BrevardBrevard BusinessBusiness BBNBBN NewsNews Vol.Vol. 3920 No. 111 MarchJanuary 15, 2021 7, 2002 $1.00 A Weekly Space$1.00 Coast Business Magazine with PublishingA Weekly Roots Space in Coast America Publication since 1839 BrevardNew Clerk of Job Court Link Rachel key Sadoff brings in–depth experience to her job resourceBy Ken Datzman connecting Based on job experience, county knowledge, the ability to communicate with the public and her de- firmscades–long involvement and with the office, job Rachel Sadoff seekers seems a perfect fit as the new Brevard Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller. access to America’s Job Bank and other By KenOne Datzmanof the most important public servantemployment positions Web sites, videos, career in the county, the Clerk of the Circuit Courtguidebooks performs a and an in–depth collection of wideThe range visibility of recordkeeping, of the Brevard information Job Link management,periodicals, including “The Wall Street gotand a bigfinancial boost inmanagement 2001. for the judicial systemJournal.” and countyThe continuing government. contraction in the The centers also have computers economy,The duties although of Sadoff’s a rebound office is expectedbroadly affectequipped the rights with word–processing software, inand 2002, the focusedproperty a muchof county brighter citizens. light on fax machines, copiers, laser printers, and the importanceThe Clerk and of the Comptroller organization is generally and vestedtelephones with with long–distance access. A itsa largemission number in the ofcounty. administrative responsibilities.videoconference system is available, TheAn electedfour full–service, public trustee, one–stop Sadoff career is not onlywhich the may be used for conducting centersClerk of in the Brevard Circuit — Court, from Palmbut she Bay is to also theinterviews. county Titusvilletreasurer, — recorder, handled auditor,significantl financey officer, andEmployers, ex– said South, can provide increasedofficio clerk traffic, of the even Brevard catering County to peopl Commission.e the Job Link with its openings free of who“I have serve never everybody had a needin this to county,” tap this said Sadoff,charge who either online, by fax or phone, resourceoversees before. a workforce of 275 people and multiplevisit oneoffices, of the centers “or they can ask including“It’s been in aTitusville, great year Melbourne, in that we have and Viera.for “This a representative to come and see beenoffice able touches to get all services residents out toin peoplsome eway, andthem that’s at their place of business. We important to me.” quicker and more efficiently than ever would like to see every single job order in “In this position, you are asking the community to before,”put their said faith Linda in you, South, to supportexecutive you, and toBrevard vote for County to be in the Job Link directoryou. They of theexpect organization. to get their She money’s added, worth. “I system, With me so asthat we can rapidly match thinktheir aClerk, lot more like people my predecessor, have come Scott to Ellis,skill they sets. are And if we don’t have the match understandgoing to get themore value than of their the rich money’s re- worth,”we’ll she use added. the information to create sourcesThe Jointthat are Select available Committee in the Brevardon Judicial Personneleducation of and training opportunities that Jobthe Link Florida centers, Legislature not only calculated from a job– that the Clerkare responsive and to the need.” seeker’sComptroller’s standpoint Office but performs also from more the than 900 differentBrevard Job Link is funded through employer’sconstitutional standpoint. and statutory” functions and duties.the Brevard Development Workforce BBN photo — Adrienne B. Roth TheseThis number information–packed does not include centers the responsibilitiesBoard Inc. in Rockledge. It also has been The four full–service one–stop career centers of Brevard Job Link are seeing increased traffic. Linda South, required by court rule and administrative order. The offer a variety of services to job seekers, successful in winning competitive grants executive director, said her organization is a rich resource for both the job seeker as well as the employer. businessesnumber of andtasks the continues unemployed. to grow For with changes in Michael Anderson is associate director. They are at the Melbourne site in Perimeter Center. instance,legislation, there regulations, are job referrals, and reporting Internet requirements.Please see Brevard Job Link, page 18 BBN photo — Adrienne B. Roth “One of the things Rachel is committed to is leverag- Rachel Sadoff is the first female Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller in Brevard’s 167–year history. She previously managed the ing the resources we have in the best way to serve the Clerk of Circuit Court’s Viera office. Sadoff has had a long career with the Clerk of the Circuit Court. She started working for that public,” said Tyler Winik, director of organizational organization in 1997, as the traveling clerk for injunctions. Her office plans to make greater use of social media, will be launching a Whatdevelopment theand public Social affairs for the Clerk Security of the newsletter forplan the public, and would will be conducting mean seminars on timelyto topics you for the community, among other initiatives to keep the public Circuit Clerk. Nothing will happeninformedimmediately about the Clerk of the CircuitThe Court. 