Regis University ePublications at Regis University Brown and Gold Archives and Special Collections 4-15-1935 1935 Brown and Gold Vol 17 No 13 April 15, 1935 Follow this and additional works at: https://epublications.regis.edu/brownandgold Part of the Catholic Studies Commons, and the Education Commons Recommended Citation "1935 Brown and Gold Vol 17 No 13 April 15, 1935" (1935). Brown and Gold. 97. https://epublications.regis.edu/brownandgold/97 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Archives and Special Collections at ePublications at Regis University. It has been accepted for inclusion in Brown and Gold by an authorized administrator of ePublications at Regis University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. -~VA Pleasant Attend Vacation To Holy Week All Of You GOirD Devotions Vol. XVII, No. 13 REGIS COLLEGE, DENVER, COLORADO April 15, 1935 JUBILEE PILGRIMAGE MADE BY STUDENT BODY Reading of Marks and Fr. Ifelley will May Crowning Attend Conven­ is Announced Fr. Kelley Leads Col· Talk by President Closes tion at Chicago for May12 legians in Observance A meeting of the members of the The May Day crowning of the Work of Third Quarter College faculty was held last Tues­ statue of the Blessed Virgin will day evening. President Father Kel­ take place this year on Sunday af­ of Spirtual Exercises ley was present at the proceediilgs. ternoon, May 12, on the Regis cam­ Much Comment Heard on Campus As Result The chief work of the meeting was pus. This annual event .is spon­ Of Verdicts Rendered by Exacting Profs a discussion of the report of the sored by the sodalities of the city, Conditions for Obtaining Special Indulgences National Catholic Educational As­ representatives from the colleges, sociation on the objective of the high schools, and hospitals, cooper­ Granted by His Holiness Are Fulfilled "There shall be weeping and tent manner in which Regis was American Catholic liberal arts col­ ating in the plans. The Rev. Wm. In Visits to Churches. gnashing of teeth." But is it not fullfilling the purpose of Jesuit ad­ lege. Father Kelley will present J. O'Shaughnessy, S.J., director of always so? The reading of the ucation. The individual bulletins the views of the Regis faculty at the Regis College sodality, has an­ The entire student body of the College, accompanied by quarter grades abets the fact. This· were distributed to the students af- the forthcoming convention of· the nounced that a poetry. contest will the Rev. Robert M. Kelley, S.J., president, and a number of N. C. E. A. to be held in Chicago be sponsored by the committee and momentous hi-semester occurrence ter the assembly. the faculty members, set out via automobile on Thursday, took place in the Regis Little The· ·Let us glance at a few of them April 24 and 25. Stevens Hotel will the winning poem will be read by atre, April 10. In order to spare -the good ones. be the headquarters for the conven­ its author as part of the crowning April 4, at one o'clock to make the jubilee year pilgrimage of the blushes of the inept, a depart· The class leaders: tion. ceremony. local churches. ure from the usual procedure of Seniors ................ Vincent Giacomini --------------------------------- The automob1les began lining up reading the grades of all was af· Juniors ............................ Mark Dunn in front of Carroll Hall about 12:30 fected. Only the grades of those Sophomores .................... John Brady April Snow Clears Air and Creates Magic Scene p.m. and exactly at one o'clock the who merited first or second honors Freshmen .......... Edw. · Wurtzebach cortege starts on its journey south· were read. It was thereby revealed Those who received first honors ward. About 35 cars were employed that the sophomore class conducted were: Evard W1ll, Bert Semler, to carry the load. The pilgrimage themselves most assiduously along Dan Higgin!!l, Joseph Walsh, Mar· took about two hours to complete. the channels of knowledge, having vin Milan, Frank Zarlengo, Rich­ The required prayers were recited obtained a higher class average rat­ ard Wack, Joseph Sharpe, Paul in each church under the leader· ing than any of the other classes. Mosher, Francis Doherty, William ship of Father Kelley. The four Hence tears and teeth were merci­ O'Me~ra, Robert McMahon, Robert churches visited were St. Cather­ fully spared among the sophomores. Lakas, Ralph Verdieck. ines, St. Elizabeths, the Cathedral, To say congratulations to th Those who merited second honors and St. Philomenas. successful ones is, of course, in or­ were: A. Andrew Hauk, Emmett FOUR CHURCHES der. Here it is best to repeat what Kilker, Richard McNamara, Frank VISITED Father Kelley had to say in this Egan, F rancis Broussard, Anthony