Archaeologia Cantiana On-line Index GENERAL INDEX TO VOLUMES CXXI 2000 (121) to CXXX (130) Letter C Back to Index Introduction This index covers volumes 121–130 inclusive (2001–2010) of Archaeologia Cantiana. It includes all significant persons, places and subjects. Volume numbers are shown in bold type and illustrations are denoted by page numbers in italic type or by (illus.) where figures occur throughout the text. The letter n after a page number indicates that the reference will be found in a footnote. Alphabetisation is word by word. Women are indexed by their maiden name, where known, with cross references from any married name(s). All places within historic Kent are included and are arranged by civil parish. Places that fall within Greater London are to be found listed under their own name i.e. Eltham etc. Places outside Kent that play a significant part in the text are followed by their post 1974 county. Place names with two elements (e.g. East Peckham, Upper Hardres) will be found indexed under their full place name. This cumulative index was compiled by Mr Ted Connell. T. G. LAWSON, Honorary Editor Kent Archaeological Society, July 2014 Abbreviations m. married Ald. Alderman E. Sussex East Sussex M.P. Member of Parliament b. born ed./eds. editor/editors Notts. Nottinghamshire B. & N.E.S. Bath and North East f facing Oxon. Oxfordshire Somerset fl. floruit P.M. Prime Minister Berks. Berkshire G. London Greater London Pembs. Pembrokeshire Bt. Baronet Gen. General Revd Reverend Bucks. Buckinghamshire Glam. Glamorgan Sgt Sergeant C Century Glos. Gloucestershire snr. senior C.A.T. Canterbury Archaeological Hants. Hampshire Som. Somerset Trust Herefs. Herefordshire St Saint Caer. Caerphilly Hon. Honourable Staffs. Staffordshire Cambs. Cambridgeshire illus. illustrated Ven. Venerable Capt. Captain J.P. Justice of the Peace W. Mids. West Midlands Cllr. Councillor jnr. junior W. Sussex West Sussex Co. Company LBK Linearbandkeramik Warks. Warwickshire Col. Colonel Lincs. Lincolnshire Wilts. Wiltshire d. died Lt. Lieutenant Worcs. Worcestershire Derbys. Derbyshire Lt-Col. Lieutenant Colonel Yorks. Yorkshire Cabriabanus, Romano-British tile manufacturer 124.163-82 inscription 124.164, 169-71 Cabriabanus, tile-maker 127.318-19 Cacket (Cakott), Richard and Robert 124.292 Cade Rebellion (1450) 128.380 Cade Rebellion (and John Cade) 127.64, 307, 390-1, 393 Cade’s Rebellion (1450) 129.77, 79-81, 84-5, 86-102 Cadyndon, John de 125.278 Caen stone 121.228, 373, 122.5, 113, 204, 204, 205, 208, 361, 124.349 , 126.194, 197, 201-2, 241, 251, 128.21, 24, 26 Canterbury 123.293 chippings 128.220 cresset lamps 130.197, 198, 200-1 for fonts 123.337 Newbury Farm 123.120, 121 Caesar 127.251, 253, 427 Caesar, Julius 121.26, 30-1, 33, 74-5, 86, 89, 93, 94, 98, 126.281, 382, 129.202-3, 257, 280, 281, 287, 288 Caesar’s Camp 121.74, 86, 89, 98, 99 Caffinch, Thomas, butcher 126.274 Caffinch, William 123.90 Cage Green 124.104 Cage Park 124.96, 98-9, 100, 102, 103, 109, 112 Calborne, Isle of Wight, button brooches 129.55, 58, 59, 60, 61, 64, 66, 71 Calcraft, John 127.120, 129.10, 14, 28 Caldicot (Gwent), boat 126.280 Calehill, Charing 126.93, 102-3, 107 Calvinism 124.146, 150 Caly, Sir