ACWA POWER ELECTRICITY OPERATION AND MANAGEMENT INDUSTRY AND TRADE CO. AACCWWAA PPOOWWEERR KKIIRRIIKKKKAALLEE NNAATTUURRAALL GGAASS CCOOMMBBIINNEEDD CCYYCCLLEE PPOOWWEERR PPLLAANNTT PPRROOJJEECCTT NNOONNTTEECCHHNNIICCAALL SSUUMMMMAARRYY MMGGSS PPRROOJJEECCTT CCOONNSSUULLTTAANNCCYY EENNGGIIINNEEEERRIIINNGG TTRRAADDEE CCOO... ANKARA – JUNE/2014 PROJECT NAME ACWA POWER KIRIKKALE NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT AND OVERHEAD TRANSMISSION LINE PROJECT PROJECT LOCATION Kırıkkale Province, Yahşihan County, Kılıçlar Municipality PROJECT OWNER ACWA POWER ELECTRICITY OPERATION AND MANAGEMENT INC. CO. ADDRESS : Teşvikiye Cad. Teşvikiye Palas No:23-2 Nişantaşı 34365 İstanbul/TURKİYE TEL / FAX : +90 212 259 33 96 / +90 212 259 33 97 COMPANY PREPARED NONTECHNICAL SUMMARY MGS PROJECT CONSULTANCY ENGINEERING TRADE CO. ADDRESS : Şehit Cevdet Özdemir Mah. Öveçler 4. Cad, 1351. (Eski 203.) Sk. No:1/7, 06460 Çankaya Ankara / TURKEY TEL / FAX : +90 312 479 84 00 / +90 312 479 84 99 NONTECHNICAL SUMMARY DATE / REVISION 26.06.2014 / 01 This report has been prepared as part of public disclosure on Stakeholder Engagement requirements of EBRD, IFC and KEXIM. The report is not available for any other purposes and all rights are reserved. This English report is a translated version of the Turkish report. In case of contradiction or discrepancy the Turkish version will prevail. I TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Name Page No SECTION I: INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................1 SECTION II. PROJECT DESCRIPTION ...................................................................................3 SECTION III: PROJECT AREA AND IMPACT AREA EXISTING ENVIRONMENTAL CHARACTERISTICS ..............................................................................................................16 SECTION IV: IMPORTANT ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS OF THE PROJECT AND MITIGATION MEASURES ......................................................................................................22 I INDEX OF TABLES Table No Page No Table 1. Main and Auxiliary Units of the Plant ....................................................................4 Table 2. 2010 - 2011 Electricity Generation in Turkey ........................................................8 Table 3. 2010-2011 Distribution of Turkey's Electricity Generation by Primary Energy Sources .............................................................................................................................8 Table 4. Estimated Quantities of Energy Demand (GWh) ................................................10 Table 5. Residential Area Centers In the Vicinity of Project Area .....................................13 Table 6. Electricity Consumption Rates per Capita (KWh)) ..............................................14 Table 7. Distribution of Urban and Rural Population (2012) ............................................16 Table 8. Migration Statistics (2012) ..................................................................................16 Table 9. Average Household Population (2012) ...............................................................16 Table 10. Agricultural Land Distribution of Kırıkkale Province Districts .............................19 Table 11. The Flow Rates of Important Rivers and Areas in Kırıkkale Province ...............20 Table 12. The Mitigation and Monitoring Program of Construction Phase ........................30 Table 13. The Mitigation and Monitoring Program of Operational Phase..........................33 Table 14. The Mitigation and Monitoring Program of the Decommissioning Phase ..........36 INDEX OF FIGURES Figure No Page No Figure 1. Map Showing Expected Natural Gas Pipeline Route ...........................................4 Figure 2. Plant Production Process Flow Diagram .............................................................6 Figure 3. Water Mass Diagram ..........................................................................................7 Figure 4. 2010-2011 Distribution of Turkey's Electricity Generation by Primary Energy Sources .............................................................................................................................9 Figure 5. Site Location Map .............................................................................................11 Figure 6. Project Area Satellite İmage ..............................................................................12 Figure 7. Overhead Transmission Line Route ..................................................................12 Figure 8. Project Area Satellite İmage ..............................................................................13 Figure 9. Davis’s Squaring System ..................................................................................17 Figure 10. Seismic