MF.:~ /)'1,1./t 7bulCL/.. - V~ V(;.H r•·R_ ~ £t,El')AJd!f /0W£1.1. - }IOT#cR, -::f11 CK1c· /i""'l'fiJ,V - ,Ll.!J ~ lllJ'Y_ fie-£ d-9 {J0e-{/ 7i"'7dt#/ 70wc-t.1.. - 3o,,v THE SCHEDULE OF PRt:SEt:VATiON COPY PRESIDENT RONALD REAG~,, .,, ··-..· :· ... ~ ·.:.. · .:··- -..· ~ . · ·:: ~ .. ~~.1 ~ , . .:-:,: .. • . .• .,# .• · · ~.'r, .•.. k ...• • • Thursday, September 8, 1988 •, ." • .• ~ ..... .... 9:00 am Oval Office (30 min) 9:30 am Oval Office (30 min) 10:00 am 1 Staff Time Oval Office (60 min) f o: <It 11:00 am Situation Room (60 min) (Distributed Separately) 12 :00 m nd Personal Staff Time Oval Office (75 min) l: 15 pm xecutive Women In Government Rose Garden (10 min) (TAB A) 1 :40 pm th US/Hispanic Chamber Oval Office (5 min) erce Board of Directors ., .: ..., ,.. (TAB B) -""""'- ( }-t. 1:45 pm Staff Time,~ ) Oval Office (75 min) 3:00 pm with Richard Wlrthlin Oval Office (30 min) (TAB C) 3 :30 pm Staff Time Oval Office (30 min) 4 :00 pm Drop b Farewell Reception Roosevelt Room (10 min) for Ke neth Cribb (TAB D) 4: 25 pm Photo Session with George O'Neill Oval Office (5 min) (Maseng) (TAB E) 4:30 pm Tapin~ Session (Dolan/ Board) (TAB F) Library (30 min) 1. Na onai Alliance of Business 2. Eagle Forum Leadership Conference 3. Annual Meeting of Otolaryngology 4. Salute to Paul Harvey , 5. National Association of Broadcasters • 6. Central America Independence Day REVISED J j -~~- -~U-N-P~0-9/6: 15_0_ 7_pm/8-8 ~~ ' THE SCHEDIJ1JE OF .. ······· PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN : ' ' . " • ··a·.·t.u- . ··.·. • :. .: ... .. .. .. Friday, September 9, 1988 .. .. .... .. 9:00 am (30 min) 9:30 am (25 min) 9:55 am (5 min) lil.o,t ftUJI­ ~> 10:15 am (75 min) 11:30 am (15 min) 12:00 m Oval Office (75 min) 1 :15 pm The President departs for the South Lawn Mayflower Hotel to address the Federalist Society Lawyers Convention (Range) /f/6.,, (TAB B) 2 :00 pm Arrives back at the White House South Lawn N Taping f~~fe?way Map Room (Dolan/Board)Z ~~- (TAB c> Personal Staff Time for Oval Office/ Residence ----~-----~------...RomM•; ,~;§•oon 0 UNP 09/08/88 4:00 pm PRESIDENTIAL MOVEMENTS LOCATION Washington, D.C. DATE 9 September 1988 TIME MOVEMENTS 0855 Oval Off ice 1137 Rose Garden 1149 Oval Office 1316 South Grounds 1319 Depart South Grounds via Motorcade 1327 Arrive Mayflower Hotel 1358 Depart Mayflower Hotel via Motorcade 1402 Arrive South Grounds 1403 Oval Office 1434 Map Room 1508 Residence WHCA FORM 15, OCTOBER 15, 1980 0 .. ' - ' ·: ~·-·) : . .... ........ ~.. · ~ --= · --!<~.UC THE SCHEDULE OF PRESIDENT RONALD REAGJ\J'\l Saturday, September 10, 1988 12 : 06 pm Radio Talk Oval Office (5 min) Sunday, September 11, 1988 6:50 pm The President and Mrs. Reagan South Lawn depart for Private Dinner (Er ken beck) (TAB A) 10: 10 pm Arrive back at the White House South Lawn . ,... .,. ' ' . UNP 09/09/88 4:00 pm THE SCHE Dt;LE OF PRESIDE :-.:T RONALD REAOA~ '-. Saturday, September 10, 1988 12:06 pm Radio Talk Oval Office (5 min) Sunday, September 11, 1988 6:50 pm The President and Mrs. Reagan South Lawn depart for Private Dinner (Erkenbeck) 10:10 pm Arrive back at the White House South Lawn UNP 09/ 09/ 88 4 :00 pm PRESIDENTIAL MOVEMENTS LOCATION Washington, D.C. DATE 11 September 1988 TIME MOVEMENTS 1856 South Grounds 1858 Depart South Grounds via Motorcade 1910 Arrive Graeber Residence 2237 Depart Graeber Residence via Motorcade 2244 Arrive North Grounds 2246 Residence - WHCA FORM 15, OCTOBER 15, 1980 ( T~~OF PRESIDENT RO Hl : Or am (30 min) 10:30 am (30 min) 11:00 am (15 min) 11:15 am Oval Office (15 min) :00 pm 15 min) 4: 15 pm (15 min) 4:30 pm (15 min) \ THE SCHEDULE OF i• • ..... .. ti, PRES~NT RONfLD REACAf!~ ...... ~;_-~""' ' . ·.. ~:s2 ~~.3~~-v1 ~ ~~· '· : .. .. .. ... .. ........· .. Tuesday, 9:00 am (30 min) 9:30 am (30 min) (TAB A) /()J :::f:J--- 11: 00 atnt--- ­ Signing <fe"remony for Rose Garden (15 min) Fair Housing Bill (Kr:z?;tz) J'jl /-::7. (TAB B) /41?--- ,, 1// 11: 15 am Per al Staff Time ..-1) Oval Office (45 min) //' 1~ _. b--ffPv 12:00 m Lunch 'lnJ/p{i.sonal Staff Time (90 min) ~ vol Offko 'j:~f'~ ~O-f!.2t/ 1: 30 pm Signing ~ for Hisp~ic Rose Gard //..#-~ ( 15 min) HeritaN Week Proclamation (R flfe l" IJ.j (TAB C) 1 :45 pm Plrs~na/st::-C T7nfe J (75 min) 3 : 00 pm (15 min) 3: 15 pm Oval Office (45 min) 4: 00 pm (20 min) (TAB E) 4: 45 pm Roosevelt Room (10 min) (TAB F) UNP 09/12/88 4:00 pm Tuesday, Sept.eirber 13 7:25 8reak~ast ~or the President 8:30 8reak~ast ~or Maureen 8 : 40 Maureen t.o West Wing 8:50 Sreak~ast ~or the First Lady 8:54 The President t.o Oval O~~ice 11:03 The President t.o the Rose Garden 11:14 The President t.o Oval O~~ice 11: 19 The First Lady t.o South Grounds 11:21 The First Lady departs South Grounds enrout.e private appointment 12:45 Guests (215) ~or Signing Ceremony ~or Hispanic Heritage Week Proclamation arrive Rose Garden 12:50 The First Lady t.o Second Floor 1 : 30 The President t.o Rose Garden 1:45 The President t.o Oval O~~ice 1 :45 Guests depart Rose Garden 2 : 05 First Ladies st.a~~ t.o Second Floor 4:10 down 5:10 The President t.o the Doct.or's D~~ice 5 : 20 The President and Or.
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