~ '. I=· l:.) GrtAP hl CAL ,/ ·-··-··-·--~D HISTORICAL • ·!· i 1. •. Anthony Janz Van i.;c~tbrook, see Volume No. 1, Early Rocords, Albany, New York, pa~os 1, 2, and 3. 3. Johannes ~/cstbrook Sr. Kingston, New York and Nytsficld{".larwarsing) Ulster County, New.York. Ulster County, IJ.Y. Wills~ Libor 10, page 422. Dated January 25, 1725/6 and writ-yen in Dutch. My dear v;ife l.~agdal0nc shall remain in possession of my whole estate d\iring hor natural life. To my youngest son Dirck when he marries, a good horse a.nd rt cow, similar to what my other children h3.VC received. ~To my eldest son Anthony, three schillings in advance, as his right of primogeniture. To my youngest son after his mother's death, a good horse nnd a good ma:ro and a grazing cow. To my six children by name, Anthony, Johannes, Cornelius, Dirck, Sarc.h \'life of Cornelius Van Akon, c..nd Antic wi fo of J::10ob V'.1n Etten, my wllolo esta to. Each one of my six ;.: \ children sl'!~ll pay equally to the. 11 ttle son of my deccnsed d.~ 1.ir..;htcr, Ursulla, called Bcnjamin{Vcrnooy) (V~m Uoy) \'lif0 11.'ld sc~s Jl.nthony nnd Johannes appointed executors. .i ~ill witnessed by Jacob Hutson Jr~, Nicholns Roosa, ~ . ~:. J~n Hurdonb,.:;rgh ~nd ':!illinm Nottingham. Proved April 10, ~ ,' . 1?2?. Al::o sec Volumo 2, Anjou's wills of Ulster Co., page 112-11;:,. Also soc History of Ulster County, Now York, of nbout 800 p~gcs or thcrcnbouts, published about 1880-90. under Kingston or ~ilil twyck or Esopus. Our renders v1ill plan.so nptc that some of tho wi tnu, v .. r. ·;,·.:rs uhm of l'ro~ inuncc ).11 ·that pL1r~icult1.r. pui:iod:.. in"Ulst\;r Co. I believe Nottingham was tne county Clerk and Jan Hardenbergh was either owner or pP..rt owner of a po.tent of 2,000,000 ucrcs. ~ie wondcrod1 if this was coincidence or othorwisc. 10 ,000 • .f~thony \icstbrook, s:oo the following sketch t~~ken from. Church Life (D.R.C.,Port Jervis) of F~bruary 1892 · : as follows: .Jee - 2G, 1745, in the prosen,co of Dir ck \/es tbrook , Zldcr :::nd Cornelius ~/estbrook, Deacon (his broth-..:rs} of fuGnissinck, wns rccoivod by Certificate No. 44, Aeltjan :··· Van ZttGn, ::i fe of An tony ;/estbroeck • .A.el tj e Van .l:;tten was •· 1 ~ : born nt Hurley, Ulster County (j~st s.·. .:. from Kingston} and vv~s "t:ic d~ughtur of J~n Vnn .:Jtten and Jannctj c Roosa ~nd the er~nddaughtor of Jacob Jdnsen Van ~tten and Annetj c .Adr1e.nscn, who were the ~rogcni tors o!' thu Van :::;tt ; ~· F~Jnily (Seu 0hurch Life of Oct., l890). Mnr.26,1?45 rocoiv0d on c0nfcssion of f~ith in the prJsencc of the Elders of Menissinck-lJo. 45 .rl.ntony \!estbrodck. I I • 1 DH-~ ' ':'ht., n~.... mc of tlH~ 8.bt)V 0 mentioned person was moro generally wri ttcn J~nthony ~.Tcstbroeck. HG. was born in Kingston, l• bnptizcd there April l?, 1692 ~nd married Aeltj~n Van i Etten 1"1.pril 30, 1 ?14. With his family ho removed to Sussex County ~bout 1?30 and finally located on ~ farm no.~r Millville nov1 ovmod by Mr:s. Ann Shimer, of Port I Jarvis, Nmv York (now 1951 by her grnndson Lloyd ',lolls I of nor:i.r lduscr.tino, Iowc.) ~ He \~ns [\, Justice of the Peace ; (VrGdcrichtcr) 2..S onrly as 1?38(soc page 29 end 30_ of Sussex and ·.. ~arron County, N .J. History), church me.. stcr in 1?4? '1.nd :.:!ldCJr in 1?49. Anthony ·.;ostbroock's parents J v1crc Joh::tnnos ·.:ostbrocck born .n.t Albany ::.nd n residunt of Ulster County and hagdnl~nn Dqkkor(Dockcr) dnughtcr of J~n Broorson Decker (LioutGn~rit) ~nd Huiltjo Jacobs ( i some rocords s~y J.~el tje) of l~ingsto~ ...~nthony '.:cstbrocck' s t three broth... :rs \/ere J ohannos, '.Jirk nnd Cornelius, en.ch i locat~d in the Linisink country. (For sketch of John.nncs sec Church Life Sept. 1896.) ~ho children of Johannes ·.. ~cstbroock ~nd L~gd~lcne.. Dekker (m'.1rriod 168?) tho p~rcnts of .i:.nthony ~"!cstbroock, vrnre: Ossoltjc b.~.p. lJov. 6, 168? nnrricd Johf'.nnis-th0 r ...,st of this q_uotc~tion wns corrcctqd th~ f'ollm1ing vwck. HGyl tj c b~~p. Lny 2 5, 1690 marri cd :.Jloch Vre\jl·'1.nd, °' n~tiv0 of Jo~Junipnw, N.J. May 30, 1?18 • .. ·~ntoni b~.p ....pril l?, 1692 mo.rri0d ./~oltjcn Vr~n Ettun of Hurley .:~:n·il !'