William 125.113n Cambridge (Cambs) 129.291 Cambridge (Cambs), medical degrees and licenses 126.139, 142 Cambridge Aerial Photography Committee 124.397, 401, 412 Cambridge, Queens’ College 121.381 Camden manor 125.58 Camden, Calvert and King 127.111 Camden, Lord (Marquess) 130.43 Camden, marquis of 125.155 Camelon, pottery 124.336 Campayne family 127.303, 315-17 Campbell family 126.104 Campbell, Duncan 127.111 Camulodunum see Colchester 121. Camulodunum, beads 124.338 Camvill, John de 127.136 cannon see guns and gunmaking 124. cannon, iron 123.402 Cannon, Mrs S.L. 129.178 Canterbury abbey of St Augustine 125.192, 302, 363-4, 374 amphitheatre 125.30 Anglo-Saxon 126.295, 297, 298, 299-300, 129.366, 367, 368, 130.69, 356 activity 127.323 features 122.343 road and granary 124.365-6 animal bone 130.69, 70, 356 1844 Archaeological Congress 126.331-43 archbishops of, land holdings 125.364, 372-3; see also Baldwin; Berhtwold; Bourchier, Thomas; Courtenay, William; Cranmer, Thomas; Langton, Stephen; Laud, William; Parker, Matthew; Sudbury, Simon de; Theodore; Walter, Hubert; William; Wulfred Archbishop’s Palace, Outer Court 126.295 Archbishop’s Palace precinct wall and Great Hall 122.344 Archbishop’s residence 121.337, 122.365 assizes 129.124 astrolabic quadrant 128.215-16 Augustine House, Rhodaus Town 130.355-6 Austin friars 124.366, 126.314-15, 317, 320, 321 BA activity 126.298 BA field systems 126.304 Barton Court Grammar School, Longport 123.297, 124.368, 128.214, 129.366-7 Barton Mill 130.230 Barton Mill and Barton Mill Road 127.323-4 bath-houses, Roman 129.226, 229, 231 Becket’s shrine 124.185, 187, 128.30, 130.389 Bell Harry Tower 121.253 No. 9A Best Lane 124.367 Binnewith 125.262 Black Griffin Lane 129.229 Blue Boy Yard, Stour Street 123.294-5 Boar’s Head 129.213, 214, 219 boot and shoe makers 123.189 ‘the Borough’ (Staplegate Borough) 124.122 brick/tile 126.367 Bronze Age 129.366, 367 No. 62 Burgate 126.296 burials, Roman 124.367-8 Canterbury College 129.367 Castle 121.72, 125, 129.235 Cathedral 122.123, 130, 141 n.47, 127.386, 387, 388, 389 Alphege buried in 123.238 Education Centre, cess tank 123.293 Lady Chapel 123.314, 315, 322, 327 music 130.251-3 restoration 130.255-6 St Michael's Chapel 123.309-31 Trinity Chapel 123.320 Cathedral Precincts 128. Choir House 128.212-13 Table and Infirmary Halls 128.212 Cathedral Priory 126.314-15, 317, 336-7, 404, 129.211 Anglo-Saxon 126.295 brotherhood and confraternity 128.143-64 cloisters 126.295 dormitory 126.212 Cheker of Hope 125.261 Chequer of Hope inn 129.210 Christ Church cathedral 124.51, 61, 69, 121, 122, 188 Anglo-Saxon church 124.379 Anselm’s choir 124.58, 64 campanile 124.366 capitals 124.56, 64, 69 Roman masonry structures 124.375, 379,395 Christ Church choir 125.292, 293; clock 125.192; monks expelled 125.294, 306n; pledges naming St Thomas 125.291-309; possessions 125.38, 44, 45-6, 60, 247, 275; prior of 125.273-5; Trinity Chapel 125.292-3,294-5, 304 Christ Church Priory 121.315, 122.30, 113, 117, 131, 134, 226, 243, 247, 363, 364-5, 366, 129.211, 213, 235, 315, 316, 130.355-6 Christ Church University Sports Centre 130.356 church court act books 122.30 Church Lane 130.357 Church Street St Paul’s, medieval