2—THE CATHOLIC TIMES Friday. Dec 28.1956 PERSONS Pope Calls for Strong (Continued From Page 1) Archbishop To Bolivia er and which elude the control of onesided'’ criticism of one na­ ST. LOUIS—(NC)—Ardhbishop man's free choice" such as re­ tion by another. Sentiment can Joseph E. Ritter of St. Louis will ligion and their natural rights. never be a guide to. ^ound action fly to L41 Paz, Bolivia, on Decem­ much less “the sentiments of yes ber 31 to spend New Year’s Day After reviewing at length the with three of his archdiocesan conflict between the two philoso terday and the day before." he warned. priests who are on a mission as­ phies. the Holy Father outlined signment there. The priests went a dramatic series of principles In a thoroughly clear refer­ ence to the Soviet massacre of to Bolivia early this year and will and programs which he urged on stay five years to do parish work - the world for its own salvation the Hungarian people, His Holi­ in the country for the Archbishop r.MSu from laicist “false realisin' and ness said "There's no longer of I41 Paz. from “an enemy determined to room for doubt concerning the impose on all peoples ... a spe aims and method* which rely cial and intolerable way of life. on tank* when these latter nois Beatification (Lause Freedom and personal rcspon ily crash over borders, sowing VATICAN CITY—(Radio, NC) gibility. properly ordered social death in order to force civilian —The process which might lead relations, progress correctly un peoples into a pattern of life to the beatification of Father Vin­ derstood these, hr said arc they explicitly detest . cenzo Tarozzi. Secretary of Latin human values for man effects The Holy father expressed his Letters under Pope Leo XIII, has them and profits by them But consolation in seeing that “in been opened here. «. ? ■ they are likewise religious and some count) ics amid today s d< This first stage in the investi­ divine values, if one considers bates men are talking about con gation, called the “informative their source •science and its demands." They r. process,” was begun with the ap­ “Now even in the West, His haven't forgotten, he said, that proval of His Holiness Pope Pius Holiness said, there is an effort only absolute norms and an ab­ XII. It will involve the study of Election Fever Hits Warsaw to attack and banish from modern solute end ’save social life from the priest’s writings, reputation Polish people are preparing for elections in which society the very basis of these chaos ’ He added They explicit « for sanctity and other facts. As there are 720 candidates for 459 seats in the Polish Sejm, values in the name of laicism ot ly condemn those who believe secretary of Latin Iietters, Fath­ or parliament. Though elections are not free in this man’s vain sell sufficiency Thus they can resolve questions of hu er Tarozzi was in charge of the Communist state by western standards, the January 20th this strange condition h..* come man coexistence on the basis of secretariat which draws up the about that not a few public fig­ good externa) appearances and less formal letters and documents elections will differ from previous elections in which ures possessing no strong relig with a practical view, aiming to of the Pope. people voting merely ratified a slate of pre-selected candi­ inns conviction wi h -nd arc act according to where interest They Welcomed ’Spike’ Home dates. View here shows the Schlosplatz in Warsaw, prom­ obliged to defend tor the sake and power may be found in in inent area in Poland's capital city. (NC Photos). of the common good these fund;, dividual cases.” Classmate* of "Spike” Wagner, St. Dymak, Andrea and Steve Priestes, Ed Pope Receives menial values which drew their In this context, the Pope said Thomas student, welcomed him home Hoffman, Charles Nabel, Ed Wagner and New Ambassador bung only from religion and the I mted Nations, despite its just before Christmas from the hospital behind Spike's wheel chair, Mrs. Helen VATICAN CITY—(Radio, NC) from God.” high aims, has recently been the where he had been since Fall, with polio. Wagner, his mother, and Fr. Harry Estadt, —Finland’s new minister to the St. Joseph Nuns In ref»renc« to the "talk*” victim of the “false realism" of From left to right, Lynda Chwade, Toni pastor of St. Thomas. Holy See. Tapio Voionmaa. was (Continued from page 1) and "meeting*” carried on be “not a tew ol its members'’ even received in a private audience Community. “Your numbers shall met their God after a lifetime nf tween group* whose basic out­ when the I mted Nations’ aims here for the presentation of his faithful observance of the ordin­ look* are totally different, Pope be as the