Zone Map of Kırıkkale Province .........................................................18 Figure 11. Old and New Areas of the Project ...................................................................22 II ABBREVIATIONS EBRD European Bank for Reconstruction and Development EIA Environmental Impact Assessment EU European Union GWh Gigawatt hour IFC International Finance Corporation KEXIM Korean Exim Bank kV Kilovolt MWe Megawatt Electrical MWm Megawatt Mechanical MWt Megawatt Thermal NGCCPP Natural Gas Combined Cycle Power Plant NTS Non-technical Summary III ACWA POWER KIRIKKALE NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT PROJECT NON-TECHNICAL SUMMARY SECTION I: INTRODUCTION Within the scope of the project, the Natural Gas Combined Cycle Power Plant, having an installed power of 927.4 MWe / 960 MWm / 1,663 MWt, is planned by ACWA Power Electricity Operation and Management Industry and Trade Co. at 1/25,000 scaled Kırşehir I30-b2 within the boundary of Kılıçlar Municipality of Yahşihan District in Kırıkkale Province. The necessary applications have already been filed to the Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EMRA) in order to obtain the Licenses to establish a Natural Gas Power Plant and to generate electricity within the scope of the project. The power plant configuration (2 gas turbines and 1 steam turbine) have been proposed within the project scope and the power output from each turbine is 309.6 MWt. The turbine thermal power conversion efficiency is calculated by taking the value of 37.23%. The approximate thermal output power of gas turbine is calculated as (309.6x2)/0.3723 = 1663 MWt and steam turbine as 328 MW. The Combined Cycle Plant’s efficiency is around 58.6% at reference site conditions. A ready-mix concrete plant with a capacity of 100 m3/hour is foreseen within the scope of the project to be used at the construction phase. The aggregate material which is required for production of the ready-mix concrete will be purchased from the market as pre-prepared. The ready-mix concrete plant will be shut down following completion of the construction phase.. The ESIA was commissioned by ACWA Power Electricity Operation and Management Industry and Trade Co. and undertaken by MGS Project Consultancy Engineering Trade Limited Company. The international investment banks involved in the financing of the project will require compliance with the following standards: The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) Performance Requirements for Environmental and Social Standards, International Finance Corporation (IFC) Performance Standards on Social and Environmental Sustainability Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Standards of World Bank, Environmental and Social Principles and Standards of European Investment Bank, Equator Principles Korea Eximbank Common Approaches International Environmental Treaties and Conventions adopted by Turkey The Project also needs to be in compliance with Turkish Republic environmental and social legislation. For this, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Report was prepared according to Turkish Legislations. EIA process started by MGS Project Consultancy Engineering Trade Limited Company on 05.04.2013 by submitting EIA Application File to the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization. Moreover, since EBRD is one of the banks funding the Project and Turkey is a candidate country for entry to the European Union, the project must comply with EU Directives relating to environmental and social standards. 1 ACWA POWER KIRIKKALE NATURAL GAS COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANT PROJECT NON-TECHNICAL SUMMARY Evaluation of NGCCPP Project was carried out in accordance with the aforementioned guidelines and procedures. In the evaluation process, a systematic procedure was implemented including; physical, natural, cultural, social and socioeconomic impacts of the Project, mitigation measures, improvements and compensation of negative impacts and provision of positive benefits. A Non-Technical Summary (NTS) describing the Project and a Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP) has been prepared for this project as per EBRD/IFC requirements. An Environmental and Social Action Management and Monitoring Plan (ESAMMP) has been prepared to describe the mitigation and monitoring measures necessary for this project. This plan includes relevant mitigations required during construction, operation and decommissioning to ensure compliance with both Turkish and International standards. The NTS report should be read in conjunction with the related SEP, ESIA and ESAMP documents. This project has been evaluated within the scope of the following annexes of the Regulation on the Environmental Impact Assessment, which became effective upon
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