buildings 128.213-14 churches 125.302 St Andrew 125.192; St Paul 125.264-5 churches (7th-century) 124.378, 379-84 churchgoing 128.343, 344, 345, 346, 349, 350, 354, 355, 357 City rampart 122.345 City wall, St George’s Street 123.292-3 clock/watchmakers 125.189, 195,196 coal 123.189 Cobden Place, The Borough 123.293-4, 124.366-7 Cranmer House, burials 122.103, 105 Dane John 121.72, 86 Danish invasion 121.128 Dean and Chapter of Christ Church 129.239 Diocesan Probate Records 126.138-40 Dover Street 128.211-12 excavations 125.31 Durovernum 129.289, 291 early medieval hearth 126.296 Eastbridge Hospital 124.121, 129.213 see below St Thomas’ 122. encroachments on land and roads 127.68 eyre 127.70 field systems 126.299, 302, 304 freedom 129.209-10 friary 129.236 gallows 125.32 on Gough map 130.388, 389, 390, 391, 392, 393 grain 128.115 Gravel Walk 124.365, 366 Greyfriars, watching brief 125.261 grog-tempered ware 121.176, 184, 185, 186 Guildhall Street, observations 125.260-1 Haute family 126.314-15, 316 hens and firewood 128.111 HM Prison, Longport 128.214-15 Hope Cottage, No. 240 Wincheap 124.368-9 Hospital Lane 123.294 excavation 125.262-3 Hospital of St Lawrence 129.369 hospitals 125.301, 302 hospitals and medieval benefaction and charity 122.237-58 House of Agnes, No.71 St Dunstan’s Street 128.215-16 human remains 129.367 hundred jurors 127.58 The Hoystings 123.Close 296-7 immigrants (strangers; Walloons) 122.80, 86, 95, 275, 279, 280-2, 285, 287 interpersonal violence in 122.30, 32, 33, 34, 39, 40, 42, 43 Iron Age 126.298, 129.366, 367 iron working 122.345 Ivy Lane 122.344-5 Jewry Lane 129.211 Kentish Rag 126.249 Kings School, St Augustine’s Abbey 130.356-7 30 King’s Street 127.322 Kingsmead Sports Stadium site 129.381 Late Saxon wall 128.215 liberties 127.68 London Gate 129.229 Longport conduit 130.356 20 Love Lane 127.323 Love Lane, watching brief 125.264 Market Way 122.343, 124.130, 126.298-300 Marlowe Car Park, ‘Belgic’ enclosure 122.409 masons 121.380 Maynard’s spital 123.20, 27, 28 medical men in diocese 126.135-69, 136 medieval 129.209, 366-9, 370, 130.69-71, 355, 356, 357 agricultural buildings and features 129.236, 367 building and features 126.296 features 124.366, 367, 368 palace of the archbishops 122.365 medieval/early post-medieval field systems 126.302 Meister Omers 128.150 Mercery Lane 129.210 Middle Saxon 129.366, 367 migrant beggars from 122.90 mills in environs 128.377 mint 128.60, 61, 67-71, 72, 73 motte-and-bailey, Dane John 129.235 murage grant 124.345, 357 Neolithic activity 126.298 flints 129.367 flintworking 127.323-4 New Dover Road 123.297 New Drapery 129.242 New Grange House, King’s School, St Augustine’s Abbey 127.322-3 Northgate 129.209 Northgate Garage 126.296-7 Nos 3-4 Oaten Hill 129.367-8 Old Dover Road 123.295-6, 130.355 investigations 125.30-1,32, 39, 264 oxen 128.113 8 Palace Street 127.321-2 20A-21A Palace Street 129.368 22 Palace Street 122.360 48 Palace Street 122.344 Parham Close, Sturry Road 129.370 peat formation 129.381 Peter of Dene’s lodgings 127.323 pigs sent to 128.109 pilgrim badges 129.210 pin manufacture, post-medieval 124.367 place name 129.286 Pleistocene 129.381
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