1Happy 197 USMC Brandt Pleased with New Treaty BONN, .ERMANY (AP)--For Germany "the Cold War is at an end." Chancellor Willy Brandt said yesterday as he launched the closing phase of a tough re- election battle. Brandt, 'inner of the 1971 Nobel Peace Prize, praised the new treaty with Communist East Germany as indispensable for seeking "a new era of secure peace." He noted that President Nixon had U.S. NAVAL proclaimed this same goal in his vic- BASE tory speech this week. Brandt said UANTANAMO BAY, CUBA Germany would play an important role in pursuing that goal. Under the West German-.ast German treaty, initialed in Bonn on Wednes- day, 11 days before the election, the rival German regimes at last normal- ize their relations. They will pre- pare for United Nations membership and provide humanitarian steps such as more visits across the order di- viding them. "For the first time," Brandt told a news conference, "millions of peo- ple on both sides of the border will obtain those benefits for which we BRANDT wrestled so long." Friday, Novemoer 10, i972 (PLEASE SEE GERMANY PAGE 2) Continue to Help Nixon to Reshape Cabinet KEY BISCAYNE, FLA. (AP)--As the first of hundreds of standby resignations reached his desk, President Nixon worked yesterday on his Executive Branch Shape-Up Gitmo shakeup. Press Secretary Ronald L. -iegler said Nixon conferred with key aides at his bayfront compound and spent some time alone "thinking through in a more intensive way than he has before" the methods of reshaping his second ad- WATER CRISIS: ministration. his re-election, instruct- Figures for Thursday Nov. 9 Within hours after Nixon ed all his appointees to turn in pro-forma resignat- ions. Offers to resign traditionally follow a Pres- WATER PRODUCED: 1,95,00 ident's re-election, but seldom if ever has tradit- ion been underscored by a White House announcement of WATER CONSUMED: 1,535,000 the fact. Ziegler said Nixon's instructions apply also to off- WATER GAIN: 60,000 icials appointed by department heads of Cabinet members. There are hundreds, perhaps several thousand of such :ATER IN STORAGE: 17,497,000 political appointees. "Its very extensive, there's no question about that," (PLLASE SEE NIXON PAGE 2) NIXON Page 2--LATE NEWS ROUNDUP Guantanamo Gazette Friday, November 10, 1972 U ~ GERMANY. from page one GAZETTEER P Among the first beneficiaries are 308 East German children who will soon be allowed to rejoin parents who .a digest of late news fled to West Germany, the Chancel lor said. Clearly seeking to make the tre aty a winning election issue, Brandt hinted he might go to East Germany later to sign it if the voters re-elect him a week from Sun- day. The powerful Christian Democratic opposition avoided CHARLESTON, S.C. (AP)--The Mine Warfare Force declin- much comment on the terms of Brandt's treaty but accuse- ed comment yesterday on an unconfirmed report that him of having rushed to conclude it with Comomunists in minesweeping helicopters have been sent to demine the time for the election. They also noted that the Berlin harbors of North Vietnam. A Navy spokesman said the Wall still stands. helicopters are not at the Naval base in Charleston nor Rainer Barzel, Brandt's election opponent, was believ- would he say where they are. ed anxious to play down aspects of the treaty favorable to Brandt. Observers said Brazel wants to refocus the MEXICO CITY (AP)--A relief jet airliner yesterday voters' attention instead on Brandt's weak spot-infla- brought back from Cuba 82 persons, including two U.S. tion. consular officers, taken there by four unidentifed hi- jackers. The original 727 jet which was commandeered at Barzel has said he might renegotiate treaty terms if gunpoint Wednesday at Monterrey in Northern Mexico, re- necessary. mained at the Havana Air Field with a relief crew and mechanics to repair an oil leak. NIXON- from page one BELFAST (AP)--A 13-year-old Protestant girl was found dumped in a Belfast street yesterday. She had been beat- the press secretary said. en and her head shaved. The girl was taken to hospital. The President wanted to "clear the slate" so he could The Army said it was investigating the case. Troops be- have "a free hand to form his second term (administra- lieve the girl was attacked because she was seen talk- tion) through appointment and reappointment," Ziegler ing to a military patrol in the nearby new lodge area, said. a mixed Roman Catholic and Protestant district. The first of the letters of resignation already have reached Nixon's desk, but the spokesman said "the Pres- TEL AVIV (AP)--About 30,000 Jews from the Soviet ident has made no decision on who will stay and who Union