connection, "Congratulations is the Capillupo, Linus Riordan, William The first of the churches des­ result of work; we are congratulat­ Covi, Perfecto Manuel, Eugeh \l Har­ ignated by His Excellency, the Most ed when we do well, but since we rahan, Jack Gibbons, Chas. Brittan, Rev. Urban J. Vehr, bishop of Den· are at school to receive an educa­ Lawrence Henry, Jerome Doherty, ver, was St. Catherine's, in which tion, why should we not do well? Alan Lutz, Chas. Byrne, Spalding parish Regis is located. Before the Hence we see that to be praised Payne, Edmund Verdieck, Ernest prayers were said, Father Kelley is to do the work required." Fr. Marranzino, Donald Maberry, Jo­ gave a short explanation of the pur­ Kelley very fittingly closed the cer­ seph Harrington, T. J. McMahon, pose of the tour. He said that the emony by describing the aim of E. Stauffer, Clifford Dailey, Louis occasion of the jubilee. was the an· Jesuit education. He told how the Porter, St. George Gordon, Jack niversary of the Redemption of system was derived and the compe- Mays, Joseph Truskol. man, nineteen hundred years hav· ing elapsed since the death of Our Lord on Calvary. St. Catherine's assist greatly in minimizing prom expenses. 1 Junior Prom Sodality Sponsors Meeting Dedi· ~.c.~.A. Plans ~!:rl:~g:~u:~:~t:f :~~ de~t:~d by Ergo, with the bids within every­ , Nearest Post­ body's reach (financial reach), with )cated to Mexl·can Questl·o.n Social & Dance toT:: p~~~;!::t~?:,r;:~::~~: !::~ a ride provided you by one of your ing been 'made to substitute this Lenten Event fellow classmates, smooth floor, For Ma y 18th instead of the assigned church of smooth band, smooth gal if you're --- Ithe Holy Ghost. The same pro- Plana Are Still Tentative­ discreet-why not a hundred per Talks and Papers Present Various Views of A springtime and May social will cedure was followed in St. Eliza­ Affair Will Be Formal cent attendance at the best dance the Outrages Perpetrated Against Re­ be held in the gymnasium Saturday beth's, the students devoutly kneel· of the year, the Junior Prom? ligion in Border Nation evening, May 18, according to the ing and answering the prayers As the fourth quarter of · the announced plans of the College Par- which Father Kelley said before school year is ushered in, with it The April 3rd assembly was turn- land below the Rio Grande. The ents' Association. Mr. J. J. Dryer the altar. With the completion of come many thoughts of a grand ed over to the Sodality and devoted speakers were Bert Semler, Marvin is head of the committee on ar- the services on the west side, the night in student life-thoughts of Brother Ben Is to threshing out the Mexican situ- Milan, Francis Broussard, Daniel rangements. The monthly Mass of- procession made for the Cathedral, the Junior Prom. This prom, which Higgins, Vince Giacomini, Jerome fered for the members of the asso- where the silence of the vast edi­ ation. Seven students addressed Doherty, and Joseph Walsh. The is to be held about the middle of Injured in Fall ciation will be omitted this month fice with its dizzy arches was brok· May, promises to be one of the the gathering, each one reviewing constructive side of the meeting since the usual day falls upon en by the combined entrance of most entertaining and successful of an article on the question which consisted in a discussion of ways Easter Sunday. the numerous collegians and by any prom ever given at Regis, if From Ladder had been published by the leading and means by which sodalists might their manly responses to the prayz Dame Rumor is to be relied upon. Catholic periodicals of the country. lodge a protest. ~upport of Sana­ era. The talks were selected and ar- tor Borah's resolution was deemed To this end the junior class held Regia lnfirmarian Suffers Se­ Dust Storm Is New SPLENDID MANIFES­ ranged with a view to giving a an effective means of expression of a meeting recently during which TATION OF FAITH vere Accident While at comprehensive survey of the relig- opposition to the inhuman. attitude many important prom factors were Phenomenon Leaving the Cathedral, the cara­ Work in Shrine ious situation in the southern re- of the leaders of the Mexican gov- discussed, all with the intent of van of approximately forty cars public. ernment, and it was decided to furnishing a better prom to Regis Relief from Colloidal Particles rolled east on Colfax to St. Philo­ Fall1ng from a ladder while at It was made plain that the Mex- seek aid in promoting the resolu­ students and within the reach of Is Offered by Recent Snowfall mena's church on Detroit street. work in the Shrine of the Blessed lean government has launched a tion by sending letters to the var­ every student.
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