16–member She is at panelthe Viera unanimousl office. y By MaryThe ClerkDeibel serves as the chief financial officersince of President Bush isn’t expected to approved these options three weeks ago ScrippsBrevard HowardCounty. Service In this position, the Clerk makeensures any recommendationsSadoff previously to Congress managedto the carry Clerk out Bush’sof the Circuit campaign pledgeto the toTitusville office a couple times a week. I go to the that all expenditures of county funds are authorizeduntil 2003, by afterCourt’s the 2002 busy congressional Viera office. Shel etheld younger that position workers for divert the someViera of the office. I go to the Melbourne office. You have to be law. last four years. accessible, and I am.” Here’s what to expect if Social elections. 6.2 percent payroll tax they owe on In general, the office does everything from issuing “I started my day at 6 o’clock in the morning and Sadoff is the first female Clerk of the Circuit Court Security is changed so that younger Basic Social Security checks would be wages to individual accounts that own marriage licenses to issuing jury summons. Clerks sometimes I didn’t leave the office until 8 or 9 o’clock at and Comptroller in Brevard County’s 167–year history. workerscollect documentary can invest some stamp of their tax, payrolnonrecurringl smaller intangible than callednight,” for saidin current Sadoff. law. stocks and bonds. “Politics is a rough sport,” said Sadoff. “I know I didn’t taxpersonal money property in private tax, accounts, and many as different finesDepending and on market“I did performance, that as a manager total andWorkers I feel just who as stronglyopted to take partwant would to see my head on a porcupine on social media.” BREVARD BREVARD Presidentfees that areBush’s distributed Social Security to various Com- agencies.benefits from Socialtoday Security as the Clerk plus your about thatchoose work ethic. from theThis five is laow–risk funds, one mission proposed a few weeks ago. personal account could be higher or each for government bonds, corporate PRESORTED Sadoff was sworn–in on Jan. 1, 2021, succeeding come–to–work job. I travel up and down the county. I go Please see Brevard Clerk of the Circuit Court, page 23 longtimeCurrent Clerk retirees of Court and those Ellis, nearing who announcedlower. in mid– bonds and a stocks–and–bonds mix, plus BUSINESS BUSINESS retirement2019 that he — anyonehad planned 55 or olderto retire today at the end ofThe 2020. commission plans call for extra two stock–index funds that track the US —Ellis would followed get Society through Security on his benefits statement as andtax did money not of up to $71 billion32904 a year and broader market. Workers could change POSTAGE PAID promisedseek re–election. under the Sadoff present ran system. unopposed for therequire position. other changes thatINC. couldNEWS, raise their choice once a year and couldn’t EllisWorkers supported younger Sadoff than for 55 the could office. put income or payroll taxes orBUSINESS raise theBREVARD borrow or withdraw money. STANDARD PAID moneyClerks into are a private elected account. public trustees. GOP panel Their retirementduties age for future retirees. l PLAN 1. “Free Lunch” — lets NEWS, memberprovide a and system former of checksCongressman and balances, Bill ensuringSocial Security currently collectsPOSTAGE US workers put 2 percentage points of their STANDARD Frenzeltransparency, calls the access, Bush Commission’ and accountabilitys in enoughlocal payroll tax to pay 100 percentPRESORTED of 6.2 percent payroll tax into a personal three–accountgovernment. alternatives the Free benefits through 2038 and 73 percent of account. Nothing else changes, and INC. Lunch, the Blue–Plate Special and the benefits thereafter if the system isn’t Subsidized Lunch. changed. Please see Social Security, page 16 BBN BREVARD BUSINESS NEWS online at BrevardBusinessNews.com Accreditation team invites public comments about the Cocoa Police Department; review to begin in April COCOA (March 1, 2021) — A team of assessors from the Commission for Florida Law Enforcement Accredita- l tion (CFA) will begin to examine all aspects of the Cocoa ua Police Department’s policies and procedures, management, nn operations, and support services. th A The Cocoa Police Department must comply with roughly 250 standards in order to receive its fifth re– 18 accreditation. Many of these standards are critical to life, health and safety issues. The assessors will begin the review in April. As part of the assessment, agency members and the general public are invited to offer comments to the assessment team.
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