stars of heaven.” ar d values arc at stake. First Native Priest credentials to His Holiness Pope ary rules of the Order. Martyrs of Piu* asked: "Why enter a di*- "No one expects or demand* True to this prediction, the Italian Communist I’ar tv Pius XII. blood or martyrs of everyday life. eus'ion without a common lan­ the impossible, not even from Of Pakistan Ordained group expanded in the United States. Bishops and priests —it does not matter to the Sisters guage, or how is it possible to the United Nation*,” he said, DACCA, East Pakistan—(NC)— of Saint Joseph. meet if the paths are diverg­ "but one should have a right Plaifiicd Bv Resignations The first native Pakistani priest New Sistine pleaded for the Sisters to help From the time the Sisters kneel ent?" He declared that "out of to expect that their authority ROME — (NC) — The Hungarian tragedy has been since Pakistan became a state. Music Director them in the spiritual and corporal respect for the very name of should have had its weight, at Father Michael Rozario. was or- works of mercy in then various before their Bishop to receive the the cause for a real crisis of conscience among many writ­ VATICAN CITY—(Radio, NC)— dioceses. From Saint lx>uis, Sis­ holy habit until the moment they Christian, compliance with such least through observers, in the ers, journalists and artists belonging to the Italian Com­ dained in Rome for the Archdio- Msgs. Domenico Bartolucci has tactics should cease.” places in which the essential cese of Dacca. ters went forth in all directions. kneel before their God to receive munist party. been appointed by His Holiness On recent events in eastern values of man are in extreme ---------------------------------- ®_ As one group opened a hospital in the reward of their labor, they Pope Pius XII to the post of per­ Europe Ihs Holiness added al danger. Writer Vasco Pratolini, often hailed by the Italian com­ the East, another began a school have these two aims before them: petual director of music of the this point “If there still be any Although the United Nations' munist newspaper L’Unita as the most orthodox communist Bi-liops’ 1956 Statement in the North, while still others first, “to labor incessantly for Sistine Chapel. vacillating spirits, notwithstand condemnation of the grave vio­ ol all recently returned from! answered the call for orphanages, their own sanctification,” and sec­ Published as Leaflet He succeds the late Msgr. Lor­ ing the black testimony of ten lation* of the right* of men and Poland where he witnessed the schools for the deaf, snd homes ond. “to assist their neighbor by Togliatti for continuing to iollow enzo Perosi, world famous com­ years of cruelty, the blood just of entire nations i* worthy of uprisings of last October. In a let­ WASHINGTON — (NC) - The for the aged and the depenent. every work of mercy, both spiri­ a “Stalinist” line. poser of sacred music, who died recognition, one can neverthe ter to L’Unita he criticized the er­ 1956 statement of the U S Bish- tual and corporal, that may be in shed in the immolation of in.my Giolitti told the convention on October 12. In 1860, Mother Agnes Spencer lives sacrificed hy a martyred les* wish that, in similar cases, rors committed in Poland by the cps. “Peace, Unity—The Hope of from the Saint Louis Community the power of the Sisters of the people should finally convince the exercise of their rights as Rods and condemned Russian in­ that the uprising in Hungary was Mankind,” has been published in opened the first convent in the Congregation.” them members of this organisation terference. The communist paper a “popular revolt” and denounc­ leaflet form and is available Receives Belgian Erie Diocese in the little village Today the Sisters face a world through the Publications Office. “Still, it is remarked, the be denied to states which re­ was careful not to publish the let­ ed party leadership for trying to Government Award of Corsica in Pennsylvania. In “white for the harvest.” They bridges must not he ( til mutual fuse even the admission ot ob ter and its contents became stop criticism of the Soviet Un­ National Catholic Welfare Con hear the pleading voice of Christ: E1JSABETHVHJ,E. Belgian 1862. the Sisters from this .little relations must rather be pre-erv servers thus showing that known only because Pratolini had ion’s actions there. ference here. “The harvest is great, the labor­ Congo—(NC) — Bishop John de group moved to Meadville. Penn­ ed But for thi*. whatever rcspon their concept of state sovereign­ sent a duplicate letter to an ers are few.” And just as the sun Hemptinne, Apostolic Vicar of sylvania.
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