will immigrate to Israel in 1972, Minister of will leave." Absorption Nathan Peled predicted yesterday. Soviet immigration is running 50 per cent higher than earlier He said the process of drafting reorganization plans predictions, he told airport newsmen prior to his de- will continue through late November and early December parture on an Israeli bonds tour to Europe. with meetings with individual cabinet members. Nixon will renew his proposals for Congressional TEL AVIV (AP)--Israeli warplanes swept across the action to reshape cabinet agencies by merging some op- Syrian frontier twice yesterday, downed two Syrian jet erations, but there are indications he also may attempt fighters, destroyed a Soviet SAM Antiaircraft missile to use executive orders to accomplish some of the changes battery and bombed artillery concentrations, the mili- he previously asked Congress to make. tary command said. The Israelis said all their planes Ziegler confirmed that the President asked for and returned safely but Syrian communiques over Damascus received a special study by the Office of Management Radio claimed four Israeli planes were shot down. A sen- and Budget on the extent of his executive powers to re- ior officer of the Israeli general staff described the organize the government. fighting as some of the heaviest on the Syrian border He would not disclose the report's findings, nor talk in more than two years. specifically about the shape of the coming shakeup. Stateside Temperatures oclFoast Local Forecast tear Afm. ao. -uddin aptatinZ Alford cnder cading officer Mostly clear with scattered J B.d Erfs shower activity in the late Chief Potty Officer in carg Chicago cloudy 44 afternoon and early evening. JO Vin. )lic. Editor J0 Hoad Semith .Asitt Editor Denver rain 60 Visibility unrestricted, M2 Joh NhiM. f. d.utin Editor YNN "Cookie" Suchy. .Beeline Editor Little Rock rain 65 Winds Nortrly 4 knots turning Los Angeles fair 72 SoEstrly 10 to 12 knots with gusts of 18 in P.M. ohficia o aosflecims the iemif of nohege oreo e Miami fair 88 Bay 1-3Ft. poartCetiEw. i i Eniew foer dthe a wik 't Wavy. oopat. " bteonet oooieee. no eflaiom oo otot-. New Orleans partly cloudy 67 High today 88 Low tonight 73 Eats its me. ape.e, h.f t. mt not ostemi High 0=1cio o. - "" thlootttC.ot CE Cm.ets or ft. - San Francisco rain 59 tides 1247 & 2337 tata CEfittavy Seattle rain 52 Low tides 0503 & 1823 St. Louis cloudy 46 li Friday, ,ovember 10, 1972 Guantanamo Gazette LOCAL NEWS--Page 3 LOCAL BRIEFS A Thought for the Week Cpo pool By CHAPLAIN 11AX A. ELLER, :dr., USN :n a recent magazine a very touching picture was pointed out to me The CPO pool will he closed until by my young daughter. It was a wet, 1roopy, little kitten with a large further notice due to repairs. rock tied around its neck. The kitten had just been fished from a stream by a concerned person *bake sale after it had been cast there to drown by an unwanting, incaring owner. The Catholic Women of the Chapel To be cast off and abandoned is the ultimate condition of aloneness. will sponsor a bake sale Sunday from To be rescued and brought into a caring relationship is the ultimate 10:30 a.m. until all bake goods are condition of hope and joy. One is the antitheses of the other. sold. the "Bake Shop" located on The experience of the kitten is not too different from what we have, the Chapel patio will feature many at one time or another, -xperienced while in a state of alienation hard to get pastries as well as with friends, "amily or people in general. To be abandoned and alone cakes, cookies, etc. Proceeds will in the world is acutely painful. go to the mission in Haiti. But God does not forsake humanity in these lonely, painful exper- *exchange iences. From infancy through old age man is plagued with the fear of garage being aoaudoned . of being left alone and apart from the intimate, per- The Navy Exchange Garage Auto Parts sonal relationships that are meaningful. 'Ian is born for relationships. Store is now open on Saturdays from lie cannot long tolerate the despair of aloneness. He likes to be loved, noon until 3 p.:n. for your conven- cared for, understood and accepted. ience. On a human level friends, :; wife or husband, children and parents hopefully provide such intimate trusting relationships. *my three angels On a divine level God provides this loving relationship. lie is in- "My Three Angels" will be present- escapably present. His love is constant and unchanging. ed by the Guantanamo Bay Little Man may lose his friends, death may separate him from his family, but Theatre on Nov. 24,25 26 and Dec.
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