MPs deliver Pain Meds farM coMPlaints for cattle to railways elusive » Page 9 » Page 15 February 20, 2014 Srne Vi G manitoba FarmerS Since 1925 | Vol. 72, no. 8 | $1.75 manitobacooperator.ca Railways cut producer car sites v igilance needed CP Rail says the points it dropped weren’t being used, but KAP more than ever now says farmers need more options, not less By Allan Dawson co-operator staff that Ped in province he railways recently cut While industry and provincial officials work to keep it contained, 19 producer car loading investigations continue into the source of the spread Tsites across the West even though farmers are using pro- ducer cars more than ever as By Shannon VanRaes, they struggle to get a record Daniel Winters and Dave Bedard crop to market. co-operator staff “If anything we need more producer car sites, not hile provincial and less,” Keystone Agricultural i n d u s t r y o f f i c i a l s W worked to contain s ee RAILWAYS on page 6 » Manitoba’s first case of por- cine epidemic diarrhea (PEDv) this week, attention shifted to a pig plasma feed ingre- dient as a possible source of transmission. Landmark Feeds, which is owned by Nutreco, issued a statement late last week saying a plasma-based feed additive for newborn piglets is suspected as a possible source in the Ontario outbreak, which has now spread to 16 farms. The outbreak on at least 10 of those farms has been linked to a single feed source, which included spray-dried porcine- origin plasma ingredients. “This concern was raised as a way of explaining how mul- tiple farms without close geo- graphic or other epidemiologi- cal connections could become Glen Duizer confirms the presence of the PED virus in Manitoba. Photo: shannon Vanraes s ee PED on page 7 » Publication Mail Agreement 40069240 NOTHING HITS HARDER. OR LASTS LONGER. PrePassTM delivers SoilActiveTM control for 21 days, guaranteed. Download the 2014 It provides superior pre-seed control of winter annual and Field Guide App from broadleaf weeds. Plus a 30 minute rainfast guarantee. Call the iPhone App Store 1.800.667.3852 or visit cerealsolutions.ca. or at Google Play. ® TM Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow. 01/143577501B MC 2 The Manitoba Co-operator | February 20, 2014 INE SiD Di D you know? L iVESToCk Olympic gold dream Giving TB the boot funded one cow at a time The man co-ordinating s nowboarding-cowgirl champion stands out from the herd eradication efforts hopes to make his job 12 b y Philip o’connor obsolete R oSa kHUToR, RUSSia / ReUTeRS he only thing more sur- prising than American CRoPS T Kaitlyn Farrington win- ning half-pipe gold at the Sochi Olympics Feb. 12 is the story of how her early career was The four Rs funded — by selling the family’s livestock. of nutrients Snowboarders like Shaun Right source, time, White can command millions rate and place can keep of dollars in endorsements, but farmers in charge 17 the woman from Sunny Valley, Idaho had to make do with more modest means when she set out on the path to Olympic gold. Kaitlyn Farrington of the U.S. grabs her snowboard on her way to As her stature as a snow- FEATuRE boarder grew, the only way for winning the women’s snowboard half-pipe finals at the 2014 Sochi her family to fund her burgeon- Winter Olympic Games. PHoTo: ReUTeRS/LUcaS JackSon ing career was to sell off the cat- Dispelling tle on their ranch, one at a time. A surprise winner ahead of and finished the 2011-12 sea- “When I started competing Australia’s defending cham- son with her wrist in a protec- spraying myths in bigger events, my dad had pion Torah Bright and com- tive cast following a fracture. to sell his cows just to get me to patriot Kelly Clark, who won A year later, she broke her The top 10 things to those bigger events across the gold in 2002 and bronze in thumb so badly in a train- think through before 22 country,” the 24-year-old told a 2010, Farrington told report- ing run fall in Quebec that you head to the field news conference. ers that her background as a she required surgery to insert “I think the cattle sales were cowgirl helped her become pins. She was back riding the Wednesday, so before I’d go to an Olympic champion. following day. school, I’d help my dad load a Farrington had to come “Growing up on a ranch cow up into the trailer, maybe through both rounds of made me the person I am CRoSSRoADS two, and he’d take them to the qualifying before reaching today,” she said. “It definitely cattle sale and auction them off. the final, but that was by no made me a tough girl. As my “My parents have been back- means the first obstacle she parents have been saying this ing me from Day 1, and I’m sure had faced in her career. whole journey, ‘just cowgirl Municipal they do not miss those cows She suffered several knee up.’ That’s kind of what I’ve amalgamations today.” injuries in her teenage years, gotta do.” Some mergers aren’t even close to the 1,000 population threshold 28 READER’S PHOTO Editorials 4 Grain Markets 11 Comments 5 Weather Vane 16 What’s Up 8 Classifieds 42 Livestock Markets 10 Sudoku 46 ONn Li E Visit www.manitobacooperator.ca for daily news and features and our digital edition. (Click on “Digital Edition” in the top right corner.) At our sister site, AGCanada.com, you can use the “Search the AGCanada.com Network” function at top right to find recent Co-operator articles. Select “Manitoba Co-operator” in the pull-down menu when running your search. PHoTo: shayLa ricaRD www.manitobacooperator.ca Publisher Lynda Tityk NEtf Ws s Af Reporters A dVertising serVices SUBSCRI Ption serVices [email protected] Allan dawson Toll-Free 1-800-782-0794 204-944-5755 c alassified dvertising: [email protected] Monday to Friday: 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. U.S. Subscribers call: 1-204-944-5568 AssociAte Publisher/ 204-435-2392 Phone (204) 954-1415 e-mail: [email protected] editoriAl director John Morriss shannon Vanraes Toll-free 1-800-782-0794 Subscription rates (GST Registration #85161 6185 RT0001) Fo R ManiToBa FaRMeRS Since 1927 [email protected] [email protected] AdVertising co-ordinAtor Canada 204-944-5754 204-954-1413 1666 Dublin avenue arlene Bomback 12 months – $58.00 (incl. GST) Winnipeg,B M R3H 0H1 editor Laura Rance 24 months – $99.00 (incl. GST) lorraine stevenson [email protected] Tel: 204-944-5767 Fax: 204-954-1422 [email protected] 36 months – $124.00 (incl. GST) [email protected] 204-944-5765 www.manitobacooperator.ca 204-792-4382 204-745-3424 USA nAtionAl AdVertising MAnAging editor Dave Bedard daniel Winters 12 months – $150.00 (US funds) [email protected] James Shaw Member, canadian circulation audit Board, [email protected] [email protected] Publications Mail agreement #40069240 iSSn 0025-2239 Member, canadian Farm Press association, 204-944-5762 204-720-8120 416-231-1812 Member, canadian agri-Marketing association director of sAles & circulAtion Lynda Tityk [email protected] retAil AdVertising We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of 204-944-5755 Terry McGarry canada through the canada Periodical Fund of the Department of P resident Bob Willcox [email protected] canadian Heritage for our publishing activities. canadian Postmaster: Production director Shawna Gibson TM Glacier FarmMedia 204-981-3730 Return undeliverable canadian addresses (covers only) to: [email protected] CANOLA INK [email protected] c irculation Dept., 1666 Dublin ave., Winnipeg, MB. R3H 0H1 204-944-5763 204-944-5751 The Manitoba Co-operator | February 20, 2014 3 Some freight iS moving Blowing snow was heavy enough to block out daylight and cause havoc in the Central Plains Region, but poor weather didn’t slow down this train, travelling near Elie. Photo: shannon Vanraes NEWS Manitoba joins the livestock Manitoba Beef Producers announces new price insurance club general manager New livestock price insurance program will run as a pilot program for four years, S TAFF / Melinda German then be assessed for effectiveness has been appointed gen- eral manager of Manitoba By Shannon VanRaes they’ll have themselves covered Beef Producers effective co-operator staff with the insurance,” said Heinz “Most (producers) are very happy that there is March 3. Reimer, president of Manitoba G e r m a n c o m e s t o n a move that surprised no Beef Producers. “Once the fed- going to be an insurance program, right now MBP after serving as the one, the provincial govern- eral announcement was made cattle prices are strong, but if something crazy director of the Livestock I ment formally announced that the program was a western happens down the road, hopefully they’ll have Knowledge Centre for Manitoba will take part in thing, we were pretty positive themselves covered with the insurance.” Manitoba Agriculture, Food the newly created Western that it was going to come across and Rural Development. Livestock Price Insurance here... but it’s good to hear it.” She holds a master of sci- Program last week. The insurance program was HEINz REIMER ence from the University of The province’s intention to first announced in Alberta, Saskatchewan, specializing create a livestock insurance Saskatchewan and British in beef animal nutrition, program for hog and beef pro- Columbia in mid-January, a price insurance program fol- istrative centre for the pro- grazing and pasture man- ducers was outlined in last Manitoba had to wait for two lowing the BSE crisis in 2003.
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