.:iO, 1?14 and i-s the subject of' this sketch .. S~n1', b~p. June 10, 1694 married Cornelius Van ~ken of Kingston, ~.pril ;.so, 1 ?14. Joh"'nnos 1::.p. July 19, 1696 died in infru10y. Joh~nnes b~p. Jan. 9, 1698 ma~fied ~ntjen RoosQ of Hurley , Dec. 19, 1?15. They removed to Sussex County, New Jersey a.bout 1?30 "1nd owned a farm in whnt is nov1 S·~ndyston(sec Church Life Sept. 1890) • .:~n te (l.n tj en) bap. July ~8, 1 ?00 m~rried Jacob v:-~n Etten of Rochester April 22, 1?19 {See Church Life Oct. 1890 for genealogy) Cornelis b~p. Mn.r. 14, 1703 married .i:i.nnetjc Roosa April 10, 1?24. They early removed to Menissinck and unitod with the Churc~ there ~pril 11 1 1?45. Derick bc-..p. Dec. 15, 1?06 married Jcnneke Van Keuren. They removed to the menissinck country ~bout 1?30. His 1 ,· . son Tjcrck · Vfl.n Keuren .!cstbrocck wns the found or of · _, / ~estbrookvilld (sec Ghurch Li~a-Oct. 1890.) The children of .ti.nthony ·.. ~estbrocck :md ii.el tjen Vnn } Etten were: Joh~nncs ·born at l~tsfield, Ulster Go. baptized Feb. 24, l ?l? m~.rried M~gd~lenn. •;festbrook l·.i~r. ~l, 1 ?38, I I ' j both rcsidint; fl.t Mcnissinck 1 she was born n t Hurley. !.. .J·a.mE:.tj0 t0r:..1 . o. t ~ .1o"1· Lne.i.. \ ~Ja rbletown) Jo.n .. 10, 1?20 ~a~ri~d Simon(Westfall) Westfael of Smithsfield~ Pa. Ap:-il l?,. 1743 (See Church Life May-June 1891) .. J acob bcrn at Guilsford, Ulster. County ba_ptL.. od July l, l, 1722 and residing at Menissinck married Lydia \··testfall born in Dutchess County and .residing at Shippekonk ( ~1.iontague N.J .) April 11, 1?46. He ·was a large land owner in Sussex County arid his residence of _stone was used as a .. Fort during the Revolution. One of their sons, Solomon born 1762 married Margriet -Dewit-t Sept. 24, 1782 and settled in Delaware. Township, Pilce l.lounty·, Pa. Of the children of Solomon '.'/.estbrook and ~;ia rgriet Dewitt, Jacob born Jan. 30, 1786 was the father of John I.:. \Jestbrook and -Hyman ':iestbroo of Port Jervis. · Johannis born Jan. 9,. 178~ was the father of Mrs .. Dr. Em.cr·son of M ilford~ Pennsy:J_vania, and Solomon born ·Feb. 9, 1791 was the father of John C. V/estbrook of Mil~ord, Pa., the present (1892) Prothono~ary of Pike County, Pa. ~hus the last named persons are of the sixth generation from the Kingston progenitors of the family, Johannes :.!estbrook and Wagdalena Decker. · Lena born at Neshotack (now Guilford, Ulster Co.) bap. Oct. 15, 1727 married Abram Chambers (Shimer) Maroh 3, 1749. He was born at ·skippaok near Philadelphia and both resided at Menissinck .. The late Abram ·Shimer of Port J ervis," i'las ·the gr eat grandson of Abram Chambers {or Shimer as it. r1as generally wri ttcn) and Len.a ·, .r estbroeck. Gideon bap. July 4, 1733 born and raised at · Menissinck, married Jannetje Kctcr of Marbletown, Nov. 1, 1755., ·. Antonie born and raised at lvie nissinck bap .. May 19, 1736 me.rrie:.d Susanna Kittle Aug .. 5, 1757. She was born / at·warwarsing and r esided a t Monissinck. This compl et es thG sketch from Church Life. Minisink In 1933, Nov . lst, the County of Orange, .New York State celebrated tho 250th annivcrsary ·of the founding, which ocourrecl on that dat e back in :}..683. At that time I was selected by the h!icldl otown Historical Society to give a 7 minute adclr~ ss b0forc the gathering in · the Presbyterian Churchv Goshen, N.Y. The topio assigned to mo was~ '~inisink, Then (Nov~ l, 1683 and Now (Nov. 1, 193 ~ ) Fortunately, I kept a copy of that address, which was as follows: I would first direct your. attention to the Book of Psalms, tho 48th chapter and the 12th and 13th versos. wherein arc found thos e words: "Walk about Zion, and g o round a bout her; tell the I I l .·. ! ':: ... iI .. ..... I . .. : ...- . ~ 1' BH- 4 towers thorco.f. Mark ye woii her bulwarks, cons id or . .. I he~ palaces; that ye may toll it to the generation ·, j • . ? following." . :. .. I It Ywuld st3om from th0se words, that many centuries .. ) ago,_ people were inturcst0d:as are we, ~n passing on to succeeding gonorations some information about the things and the peoples that have already proce~dcd. th·cm. The topio assignGd mo by your committee on th~s. , :.• ...;- 250th annivc.rsary, is, "Minisink,. Thon and Now"- 'Ih1s • •• • I topic is particul~rly plea.sing to me, in as much as . ·.·. i my own ancestor, Lcur Jaoobsen Van Kuykendall and his :· :' '. ; wifo Grietzc .t~crtze Tack lived in the Minisink region .
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